Jesse: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 5)

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Jesse: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 5) Page 1

by Sheridan Anne

  © 2020 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design By: Sheridan Anne

  Photograph By: ArtOfPhotos

  Proofread By: Heather Fox

  Editing & Formatting By: Sheridan Anne



  Who would have known that the 'three-second rule' had the ability to change it all?

  I sure as hell didn't.

  How is it possible that I've gone so long without her in my life? Kaylah Millington is everything a guy could possibly want and I need more. So much more.

  One word from her smart mouth and I was on my knees, absolutely hooked.

  There's only one issue. Our brothers have declared war against each other, making her the Juliet to my Romeo with a love story that was doomed from the very beginning.


  They all warned me about Jesse Ryder. I was stupid enough not to listen and now I'm in a world of trouble.

  He's the enemy. He's the one to watch out for…at least, that’s what I’ve been told.

  Jesse Ryder is bad news. He’s the king of Broken Hill High and he’s determined to make me his queen.

  Climbing into bed with him would be a mistake.

  Falling in love with him would be a disaster.

  WARNING: The Broken Hill Boys Series is a Young Adult / New Adult Romance filled with LOL moments, teenage angst, and of course, all the swoon-worthy moments I know you’re all dying for.

  The Broken Hill Boys Series is made up of five Novellas, each approximately 30K words and written in Dual POV between the two main characters.

  This series is recommended for mature readers due to cursing and sexual content. If this offends you, then steer clear of this bad boy romance!

  For everyone else, dive in and have fun!



  Chapter 14

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 313

  Chapter 418

  Chapter 523

  Chapter 626

  Chapter 729

  Chapter 831

  Chapter 935

  Chapter 1039

  Chapter 1144

  Chapter 1247

  Chapter 1351

  Chapter 1454

  Chapter 1557

  Chapter 1663

  Chapter 1768


  Where to Next76

  Author Biography78

  Other Series by Sheridan Anne79

  Chapter 1


  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  I cringe as I look back at my bedroom to see Nate casually leaning against my door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. He stares at me as I crouch halfway through my window.

  Well, fuck. This wasn’t part of the plan.

  I give him a dazzling smile; one I know that the fucker can’t resist. “Would you believe me if I said I was going to chill with Ty?”

  He silently raises a brow, the only hint of his amusement being the slight twitch at the corner of his lip. “Nope.”

  I sigh, knowing exactly how he’s going to react, but I don’t make a habit of lying to my brother and I sure as hell am not starting now. “Party. Some chick in my English class just posted that she was having a small get together on her Facebook page and was bragging about her parents being out of town.”

  “So, let me guess,” Nate says, getting comfortable against my doorframe as if I could hold this position all day. My legs are already starting to cramp in the damn window. “You and Ty are going to go crash the party.”

  I grin wide. What can I say? The guy knows me well. “Damn straight we are, though we’re bringing a few friends.”

  “Fuck, Jess. How many are a few friends?” I shrug my shoulders, trying to work out how many kids make up the whole junior class, but my silent wondering is more than enough to answer his question. “Shit. Just don’t get into any fucking trouble. I’m not bailing you out again.”

  I salute my brother knowing damn well that he doesn’t give a shit about me sneaking out the fucking window. He cares more about having to lie to mom when she comes asking questions, but no matter what, he’s got my back. He always has and always will.

  “Are you down to party?” I ask, nodding my head in the direction of Tora’s old bedroom. “Or are you sticking around here to cry a little more?”

  “Fuck off.”

  I slip the rest of the way out the window while shaking my head, these two seriously need to sort their shit. I lean down into the open window and grin at my big brother. “Remember when you sneak through her bedroom window later tonight, you need to sock that wanger before you bang her.”

  Nate rolls his eyes. “I’m not going over there, and besides, you’re the one who needs to remember that shit.”

  I dig into my pocket and pull out a strip of condoms, laughing as it unravels and hangs low from my fingers. “Don’t worry about me, big bro. I’ve never forgotten one of these bad boys yet.”

  Nate walks into my room and grabs hold of the window to save me reaching in. “Fuck off out of here,” he tells me before sliding the window closed and slipping a pillow under the blanket of my bed, making it look as though I’m fast asleep just as a good little boy should be.

  Nate strides out of my room, turning off the light as he goes. He pulls the door closed as I roll up my line of rubbers and jam it back down into my pocket.

  With Nate keeping mom off my back for the night, I hurry off to the edge of the roof and see the headlights of Tyson’s car pulling up on the road by the top of my driveway.

  Right on time. I jump down off the roof, landing like a fucking ninja before taking off at a light jog. I’m more than ready to bust this small get together wide open. I’ve been cooped up inside all fucking day after getting grounded last night for ‘accidentally’ throwing a mattress into the pool and lighting it on fire, but who could blame me? When Tyson asked if it would burn or sink first, the curiosity was just too much and we had no choice but to check it out. For the record, it burns a shitload faster and also leaves the pool a fucking mess.

  Tyson was sent home, I was sent to my room, Nate and the boys laughed while Tora and the girls shook their heads. It was awesome until I was sitting up in my room, listening to everyone below still having a fucking good time without me.

  Today I’ve spent my day scrubbing bathrooms to make up for it. Mom’s been through a lot raising me and Nate, so she’s pretty lenient when it comes to our freedom. I have a bad habit of pushing the boundaries and throwing the mattress from our pool house in the pool and lighting it up like a bonfire was one of them. Though to be fair, I thought mom was out with her country club friends.

  I get down to the front gate of my home and jump over it, not wanting to risk having the alarm go off inside. I make my way toward Tyson’s car and he rolls forward to meet me in the middle.

  I drop down into his car and the second my ass hits the seat; he takes off like a bat out of hell. The music is turned up and my face is dropped into my phone as more and more people reply to my message.

  Being Jesse Ryder is a fucking awesome gig. Everyone loves me. I’m the cocky, nice guy who isn’t afraid to throw down when I need to. The girls are mine for the taking while the guys are bowing at my feet, desperate to be on my good side. Simply put – I’m fucking awesome and everyone knows it. Did I mention that I have a h
abit of being an arrogant jerk?

  Nate and I have had the attention of the whole fucking town on us since we were kids. We’re the fucking Ryder brothers and to be honest, our reputations aren’t great. Nate is known as the silent brooding guy who will go to extremes to protect those he loves, while I’m slightly different. I’m the guy who’s more than ready to go. You cross me and you better fucking duck because you can guarantee that my fist is already flying your way.

  When I started my junior year, I never expected things to turn out the way that they have. I couldn’t even get through week one without drama. Tora Roberts. She came crashing back into our lives and ever since, there’s been nothing but drama. Usually, when someone brings my world drama, they’re fucking gone in the blink of an eye, but Tora is different. She forced her way back into our lives and she made us fall in love, both in a very different way of course. Nate is like full-on, crazy fucking obsessed with the chick, while I love her like the sister she was meant to be. She's become my new best friend, slotting straight back into our lives without even trying. Despite Nate and Tora currently not being together, I know they’ll work it out and spend the rest of their lives together.

  We’ve had all sorts of bullshit come our way over the last six months. There was Josh Henderson, shooting his shot in a bad way, Puck getting jumped, and Jackson Millington ramming Nate off the fucking race track, narrowly escaping with his life. There was a fire and way too many fights, but to be honest, I'm starting to lose track of how many times I've almost lost my brother this year. On top of all of this, my parents’ marriage ended abruptly with my father’s affair coming to light. Now I can't seem to shake the memory of my whore of a half-sister grinding on top of me. I don't know if I'll ever get passed the notion that she always knew who I was to her, and she wanted me just the same. Fuck, it makes me sick. How does all this shit happen in such a short time frame? So, tonight I’m going to party and forget and it’s going to be fucking epic.

  All I want is to relax, well to be completely honest, I want to relax and stir some fucking trouble. I’ve had enough trouble of my own and I’m not going to lie, watching other people suffer through the bullshit that I’ve had to suffer through is kind of amusing. Besides, it’s fun and I’m always down for a good time.

  Ty pulls up outside a big house and we grin as we find the front gate wide open. He drives on through and parks right by the front door. We climb the stairs leading to this girl’s home and giddy excitement travels through me as I press the buzzer.

  The door is opened by the girl in my English class and at first, she looks confused over who could be standing at her door, but as she takes us in, her confusion morphs into flustered nervousness. “Jesse Ryder?” she questions, as she flicks her eyes across to Ty with an excited smile spreading over her face. “Tyson? What are you guys doing here?”

  I step right into her doorway and lean against the frame, looking down at the girl and enjoying the way she fumbles with my closeness. I’m pretty sure her name is Lauren, but to be honest, I couldn’t really be too sure. “We heard you were having a party.”

  “Well, I mean…it’s not exactly a party. I’m just having a few friends over,” she says as I hear high-pitched laughter coming from her friends deep within her home.

  “Really?” I murmur as a slow grin spreads across my face. I hood my eyes and let them travel up and down her body, knowing this will never fail and just as I expected, she looks completely dazzled. “Can we join?”

  “Oh, of course, you can,” she says with a beaming smile, stepping back out of our way and inviting us in, probably thinking a move like this is going to shoot her to international stardom status among her group of friends.

  Tyson glances across to me with a wide smile and to anyone else, it would appear excited, but to me, it looks like nothing but mischief and I couldn’t be more ready. Lauren leads us into her home and the further we get, the louder the laughter and squeals become.

  We step into a large theater room to find a group of at least fifteen chicks sitting around. There’s a movie on in the background but no one seems to be watching it. They’re all chatting among themselves, sitting in what seems to be pajamas and to be honest, I can’t say I’ve ever seen chicks like this. Usually, when I’m around they've dressed the fuck up in tiny skirts and their tits hanging out. They are usually wearing a lot of makeup and I don’t know how they do it, but the way they gloss their lips always gets my full attention and has me imagining exactly what they could be doing with them.

  A smirk spreads over Lauren’s face as she strides deeper into the room. She sways her hips with pride and glances over her shoulder at the two of us before turning back to her friends. “Hey, guys,” she says with purpose, instantly gaining their attention. “Look who I found wandering around.”

  All eyes fly to us and there’s a mix of excited gasps, squeals, and horrified screams. Three girls who have some sort of green shit smothered over their faces fly to their feet and run out of the back exit of the room while another two hurry out behind them, most likely due to the fact that they’re in their old, worn pajamas.

  The rest of the girls loiter around, clearly a little harder to embarrass. They’re also in pajamas, though these ones don’t seem quite so humiliating. They’re sexy in silk and it’s damn clear that most of these girls aren’t wearing a bra with their tits perfectly visible through their flimsy tops.

  Interest and seduction flashes in each of their eyes and they’re quick to move in on us as it becomes a fight to the death over who’s going to be the lucky ones to get us into bed. Though while that’s usually my end game, there’s a long way to go before I’ll be picking a girl to spend the night with.

  I put my arms over two of the girls’ shoulder and they start with their usual giggles and flirting while Tyson is dragged by the front of his shirt into the room and pushed down onto one of the theater chairs. We’re offered a drink and as a bottle of Vodka goes around, they all begin to get loose.

  For a moment, I wonder if Tyson and I are going to go tag-team in an orgy and as I look over at him, I see the same thoughts reflected in his eyes. He’s down. It’s not like we haven’t participated side by side before, but taking on this many chicks at once…I’m down for the challenge. If only we didn’t already invite the whole fucking junior grade.

  Right on cue, the doorbell sounds throughout the house but the people waiting on the other side don’t wait for their call to be answered. The sound of multiple people pouring through the door drowns out every other noise in the house and within seconds, it’s a party.

  Lauren’s eyes go wide, wondering what the fuck is going on. “Hope you don’t mind,” Tyson grins. “We invited a few friends.”

  Chapter 2


  The party is in full swing and I have to admit, I feel a little sorry for Lauren. She’s been running around, fretting that her home is going to get ruined when she should be relaxing and enjoying herself. It’s not often that one of the famous Ryder brothers hosts a party in your home, in fact, I can guarantee that it won’t happen again. I don’t make a habit of repeating myself.

  I make my way around the house, squishing through the hundreds of bodies crammed into the huge house and the fact that it’s so cramped in here speaks volumes as to just how big this thing has gotten. There’s damn sure more than just the junior grade here, the majority of the seniors have shown up and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a few of the Haven Falls kids getting around.

  I squeeze my way through the open living room, grinning down at a girl who places her hand against my chest. She’s fucking beautiful. “What’s your name?” I ask, stopping myself to pay her just a bit of attention to gauge if she’s going to be the one for tonight.

  “I’m Sara,” she says with a bright smile.

  I rake my eyes over her body, liking what I see. She’s clearly confident. She’s not shy in talking to me like so many others are, she knows how to move her body, and damn it’s a sexy one at
that. Yep, she’s perfect for tonight.

  “Do you need a drink?”

  Sara bites down on her lower lip as her eyes greedily rake over me. “I need so much more than just a drink.”

  My mouth pulls up in a half-smile, liking her energy. “Why don’t we start with a drink?”

  She nods and I break away, heading for Lauren’s dining table that’s been overtaken by bottles of alcohol, tubs of sodas, red cups, and snacks. I get busy pouring her a chick drink and as soon as that’s out of the way, I find something for myself.

  I pick the cup up off the table and turn to make my way back to Sara when something stops me. I spy a girl sitting on the end of the dining table cross-legged, making herself at home with a bowl of candies and ignoring the party around her. My eyes narrow at her. Who does that? It’s a fucking party.

  I go to walk by, but find myself holding back. Why does she look so familiar? I try to figure it out but come up blank, yet I can’t let it go. One thing is for sure though, this girl is fucking stunning. Sara’s got nothing on her.

  I make my way around the table and she clocks me with my first step. The closer I get, the narrower her eyes become. “Ummm…yeah?” she grunts suspiciously, not affected by my attention in the slightest.

  Hmm, strange. That never happens.

  I raise my chin and give her the full effect of my dazzling smile. “What are you doing over here by yourself?”

  Her eyes cut away from mine as she focuses on her bowl of candy. “Keeping away from guys like you,” she tells me though there’s a clear smile in her tone.

  “Guys like me?”

  “Yeah, the ones who are getting around here trolling for pussy. Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I can see the roll of condoms in your pocket. I’m not going to suck your dick, so you should try your luck somewhere else.”

  Well, damn. No one’s ever shut me down like that before. I’m not going to lie, I get shut down just as much as the next guy…okay, maybe a little less than the next guy, but instead of moving on like I should, I find myself oddly intrigued by this strange, beautifully sexy girl.


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