Jesse: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 5)

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Jesse: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 5) Page 2

by Sheridan Anne

  Challenge accepted.

  I place the drink I’d made for Sara down in front of her despite the array of drinks already covering the table. “What are you really doing sitting here by yourself?”

  The girl looks down at the cup with a raised brow and I realize that I’m a stranger handing her a drink and if she’s smart, she wouldn’t accept it. Though she has nothing to worry about with me. My morals might be all sorts of fucked up, but I’m still a decent guy under the surface. She glances back up at me and realizing that I’m not about to leave her alone, she lets out a sigh. “I don’t know anyone here.”

  I can’t help the laugh that bubbles up my throat. “Well sitting on the fucking table like a loner isn’t going to help.”

  “It will if I’m not interested in getting to know anyone.”

  “Dare I ask why?”

  “From what I can tell,” she says, looking out at the crowd of grinding bodies around her. “The girls are all whores, and the guys are only interested in getting their dicks wet.”

  I nod. She’s not fucking wrong. She’s absolutely spot on about the guys, but the girls…while she’s mostly right, there is a small bunch of chicks who have my stamp of approval.

  I lean against the table, finding her more intriguing than any of the other chicks at the party, yet she’s the only one who hasn’t attempted to drape herself over me. “Alright, Tiger. Calm down.” Her scowl deepens and I resist laughing. “So, if you don’t like anyone here and would rather sit on fucking tables with a scowl, then why the hell did you come?”

  The girl shrugs her shoulders and I realize that I’m desperate for her name. “I’m sticking it to my brother.”

  She gives me a tight smile and I realize that’s all she’s going to say on the topic. I creep in a little. “Really? That’s all the explanation I’m going to get?”

  She considers me for a moment before giving in, though I don’t miss the interest that’s slowly growing behind her eyes. “I’m pissed off with my brother. He fucked around and cost me a friend and not knowing where I am right now would be killing him, especially because we’re new here and he doesn’t trust any of you fuckers.”

  “Wait…new? Do you go to Broken Hill?”

  “Yep,” she says with a nod, making me wonder why the hell I’ve never noticed her. “Have been for a few weeks now. My brother just got accepted to the football team and before I even knew what was happening, mom was handing me my transfer papers.”

  “Football team?” I ask, narrowing my eyes as things start falling into place. “Your brother’s not Jackson Millington, is he?”

  “The one and only,” she confirms.

  A devilish grin spreads wide over my face. This challenge just got a shitload better. I’ve got Jackson’s baby sister right in front of me. What are my fucking chances? There’s simply no better way to get revenge on this prick than to take his little sister to bed. “You must be Kaylah then?”

  She looks slightly taken back that I know her name. “That’s me,” she says. “Which means that you shouldn’t be seen talking to me. You’re going to get us both in trouble.”

  I perk up even more, this game getting more exciting by the second. “So you do know who I am?”

  “What makes you think that I didn’t, oh fearless leader?” she teases, looking up at me through her thick lashes.

  Fuck me, this chick! She’s got a fighting spirit and I fucking love it.

  “Well,” I laugh, more than prepared to make an ass of myself as I try to explain this, but it turns out I don’t need to as Kaylah already gets it.

  “Oh, hold up. Don’t tell me you’re put off because I’m not falling at your feet and offering to kiss your ass? Do you just assume that I don’t know who the boss is around here because I’m not throwing myself at you?”

  I shrug. “I mean, that’s usually how shit goes around here.”

  She shakes her head. “You’re gross.”

  “And you’re feisty.”

  She laughs and it bowls me the fuck over. She’s fucking gorgeous, but when she smiles, I’m breathless. What the fuck was that? “I think it’s time that you move along to your next victim, Jesse.”

  I shake my head, walking around the table so I can stand right in front of her, putting us nearly chest to chest. “No way in hell, Tiger,” I murmur, leaning into her and watching as she catches her breath. “This is only just getting interesting.”

  Her eyes roam over my face and I can’t stop the seductive smile that crosses my lips. Call it a useful habit. Kaylah grabs the drink I’d placed down beside her and brings it to her lips before tipping every last drop down her throat. I watch in astonishment, that was a pretty strong drink and she didn’t even cringe with the burn. I have to admit, I’m fucking impressed.

  “Fuck it,” Kaylah says, throwing the empty cup over her shoulder and grabbing my face with both hands. She pulls me into her and not a second later, her lips are crushing against mine. She instantly takes control, something I’ve never allowed before and I find that with her, I kind of like it.

  She moves her lips against mine and I step in closer to the table, curling my arms around her body. I tug her to me and she un-crosses her legs before letting them dangle down on either side of me. Having her this close is fucking intoxicating. She smells so damn sweet, I could eat her and damn, that idea sounds fucking good. I think that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

  Letting her have control is hot, but it’s not my style and I quickly take over. At the change, she melts. She instantly becomes victim to my touch and her legs are soon wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer until the front of my jeans is pressing up against her.

  Kaylah groans as I move my lips down to her neck. “Fuck, I shouldn’t be doing this,” she pants.

  I shake my head as I taste her skin. “No way, Tiger. This is too fucking good to stop.”

  Kaylah’s hands come to my chest and she pushes me away. I stop instantly. If she’s saying ‘no’ then I don’t want to touch her a second longer. There’s a shitload more pussy around here that’s willing, I don’t need to force it on some chick who’s not down like other fuckers I know.

  Kaylah jumps down from the table, right in front of me and just when I think she’s about to storm away, she takes my hand and grins up at me. “Come on, let’s go.”

  I raise a brow, liking her initiative as she tugs on my hand. I follow after her, watching her perfect ass in those tight jeans. She leads me to the stairs and skips up them, looking back at me and laughing as we go.

  I chase after her and by the time we reach a bedroom door and crash through it, the desperation to taste her is almost too much. My arms circle her waist as my lips come slamming down on hers. I grab hold of her plump ass and lift her off the ground before throwing her on the bed.

  Kaylah laughs as I come down on top of her and we turn into a desperate mess of limbs as we try to strip each other of our clothes. I mean, why the fuck do girls have to wear such tight jeans?

  Once the clothes are gone, I kneel above her on the bed, staring down at her with need. She looks up at me and the excitement radiates out of her. “What are you waiting for?” she teases. “Are you going to touch me or am I going to have to do it myself?”

  Fuck me.

  “Baby, if you’re wanting to touch yourself then be my guest. I’m more than happy to sit back and watch the show.”

  “Oh, shut up, you troll,” she laughs before reaching up and grabbing hold of me. She pulls me down on top of her and I have to admit, I’ve never had so much fun during sex and we haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.

  That earlier thought of wanting to taste her flows through my head on repeat and I know there’s no way I’ll be walking out of this room without getting between those legs.

  I kiss her deeply, loving the way her body so easily reacts to my touch. I start making my way down, kissing and touching everything I can get my lips and hands on. I get to her hip, briefly noticing that she’s
got her belly button pierced with a tiny little butterfly resting against her toned stomach.

  I peel her knees apart and her eyes flame with desire as I open her up. I can’t wait any longer. I bet she’s so fucking sweet. My excitement gets the best of me and I dip toward her with a fucking grin the size of Texas permanently on my face.

  Why does this feel so different? It’s not about just getting the girl off and feeling good for a while. This is fucking fun. It’s exciting and the way she responds to what I’m doing is like a fucking reward.

  My lips come down on her and I'm so fucking ecstatic to find that I was right, Kaylah is by far the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.

  Her body arches up off the bed and her hand curls into the sheets as I work her body. I grin against her. She’s so fucking responsive. “Jesse,” she groans, needing and wanting so much more.

  I give her exactly what she needs, eating her out as though I’ll never eat again. “Holy, fuck,” she pants, throwing her arm over her face and groaning low. Her body wriggles on the bed and I hear it in her moaning that she’s just about there.

  I go to give her that last push that I know will have her detonating around my fingers when she’s ripped out of my hold and disappears. What the fuck? A loud thud echoes through the room which is followed by a pained groan.

  “Babe?” I panic, peering over the side of the bed to see her sprawled out on the floor. Laughter tears through me and I feel like as ass, but I’ve never witnessed anything so fucking funny in my life.

  Kaylah’s head pops up over the side of the bed and her eyes go wide. “Holy shit,” she says, howling with laughter as she gets to her feet and rubs her ass. “Did you see that? I fell off the fucking bed.”

  “Are you alright?” I ask, trying to check her over but the rapid shaking of my body caused by my laughter makes it pretty fucking hard.

  “I think so,” she says walking right up to the side of the bed and leaning in until her lips are just brushing over mine. Her eyes sparkle and I feel her lips moving into a wide grin. “You know, I’m a firm believer in the three-second rule if you want to finish your meal.”

  My mouth drops and I stare at her in awe. She did not just say that. My heart races. This chick is fucking perfect.

  “Where the hell did you come from?” I whisper.

  She simply shrugs and not a second later, I grab hold of her waist and throw her back down on the bed, this time being more careful to place her in the center where I won’t be putting her life at risk.

  And with that, I get right back to work and finish off my meal just as this perfect stranger suggested.

  Chapter 3


  “Aw, fuck,” I grumble low, not wanting to wake the guy beside me who’s spooning me from behind with his arm over my body and his hand firmly copping a feel of my right tit.

  What was I thinking getting into bed with Jesse Ryder? Don’t get me wrong, it was so worth it, the guy has skills that I didn’t even know were possible. His tongue…surely it’s magical because nothing on this earth has the right to be so damn good. I mean, the way his tongue moved up and down…holy hell.

  A shiver takes over my body at just the thought of how good he was. He ate my lady bits as though he was at the most expensive restaurant and didn’t want to let a damn thing go to waste. It was incredible and now I finally understand the hype. Well, that’s not completely true, I understood the hype when I first laid eyes on him at a party a few months ago. It was a pool party at his place that my brother dragged me along to and the second I saw him, I knew he was something special, him and his brother. They’re the hottest guys I’ve ever seen and that includes all their friends. Girls were throwing themselves at him which was the part I couldn’t understand, sure he’s hot, but he couldn’t have been that great to warrant that kind of reaction.

  Clearly, I was wrong. Jesse Ryder is a fucking machine.

  After he made me come in a big way, he treated me to more…so much more. It was stupid. Getting myself involved with Jesse Ryder is a dangerous game that I shouldn’t have played. I think I’m already addicted.

  I’m new to Broken Hill High and so far, I’ve been so closed off that I haven’t bothered making any friends. I hate that I had to move. I had my friends back at Haven Falls and despite the other bitches there, I was happy, but things change.

  It’s no secret that Jesse and my brother have history. They absolutely hate each other. The guys at Broken Hill are awful and they’ve had some ridiculous vendetta against my brother for years, though it’s not exactly like Jackson is innocent in all of this, he’s just as bad as they are.

  There’s no doubt in my mind that he only got with me because he wanted to use it as bait against my brother and to be honest, maybe I was doing the same thing. Jackson isn’t exactly my favorite person after he broke my trust and slept with my best friend, causing my whole world to crumble. I guess this is the perfect revenge, but now that it’s over and done with, I’m not sure I have what it takes to rub it in his face, something has me wanting to keep this just between me and Jesse. Though this news is bound to make its way around the school at some point. The question is when?

  I grab Jesse’s hand and try my best to wriggle out from under him and all that does is remind me how bad my ass is hurting. I can’t believe I fell on the fucking floor while getting my pussy eaten. How humiliating. At the time, I couldn’t seem to care, but now that the moment is gone and I think back on it, it certainly wasn't my finest moment and I’m almost positive that if I take a quick look in the mirror, I’m bound to see a purpling bruise.

  I lift Jesse’s arm and he groans, attempting to grab hold of my tits once again. With his arm up and off my body, I roll out from under him until I’m hitting the edge of the bed and being a little more cautious about how I get off it. After all, I don’t want another bruise on my ass.

  I start searching the room for my clothes and find them scattered everywhere. My jeans are hanging over the dresser, there’s one boot by the door while the other is half-hidden under the bed with my shirt, my Thor underwear are on the desk and my bra…hmm, where the hell is my bra?

  I look around for a few minutes, tip-toeing as to not wake Jesse, but it quickly becomes clear that my bra is gone and I don’t intend on waiting around here all day trying to find the damn thing. I’ll just cut my losses and replace them when I can.

  I start pulling on the clothes that I could find and look down at Jesse as I dress. He really is an incredible looking man with his ripped body and strong arms. He looks like a treat and I’m kind of sad that I don’t get to fool around with him again. That’s not how things go with guys like Jesse, but it’s not like it matters anyway, I’m not planning on having a repeat performance with him, no matter how good it was. As I said, he’s dangerous territory.

  I don’t know what the deal was last night. From what I hear, guys like Jesse aren’t the cuddle and spooning type. It’s strange. Afterward, he wouldn’t let me go, he just wanted to chat about stupid things until we were both falling asleep. I guess he was down for an easy night and had enough of the party, but still…I can’t help but think it was strange. Nice, but strange.

  Confident that I’ve got everything, I double-check my reflection in the mirror and groan. I look like shit. I’ve got messy sex hair, there are bags under my eyes from not having enough sleep, and my mascara is smudged all over my face. Charming.

  I do my best to clean myself up but a bathroom with running water would go a long way in helping me. I got an Uber here last night and seeing as though my phone is dead, it looks like I’ll be walking, and if I’ll be taking one of the longest walks of shame in my life, then I want to look partially cute doing it. I toss my hair up and run my tongue over my teeth. There’s nothing worse than waking up in someone else’s home and not having a toothbrush.

  Looking a million times better than when I first woke up, I start making my way to the door. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

/>   My eyes bug out of my head. Fuck, fuck, FUCK! I woke the beast!

  I look back over my shoulder and grin at the sight of him sitting up against the headboard looking sexy as hell. “Goodbye, Jesse,” I tell him reaching for the door handle, finding it impossible to wipe the smile off my face.

  “Not so fast,” he murmurs in a deep rumbly tone that makes my insides clench with need.

  I raise a brow and spin around, crossing my arms over my chest. “Excuse me?” I question sounding like a flirt while unable to take my eyes off his magnificent body, though it certainly doesn’t go unnoticed that his dick is out for the world to see and he’s not doing a thing to cover it up. He’s proud and so he should be, he’s got a monster down there.

  “Come back to bed,” he tells me, laying on the charm. “I wasn’t finished with you.”

  “Yeah, you were,” I laugh, wondering if this guy is actually insane. “I have to go. My mom is probably worried about me.”

  Jesse gets out of bed and strides towards me, making me feel not so brave. His eyes bore into mine and the intensity is almost too much to bear. He stops right in front of me with that signature cocky grin that had me coming in my pants before he even touched me. He trails his fingers over my skin and goosebumps rise in their wake. How is it possible for that to feel so good?

  Jesse steps in closer and takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger, making my stomach ache with butterflies. He raises my chin and pushes my head to the side before bringing his lips down on my neck.

  My knees instantly go weak as a low, needy moan pulls from within me. “Jesse,” I whisper as his fingers drop to the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head. Without my bra, he’s able to dive straight in and not a second later, we go crashing back down to the bed with my legs around his waist as he pushes up into me.


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