Jesse: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 5)

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Jesse: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 5) Page 11

by Sheridan Anne

  We get ten minutes down the highway when I find myself pulling over. “What the hell are you doing?” Puck grumbles, the used condom completely forgotten.

  I shake my head, hardly understanding myself. “I have to know that they’re alright,” I tell everyone, knowing they’ll understand my hesitation.

  Puck and Maxen both nod as I sit on the side of the road, watching the highway behind me through my mirrors.

  We only have to wait a few minutes before the familiar set of the Camaro’s headlights appear in my rearview mirror with Jackson’s Charger right behind him. I laugh to myself; their positioning tells me everything I need to know. Nate won fair and square.

  I start picking up speed and as Nate passes, I push my way between them, grinning at the way Jackson flashes his high beams. I shove my hand out the window and flip him the bird just as he does the same to me, and just like that, I know tonight is a cause for celebration.

  Chapter 17


  Jesse and I go crashing through his bedroom door at three in the morning after an incredible night at the races followed by one of the biggest parties Broken Hill has ever seen. I’m still in shock that the cops had raided the place and honestly a little upset. I’m sure the result of that means we’ll have no more races, nowhere for us to go on a Friday and Saturday night, but someone is bound to do something about it and until then, I guess our usual parties will just be starting a few hours earlier.

  Tonight was thrilling. I’ve done some pretty stupid things with Henley over the years but for the most part, we were kind of good girls. Sure, we pushed the limits of our curfews but we sure as hell didn’t get chased out of an illegal racing track by every cop in Broken Hill. It was ridiculously exciting but I can honestly say that I might stay away from that kind of shit in the future. I’m not tough enough for prison and Jesse sure as hell isn’t either.

  Oh, God. I can just imagine Jesse in prison. It would not go down well. He’d come out covered in tattoos with a biker mustache and a boyfriend named Beau.

  Jesse’s arms come flying around me as he grabs me and launches us onto his bed. Laughter comes shooting out but Jesse swallows the sound as he crushes his lips to mine, trying to keep me quiet. His mom would be fast asleep on the other side of the house which is fine, but it’s her new boyfriend, John, who wakes at the smallest things, making our lives so much harder.

  We tumble down into his sheets and I tear his shirt up over his head, desperately needing his touch. My hands roam over his body, feeling the hard ridges of muscle beneath his skin. He’s so perfect. His body, his mind, his heart. Everything about him is so much more than I ever thought he’d be.

  Back when I was at Haven Falls, Henley and I would hear stories about the famous Ryder brothers and laugh it off. Surely, these guys couldn’t have been all that, but I was wrong, he’s all that and more.

  Jesse pulls my tank over my head and the second he can, his lips begin roaming over my skin. I suck in a breath. I absolutely love his touch. It’s intoxicating. I don’t know how he does it. I’ve been touched by other guys and it’s never felt like this, it’s never been explosive and had me desperate for so much more. Maybe it’s because I love him and where Jesse is concerned, he can do no wrong, or maybe he’s just some kind of sexual deviant put on this earth simply to thrill me, who knows? But either way, I love it.

  Jesse grabs me and in the blink of an eye, he rolls us until I’m straddling his waist and looking down at the most devilishly handsome face. His eyes flame and make every tiny little thing inside my body clench.

  Fuck, I love this guy.

  I pause with my hands against his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath my palm. He watches, his eyes roaming all over my face and softening with love. Don’t get me wrong, the desire is still very much there, but his emotions are shining so much brighter. Jesse raises his hand and runs his fingers down the side of my face and I instantly lean into his touch. “I love you so much,” he whispers. “I don’t know how I ever became so lucky, but going to that party and approaching the loner on the table was the best decision I ever made. I don’t know what I’d be without you.”

  My heart fills to the point I fear it might explode. How is it possible to be so in love with another human being? My hand trails up his arm until my fingers are lacing through his. I bring his hand down and hold it to my chest. “You’re going to make me cry,” I whisper.

  “Don’t cry, Tiger,” he murmurs. “I might be fucking amazing at everything, but I can’t handle tears.”

  “You’re an idiot, Jess,” I tell him, “But somehow, you’ve made me fall completely in love with you. At that party, having you standing right in front of me like that was terrifying. I didn’t know what you wanted or if you were just there to screw with Jackson, but you were irresistible to me then and you’re irresistible to me now. I felt so stupid kissing you like that, but I knew if I didn’t, I was going to regret it and I was right. It just felt so right and it still does. Every time you touch me, you set me on fire and I don’t think that’s ever going to stop,” I tell him. “And I never want it to. You’re my whole world, Jess. You’ve made me happier than anyone has the right to be.”

  “Babe,” he murmurs. “Come here.”

  I come down on top of him and once again, he rolls us until he’s hovering above me, his face right in front of mine. Jesse’s lips brush against mine and I close my eyes, loving how his kiss makes me feel so damn alive. When he pulls back, his eyes tell me everything I’ll ever need to know. I’m his girl, now, tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives. “I’m going to marry you one day, Kaylah,” he murmurs into the quiet room, always speaking exactly what’s on his mind. “I’m going to watch you walk down the aisle in a dress that’s going to blow me the fuck away. You’re going to be stunning. No one is going to be able to take their eyes off you and I’ll be the lucky bastard that gets to take you home at the end of the night.”

  “Nothing could ever make me happier,” I tell him. “I want everything with you. I want to come home every day, knowing that you’ll be there, I want to have babies that look just like you, and I want to live a million years with you by my side and even then, it won’t be enough. I love you so much, Jesse. You’ve completely captured me.”

  Jesse’s lips come down on mine and this time, I know the talking is done. Everything that needs to be said has been said and now it’s time to show it. Jesse peels my jeans down my legs, taking my thong with it before making himself comfortable above me. He frees himself from his pants and positions himself at my entrance.

  I’m more than ready for him and curl my legs around his narrow waist, drawing him closer and pulling him deep inside me. Jesse takes my hands, lacing his fingers through mine and dips his head to kiss me, and only then does he start moving and prove to me over and over again that no matter what, I am his and he is mine.

  Forever and always.



  4 Years Later

  “Holy…fuck me,” I gasp, struggling to find my breath as I take in my bride who stands at the other end of the aisle. She’s fucking stunning, just as I always knew she’d be.

  My heart races. This couldn’t be real. Something so angelic couldn’t possibly be for me. What did I do in life to deserve this?

  Kaylah takes her first step toward me and my heart begins to race. This is so much more than I ever thought it would be. Why is she walking so slow? Would I get in trouble if I ran up there and carried her ass back to get this done? I want to call her my wife already. I’ve waited so damn long for this.

  Nate nudges me with his elbow as he stands tall beside me, right where I’ve always imagined him to be on my wedding day. “She’s fucking radiant, Jess,” he murmurs. “But hold it together. You’ve got this.”

  I suck in a deep breath. I will not break down. I will not break down…but fuck, she looks perfect. I’m near falling to my knees.

  I stand with all my boys right beside
me. Nate, Jackson, Tyson, Max, and Puck and naturally, all their girls are standing on the opposite side of the aisle, only over there Kaylah has Henley within her group. My boys look incredible, but the girls look mouth-watering and the way the guys have been staring at them since they first appeared on the aisle, proves it.

  Kaylah’s father walks her down the aisle, looking proud as her mom sits in the front row, holding a tissue to her eyes, already unable to control the tears of joy. He gets her all the way to the top to where she stands right before me and her father takes my hand. “She’s all yours now, son,” he says proudly. “I couldn’t have asked for a better man for my little girl.”

  Kaylah’s eyes fill with tears but she blinks them back, determined not to cry. I thank her father and he raises Kaylah’s veil just enough to press a kiss to her cheek before lowering it back down and offering me her hand.

  I take it greedily, though the touch is not nearly enough and has me desperate for so much more. Without a doubt, Kaylah and I are going to have to sneak off somewhere to consummate this marriage as there’s no way that either of us will last until the end of the night.

  “Are you ready for this?” she whispers as her eyes brim with love and excitement, and despite her eyes being covered by the veil, they still look so much brighter than I’ve ever seen them before.

  “Tiger,” I say, loving the way her eyes crinkle with fondness at the familiar nickname. “I was born ready.”

  Five hours later, I sit at the bridal table next to my new wife, struggling to keep my hands off her. The day has been so much more than I could have hoped for and I have Kaylah to thank for all of it. She put so much dedication and hard work into planning the perfect wedding for us, and that’s exactly how it turned out.

  The ceremony was beautiful and getting to kiss her for the first time as my wife was something I wasn’t prepared for. The feeling of completely giving yourself to the woman you love is amazing and it’s a moment that I’ll happily repeat over and over again.

  I got to put my ring on her finger and watch as her brother blamed the lighting on his tears. Everyone has been having an incredible time, the photographer was quick and to the point, the food has been excellent, the wine, beer, and spirits have been flowing, and what’s more, my wife hasn’t stopped smiling.

  The emcee gets up between dinner and dessert and announces that we’ll be starting on speeches and I listen, laugh, smile, and scowl and we make our way through what everyone has prepared, but then one person stands up and I feel my heart kick into gear.

  Nate makes his way over to the podium and adjusts the microphone as a cocky grin stretches over his face.

  Oh, no. With Nate, it’s all in the grin, and this one is telling me that he’s been keeping tabs on every little fucked up thing I’ve ever done and now’s the time it’s all going to come out.

  Kaylah grabs my hand under the table. “Is he about to reveal something that’s going to have me running for the hills?”

  “It’s possible,” I tell her, “but too bad, you’re locked down now.”

  Nate looks out at the three hundred guests who have all come to celebrate with us before his eyes return back to me with the same spark of mischief that I practically invented. “Hi everybody and welcome to the wedding of the year,” he starts. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Nate Ryder, Jesse’s wiser and better looking big brother.” The crowd begins cheering for him and his cocky grin returns for a whole new reason. “Being Jesse’s best man, he’s asked me to stand up here and give a little speech and I quote ‘don’t fuck around up there, just say something small, don’t embarrass me, and move on.’”

  I hang my head. This is going to be bad.

  Nate continues. “You see, I’ve never really been one for rules and tonight, well I don’t see why it should be any different. Besides, I’ve been holding onto some of these stories for far too long and it’s only right for Jesse’s new wife to really know the man she’s just hitched herself to.” The guests cheer and urge Nate on as Kaylah shakes her head in fear, though there’s intrigue in her eyes. I trust my brother with everything I have, so I know he’s not about to say something that’s going to get me in trouble, but he certainly has no issues with some epic embarrassment.

  Nate stands with a piece of paper before him, which is double-sided and filled with dotted points. “It all started twenty-two years ago when this little turd was brought into my life. I was only one at the time so I have no idea if I was excited or not…probably not, I would have been too focused on shitting in my diaper and having a midday nap to care about this person that was coming into my life. We grew up side by side and I really want to say how much I loved him, but honestly, he was a little shit. He was always getting into mischief and I was always covering for his dumb ass, though I think my parents knew…”

  “We knew,” Mom calls out.

  Nate aims a devilish grin towards our mom. “Only parts of it,” he promises, making her eyes flick back toward me. “As I was saying, he was hard work, and it only got harder as he got into high school and met Tyson Wilder, his best friend. This is also when he started to notice that tingly feeling downstairs whenever a cute girl would walk by, throw in a bit of underage drinking and some wild parties and we have Jesse Ryder.”

  I cringe. Way too many of my employees are sitting in the room for Nate to continue the way he’s going. This isn’t going to end well for me.

  “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bailed him out of the slammer,” he says as mom’s loud gasp is heard over the top of the three hundred guests, making them all chuckle quietly. “Though one particular time stands out for me.”

  I shake my head in horror, knowing exactly what he’s referring to. “Don’t do it, man.”

  Nate ignores me just as I knew he would. “It was a beautiful summer’s afternoon and we’d spent the day down at Broken Hill Lake. Jesse was about to start his junior year and for the most part, life was about to get shaken up, though neither of us knew that then,” he adds, glancing across at Tora who at that point in time, hated us both and was about to be relocated to the bedroom down the hall. “Jesse had spent the day wakeboarding and drunk as usual and we were heading to a party. We had to stop for gas. I pumped, went in to pay, and as I came back out, I found Jesse standing butt naked in the middle of the road with an ice cream cone.”

  “No, no, no, no, no.” I groan, dropping my head into my hands.

  “Some of you might wonder where the hell he got an ice cream cone in the time it took me to get gas, but I can’t fucking tell you because I still haven’t worked it out. What I do know is that by the time it took me to walk from the gas station to the side of the road, there was a cop car sitting in front of him, lighting him up with red and blue flashing lights. Naturally, the cop got out of the car and kindly requested he cover himself up, but with his clothes absolutely nowhere in sight, he did what Jesse does best.”

  Kaylah laughs beside me, squeezing my hand as she listens to Nate’s story with bated breath, “What the hell did you do?” she questions, catching Nate’s attention.

  “Ahhh, patience there, young one,” Nate tells her with a wide grin. “The best part is coming, but just so you know, my Camaro’s out back if you need to do a runner after this.”

  “Get it over and done with,” I beg of him.

  “With pleasure,” Nate says, turning back to the intrigued audience. “Those of you who know my brother well and have spent a night out with him where alcohol is involved will know that Jesse Ryder does not do things the easy way. No, he does things the Jesse Ryder way which is exactly why he got that ice cream cone, put his mouth around the rim and sucked the whole scoop of ice cream into his mouth before proceeding to slip the empty cone over his dick, covering it just like the cop had asked while jumping around with his balls out because he had a brain freeze.”

  The room roars in laughter as mom gapes at me in horror. I nod, accepting it for what it is, though don’t get me wrong, come Na
te’s wedding, I’ll be sure to settle the score.

  “Sure enough, the cone was removed and I was able to find a pair of pink bikini bottoms in the back of my car. He slipped them on, still with his balls hanging out, and spent the next few hours in lock up.”

  Nate goes on to detail a few more embarrassing moments in my life that have my wife booming with laughter and holding onto her stomach to try and stop the pain. Nate finally starts to wrap things up and I’ve never quite felt relief like it. “Life with Jesse has always been interesting, there has never been a dull moment and despite all the shit he’s put me through, I’m so proud to call him my brother. Kaylah is a very lucky woman to be able to spend the rest of her life with him by her side, and I’m proud to welcome her to the Ryder family. Congratulations to both of you.”

  Nate starts making his way back to the table but not before I stop him and pull him into a tight hug. “Just you wait, big brother,” I whisper. “Your time will come and when it does, you better watch out.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” he promises before making his way back to his seat.

  An hour later, a chair is placed in the very center of the dance floor and my wife is asked to take a seat. Excitement filters through me, I’ve been waiting for this very moment to show off my impeccable skills.

  The guests all crowd around the dance floor as the emcee announces that it’s time for the garter removal. I’m dragged onto the dance floor and placed right before my wife as Jackson steps in behind me and begins blindfolding me. “I know she’s your wife now, but she’s still my little sister,” he warns.

  I grin, knowing just how much fun this could be. Just for good measure, I’m spun around three times and when I find my bearings, I call out. “Kaylah?”

  “I’m over here,” she coos, sounding just as excited.

  I move toward her but don’t have to look long as the fabric from her dress gives her away. I drop down in front of her and grab hold of the dress. It’s huge and as I try to lift it, I realize there’s another layer and then another. I finally get under her dress and grin as I shove my head up between her smooth legs.


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