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Outer Ragna: Volume 1

Page 11

by Kasugamaru

  “So, uh, about the people and training needed for the Fire Corps...” Hm. This face is quite difficult to describe. Surely he is not constipated.

  “Whatever the results, it’s fine. The planned reinforcements from the fort will include enough for military sorcerers and the Fire Corps. In an emergency we can even ask the adventurers. For now, if you could continue your aptitude tests...”

  “A hundred, wasn’t it? The number you wanted.”

  “Yes. If we can get that many, we can mobilize them as a platoon. However, the army’s main strength is ultimately its cavalry. An army of sorcerers is but a dream and an ideal.”



  “I said, 366. Of the people I’ve tested, over half of them have shown aptitude. Normally we’d be lucky to find one among a hundred.”

  “That is, err...”

  “Well, once they actually start casting spells we’ll see the wheat separate from the chaff. Mana pools, control... there are a lot of variables. But they can all shoot fire from their fingertips. Depending on their training, they’ll grow.” What sort of face am I making right now? Let’s just make sure my mouth is closed for the moment. I push up on my chin.

  “By the way, the military guys all passed. A one hundred percent success rate, you could say.” I’m speechless. I can hardly think. Did someone just come in? Oh, the reporter from earlier. Perhaps he forgot something. He meekly does a right-about-face. I don’t blame him. He just walked in on two grown men staring at each other, struggling to find words and expressions. I cough, and somehow manage to regain some composure. This is my stage, after all.

  “Call Lord Willow. This requires an emergency council.” My word, how long has it been since the last time my voice got so husky with emotion?

  “Depending on how things go, our battle tactics may have to change.” God. Oh, God. May His influence be feared.

  This reminds me of how Lord Willow mentioned his sword skills had increased after receiving a blessing. His horse also became lighter of hoof. Come to think of it, I haven’t run out of breath once so far. I’d simply chalked it up to my excitement helping me surpass my exhaustion.

  “Talk to the Sorcerer’s Guild, too. Remember what I went through?”

  “Yes, indeed. This could be a good chance to embrace.”

  “Mm. Don’t need to waste time anymore.” Time in this land of destiny has been moving incredibly quickly. First the repeated battles, now the gathering of people... various wills are flying about at high speed, creating a swell. This place is the hypocenter of the shaking of our times. And so, people we may not wish to see will be coming. Yes, indeed.

  “Oh, you two are here? Good.” Well, isn’t this rare. Irritation is on his face. Normally he is so calm and composed, but I sense some internal struggle.

  “I know this is sudden, but I need 200 cavalry for a training drill. We’ll be back in three days. You’re in charge while I’m gone.” His tone is quite serious. Well, well.

  “W-Wait, Captain! Where’s this coming from?”

  “I must crush them, or this will never end. For any of us.”

  “Uh... Who?”

  “My younger brothers. They’ve just arrived.”

  “Y-You’re gonna use 200 cavalry for your sibling rivalry?”

  “They have a thousand. We’ll be using practice spears, so no one will die.” But people will be hurt, it sounds like. And how fast he walks! I have to jog to keep up. Oh, there’s a knight in front of the church. I don’t recognize this young man.

  “There you are. That’s my brother for you. If he’s going to die, it’ll be on a horse.”

  “Be quiet.”

  “I will not. Those who would chase a woman in a group while dancing are but perverts. I refuse to listen to such a person.”

  “...Then on the battlefield we shall have our exchange.”

  “Yes. That’s exactly what I want. In the name of House Willow, I shall punish this gang of perverts.” I see. Yes, I see. I see it all.

  I watch the horses ride off nobly into the distance, a cloud of dust in their wake, then move on to a new task. There’s nothing that can be done about such an unexpected situation.

  “Maybe we should stop the soldiers from joining in on Kuroi’s weird activities. All that hopping and sliding around is really gross.” You ask the impossible. Once Lord Willow has set his mind on something, he cannot be deterred.

  I’ve just had a thought.

  I didn’t see anything. I didn’t hear anything. That is how it is. So, I’ll go back to work. No, don’t stop me!

  21 People in DDR / The Girl Feeds on the Warmth of a Family

  Battle requires preparation, so I eat, drink, and sleep.

  Preparation and time are necessary if one is to fight long and valiantly.

  -DDR Stream VOD Part 2-

  When I have something pressing to do, I get the urge to throw myself into something menial wholeheartedly.

  Hi all, it’s PotatoStarch. I just cleaned the crap out of my bathroom. And with everything sparkling, I returned to my monitor to find a heated cavalry battle outside the frontier. Uh, what’s going on? I’ve never even seen this level of fierce fighting from someone else. Oh, looks like the handsome knight won. So many mysterious events are happening.

  That aside, the frontier’s population sure has boomed. We might have exceeded our pre-monster attack state. And people just keep pouring in. A big help is the fact that the fort is sending us food and all kinds of other supplies. Fort resupply events happen sometimes when playing on the frontier, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them offer so much before. I’m half overjoyed and half worried. This feeling gives me such a sense of deja vu.

  Also, the elves have gotten much more polite. I was sure they were just plotting to kill children again so I had Kuroi step up her patrols, but... nothing’s happened. The peace is lovely, but I also feel a little empty that the events have been such misses. Thankfully, Sira has been by my side the whole time as a reassuring companion. If I had anything to complain about, it would be the fact that hawks and the Falcon are keeping watch 24/7.

  But oh well. No accidents means no problems. The satisfaction of my people is top priority.

  And the most exciting thing is the rocketing overall faith levels. As for my Devil God power levels... still iffy! Kuroi can still only use Call magic! The religion systems must not be working properly. The people around her are rising rapidly, but the others are kind of awkward or, I guess you could say, lacking in faith. It’s like they can pray all they like, but the Devil God’s power isn’t being juiced. Do your job, Church.

  I can’t really blame the short, fat priest. His speech skill has been working wonders for government affairs. He might be burdened with too much, relying just on his stats. It’s also his job to negotiate with the elves. The acting leader, our handsome knight, is a muscle-head after all... we might need to start beefing up our staff.

  Staff, huh? People who are needed seem like they’re always busy. Now, I’m not praising terrible work environments, but this is true in organizations where some people are absolutely necessary, and some are replaceable. So what does that make of someone who was ordered to stay home and play video games? Aha ha... They haven’t tried to follow up at all. Not even a phone call.

  Mm... I’m hungry! That reminds me, the food in DDR is so plain. For humans it’s bread, soup, and roasted meat. That’s it. So gourmet. The other races have such detailed cuisines, so it really seems like the devs got lazy. Even the strategy sites say, “just eat some bread.” What’s the point of a hunger system, then? Huh? Uh, wait a second. What’s that in the corner of the courtyard? Even from the zoomed-out view of observation mode, I can see noodles being slurped... Zoom in! Whoa, I knew it! Kuroi, is that udon? Are you eating udon?! And with mochi in it? Or is it the limit of the game’s resolution? Are the noodles just too thick? Either way, what a shock... the deluxe version is astounding. I never would have expected them to
enhance the food culture. I’d had no hope for such a human element of peaceful daily life.

  I see... so that’s how it is. Even the DDR devs have hearts!

  -Sira IV-

  “I see. So you two are like Apostle and servant, huh?” The old woman with a pipe exhales smoke from her mouth with a bored look on her face. I know that this smoke is poison. Even so, she chooses to smoke it. Just like Dad. He used to say that the poison helped mask his misery.

  “So you’re telling me the human God isn’t just young and pretty, but also a freak? I don’t understand. According to the holy book, as long as we work hard all our lives, we’ll be welcomed with open arms once we’ve become decrepit and ugly with age.” She also gives me all her food, just like Dad. I’ve never had anything like this. It’s good. It makes my stomach warm. I wish we could eat together, though.

  More smoke. Unlike alcohol, it doesn’t make you more joyous, right?

  “This is delicious.”

  “I see. Eat up. I’ve got tons of the stuff.” Dad always said that he felt way happier hearing me say something was delicious than if he was eating it himself. He would insist that I eat.

  “And you... how many bowls have you had?” Lady Kuroi is on her fifth bowl currently. When there’s no food she goes without it forever, but when there is, she eats as much as she can.

  “Your stomach must have no bottom. Is that the secret to defeating 50 vampires?”


  “Another bowl? All right, all right. You’re so skinny. Where do you put it all?” The old lady with the pipe signals, and a person from the stand quickly brings over another bowl. It’s weird. We don’t even have to pay with money or tickets.

  “I don’t care about the money for these. What a cheery sight it is, though. You, there. Write ‘50-Vampire Killer’ on the sign. We’ll name this dish after her.” This stall, the shop, and even that other shop farther down all move at the old lady’s command. It must be that sort of business.

  Uh, what was it called again? That’s right, the Crimson Flower Company.

  She’d ridden in on a carriage that I’d never seen before, drawn by four horses, and had claimed she was here for “business.” Ever since then, she’s been feeding us delicious food. I thank her, but all she says is “it’s business” and turns away coldly. The kids and I all want to eat with her, though.

  “God, huh?” Oh. That tone, like she’s about to cry. It’s just like me before I met Lady Kuroi.

  “The human God is basically the king of drinking and smoking. I’d always thought it was a way for cowards to pull the wool over their own eyes. And the fervent believers were like drug addicts. But still, I couldn’t let go of the holy seal...” I see. So that’s how it is. This old lady has no one. They’re gone, aren’t they? Her child, like I was to my dad. And so, like me when my dad never came home, she cries without shedding tears.

  It hurts. I’m sad. I’m lonely.

  “I was sure this religion was akin to slavery. That’s why I never put much faith in it...” She comes over to me, her face overflowing with emotion. She stares... at the sword I hold, and at the hand that isn’t mine. Dad’s hand, which holds the hot bowl in my place.

  “...Your father?”

  “You can tell?”

  “I can. A parent’s hand when it fusses over its child during a meal is so happy it could melt.” Is that how it is? I often hear that if I become a parent, I’ll understand. Dad always seemed happier when he was poking my cheeks, though.

  “Miss Kuroi. If I worship you, will my prayers reach God?”


  “No? Then what should I... Huh?” Lady Kuroi reaches out her arms toward nothing and draws a big circle.

  “God is here right now.” Yeah, that’s right. I can tell, too. Its presence is fainter than when it descended on her back the other day, but I can still feel it. God is right there.

  The old lady seems shocked, but then her expression crumbles and she prays with all her might. She’s shaking. Tears drip from her eyes. I can’t hear what she’s saying, but her whispers must be the name of her dead child.

  I should pray, too. Dad, if you can use two hands you can do it as well. Let’s do it. But wait... God seems down. I can tell. He’s just like the old lady and Dad—hungry but doesn’t eat, just watches me gently with a warm smile that feels like holding your hands over embers on a cold day. I want him to cheer up.

  “This is delicious, God,” I say. Oh, I think God smiled.

  22 The Dragon Warrior is Angered and Relieved by Human Rage, Pride, and Business

  I am an Apostle. An Apostle of the human God.

  Thus, I must fight Apostles of other creeds. Those are the rules.

  -Dragon Warrior Fleilyu III-

  “Ready, Fleilyu? Listen closely and try to understand.” Lady Sakiel stands on the bed, small but regal. I would never miss a single word she says. On the floor I sit at the ready, fully prepared to hear every word.

  “Elves, humans, and vampires are all equally precious creatures. We are the only ones on the continent with surviving magical cultures, after all.” Her voice is adorable, but her words are confusing. What is she trying to say?

  “In fact, there were once many apex creatures in this great land. You’ve read the stories, haven’t you? In the forests lived the elves and insectoids; on the plains, the humans and centaurs; in the mountains, the dwarves and kobolds; in the sea, the mermen and the... I don’t understand this one, but the dorodoro.” Ah, so it was a lecture on mythology? I remember hearing about these in fairy tales as a youngling. They were illogical and put me to sleep easily.

  “Unfortunately due to natural disasters and wars—there was also a time when the land was covered in ice—the races died out one after another. Like petals falling from a flower.” I remember now. Myths were eerie, as well, to scare us out of staying up all night. Stuff like a devil king reviving from the depths of the earth to wage war against God, or how all of the elves went into hibernation. But in the end, they spoke of the glory of elves. It’s only natural. Elves are a race beloved by God. We exterminated the evil pagans, annihilated our ancient enemies the dwarves, and established order and justice across the world.

  “Everyone calls them apes, but one of the races that has survived this turbulent history is the humans. They have a long history, just like us elves, and are a precious tribe.” I see. So that’s why Lady Sakiel makes sure to call them humans.

  “So you wish to value their rarity and pay respect to their history and lineage... Is that it?”

  “Mm... It’s hard to express, but I suppose that’s about right. In any case, I want to get along with humans.”

  “Understood. They fought fiercely against the vampires. I am sure that Second Commander Arcsem understands their usefulness. The Council has also given orders to use this land as a strategic foothold.”

  “Strategy... That again?” Oh, how tragic Lady Sakiel is. Forced to remain in this barbaric land without any hope of reinforcements... If they were simply normal orders, I would have fought against them. But orders given in the oracle’s name must be obeyed without question.

  “I hate war...”

  “I understand, but our opponents are the violent vampires. If we don’t fight, they will dominate this land. If we don’t win, true order cannot be restored.”

  “Can’t we all just get along?”

  “With all due respect, I suggest you stop talking. If it’s the Leaf Massacre that you doubt in regards to the republic’s broad policy, then please take caution.” As long as my wind deafens any possible wayward ears, there will be no problems. Still, Lady Sakiel is a risk magnet. Her loveliness can lead to unexpected rashness, sometimes.

  “Ugh... Fleilyu!” I mustn’t look. Remain at attention but stare at the floor. Otherwise I’m liable to proclaim, “Leave everything to me!” Resist. Hold out. Imagine something you hate. Something I hate... the vampires. Dark creatures that must be exterminated.

  That rem
inds me... in her story earlier, Lady Sakiel did not mention the vampires.

  “Lady Sakiel, may I ask a question?”

  “Mm? What is it?”

  “How does one explain the vampires? I heard they suddenly appeared about 300 years ago, around when I was born.” They are a miserable, cursed species that preys upon the apex races that she spoke so proudly of. They are violent, pleasure-seeking, and slaves to their instincts—the embodiment of all the world’s evils, and the natural enemy of elves. I find it hard to believe they are “precious.”

  “They’re... Mm? Fleilyu?” There is a disturbance in the wind. Soldiers? They’re already here, then.

  “Forgive me. It seems your humans have arrived.”

  “Ohh! The time has finally come! And? Is everything prepared?”

  “As you have commanded.”

  “Good, good! Let’s go, then!”

  “Lady Sakiel! Let me receive them first. Perhaps after, you may appear...”

  “No, I’m going. They’ve come to visit me, so how can I not be the one to welcome them?” She hops up and down in such a lovely manner. Oh, and how she takes quick small steps! Being able to observe such things is one of the perks of being her guard. No, I must not get distracted. Lately I’ve been getting lost in my own thoughts more easily. It’s a blessed and unexpected harmful side effect of having a monopoly over serving Lady Sakiel’s every need. It only takes a bit of mental preparation to handle the hardships, but the opposite turns my mind to mush.

  “Good, good! The tea and snacks are all ready.” The tea room set up on the roof is filled with the sweet things that Lady Sakiel adores. I can only hope the humans are able to appreciate it.

  “Still... aren’t there a lot of guards here?”

  “Not at all.” My security is perfect. Five wind hawks circle in the sky above us. Ten wind and ten water mages are stationed on all neighboring rooftops, each accompanied by a silver leopard. And this time, I am here as well.


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