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Brother’s Best Friend

Page 12

by Black, Natasha L.

  I didn’t even know it was something I’d needed so badly until after it took place.

  Eventually, our skin pruned. She slid away from my body, and it took every ounce of energy I had not to pull her back. I wasn’t nearly done with her. I wasn’t nearly done exploring her body. But she let me wash her down.

  And I got a glimpse at just how beautiful she was.

  Her legs were long. Her waist sloped in ways that made my mouth go dry. Her teardrop breasts hung softly against her body, moving and wiggling in ways that called to my mouth. Her hair poured down her back, darkened from the water. And every time she clenched her legs, her ass peeked out to say hello—an ass I couldn’t stop cupping. Hell, I even bent down to kiss it.

  It pained me when she got out of the shower and wrapped it all up away from my sight and my touch.

  Until she put on the skimpiest little outfit I’d ever seen.

  “I’m supposed to cook while you wear that?” I said.

  She giggled. “What? It’s just a tank top.”

  I dried myself off. “It’s the smallest tank top I’ve ever seen and some booty shorts.”

  “I could change into a muumuu, if you want me to.”

  “And I’m sure you’d make that just as sexy.”

  She smiled at me as I slid my jeans on. But I didn’t bother putting on anything else. If I had to watch her traipse around in that teensy little outfit of hers, then she could stare at my shirtless form for a while. We made our way back out into the kitchen, and I started the meal I should have an hour ago.

  Holy shit, we’d spent an hour in that fucking shower.

  Impressive that she didn’t run out of hot water before then.

  “So, you good at cooking steaks?” Layla asked.

  “I know my way around a kitchen, if that’s what you’re asking,” I said.

  “Nope. I specifically asked you about steaks.”

  “Why? Think you can cook them better than me?”

  “Nope. Which is why I asked. There’s no bailing you out if you screw it up.”

  I chuckled. “Well, you don’t have to worry about that. Filet mignon is my specialty.”

  “You got filet mignons for tonight?”

  I shrugged. “Why not? They’re your favorite cut. They happen to be a favorite of mine. I figured you’d need a comfort meal after all you’ve been through this week. It seemed appropriate.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for anything. I’m happy to be here.”

  I didn’t know why in the world things seemed so easy with her. But I wouldn’t screw it up. I’d do everything in my power to make it work. I got the potatoes boiling and started cooking down some mushrooms, onions, and bacon. I made a little gravy to pour over the steak, then kicked up the heat on the potatoes. I started in on the vegetables, pouring some apple cider over them before getting them into the oven. And once I was able to spear the potatoes, I got the steaks in the pan.

  “Where did you learn to cook?” Layla asked.

  “Just here and there. It gets boring, eating takeout and frozen dinners after a while,” I said.

  “What’s your favorite thing to cook?”

  “Hands down, noodles.”



  “You can make noodles from scratch.”

  “Oh, yeah. It’s really easy. Eggs, flour, salt. That’s it. You knead it all together, run it through a flattener, then cut it up how you want. So, it’s very easy to season. My favorite combination are Cajun noodles with a creole sauce along with shrimp and sausage. It’s phenomenal.”

  “You should cook us that next.”

  I grinned. “Already planning a second date?”

  “But this time, we can do it at your place.”

  “Once Ace is feeling better, of course.”

  “He can come along. Maybe he and Hope could become friends.”

  “How’s he walking, anyway? Or, is he not walking yet?”

  “He’s actually already got some rehab behind him. He walked up to me today. I mean, he did it slowly. But, he did it.”

  I smiled. “That’s good to hear. Think he’ll need any sort of wheelchair or whatever?”

  She snickered. “What? Looking for something else to pay for?”

  “I just did what I could. Nothing wrong with that.”

  “We need to talk about that anyway. You’ve paid for enough, Cole. I can handle the rest from here.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’m fine.”



  “I’ve got it. I can deal with the bills.”

  “If you really want to argue about it, I wasn’t paying your bills. You know how your mother is. You know she would’ve found a way to pay for that entire thing. And she doesn’t have the budget on her retirement checks and things to pay for something like that. So, technically, I was paying your retired mother’s bills.”

  “Ace is my dog.”

  “And he was under your mother’s care.”

  She sighed. “You sound like my mother right now.”

  “Because you know I’m right.”

  “No, you’re stubborn.”

  “And yet, I’m still winning.”

  “You’re not winning a damn thing right now.”

  “Well, seeing as my card is still attached to Ace’s account right now, I’d say I am.”

  I grinned over my shoulder and saw her walk over to me. She started playfully swatting at me, and it started a little fight in the kitchen. She pinned me against the fridge, and I gripped her wrists. Though, she still got in a few swats against my shoulder.

  “If you don’t let me back at the stove, the steaks are going to burn.”

  “Oh, no! Not the steaks!”

  She feigned horror as she gripped her chest, and it made me fall apart in laughter. She was as playful as they came, and I adored it. I finished up dinner with her pressing kisses against my back, wrapping her arms around my waist, and teasing me a bit as she hooked her fingers into the belt loops of my jeans.

  “You’re getting dangerously close,” I murmured.

  “Dangerously close still isn’t there, though,” she said, giggling.

  She didn’t have a kitchen table or anything, so we ate on her couch next to Ace. The food was phenomenal, and I didn’t realize how much of an appetite we’d worked up. I practically inhaled the meal. Not a word was exchanged between us. It wasn’t until she offered to take the plates to the kitchen that we started talking again.

  “What time is it?” I asked.

  “Uh, it’s a little after eight. Why?”

  “I told your mother I’d be by to get Millie around ten.”

  “So, no spending the night. Got it.”

  My eyebrows rose. “Did you want me to spend the night?”

  She sighed playfully. “Guess we’ll never know now.”


  “Wanna see what’s on television?”


  “Cole,” she said mockingly.

  I reached for her, and she fell into my lap. I started tickling her, watching her legs flail as a smile crossed my face. Her sounds were spectacular. I wanted to hear her laugh, day in and day out. She begged for mercy, begged for me to stop, and finally, after getting what I wanted, I stopped.

  “Yes! Yes! I considered it, okay? Stop tickling me, please!”

  I grinned. “Now, was that so hard?”

  She swatted my chest, but I held her in my lap. She curled into me before turning on the television, and we found a mindless movie to run in the background. I didn’t pay attention to it, though. I was much too busy kissing Layla’s shoulder. Her cheek. Her lips, whenever she turned to look at me. Or, her ear, whenever it faced me.

  “Cole, stop,” she said softly.

  Yet, she wiggled against my cock, her body telling me something else.

  “You sure?” I asked, nibbling her earlobe.

  She drew in a deep breath. “You don’t have enough time.”

  “Who says I don’t?”

  And as my hand crept down her shorts, I found her without panties.

  “Oh, naughty girl,” I murmured.

  “Cole, I—oh.”

  “You like that?”

  “Harder,” she whispered.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  I watched her face, her nose wrinkling with pleasure. She spread her legs for me, and my arms held her close. My fingers slid around her clit, wetting her pussy as she rolled against me. Oh, how she smelled. How she sounded. How she moved. Her beautiful body flushed right before my very eyes. And the harder she bucked, the closer she came to unraveling.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Cole.”

  “That’s it. Take what you want.”

  “Cole, please.”

  “Take it, Layla.”

  “Yes. Right there. Oh, fuck.”

  I slid my fingers into her wet pussy and pressed the heel of my hand against her swollen nub. I rocked against her, watching her as she came undone. Her walls clamped around me. Her juices leaked against my palm. She gripped me with her hands and arched her back, bringing her stomach right up to my lips, where I kissed her softly as her skin warmed beneath my touch.

  “Oh, shit,” she whimpered.

  She collapsed back down, and I slid my hand from beneath her shorts. I made a show of licking my fingers, groaning over the dessert I wanted more of. She panted for air, her skin flushed and a pebbled in goosebumps.

  When she opened her eyes and met my gaze, I smiled.

  “How did we miss this for so long?” I asked.

  She snickered. “Maybe this is just the right time, is all.”

  Then, my eyes caught the clock next to the television.

  “I have to go,” I said reluctantly.

  She nodded. “I know.”

  “I’ll see you soon, though. I promise.”

  “Call me tomorrow?”

  “Of course.”

  “Let me know when you get home, okay?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I bent down, capturing her lips in another kiss. But I couldn’t hide the smile crossing my face. She giggled against me as I helped her upright, feeling her weakened body fall against me. I scooped her up and carried her into her room. I laid her on the mattress and pulled the covers over her body. She gripped my hair, pulling me back for one last kiss, and as our foreheads fell together, my heart came alive.

  I’d never felt this happy with another woman in my life.

  And I hoped I didn’t do something to fuck it up.



  “Mm, hello?”

  I stretched as I rolled over in bed, trying to get my bearings. The sun peeked through the curtains. Though, the room was still pretty dark. My elbow grazed Ace’s back, and I felt him turn over, which caused me to smile.

  “Long night?” Mom asked.

  I paused. “Hey, Mom.”

  “How’s Ace doing?”

  “He’s uh, he’s good. In bed with me, still sleeping.”

  “Is he walking around yet? Or…?”

  “He’s doing okay with the walking. I mean, it takes him some time to get around. But, uh…”

  “Should I call back after you’ve had coffee?”

  I pulled the phone away from my ear. Holy Hannah, it was only seven thirty in the morning.

  “Maybe after another hour or two of sleep,” I said, yawning.

  “You’re usually up around this time.”

  “I know. I guess I’m just worn-out from the week.”

  “I’m so sorry, Layla.”

  “Mom. I know. And I promise you, it’s okay.”

  “Our sweet Ace is just—”

  “Mom. Please. I—I love you so much. But I can’t listen to you apologize anymore. It’s breaking my heart.”

  “I just don’t want you to hate me over this.”

  “And I told you, I don’t hate you. I don’t blame you at all for this. Things happen. Ace is fine. He’ll be back to himself in no time.”

  “Did you still have your date with Cole?”

  I nodded. “Mhm.”

  “How did it go?”

  “It was nice. He came over. Cooked steak. I ate so much. Ugh.”

  “Went to bed with a full stomach, then?”

  “And then some.”

  She paused. “And then some?”

  “I mean, my stomach was fuller than full.”



  “Is this one of those things moms shouldn’t be prying about?”

  I slung my arm over my face. “It was really nice. I had a good time. And thank you for watching Millie for him. How’d she do?”

  “She was phenomenal, Layla. I mean, just a doll. It took her a bit to warm up to Lance. And I don’t think she’s warmed up to your father yet. But she smiled and didn’t have an issue telling us when she wanted something. She’s definitely an outside girl, too. Had Lance in the backyard and everything.”

  “Good. Good. I’m glad she—”

  “Oh! And she did the cutest little thing. She came up and tugged on my shirt before asking me for something to drink. It was just the look in her eye. My gosh, she’s got Susie’s eyes, you know? That weird coloring or whatever? They’re just gorgeous.”

  “Oh, yeah. She looks more and more like—”

  “And her laugh! It’s adorable. I told Cole I’d watch her anytime he needed. I’d make her up a little room here and buy her toys. I also saw this cute dress online last night. We watched a movie together, and I already wanted to shop for clothes for her. Is that weird?”

  I snickered. “No, it’s not.”

  “She’s just the sweetest girl. I hope Cole lets us babysit against soon. I really think Lance enjoyed the time, too.”

  I let my Mom rattle on about Millie as I slowly woke up. I needed caffeine. And I needed to call Nicole. She’d already buzzed in twice, interrupting the phone call with my mother.

  “—and she’s got this way about her, you know? Just this aura. She’s the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen. She could really do commercials or something. Maybe I should tell Cole to look into that.”

  “Mom,” I said.

  “Oh! You think she might like sports? Or gymnastics? You were a gymnastics fiend.”


  “Do you think she knows how to swim yet? That might be something your father and I could—”


  I felt Ace startle next to me as she gasped.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  I snickered. “I have to get up and get coffee. And Nicole’s calling. And I generally have stuff I have to get done.”

  “Sorry. I’ve been talking your ear off.”

  I giggled. “It’s not an issue. Maybe wait until nine or something next time, though.”

  “Duly noted!”

  I wound down the phone conversation before hanging up, and it wasn’t long before Nicole rang through again. I ignored the phone call as I rolled out of bed, making my way for the coffee maker. I needed caffeine. I needed my tiny apartment balcony. I needed to sit out there, feel the cool breeze against my skin, and I needed to slowly wake up.

  But I knew Nicole wouldn’t hold off for much longer.

  I barely got my ass in the chair I had on my tiny balcony before Nicole called again. I answered the phone, but I didn’t put it to my ear just yet. I wanted to enjoy my first sip of caffeine. I heard her say “Hello?” a thousand times before I finally put the phone to my ear.

  And after swallowing my third gulp of coffee, I sighed.

  “Morning,” I murmured.

  “What the hell was that for?” she asked.

  “You called too early and interrupted coffee. Not my fault,” I said.

  “Well, now you get to spill the beans without me pulling it out of you.”

  “About what?”

  “Don’t play stupid.”

  I giggled before I launched into the story. How Cole asked me out. How he brought food over since he knew I didn’t want someone babysitting Ace. How I pulled him into the shower for some intimacy between the two of us.

  “Wait a second. You pulled him into the shower?” she asked.

  I smiled. “Yep.”

  “Just like that.”

  “Just like that.”

  “When he first walked in?” she asked.

  “I mean, he set the groceries down.”

  She squealed. “You little rat! Oh, my gosh. Layla. You did it! You broke the dry spell!”

  I shook my head. “It had nothing to do with that. I actually enjoyed my time with him.”

  “Well, duh. You’re in love with the guy. Doesn’t shock me one bit.”

  “One step at a time, okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I want an invite to the wedding.”

  I snickered. “You’re insane.”

  “So, how was it?”

  “How was what?”

  “The sex, you idiot.”

  I giggled. “It was fantastic. Nicole. He just—man, he’s good.”

  “Good with what?”

  “Just—everything. His tongue. His hands. His body. His hips.”

  She groaned. “You lucky little bitch.”

  I cackled. “I can’t wait to get together with him again.”

  Nicole screamed into the phone, and I held it away from my ear. I laughed before sipping my coffee again as the sun slowly rose up into the sky. I smiled as I brought the phone back to my ear, readying myself to tell her about our moment on the couch.

  Then, Nicole dropped a bomb that almost made me spill my coffee.

  “Now that that’s settled, think you can hook me up with your brother?”

  I choked on my coffee. “Say what now?”


  “Yes. I know who my brother is. You—you want to date my brother?”

  “Is that okay? I mean, wait. Shit. Is that not okay?”

  “I just—didn’t realize you had a crush on him.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Totally. From, like, the first time I laid eyes on the guy. Your brother’s hot.”

  I grimaced. “Ew.”


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