Book Read Free

The Aftermath

Page 14

by Iris Bolling

  “It is late ma’am.” Rex stated.

  “That’s all on me Rex. I should have made this trip sooner, but it’s been a hectic day.”

  “For all of us,” Rachel added. “I don’t want to end it by breaking a promise to my father.”

  Rex gave the women in the car a thorough look, then nodded. “Okay, go on up. I’ll let Pete know you’re coming.”

  “Thanks, Rex,” Regan replied as she pulled through the gate.

  “We’re going to hell in a handbasket for lying,” Riley hissed.

  “It’s for a good purpose,” Rachel replied. “God will forgive us.”

  As Rex indicated, Pete was waiting at the door to the two-bedroom home.

  “I advised her you were here,” Pete stated. “She should be ready in a minute.”

  “Thank you, Pete,” Regan nodded. “We shouldn’t be long.”

  Pete nodded. “I’m going to walk the grounds. I will be back in fifteen minutes. Will that be enough time for you to check on things?”

  He asked the question in a way to let Regan know he wasn’t buying her lie. “Yes, that will be plenty of time.”

  He nodded, then closed the door behind him.

  “Listen, I’m with you two, but I’m not liking this, not one bit.” Riley stated.

  “We know, we know,” Rachel responded. “You told us every five minutes driving up here.”

  “Relax Riley, I’m not going to kill the woman,” Regan declared, “I just have a question or two.”

  “Yeah, just a question or two,” Rachel emphasized.

  “Right.” Riley shook her head, “and I’m Princess Grace of Monaco.”

  “I hope not, she’s dead,” Rachel chuckled.

  “I know they say you people don’t respect time by always showing up late, but this is ridiculous don’t you think.”

  Regan stared into the eyes of a middle-aged woman, with grey streaks in her black hair. She was tying the belt to her robe around her waist as she entered the room.

  “Disturbing your rest?” Regan raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, you are.” Paula Reid glanced around the room. “You!” she exclaimed when she looked at Rachel.

  “We have a few questions for you,” Rachel replied.

  Paula took a seat. “I haven’t any answers for you. I realize you people are a little slow, but it was clear I’m not answering any questions until I get a deal.”

  “These questions are not about your case,” Regan stood in front of her. “Do you know anything about the death of Alex Burnett?”

  “Who?” Paula frowned at her. “I don’t even know who he is.”

  “He is the Commonwealth Attorney investigating you.” Rachel replied.

  “Oh, him. Hell, he was a fine piece of dark meat. I bet he was a good ride.”

  “Did you tell anyone he was questioning you?” Regan asked.

  “It’s been almost three months since I have been allowed to see or talk to anyone,” Paula declared. “What happened to him?”

  “He was found hung in his home,” Rachel replied.

  “Really?” Paula chuckled. “If I had my way, I would take the lot of you to the back end of my property and have a good old fashioned hanging party like my grand-daddy used to do.”

  “That’s it?” Regan asked in a voice too calm even for her. “You get off on hanging people? Rachel, find me a sheet.” She walked over then grabbed Paula by the hair.”

  “Regan, what are you doing?” Riley ran over.

  Regan pushed her to the side. “She likes hanging people. I think she needs to see what it looks like when a person is jerked up with all the weight of your body being carried on a thin rope with your feet dangling beneath you.”

  “You can’t do that, Regan,” Riley called as Regan dragged the woman to the bathroom kicking and screaming.

  “No, she likes hanging parties. I say let’s give her one,” Regan said turning into the bathroom. “Put that sheet up on that rod, Rachel. Bring a chair from the kitchen, Riley.”

  “I am not,” she grabbed the sheet from Rachel. “Both of you need to stop.”

  “Pete.” Paula called out.

  “Pete can’t save you now,” Regan took the sheet from Riley, wrapped it around Paula’s neck, then dragged her from the bathroom down the hallway to the bedroom. Paula was pulling at the sheet that was around her neck.

  “You see what you are doing? That’s what people did while you and your grand-daddy were drinking your beers watching like it’s a goddamn game show.”

  Pete ran through the door. “Judge Fontane.”

  “Oh, don’t worry Pete, I’m not going to kill her. She wanted to have a hanging party and I’m showing her how much fun it is on the other side.”

  Pete took the sheet from Regan’s hand. Paula’s head dropped to the floor with a thump. “Judge Fontaine I need you to leave before I have to report this to the authorities.”

  “You’re going to report these heathens attacked me,” Paula said as she crawled away from Regan, but ended up at Rachel’s feet. She looked up then quickly stood against the wall.

  “No need to contact anyone, Pete. I’ll leave,” Regan stated. “I got what I needed.”

  “You got nothing on me.” Paula snarled.

  “Oh, but I did.” Regan walked. “The mindset of you and your associates is enough to let me know we are going in the right direction. Alex and I never thought this was about money for you. It’s a deep-rooted evil inside of you. Take a good look at my face. I’m going to be the one sentencing you to the fate you planned for those young kids you were sentencing.”

  “I will have you disbarred for what you did tonight. They should have never let you or your kind wear a robe!” Paula yelled as the women were walking towards the door.

  “Go ahead, try,” Regan chuckled. “No one is taking your calls. Your power over me and ‘my kind’ is over.”

  “Regan if this gets out, it could be an end of your judgeship,” Riley proclaimed.

  “Daddy won’t let that happen,” Rachel said as she opened the door.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” their father said from the porch.


  When Nate and Skylar arrived, the freezer area of the morgue was blocked with officers. Skylar did not skip a beat as she walked up to the officers, flashed her badge then proceeded toward Tess’s office.

  The officers attempted to block Nate.

  “He’s with me,” Skylar said without looking back.

  The men moved aside, allowing Nate to catch up.

  “I’m scared of you,” he teased as they opened the door to Tess’s office.

  “Tess.” Nate rushed into her office. “Where are your security cameras?”

  “I’ve been running through the tapes from them, to see anything that can explain what happened.” Tess threw up her hands.

  “Let me take a look.” Nate took over the computer as Tess stood.

  “What time did you leave this morning, Tess?” Nate asked as his fingers quickly ran over the computer keys.

  “Close to seven,” she replied as she watched over his shoulder. “I returned around three, this afternoon. Handled some paperwork then came to the freezer about thirty minutes ago. That’s when I noticed the drawers were open.”

  “That’s the hallway between my office and the freezer.” Tess pointed to the computer screen.

  “They wouldn’t come that way,” Nate stated. “I need the camera by the bay doors.”

  “The bay doors?” Tess narrowed her eyes at him.

  “They had to carry out three bodies. I doubt they would put them over their shoulders and walk down the corridor with them,” Nate declared as he continued to scan the footage from the security camera. “This is the one I need.” The women moved closer in as they watched the footage run at double speed.

  “There, did you see that blur?” Skylar pointed.

  Nate stopped, rewound, then slowly followed the film. He stopped the film. “Black hearse,
three of them.”

  Nate watched as the men presented papers to the examiner on duty. They waited patiently until the bodies were brought out. They signed for the bodies then watched as they were placed inside of each vehicle. Then they pulled off, one at a time.

  “Where is the paperwork?” Nate asked. “I need a copy of each or, at the very least, one.”

  “Nate, the authorities will be here to investigate this incident and I need answers,” Tess stated as she took one of the documents from her desk. “I printed this off from the electronic record.”

  “Good.” Nate took the document just as two men walked in the door.

  “Federal Prosecutor Burrell.” Skylar held her ID pack out to the men. “Who are you?”

  There were two men in dark suits, white shirts, and blue ties, who walked in with an air of arrogance.

  “Lieutenant Stinger, Internal Affairs – Richmond Police Department. Who are you and what is your interest here?”

  “Not to waste time answering your questions,” Skylar replied as she turned to the other man. “And you are?” Skylar raised an eyebrow at the other officer.

  “Officer Armstead.”

  She held her glare until he buckled.

  “Internal Affairs – Richmond Police Department.”

  “Have you located my missing bodies?”

  “Your bodies?” the officer questioned.

  “Forgive me, Dr. Harper.” Skylar ignored Officer Armstead’s outburst. “Can you tell me what happened here?”

  “Don’t answer that question,” Lt. Stinger ordered. “This is an IA investigation. You have no authority here.”

  Skylar stepped in his face. “Two of the bodies that are missing are a part of a federal trafficking investigation. The last thing you want to do is have a pissing contest with me right now. I guarantee, you will come up short.”

  “Why is Internal Affairs here?” Nate asked. “The Medical Examiner falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health.”

  “Detective Reigns.” Lt. Stinger smirked. “The wonder lawyer turned cop. You being here saves me a trip to your precinct.”

  “Does it? Why is that?”

  “We are investigating Alex Burnett. You were his partner before he became the Commonwealth Attorney, correct?”

  “And?” Nate raised an eyebrow.

  “Well, it stands to reason that you would have an insight into the man.”

  “We are moving to investigating the victim now?” Nate asked.

  “Eliminating the possibility of misconduct on Burnett’s part will assist the department with any forthcoming lawsuits,” Officer Armstead stated.

  “If you are investigating Alex, why are you here?” Tess asked.

  “As the Medical Examiner in the case, we need an official cause of death in addition to the method of death from you. Since you were also a love interest of Burnett, we have a few questions regarding your interactions.”

  “She is available to answer questions on the professional level, however, the personal level is off limits without an attorney,” Nate stated.

  “Are you volunteering to represent her?” Lt. Stinger asked.

  “If need be, since I am still a fully functioning attorney.”

  “I believe it would be a conflict of interest,” Skylar stated. “However, I am certain between the two of us, Ms. Harper will have representation.”

  “Thank you, to both of you,” Tess stated then turned to the men. “I will be happy to answer your questions; however, at the moment we have a situation happening here, and I expect representatives from the Department of Health will be here soon.”

  “Regarding these guys here?” Officer Armstead pointed to the computer which had the footage showing the men getting into the vehicles.

  “Do you know them?” Nate asked.

  “This guy,” Officer Armstead pointed to the screen, “is a member of the DeFazio organization.”

  Tess, Skylar, and Nate glanced at each other.

  “This one, happens to be a confidential informant of your partner, Detective Vaughan.”

  “Not him again,” Skylar sighed.

  “That could be how he knew about Kavanagh,” Nate summarized.

  “Kavanagh, Liam Kavanagh?” Lt. Stinger asked.

  “Yes. You know the name?” Nate asked.

  Armstead and Stinger glanced at each other. “Let’s just say the name has come up during our investigations. What do you know about him?” Stinger asked.

  “I know he’s dead,” Nate replied.

  “Killed while in custody of RPD,” Skylar advised.

  “When did this happen?” Officer Armstead asked.

  “A few hours ago,” Nate replied. It wasn’t difficult to miss that the men knew something they were not sharing.

  Three men in suits walked into the office. “Dr. Harper, we are with the Department of Health.”

  “Yes, gentlemen, please come in,” Tess acknowledged.

  “We are going to step out of your way, Dr. Harper,” Nate stated as he stood. He turned to Lt. Stinger. “May I buy you a cup of coffee?”

  “The donuts are on me,” Skylar added.


  Nate walked into his home in need of a quick shower and a few hours of sleep. But first he had to clear his mind of all they had learned from Lt. Stinger.

  “Lights,” he ordered as he put his coat on the chair. “Coffee, black.”

  He could tell his cleaning lady had been in from the lemon scent still lingering from the candles. Heading to his office, his mind was still reeling from the statement Lt. Stinger made. Understanding the impact of contemporaneous notes as evidence, Nate reached for his legal pad. Documenting issues was his way and he found it to be one of the most reliable methods to preserve your memory. If he needed to refresh his memory for court, all he had to do was read through his notes. Grabbing a pen and pad, he made his way back to the kitchen, picked up the coffee cup, then walked out to his deck.

  “Smooth jazz,” he ordered taking a seat. As the music played, he began writing.

  Someone from the Commonwealth Attorney’s office is blocking any prosecutions against DeFazio. Since the woman found in Alex’s bed was connected to DeFazio’s girls, they believed Alex may be that person. Information provided by Lt. Stinger.

  It was not Alex Burnett. He was the person investigating several incidents of police and prosecutorial misconduct connected to the DeFazio Organization. Information provided by Federal Prosecutor Skylar Burrell.

  An Officer Arthur Mosley was being investigated for taking bribes a few months back. The investigation led to a few other officers who have connections with the DeFazio Organization. Information provided by Officer Armstead.

  Officer Arthur Mosely taking bribes was reported by me during a previous case. Advised IA of that information. Did not advise that the case was connected to corrupted judges.

  Nate continued writing, but his mind was no longer on the words from the meeting. No, he was calculating in which direction he needed to point his weapon. From the moment he walked into his house, the serenity that usually surrounded him was missing. He’d dismissed it thinking his mind was racing, putting the pieces of the puzzle together that began to form during the conversation with Lt. Stinger. But now, he knew that was not the reason why. His hand stopped moving across the page, then put the pen on the table.

  “If you were going to kill me, I would be dead by now.”

  “True, you would be.”

  He could tell the voice was distorted which meant he may have recognized the voice if he heard it. Nate began to turn towards the voice at the far end of his balcony.

  “Don’t do that.”

  Nate stopped. “All right. How in the hell did you get into my house?”

  “I have my ways. Your place is secured in a way that this conversation can remain confidential, and I need to remain anonymous.”

  “Since you will not identify yourself, I will simply ask why you are here?”

“Information, Detective Reigns.”

  “All right,” Nate replied. “I’m listening.”

  “It seems your investigation has crossed the line into unchartered territory,” the voice from the shadows stated. “The tracking device you uncovered from one of your victims is the property of the United States government.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.” Nate raised an eyebrow at the admission. “Do you have an explanation as to why a government tracker would be on a girl we pulled from traffickers or on the woman from Alex’s case? Are we tracking undocumented residents now in this country?”

  “No and no,” the voice replied. “Those trackers are appearing to still be in our inventory at an undisclosed location. We are curious to determine how they got into the hands of civilians and how many are out there.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Nate exhaled, “the government has devices to track humans, I’m going to assume that is without their knowledge, and you are unaware that they are being used by anyone other than the government.”

  “You misunderstand my meaning, Detective Reigns. They have not been distributed for use by anyone other than the inventor. They should not be in the public forum, nor should anyone other than ranking members of Congress and certain members of the Presidential staff be aware of their existence.”

  Nate listened to the information realizing they may have stumbled into something bigger than Alex’s murder. “They seem to be in the hands of the DeFazio Organization.”

  “We do not believe that is an accurate statement. The DeFazio Organization does not have the ability to infiltrate the Pentagon. Only a person with a high security level clearance would have knowledge of the device. What concerns us is losing the ability to follow the lead on the chips. Therefore, we intercepted the bodies that were taken from the morgue. The people who took them were about to discover the chips are missing from the bodies. We do not want that to happen.”


  “You will understand in time. For now, we need you to follow the lead on the chips. It is imperative that we learn how those chips were acquired and by who.”

  “My priority is to locate the person or persons who murdered Alex Burnett. I am not tasked with locating missing chips for a governmental agency. The government has the ability to recover their missing property.”


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