Book Read Free

Harper's Fortune

Page 18

by F. C. Clark

  ‘You’re awake.’ He places a damp kiss on my forehead.

  ‘Unfortunately. Why don’t you come back to bed? I’ll make it worth your while.’

  ‘Are you trying to bribe me with sex?’ Luke runs his hand down the side of my face.

  ‘Yes.’ I pull the duvet up under my chin.

  ‘Get up.’ He begins to move away, but not before I yank his towel from his damp body.

  ‘Oi! Seriously, Kate, get up.’

  I lean up onto my elbows. ‘You’re no fun.’ I sigh, and get up from my security blanket.

  Luke taps the glass of the shower. ‘You have twenty minutes… Don’t make me come in there and drag you out.’

  ‘Fine.’ I move towards a towel that he lovingly wraps around me. I look up at his face. ‘Sorry… I know I’m irritating you, but honestly, I’m petrified. These people are not from my world.’

  ‘Kate, you are one of the strongest people I know. Don’t compare yourself to the Coopers! Jesus, you flew to Russia, which was stupid, yet courageous.’

  I nod and move away, allowing my towel to hit the floor.

  ‘So, your new strategy is to stand naked in front of me.’ He tilts his head.

  ‘Is it working?’ I laugh.

  ‘It will when we arrive in New York.’

  Twenty-five minutes later I meet Luke in the hall. ‘You’re late.’ He looks at me. I’m smart casual today, in a black lace skater girl dress that stops just above my knee, black opaque tights and shoe boots, with my long black riding coat over my arm.

  ‘All part of my plan. Did we miss the plane?’

  He holds his hand out to me. ‘No; private jets wait for their owners! You look beautiful. Here, let me take your coat.’

  Shortly, we enter Luke’s stunning private jet and sit in our usual cream leather seats. This time, however, we’re not alone. Tanya sits in the next row. There’s a fair amount of distance between the rows, but not as huge as the distance between her and Luke – she is still awkward around him. My mission on this trip is to help them get along better, which makes the Cooper situation a walk in the park!

  When we are at cruising altitude, the stewardess arrives with our breakfast.

  I smile, glancing towards Luke as he eats and reads – as ever, multitasking.

  ‘You’re watching me, Harper.’ His eyes flit from his paperwork to my face.

  I lean towards his ear and whisper. ‘Just reminding myself of Venice… you were a royal pain in the arse.’

  He turns to me. ‘Are you reminding me of your insubordination?’ He quietly seals his words with a kiss.

  Before long Luke disappears to his on-board office, which will always bring back memories of our first visit to Venice and having amazing sex in there. The time alone allows me the opportunity to chat to Tanya. I study her pretty face, framed by her dark, shoulder-length hair, offsetting her piercing blue eyes. Thirty-three and single, she comes across as highly ambitious; I guess that’s why Luke wanted her to work for me. With my news of Harper Jones her face comes alive – let’s hope I transmit the same excitement to Maria and Valerie when I return to London.

  Eight hours later, the three of us exit JFK airport and get in a waiting limo. I wrap my black riding coat tightly around myself; the weather is just as bloody cold here as it is in London.

  Having an extra person with Luke and me does feel a little odd – and they are so awkward together that it’s exhausting. I try to start a conversation, which is difficult, due to Luke’s unremitting need to play the role of boss and Tanya’s wariness of letting her guard down in front of her ex-boss. I really need to pull him up on this, and tell Tanya to chill in his company! In the meantime, all I can do is talk – a lot – to fill in the gaps in the conversation.

  I thank God when we finally arrive!

  Luke steps out first. I follow, with Tanya close behind. We enter the reception area of the Four Seasons. Wow, another spectacular hotel. I’m not surprised. Luke does like the finer things in life. He releases my hand while he checks in. Soon he gives Tanya her key card and we all walk to the lift: floor fifteen for Tanya, and of course the penthouse for us.

  We reach Tanya’s level.

  ‘Shall we meet at reception in half an hour?’ I look at Tanya.

  ‘Perfect, I’ll see you then.’

  She exits the lift. The doors close.

  ‘OK. Am I missing something? You do like Tanya?’

  He tilts his head. ‘You’re fishing for something – get to the point.’

  ‘You just seem a little… arsey and cold… I don’t know – hostile.’

  ‘Arsey? Up until a few months ago, she was an employee.’

  ‘I don’t get it. I mean, your iceman attitude must work, because you’re loaded.’

  He arches a brow.

  ‘Don’t get me wrong; I know you need to be all commando Sutton for business, but I find it really uncomfortable.’

  ‘I love that you feel we’re close enough to say it as you see it.’

  ‘You’re missing my point.’

  The lift stops and Luke holds the door open. ‘Which one, arsey or cold?’

  ‘Luke, she’s trying to impress you.’ I step forward, squeezing his hand, hoping he may warm to my way of thinking.

  ‘Tanya is good at her job. If she wasn’t, then I certainly wouldn’t allow her to look after your schedules.’

  ‘You don’t see where I’m coming from.’

  ‘No I don’t. Kate, I like respect and distance from my staff. Familiarity breeds contempt.’

  I frown. How did this conversation so rapidly go downhill? ‘What about being friendly? Try it – what’s the worst that could happen?’

  ‘There’s no need for me to be friendly; you provide enough warmth for us both.’

  ‘Seriously Luke, did you just say that?’

  Our arguments generally end in Luke being the conqueror. OK, Sutton, I need to up my game before we marry!

  He opens a set of double doors to reveal our suite. Holy shit! My two favourite words for Mr Luke Sutton and the hotel suites he provides.

  ‘Bloody hell, this is amazing. Look at the view.’ I walk towards the window. The crystal clear sky offers a stunning backdrop to the city. ‘I have a new love in my life, and his name is New York.’

  Luke ignores my statement and disappears from the room.

  Everywhere I turn, I’m faced with a new vista. The room has a panoramic view of the city.

  ‘Kate?’ Luke calls.

  I enter the bedroom and move towards him, gazing out of the window.

  ‘Oh my God – is that Central Park?’ I place my hands on the glass, as if I am able to touch the scene.

  Luke inhales. ‘Go and have a look at the bathroom.’

  I vanish to the next room.

  ‘Holy shit, look at that bath! And the windows – what a view!’ I run my hand along the edge of the oval bath, which is surrounded by the most beautiful marble. I’m sure it’s bigger than ours at home. ‘Luke, there’s a TV in here!’ I need a bath now!

  I return to the bedroom and throw my coat on the bed.

  ‘Thank you, this is all a bit surreal.’

  His mouth closes over mine, fiercely wild, which surprises me. I run my hands up his chest and slip off his overcoat. Suddenly he pulls away.

  ‘Jesus – I need you, but I have to leave.’ He looks at his watch. ‘The car is waiting.’

  I don’t speak. Instead my eyes communicate with his in a dance of desire. He places his hands on either side of my face.

  ‘Don’t, Kate!’ His eyes gleam – displaying his sexual appetite.

  ‘What? I’m not doing anything.’ Am I? ‘Go – I have to meet Tanya. Honestly.’ My lips meet his, while my hand gently gropes his erection to give him something to remember me by. The vibration of a low g
roan is all the indication I need. I pull away.

  ‘You should go. I know you have a long, hard and challenging day ahead of you.’ I try to remain serious, but I am shit at this teasing game; it amuses me far too much.

  ‘Hard… challenging?’ His eyes are almost black. Mr Horny Sutton now stands before me in all his glory. His mobile phone rings from his trouser pocket.

  ‘Shall I get that for you?’ My hand enters his trouser pocket, feeling his hardness against my fingers while seizing his phone.

  ‘Leave it.’ Luke looks at me. Brazen Harper is in the building.

  ‘Mr Sutton’s phone, how may I help you?’

  His forehead creases.

  ‘Hold one moment.’ I pass him his phone and lean to his ear. ‘I’ve warned you before; it’s rude to keep people waiting.’

  He shakes his head. ‘Sutton.’ His voice is low and stern. Fucking sexy as hell.

  Before I walk away I place tender kisses against his jaw, while my hand gropes him again. Oh, how tempting it is to drop to my knees!

  I move to the lounge and stare at the Manhattan skyline.

  His breath glides across my neck, starling me. ‘What am I to do with you?’ He spins me round.

  ‘Fuck me.’

  ‘Fuck you? Jesus, your mouth.’

  ‘You want honesty…’

  ‘I want my fiancée to stop teasing my dick.’ He runs his hands through his hair. I know a frustrated Sutton when I see one. ‘You know I can’t take you now.’

  ‘Is that can’t… or won’t?’

  Suddenly he pushes me against the window and takes hold of my leg. His hand slides under my dress, disappearing in my underwear and heading for my clit. His touch is firm, yet gentle. My breathing grows shallow and my supporting leg wants to collapse. I have no strength under his spell; the continuous sensation of his warm fingers circling on my sensitive flesh is intoxicating.

  ‘Think of me, baby, and what I am going to do to you when I get back.’

  What! Bastard, I know he won’t allow me to orgasm. He removes his hand and places his fingers in his mouth. I want to scream at him.

  ‘Fuck, you taste good.’ He pulls away. ‘I’m now late. Stay out of trouble. You don’t have Max, but I have eyes and ears everywhere.’

  What? ‘Eyes and ears… What’s that supposed to mean?’

  ‘It means you should be safe.’

  ‘I’ll try.’

  He stops in his tracks.

  ‘No trouble – promise me that.’ His tone is stern and unforgiving.

  Fifth Avenue is heaving and bloody freezing. Even so, I am in love with New York. Tanya and I try to stay together and weave through the mass of people, which is almost impossible. Having visited various shops merely to stay warm, we stumble across a champagne bar. Two words immediately jump out that sound perfect together: pink and champagne!

  We sit at a cocktail table feeling warm and relaxed with the help of bubbles and fresh strawberries.

  ‘Cheers,’ I say.

  ‘Cheers, Kate.’ We sip our delicious drink. ‘This feels like we’re skipping school. I love it here.’

  ‘Me too. OK, cards on the table time. I’m shitting myself about tomorrow.’ I place another strawberry in my mouth.

  ‘You’ll be fine. Honestly, it’ll be a breeze; there’s really nothing to worry about.’

  I lean on the table. ‘It’s not the work that bothers me; well, I am out of my depth… But Alexis hates me. Actually, we hate each other. As you know, I used to cook for Luke. I then started going to functions with him, and that’s when I first met her. She told me I was no good for Luke and he needed to be with like-minded people.’

  ‘What!’ Tanya places her glass on the table. ‘So this is personal?’

  ‘If by personal you mean I want to place my right foot up her arse, then this is as personal as you can get.’

  ‘Mr Sutton told me that you haven’t gone to a boardroom meeting yet.’

  ‘So far I’ve been lucky and managed to avoid them; I’ve just signed paperwork.’

  ‘Look, Kate, I don’t know you that well, but I have heard through the grapevine that Alexis likes Mr Sutton, or use to.’

  ‘I worked that out within about two seconds of meeting her. Don’t get me wrong, I know Luke isn’t interested. Anyway, she’s had it in for me the moment she said “hello, my name is super-bitch”.’

  ‘Suits her.’

  ‘At the end of the day, my being here isn’t by choice, if my mum…’

  Tanya reaches for my hand.

  ‘You’ll be fine, just give yourself some time. It will all fall in to place.’

  ‘I hope so, there’s a part of me that needs to honour her, and be proud of my inheritance.’ I say feeling a little overwhelmed.

  ‘That makes sense, we can do this – together.’

  ‘OK, lets change the subject. You said you’ve worked for a while with Luke, how long exactly?’

  ‘Nearly four years; there were not that many of us back then. Stella was there long before I started.’

  I take a deep breath. ‘Do you remember Maddy, Luke’s ex?’ Crap! I shouldn’t have asked.

  ‘We met a few times, mainly at Sutton Global functions.’

  ‘Oh.’ Why did I ask?

  ‘Kate, Mr Sutton seems really happy.’ She touches my hand, sensing my hopelessness. I guess I will always feel the same – we come from such different worlds. ‘Anyhow, I think it’s fun seeing you at Sutton Global – shows us he’s human.’

  I shake my head. ‘Oh, for Christ’s sake! I can’t stand all the formalities. Call him Luke. If he doesn’t like it, tough. I’m telling you it’s OK.’

  ‘Got it. As for Maddy, she was nice – a bit stuck-up.’

  ‘It pains me to say it, but she does seem nice.’

  ‘Mr Sutton – sorry, Luke – has changed since you’ve been around.’

  ‘Jesus, if he’s changed, then what was he like before I arrived?’

  ‘He was cold – sorry, that sounds awful – and distant.’

  ‘Miserable mogul… I don’t mean that, he’s my life.’

  ‘I remember the day you dropped off his Jones Tailor shirts.’

  ‘Oh God, I was soaked.’ Another good first impression!

  We have consumed one bottle and opened the second. The champagne helps Tanya understand I may be her boss but I want us to be friends. I work differently to Luke – at least I will, when I start Harper Jones.

  My phone rings and my heart skips a beat. With a bottle of champagne and an essence of bravado I retrieve the phone. Caller ID – boss.

  ‘Hello, sex god.’ Oh, shit! I look at a slightly uncomfortable Tanya. I hold my index finger to my lips.

  ‘Where are you?’

  ‘We’re in a champagne bar somewhere.’ I close my eyes, aiding my concentration skills. Not working!

  ‘Somewhere?’ Luke responds gruffly.

  ‘Yes, somewhere on Fifth Avenue, within walking distance of the hotel. Where are you?’

  ‘I’m returning to the hotel. I should be about half an hour.’

  ‘OK.’ I desperately try to talk coherently, but the bubbles have gone to my head. ‘We’ll leave shortly.’ Nightfall is drawing closer, which means the temperature outside is dropping.

  ‘How much champagne have you had?’ Does he sense my fuzzy head?

  ‘Not much – a bottle and—’

  ‘I think a bottle is more than enough.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ I salute the dictator on the phone, trying not to laugh.

  ‘Don’t push me, or I will come and collect you.’

  ‘Are you joking?’

  ‘No, I’m serious. As I recall, I instructed you to stay out of trouble. Champagne may test your ability to do so.’

  ‘I think we can fin
d our way back to the hotel… Or maybe you can use my watch. I know you love a bit of hide and seek.’ Bubbles and bravado can only lead to trouble.

  ‘Are you trying to fuck with me?’

  ‘Later. Goodbye, husband-to-be… Love you.’ I disconnect the call.

  Tanya stifles her amusement. ‘Is that how you keep him on his toes?’

  ‘Are you kidding? Luke has his own rules.’ I pour us another glass of champagne. ‘I’m so sorry – sometimes I have no filter!’

  ‘I heard the rumour at work – the loudspeaker incident not long after you started dating. So it’s true?’

  ‘Oh my God, that was so embarrassing. I called Luke to tell him about my new job, then he sent me flowers, so I called again, and that’s when I called him sex god… but in my defence, he never told me I was on loudspeaker.’

  ‘It did make us laugh.’

  ‘I can imagine. That’s my point about tomorrow.’ I point at my face. ‘Do you see business acumen here? No.’

  The cold air bites against my cheeks as Tanya and I link arms, ploughing our way through the mass of commuters and into the strong wind. Twenty minutes later, we arrive at the hotel. The revolving doors are a pleasing sight; thankful to be in the warm. We move through the busy foyer towards the lifts.

  The lift arrives at Tanya’s floor.

  ‘I’ll see you in the morning. I’ve really enjoyed this afternoon – the start of things to come, I hope.’

  ‘It was fun.’ She flashes me a soft smile. ‘Don’t stress about tomorrow.’

  ‘I won’t. But I’ll need some luck to deal with happy Luke!’

  The doors close and I slump against the wall as I ride to the penthouse.

  I open the door and stop. Luke raises his head and studies me.

  ‘Found your way home?’ He places his paperwork on his desk and downs a glass of amber liquid. Luke rarely drinks hard spirits; I’ll take this as a bad sign.

  I place my coat on a chair and walk towards him. ‘I wasn’t lost.’ I perch on his desk and unzip my shoe boots, dropping them to the floor. ‘How was your meeting?’

  He tilts his head, looking aggravated. ‘Are you bothered?’


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