Moonlighting with the British Rock Star: A Georgia Moon Romance
Page 11
“Lovely to meet me,” Tansy said with a giggle. “I—”
Scarlet stepped in front of her friend, effectively cutting off whatever else she was about to say. “Colin Wilde. My goodness, I just can’t wait to hear how you met our Josie. When was it again? Four months ago?” She cozied up to him, winding her arm through his. “Why, I just can’t believe y’all have been able to hide this from the media for so long.”
A giant poodle with a big red bow around its neck saved him from having to answer and gave him the excuse to extricate himself from Scarlet. The fluffy white dog jumped up and placed her paws on the front of Colin’s shirt. “Hello, love,” he said, giving the dog a good rub behind the ears. “And who might you be?”
“Savvy, you mind your manners,” Scarlet said with a laugh as she gripped the back of the dog’s collar to get her down. “At least she has good taste in men,” Scarlet added with a seductive tone to her voice.
“Sorry, Savvy,” Josie said as she slipped her hand in Colin’s. “He’s already taken.” Although Josie was talking to the dog, Colin knew she was really talking to Scarlet.
“By the way, I have the pictures you requested,” Josie said to Scarlet. “Where do I need to send them to, or do you want the flash drive?”
Irritation flickered across Scarlet’s face as Monica demanded to know what pictures she was talking about. “Don’t you remember the producer asked for a few pictures of Josie and her boyfriend?” Scarlet said, silencing her mother with a lethal glare. Then she turned her hate-filled gaze on Josie. “You may give them to me.”
“Here you go,” Josie said, handing over the thumb drive he’d given her on the drive up. “And Colin is my fiancé, not just my boyfriend.”
Scarlet’s eyes narrowed with resentment. “I know,” she said, curling her fingers around the thumb drive. “After what happened to Zane, I’m so happy you finally found someone else.”
Josie flinched, making Colin wish Scarlet wasn’t a woman so he could give her a proper thrashing. He swallowed back a disparaging remark when Scarlet’s eyes shifted to him and smiled. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you, Colin,” Scarlet said. “Perhaps we can even sing a duet?”
“Perhaps,” he said, feeling Josie’s grip tighten when Scarlet looked at her with a triumphant glint in her eyes.
Foreboding as thick as London’s fog settled around Colin as the two sisters stared intently at each other. This week was not going to be as easy as he’d hoped. Somehow, he needed to remain on friendly terms with Scarlet and her mother while at the same time protect Josie. But what concerned him the most was if he could keep his heart from falling in love with his pretend fiancée.
Chapter 13
Josie hadn’t expected her stepsister to treat her any differently than usual, especially since Scarlet didn’t like anyone else shining in the limelight. What Josie hadn’t prepared for was the predatory look in Scarlet’s eyes. It didn’t matter that she was getting married in a few days. Scarlet wanted Josie’s boyfriend. And what Scarlet wanted she usually got.
A mantle of possessiveness enveloped Josie as she tightened her hold on Colin’s hand. Usually, fighting Scarlet was pointless. It was easier to give up and find something else that Scarlet wasn’t interested in. Not this time. This time, Josie was prepared to fight because she wanted Colin and not just for this week. She wanted to keep him forever.
Was that even in the realm of possibility? She had no idea. The only way to find out was to not give up.
She wasn’t sure when she’d made the decision. Her feelings had started shifting when Colin bought her the beautiful diamond ring. Yes, she knew that Shelby had funded it, but Colin had helped her pick it out and then put in on her finger. Then there were the kisses they’d shared. Josie had been kissed many times over the years but nothing compared to Colin’s kisses or the way they made her feel. Like she was beautiful and wanted.
Meeting Scarlet’s death stare head on, Josie wanted to tell her stepsister that she wasn’t getting her way this time. Unfortunately, she couldn’t tick her off too much. Like it or not, Scarlet could help Colin achieve his dreams. And after hearing what his father had done to him, Josie wanted to help him more than ever.
Forcing her lips into a smile, she shifted her gaze to her stepmother. “Monica, where do you want us?”
“Us?” One of Monica’s perfectly shaped eyebrows arched up. “Y’all will not be sharing a room, young lady.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. I just don’t know which rooms you’d like us to use.” Josie wouldn’t have to ask where she was supposed to sleep if she still had a bedroom. Monica had redecorated it while Josie was in college and then referred to it as the guest bedroom ever since. It was yet another reminder that she wasn’t wanted here.
“You will stay in the Lavender room,” Monica said to Josie. “And your…guest will stay in the Rosemary room.” Guest? It was almost comical that the woman couldn’t bring herself to call Colin her fiancé. Plus, what was it with naming all the rooms in the house? The Lavender room had once been Josie’s bedroom, only it had been painted a light lemon-cream yellow—her favorite color. Incidentally, purple was Josie’s least favorite color, which Monica knew.
“Okay, I guess we’ll get settled then.”
“Do y’all need any help?” Tansy asked. Josie was surprised by the offer. Then the redhead looked directly at Colin. “I’d be happy to carry anything of yours inside.” Her grin widened. “I can even help you unpack if you’d like.”
“Don’t be silly,” Scarlet said to her friend. “We need to finalize the plans for the bachelorette party, and then I need you to pick up the dress I’m wearing for the interview.”
“Yes, and we need to go over the schedule for this week,” Monica said. “Come along, girls. Josie is perfectly capable of seeing to her guest.”
“I don’t think she likes me all that much,” Colin whispered in Josie’s ear. His warm breath sent tendrils of sensations along her skin that made her shiver. She almost spun around to kiss him again. She wasn’t quite that brave.
“It’s me she doesn’t like,” Josie said once the women were out of earshot. “The jury’s still out for you. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have made any reference to you at all.” She let go of his hand and went around to the back of the Land Rover. “Monica isn’t quite sure where you fit in yet. It all depends on whether you can further Scarlet’s career or not.”
A guilty look crossed Colin’s face before he came around and met her behind the car. “How could I be of a benefit to Scarlet’s career?” he asked, pulling the key fob from his pocket to open the rear door. “Mrs. Sinclair didn’t even know who I was.”
Josie took her bag from the back of the car and slipped the strap over her shoulder. “Scarlet likes you, in case you didn’t notice.”
A muscle worked in Colin’s jaw as he retrieved his bag and guitar case. “I noticed.” He pushed a button to close the door and looked into Josie’s eyes. “I’m not interested in her. Not even if she wasn’t engaged.”
“She doesn’t care if she’s engaged or if you are, for that matter.” She glanced toward the house, guessing Scarlet was watching them right now. “Just be careful, Colin,” Josie said, hoping that he and Scarlet wouldn’t actually ever sing a duet. Sharing the stage wasn’t Scarlet’s thing, but she would probably do it to spite Josie. “I get that you need an alliance with her, but you can’t trust her.”
He nodded his head and followed her up the walkway to the front door. Josie braced herself before going inside. Hillside Manor wasn’t home, and she felt as unwelcome as a sinner in church.
A chill stole over her as she crossed the threshold. She didn’t belong here. Didn’t have an identity here. Any of Josie’s aspirations or talents had been crushed so that Scarlet shined brighter. It’s like Monica had boxed up any part of Josie that competed with her daughter, especially if it involved singing, and shoved them in the attic along with the things that had belon
ged to Josie’s mother.
Trying to push out the negative thoughts, she toed off her shoes and picked them up to take to her room. The white marble floor was hard and cold, penetrating the thin layer provided by her footie socks. “You don’t have to take off your shoes,” she said to Colin. “My feet are killing me.”
“Brilliant,” he said, the corner of his mouth edging up into a crooked grin. “I couldn’t find matching socks this morning.”
She laughed lightly as she led him to a spiral staircase that curved around to the second story.
“This is quite grand,” Colin said from behind her. “I feel like I’m in a wing of the palace.”
“You should tell Monica that.” She looked back at him over her shoulder. “You may even get promoted from guest to special celebrity guest.”
Colin snorted a laugh and then mumbled something about being subject to only one majesty.
The stairs led to a balcony that overlooked the first floor. The room split off in two different directions. Three bedrooms occupied the west side where they were staying. Josie’s room was to the left and Scarlet’s to the right. Colin would be right in the middle, which was ironic, given the situation. The east side housed the master bedroom, a massive walk-in closet and Monica’s personal workout room.
“I hope you like the color green,” Josie said, opening the door for him. The room wasn’t really all green. The walls were painted a soft sage color, but the antique-white furniture and cream-colored duvet balanced out the room.
“It’s nice,” Colin said as he set his luggage on the floor. “And spacious. My flat isn’t nearly this large.”
Josie leaned against the door and watched him as he gazed out the back window that overlooked the pool. She wanted to ask him about his apartment or flat as he called it. Did it have bare walls, or was it covered in artwork or photographs? Someone’s living space revealed so much about them.
Before she looked away, he turned and caught her watching him. Their gazes locked and, she tried to ignore the shock of heat his hazel gaze sent to her heart. “There’s an adjoining bathroom with clean towels,” she said, feeling nervous around him again. “I’ll let you get unpacked.” She straightened up and nodded in the direction of her room. “I’m just next door if you need me.”
A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes. “Good to know.”
Heat suffused Josie’s cheeks as butterflies took flight in her stomach. The man was charming and far too tempting. Then the butterflies took a nosedive when she remembered who occupied the other room. “You should probably lock your door at night,” she said, knowing Scarlet couldn’t be trusted with a hot guy next to her bedroom. She wouldn’t put it past her stepsister to try something sneaky with Colin. After all, she’d done it before just a year earlier.
A sexy grin tipped his mouth. “Are you afraid you’ll be tempted to sneak in at night?”
He was joking, of course. Still, his suggestion made her feel flushed all over. “It’s not me you should be worried about.” She jerked her thumb to point in the opposite direction of her room. “Scarlet is on the other side.”
His eyes narrowed, and a muscle ticked in his jaw. “I’ll keep it locked.”
The sound of men’s voices drifted from below. She recognized the sound of her father. The other loud, booming voice belonged to Ford Foster. Her stomach soured when she heard the deep rumble of Ford’s laugh. It reminded her of when he’d cornered her in the wine cellar the last time she’d come home for a visit. She could almost feel the cold wall pressing up against her back when he’d leaned in and tried kissing her.
“She’s engaged to who?” Josie heard Ford shout, followed by a few curse words. Scarlet or Monica said something, but not loud enough for her to hear.
“Why don’t you take a few minutes to get settled,” Josie said when Ford cursed again. “I’ll go see what’s got him so riled up.”
She started to turn to leave the room, but Colin stopped her with his hand. “I’m coming with you.” He interlaced their fingers and winked at her. “We’re in this together, remember?”
Josie’s throat felt dry as emotions tightened her chest. She couldn’t remember a time when anyone had stuck up for her in this house. “Thank you,” she whispered before they descended the stairs. The closer they drew to the living room, the more nervous she became. Her palms felt damp, and she hoped Colin didn’t feel it too.
“If she thinks she can swoop in here and steal—” Ford stopped talking the second she and Colin appeared in the doorway. His thin lips flattened before he took a sip of his drink. “Hello, Josie,” he said, setting the glass of amber liquid down on the table. His dark eyes narrowed as his mouth parted into a white-toothed smile that looked more like a vampire flashing his fangs just before sinking them into his victim’s jugular. “I see you brought your fiancé.”
Still keeping her hand firmly in his, Colin held out his other hand for Ford to shake. “Hello, I’m Colin Wilde.”
“Ford Foster.” He gave Colin’s hand a quick shake before turning his attention back to Josie. “We were just discussing the schedule for filming Scarlet’s interview with Nashville Informed. I’m not sure having someone like Colin Wilde present is in the best interest of Scarlet.”
So that’s what had him in such a tizzy? He was afraid that Josie’s fiancé would upstage Scarlet. Josie wanted to say that she and Colin would be more than happy to not be part of the interview, but she knew Colin didn’t feel the same way.
“It would have been nice to know beforehand who you were engaged to,” Monica said. “But there isn’t anything we can do about that now, is there?”
Josie didn’t bother answering the rhetorical question. Instead, she looked at her dad, who had yet to greet her. Just once, it would be nice to have him look happy to see her, maybe even give her a hug. But that hadn’t happened for a very long time. Instead, he always looked pained.
“Hey, Daddy. I’d like you to meet my…um…fiancé.” Her voice cracked with emotion, and she hated how much she craved his approval. Lying wasn’t the best way to go about it. Hopefully, he would never learn about the deception. “Colin, this is my father, Warren Sinclair.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Colin said, his British accent coming across as sure and confident. “I apologize for keeping my identity concealed. Josie and I didn’t want anything leaked to the press before we could finalize our plans.”
“And what exactly are your plans?” Ford asked. “To announce your engagement during Scarlet’s premiere?”
“No,” Monica said, pinning her glare on Josie, “she will do no such thing. This is Scarlet’s moment to shine.”
Josie stifled a sarcastic laugh. When was it not Scarlet’s moment? Even when Josie had come home with the highest marks in school, her accomplishments were ignored to keep Scarlet in the limelight.
“I don’t see why Josie’s engagement needs to be announced at all,” Scarlet said. “She’s kept it a secret this long so she can wait until after Ford and I are married to say anything.”
“I agree.” Monica’s features relaxed, and her bright red lips parted into a satisfied smile. “Well, I’m glad that’s settled.”
Colin’s grip loosened a little, his disappointment as tangible as the triumphant grin on Scarlet’s face.
Josie didn’t know what to do. Protesting wouldn’t help. The only thing she could do was try a tactic she’d used while living at home to survive. Nine out of ten times, reverse psychology worked on Scarlet. She just hoped the odds were in her favor.
“Whatever y’all want is fine with us,” Josie said in a cheerful voice. “From a marketing standpoint, waiting works better for Colin’s big comeback campaign as a solo artist. He has a huge fanbase in the UK as well as here, so I’m sure it will cause quite a stir when we go public.” She smiled at Scarlet. “That way, his popularity won’t hinder your big moment.”
Josie watched Scarlet’s face as she absorbed her words. Hopefully, she was sma
rt enough to see that the benefit of Colin’s presence outweighed her desire to keep Josie in her place. Scarlet’s gaze flickered to her mother and then her future husband.
“Actually,” Scarlet said, tapping a finger to her lips, “announcing the engagement live isn’t a bad idea.”
What? That wasn’t what Josie had said. She’d only wanted Colin involved in the interview for his music career not to perpetuate a lie that could reach his Grandmother’s ears all the way over in England.
Both Monica and Ford stared at Scarlet as if she’d lost her mind. Josie prayed they would nix the whole thing.
“Think about it,” Scarlet said, waving her hand around. “Colin Wilde has a huge following and his fans are curious about where he’s been the past few years. Having him here in Mitchel Creek is a big deal, but if he announces his engagement during the interview, it will generate a buzz y’all could never orchestrate.”
Monica’s brows lifted. “You may be right.” She turned to look at Ford. “What do you think?”
Ford picked up his drink and took a long swallow before he slowly nodded his head. “It’s a good idea. If we spin it the right way, the story could go viral.”
“What do you need to spin?” Josie asked, wishing she and Colin could just go back to Savannah. She was afraid to hear Ford’s answer. He had that look in his eyes—the one that meant he would do anything to further Scarlet’s career. Josie wouldn’t put it past him to sacrifice his marriage so Scarlet could have a fling with Colin.
“I haven’t worked out any details, darlin’,” Ford said, swirling the remaining liquor around in the glass. “Let’s just sit on it for now.” He held out his glass like in a toast. “After all, Colin’s going to be a member of the family.”
Josie’s strategy hadn’t quite worked out the way she’d wanted, but at least Colin might get his second chance. Still, no matter how much she liked her British rock star, she wouldn't wish her worst enemy to be a member of this family.