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Chasing Sunshine: A New Adult Sports Romance (NE University Book 1)

Page 20

by Hannah Gray

  “Sunshine, I’m close.”

  “Me too. I’m about to … oh, Trent.” She scrapes her nails up my back.

  The sound of her coming undone does me in, and I’m right there with her. Our bodies become one. Feeling like they were made for each other. Unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my life.

  Once we both come back down to earth and our breathing returns to normal—well, somewhat normal—I pull her toward me, and for the first time since she left my house, we both sleep like rocks. That is, until we wake up, naked and wrapped up in each other, and go for round two.



  Anna rushes into the room, for sure doing the walk of shame, wearing what I can only assume is Mason’s sweatshirt and sweatpants, which are about ten sizes too big.

  “Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” I drawl.

  She shakes her head and laughs. “You’re one to talk. I just saw a certain football player walking out to the parking lot. Coincidence? I think not.”

  I brush her off. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Must have been visiting someone else.”

  She kicks her shoes off and climbs into her bed, pulling the comforter up to her chin. “Sure. So, you looking happier than you have in weeks instead of Grumpy from Snow White has nothing to do with Mr. Trent Kade? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “Yep,” I answer, emphasizing the P.

  She shrugs and pretends to pick at her nails. “All right, no dirty details about Mason and me then. Not if I don’t get any from you about your night.”

  I consider lying, but … I really want to know about what went down between her and Mason. So, ultimately, I give in. “Fine. He slept over. Yes, we had sex. Basically in every direction and position. I got no sleep, so I’m in need of a nap.”

  Her face lights up with shock. “What! Yes!” She pumps her fist into the air. “Finally. I don’t know why you guys made it so hard on yourselves.”

  “Okay, enough about us,” I cut her off. “Give me the dirty deets.”

  She covers her face. “So, I crashed in his bed, and he slept on the couch in his room. The end. Sorry, I kind of hustled you.”

  I sit up in my bed and narrow my eyes at her. “There is no way that’s all that happened. You’re lying.”

  She holds out her pinkie. “Pinkie swear, we have never slept together or kissed on the lips. He talks to me like I am his best friend. I agree, it’s weird. But it works. I don’t know, Cam. I like his company. He’s really funny.”

  I do believe that, deep down inside, one of them is hoping for more. But it’s not really my business. Besides, I’m far from someone who should be giving relationship advice. “Would you date him if he asked you?”

  She thinks about it and then answers thoughtfully, “I really don’t know. I plan to move back to Maine after graduation and settle down near my family. I mean, they’d have a cow if I didn’t. Also, you know I have my own demons, just like you do.”

  I nod. She’s opened up a little bit more to me about struggles she has faced. But that isn’t my story to share.

  “He’s more than likely going to be drafted into the NFL and probably move across the country. Besides, that lifestyle? I can’t imagine being in a relationship with a famous athlete. Sharing him with the world? The amount of women who would throw themselves at him? I don’t know.”

  “Yeah, I totally get it,” I say and chew my nails. Another nasty, nervous habit.

  “Oh my gosh, Cam! I am so sorry! You and Hottie McHottie Quarterback spent the night together, and here I am, talking about how shitty it would be to be in a relationship with someone like that. I’m an idiot.”

  I try to smile to assure her I am okay, that her words didn’t bother me. In reality, it’s been a huge fear of mine since I realized just how deep my feelings ran for Trent. “It’s really okay. I don’t even know where we stand anyway. He was probably just bored.”

  “Girl,” she practically lectures me, “that boy loves you more than he loves football. Why can’t you see it?”

  “Actually, I do see it. I always have. Honestly, I feel it more than anything. If that makes sense.”

  She smiles softly. “It does make sense actually. I mean, he calls you Sunshine. That’s totally swoonworthy.”

  “Yeah, I still don’t get that,” I answer back and check my phone for the fifth time since he left twenty minutes ago.

  “You need to tell him how you feel. He told you he loved you, and then you trampled his heart and ran it through a meat grinder.”

  I cringe. “I know. And I will. Once I know what we’re doing. He hasn’t mentioned that in a long time. Maybe he didn’t even mean it. Maybe he didn’t want me to die and was grasping for straws.”

  Anna lets out a very long, very exasperated sigh. “Shut. Up. I cannot listen to this anymore. By the way, the Halloween party is next week at the guys’ house. Let’s find something that’ll make him drool.”

  “Well, we work on Saturday.”

  She grins. “Good thing it’s Friday then. Because they have a game on Thursday. So, no excuses.”

  I frown. He didn’t even mention it to me. Maybe he didn’t want me to go to it.

  Anna reads my expression. “Mason and the guys literally planned it this morning. Trent doesn’t even know yet.”

  I relax. “Oh. Okay. I mean, not like it matters. He shouldn’t have to tell me.”

  “Well, he would tell you. So, cut it out and stop self-sabotaging. You need to give him a chance.”

  My phone beeps, and I can’t open the text message fast enough.

  Trent: Thanks for last night, hot stuff. Can’t get the images of you off of my mind.

  Me: Oh, you’re so welcome. You were okay too, I guess.

  Trent: Ha-ha. So funny. Don’t make me head back over there and remind you how good I was. Do you work tonight?

  Me: Yep. 4-10.

  Trent: Can I give you a ride home?

  Me: I’ll have to think about it.

  Trent: Come on. It beats sitting at the bar and waiting for Red to get out. Besides, I can bring you back here and remind you of last night.

  Me: All right, all right. But only because I really, really hate sitting at the bar.

  Trent: Good. See you tonight.

  I’m so in my own world that I miss the pillow flying at my head.

  “Oh my gosh! You’re so happy, I could throw up! Snap out of it!” Anna shrieks, but I know by the lightness in her voice and the smile on her face that she’s thrilled for me.



  We’re just finishing up practice and heading for the showers. This week has been brutal. We’re getting prepared for the game tomorrow. It’s against Rhode Island, and I’ll admit, we need to be on our A game to win. Like us, they are undefeated.

  I hear Chris, a junior and one of the backup wide receivers, say to Mason, “Can’t wait to see all of those sexy outfits parading around at your Halloween party.” He rubs his palms together and licks his lips.

  He’s what I would call a bro. Sort of a meathead. Thinks he’s God’s gift to women.

  I turn to Mason and Lane. “What Halloween party?” I growl.

  “Oh fuck, you didn’t tell him?” Mason asks Lane. He yanks his thumb toward Lane. “It was all his idea, not mine. I didn’t give a fuck about a party.”

  “Yeah, because you’re busy being a pussy over a redhead,” Lane bites back, causing everyone in the locker room to stop talking and listen to these two clowns.

  Mason steps toward him. He nods his chin at him and tilts his head to the side. “What the fuck did you say, Rivers?”

  Lane stands up off of the bench and struts over to Mason. “You heard me. You have turned into a little bitch since that chick came along. What the fuck does she have? A magical pussy?” He looks around at all of our teammates and laughs.

  That’s all it takes. Mason’s fist hits Lane square in the jaw. Lane stumbles back m
omentarily and then regains his footing. His eyes go wild, but before he can go after Mason, I step in between them.

  “Enough. You two fucks are lucky Coach isn’t in here.” I look around the room. “All of you in this locker room? If you breathe one word of this, I’ll make sure you never step foot on a fucking field again. We need this win tomorrow. Unfortunately, that means, we need you two dumbasses to play together. Can you do that, or do you need to be replaced?”

  They are breathing hard, and both have veins popping out of their necks.

  The three of us have been best friends since freshman year. Do we give each other shit sometimes? Yeah. Do we piss each other the fuck off? Often. But none of us have ever put our hands on the other. But in Mason’s defense, Lane just kept egging him on and on.

  I look at Lane first. “Well?”

  “Fine. Whatever. Just stay the fuck away from me, King.”

  I look at Mason and nod.

  He stares at Lane. “Yeah, it’s all good.”

  I nod. “Good. Get your shit together or lose your spot. Up to you.”



  As much as I wanted to travel the two hours to Trent’s away game in Rhode Island, I ended up having to fill in for another waitress. Which is fine. I need the money anyway. Anna didn’t go either because she has a test to study for.

  The game is displayed on the TVs at the bar, so between tables, I run over and check the score. I’ve always known football is a violent sport. But seeing Trent’s lifeless body lying there that last game … I don’t know … it did something to me. It opened my eyes to what his football career could really mean. I also went down a wormhole of Googling his father, who is apparently very wealthy. Not that I’m surprised with Trent’s house and truck and all. Trent doesn’t speak of him often, but when he does, I can tell he’s hard on Trent. After really thinking about it, I think that he’s afraid that Trent will bypass his accomplishments, and that leaves him angry and spiteful. It’s just a hunch, but all signs point to that.

  I drop food off at one of my tables and hustle to another table to take their order. The game should be ending anytime now, and last I checked, it was 7 to 7 in the beginning of the fourth quarter. But that was a while ago, and then I got really busy and couldn’t check as often.

  I’m almost back to the TVs when everyone erupts into cheers.

  “Touchdown!” they all yell.

  I watch one of the guys—I think his name is Carson—set himself up to kick the ball. The clock reads twenty-two seconds. Which doesn’t sound like a lot of time but can seem like an eternity in a football game. He kicks it, and it goes right through the center of the field goal. The bar gets louder with cheers and excitement. Luckily, the twenty-two seconds pass fast so that I can get back to my tables. Smiling like a fool because my man helped his team win another game. Well, not really my man. But sort of my man. You know what I mean.

  As soon as I have a break, I pull my phone out and text him congratulations. I go back to tending to my tables, and after a while, I feel my phone buzz in my apron.

  Trent: Thanks, Sunshine. Glad you got to watch some of it. Am I going to see you tonight?

  Me: It’s already 8. You have a two-hour ride back.

  Trent: I’ll be back on campus by 10. I’ll pick you up at work. Stay the night tonight.

  I think about it for a few minutes. Then, I send Anna a message to run it by her. There was a time after the shooting that she didn’t want to stay alone. So, I don’t want to make her stay alone if it makes her uncomfortable. She types back instantly.

  Anna: Ooh, late-night booty call?

  With her message is a series of bananas and eggplants. Before I can type back, she sends another.

  Anna: I am completely fine with being alone. You go and have fun. Love you. See you in the morning.

  Me to Trent: Okay, but I don’t have a toothbrush with me, so you’ll have to stop and grab me one.

  Trent: You never took it when you left. It’s still in my bathroom.

  I’m not sure why that pulls at my heartstrings, but it does. Suddenly, I am watching the clock, waiting for it to be ten.


  I drive back home after dropping Cameran off at her dorm. After bringing home the win last night, she let me pick her up at work, and she stayed with me. It was a pretty damn good day.

  I can’t wait to see her sexy ass at our Halloween party, though she won’t tell me what she’s dressing up as.

  I’m hoping the guys will stop being a bunch of dumbasses and make up. The tension in the house has sucked.

  I’m just grateful that it isn’t affecting their game. Both of them want to be champions so badly that they push that shit aside when we jog out onto that field. Good thing too. Because if not, I’d kick their little bitch asses.

  Turning into my driveway, I turn the ignition off and hop out of my truck. What a whirlwind these past few weeks have been. But in the best way. I haven’t had the nerve to make things too heavy between Cam and me just yet. The last thing I need is to scare her away.

  When I push the door open, my nose is filled with something that smells pretty damn good. My stomach rumbles, reminding me that I haven’t eaten much today. I was too busy making Cameran moan.

  “Dude, what the fuck are you making?” I watch Lane in our kitchen. It looks like a bomb went off in it.

  “I got you fuckers steaks. You’re welcome.”

  I eye him suspiciously. “What’s the occasion?”

  He shrugs. “Can’t a guy make his friends a nice meal?”

  I shake my head. “Nope. Not you. What the fuck did you do now?”

  He looks embarrassed. “Well, I feel like a dick for giving Mason shit. And with you, I feel like a dick for fucking off so hard lately. I need to get drafted and get the fuck out of here, man, so I’ll get my shit together.”

  I sit down and lean back in my chair, pulling my hat lower on my head. “You doing all right though? You’re not fucking around too much now, right?”

  He carefully checks the steaks and stirs the rice he’s thrown together. “Nah, man. You don’t gotta worry about me anymore. Really. Scout’s honor.”

  I jerk my chin down at him. “Good, because now is not the time to fuck up. We can’t make it to the top without you.”

  “What is that awesome smell?” Mason walks into the kitchen.

  “He feels like a dick, so he’s making you dinner.”

  “I’m making you both dinner. And maybe Mason feels like a dick too,” Lane yells over his shoulder.

  Chugging his bottle of water and setting it down, Mason says, “Nope. Can’t say that I do.”

  I nudge him with my elbow. “He’s trying here, asswipe. Meet him halfway.”

  Rolling his eyes like he’s a five-year-old, he sighs. “Okay, fine. I’m sorry too. Can I please still have some food?”

  “Yep. Got you the T-bone, Trent the rib eye, and myself the New York strip. We each get our favorite.”

  “Good fucking man.” Mason nods his head. “Good fucking man.”

  Well, at least these two have kissed and made up already. I was getting tired of their shit.



  Holy fucking shit.

  Sunshine showed up dressed as a tiger, and she is the sexiest motherfucking tiger I’ve ever seen. Her cleavage is out on full display, which honestly makes me just want to take her to my bedroom so none of these fuckers can look for themselves.

  Red has a long blonde wig and is dressed up as none other than—yep, you guessed it—Carole fuckin’ Baskin. She has a shirt that says, You know who’s to blame for Tom Brady leaving the Pats? Carole fuckin’ Baskin. Which is really fucking funny because Mase is dressed up as Joe Exotic.

  Who did I dress up as? Myself. I don’t do costumes.

  I make my way over to them. Trying to ignore the fact that every single pair of male eyes are popping out of their heads. I get to them and throw my arm around her, h
oping to let them know to back the fuck off because she’s mine. I pull her into my chest, breathing in that sweet peach scent.

  “You look too fucking sexy. I want to take you upstairs right now and bend you over the bed.”

  Big gray-blue eyes look up at me, and she licks her lips. “You had me last night and this morning.”

  I lean into her ear. “It’s never enough, babe.”

  She spins around and faces Red.

  Wrapping my arms around her chest, I look at Red. “You and Mason must have planned it out, didn’t you?”

  Her brow furrows. “Planned what out?”

  Before I can answer her, I feel a slap on my shoulder, and Mason’s deep voice says, “Shhhiiit, ha-ha-ha. I guess great minds think alike, huh? So, you said your costume would blow whatever I had in mind out of the water, but we had the same fucking idea.”

  “Wait,” Cameran says, shocked, glancing between the two of them. “Neither of you had any idea?”

  They both shake their heads.

  “No, but it shouldn’t be a shock. We’re both obsessed with the show.” Red goes to give Mase a high five.

  He skips the high five and wraps his arms around her. He lifts her up, spinning her around. “You are fucking awesome, you know that?”

  She laughs and rolls her eyes. “I mean, obviously.”

  Even though I’m not usually one to dance, Cameran begged me and poked that pouty fucking lip out, so here I am, dancing. It’s not all bad. She’s grinding her perfect ass against me. She spins around a few times, and I lean down and kiss her.

  It’s all perfect. Too perfect. I know one thing to be true. It doesn’t matter how long the good lasts; the bad always seems to come back. I know I can’t keep her. But right now, I want to enjoy the fucking hell out of her. Until she spooks again and takes off.


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