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Darkest Night: Mercenaries and Magic: A scorching enemies to lovers romance

Page 4

by Alessa Thorn

  The British man was standing outside the house, watching as the fire destroyed everything Kon loved. Kon dragged himself into the garden, his whole body trembling with fear. The man dropped his cigarette onto the ground in front of him before he climbed into the back of the car waiting for him and drove away…

  Kon woke covered in sweat and crying his mother's name. He sucked deep breaths into his lungs, his nose stinging with the smell of smoke and his scars aching under his tattoos.

  Kon dragged himself out of the bed, his heart pounding so hard, his chest hurt. He stumbled to the fridge and downed a bottle of water. He rubbed at his nose, spat in the sink to try and rid his mouth of the taste of blood and the fur of his teddy bear.

  Kon clenched his fists and went upstairs to his small rooftop garden. Kon didn't bother to wrap his hands. He just went for the boxing bag and started hitting. He had been having the same nightmare for twenty years, and still, it dragged him down to a place so dark, he couldn't think. Sweat dripped down his body as he hit the bag over and over.

  It had taken ten years to learn the British man was known only as Liddell. It had taken another six years to get an interview to work with him. It had been another four years of working for him, trying to get an invite to meet the man in person…

  The skin on Kon's knuckles split, the pain feeling clean compared to the horror clawing at his mind. He tried to focus on anything but the fire and settled on Athena's mocking smile. The way she smelled. The feel of her body in his arms. How she said his full name like it was a curse word and fell asleep in his arms, utterly unafraid of him.

  Kon could barely lift his arms when he finally came back to himself. He slumped to the concrete and wiped the sweat and tears off his face.

  "I promise I'll kill him. I promise I won't stop until he's dead," he said to the ghosts of his parents.

  If Miss Edgeworth becomes any more impressive, I think I'm going to have to recruit her, Liddell's voice whispered, and Kon's vision darkened with rage.

  He couldn't protect his kind mother from Liddell and the rest of the fucking Aurora Aurea… but he would protect Athena. The fucker wouldn't get the chance to hurt her.

  Just the thought of it gave Kon the energy to climb back to his feet. He was going to need a new plan.


  Athena had been back in London for three days, and she was already bored. She had walked around the neighborhood on her first day, taking note of the new buildings and coffee shops.

  Silas had always drilled into her to be aware of her surroundings and have an escape plan. Athena did it automatically now, always taking note of any new side streets or obstacles that would get in the way.

  On the second day, she had done her laundry and cleaned the apartment from one end to the other. She restocked all the groceries and cooked a curry that she loved from scratch.

  By day three, she was back to trying to figure out her worst obsession, Konstantius Zalam. She was tossing knives at a figure painted on a wooden board at the other end of the loft. She imagined it was Kon with every hit.

  Maybe Silas was right, and she should just kill him and be done with it. It would stop him from stealing her passports every time their paths crossed. She thought about the other things they had stolen from each other over the years; the writings of Simion Stylites, a shroud owned by St. Julian of Norwich, a journal of notes written by Judah Loew the Maharal of Prague, a ring owned by the Sufi Al-Ghazali, the medallion of Semar…

  Athena pulled the knives out of her target and went back to her position. She threw the first dagger and grinned when it hit the target in the dick. What was about those particular relics that attracted a man like Kon? The second dagger hit the target in the head.

  They all are mystics believed to have talked to a god…Athena swore, and the third dagger went wide and landed on the couch.

  "Shit. You are so thick sometimes," she muttered. Kon didn't strike her as a religious nut that would be obtaining those kinds of objects for himself. What had he said the other night? My employer is going to be furious.

  Who would the Basty of Istanbul, a man known for killing all those who dared to be the boss of him, willingly work for?

  Athena was still chewing it over when her lap pinged with an email tone. She glanced at the subject and did a double-take.


  Athena picked up her phone and rang Izabella.

  "Bored already? I think this is a new record," the hacker answered.

  "Very funny. But yes. I'm going to need you to look into the robbery at Topkapi. Apparently, the Staff of Moses has been stolen, and I want to know who did it," Athena answered.

  "Someone with funding if they were willing to go up against Topkapi's security. Hold tight, and I'll get back to you," Izabella said but didn't hang up.

  "What, Iz?"

  "Tell me it is not about Turkish Delight."

  Athena laughed. "Not everything I do is motivated by that asshole."

  "Yeah, but it's Istanbul. You haven't gone there ever since you learned that's his…territory."

  "Jesus fucking Christ, Iz, I haven't had any reason to go to Istanbul. Zalam is probably still in Indonesia, trying to get that medallion back. This is the actual staff of Moses out on the open market. Do you want it to end up in some rich asshole's lounge room? Just find it for me," Athena snapped.

  "Okay, okay, I'll look. I'm only trying to watch out for you."

  Athena grunted. "Well, Silas offered to shoot him for me as a present."

  "Silas is a smart man."

  "True. Maybe I'll take him up on that offer. Or better yet, steal back the staff of Moses and kill Zalam myself while I'm in Istanbul."

  Izabella laughed. "This plan is sounding better and better. I'll call you when I have something."

  "Cheers, Iz." Athena hung up and skimmed through the news articles about the theft. The city was in an uproar that their sacred relic had been stolen, but nothing else in the collection had been tampered with. It was a weirdly specific heist.

  Three hours and two bowls of leftover curry later, Athena's phone started ringing.

  "Talk dirty to me," she answered.

  "The staff was taken by a small group calling themselves the Golden Blade," Izabella replied.

  Athena snorted. "How theatrical."

  "Gets better. They didn't do it for a cause, but cash. They are holding a private auction tomorrow night at the Cistern of Philoxenos."

  "What? I thought they closed that years ago for restoration work," Athena replied. She remembered reading the articles and the call that went out in the archaeological community for restorers and specialists.

  "Apparently, it's open for them. As I said, whoever these guys are, they are funded well," Izabella replied.

  "Is that a no you can't get me an invite to the auction?" Athena asked, already taking the steps to her bedroom two at a time.

  Izabella made a sound of annoyance. "Of course I can get you one, but if Silas asks, I will deny knowing anything about this. He scares me more than you."

  "Fair enough. Send me through the invite when you've got it. Thanks, Iz. You're the greatest," Athena replied.

  "Don't kiss my ass. And Athena?"


  "What's your plan if they really do have the staff? The people attending this auction are going to have much deeper pockets than you, Cub."

  Athena smiled. "I have no intention of buying the staff."

  "No? Then why go?"

  Athena took down her favorite dagger from the wall. "Because I'm going to see who buys it…and then I'm going to steal it from them."

  The Cistern of Philoxenos was a subterranean reservoir in the Sultanahmet district, built underneath the ruins of the Forum of Constantine and the Hippodrome of Constantinople.

  Athena straightened the cuffs of her silk shirt and made sure the light blazer she wore hid her daggers properly. There was no way in hell she was walking into an auction such as this without a
weapon on her, a sentiment that she was sure all the potential buyers shared.

  She was wearing an expensive suit and heeled boots, her hair tied in a braid and pinned up in an elegant twist. Dresses were not the kind of thing she felt comfortable in at the best of times, let alone in a cistern full of shady fuckers with no way out if everything went south. She chose antique jewelry that looked understated, but those that knew what they were looking at would be impressed.

  Athena strolled down the paved street, eyes scanning the tree-lined footpath and the high retaining wall that led to the entrance.

  Two well-built guards in suits stood outside the iron gates. There were telling bulges under their jackets that hid their weapons, even if they only carried QR code scanners in their hands.

  Showtime, Edgeworth.

  Athena took out her phone and found the code that Izabella had sent her only an hour beforehand. She flashed the guards her most dazzling smile and held the screen out to them so they could scan it.

  "Welcome, Signorina Missaglia. I hope you enjoy the auction," the guard said in perfect English before opening the metal door for her.

  "Grazie mille," Athena replied, fluttering her lashes before she stepped into the cool, dimly lit walkway.

  Someone had placed a green velvet carpet down, elegant lamps set up intermittently for patrons to follow, and soft strains of string instruments were playing tango.

  Athena joined a crowd of richly dressed people that walked down into the central cistern. Rows of columns filled the length of the room where the auction had been set up, bolts of red silk hanging from the high vaulted roof. Plain wooden chairs were set up in rows in front of a small stage holding a single podium.

  Lots of blind spots, Cub. Watch your six, Silas whispered in her head.

  Athena hadn't been game to tell her father about her trip to Istanbul. She would be back in London before his job in Dubai was finished, and if Izabella kept her mouth shut, Silas would never have to know about it.

  Athena accepted a glass of champagne from a passing waitress so she would have something in her hand and not look out of place. She stood next to one of the columns, her eyes scanning the people, the exits, the guards.

  An awareness ran down her spine, her intuition screaming at her to turn around. A hard hand curled over her hip; warm breath tickled her ear. "Hello, güzelim."

  Athena sighed as she glanced over her shoulder and instantly wished she hadn't.

  Kon was dressed in a black tux, his thick curls neatly styled and looking far too fucking hot for his own good. She counted four guns on him, and he would have a blade somewhere. His dark eyes were scanning every inch of her, no doubt figuring out where she was hiding all of her knives. His gaze settled on her face and burned with violent desire.

  She was so fucked.


  Of all the fucking stunts Athena had pulled on Kon, this one was the most inconvenient.

  "Are you stalking me, Zalam?" she asked sweetly.

  "You're in my city. If anyone is the stalker, it is you." Kon looked around him, trying to keep track of who was coming in.

  "Don't flatter yourself. I thought you would still be in Indonesia, unless…." Athena arched a brow at him. "Did you steal the staff of Moses?"

  Kon couldn't hold in his smile. "You believe I could pull off a heist like that all by myself? Athena, I had no idea that you thought so highly of me."

  "Yeah, you're right. What was I thinking?" Athena said and turned back to face the podium.

  Panic crept up Kon's spine. It was all too convenient —too wrong— that she was there. Three hours ago, Kon had received a call from Liddell demanding that he attend the auction to see if the staff of Moses was legitimate. If it was, he was to acquire it, no matter the cost.

  "I'll pay you one million dollars to leave right now," he whispered, his hand creeping under her jacket and pulling her tighter to him. He breathed in her perfume, something rose-based and spicy that suited her.

  Athena chuckled softly. "And why would I do that, Konstantius?"

  "What if I told you that you were in danger?"

  She looked up at him, blue eyes going assassin cold. "From you?"

  "No. Never from me…but I don't like this. Something feels off," Kon whispered.

  "If this is some ploy to make me walk away because you want the staff, don't bother. I'm not here to buy."

  "Then why…" Kon caught her grin and swore. "These are not the kind of people you steal from and get to live, Athena."

  "Really? Isn't that why you are here?"

  Kon gritted his teeth. "Please, Athena."

  "What did you just say?" she turned in his arms. She caught the genuine concern in his eyes, and she gripped his forearm. "Kon, what is going on?"

  "I don't—" Kon began as his phone rang. Liddell. "Sir, I'm at the auction, but the bidding hasn't started."

  "No need to worry about that. I've seen quite enough." Kon's eyes went up to the pillars around him. He spotted the tiny black cameras mounted high above. He had been so distracted at seeing Athena, he hadn't noticed them. "That's right, I can see you with your hands on your so-called enemy."

  "This isn't what it looks like," Kon said, cold sweat pricking at his neck.

  "It looks like collusion to me. What a shame. You had such promise as an acolyte," Liddell said before the line went dead.

  "Kon, who was—" Athena began when a red dot appeared on Kon's chest. She threw herself at him, knocking him to the ground behind a pillar as gunfire exploded through the air.

  "Gun! Gun! Someone’s shooting!" she shouted, and the other attendants started panicking around them.

  "Thanks," Kon managed to say as Athena reached in his jacket and pulled out one of his pistols. She pointed it at him.

  "When we get out of this, you have so much explaining to do," she snapped before she swiveled and started to shoot back. Kon pulled out his own gun and tried to spot the snipers. Three men with rifles pointed at them were perched on the maintenance scaffolding on the far walls.

  Kon took Athena's hand and ran as bullets rained down, blowing chunks of stone from the pillars beside them. People caught in the crossfire screamed, but Kon and Athena kept low in the crowd, trying to shove their way to the doors. Three more men appeared down the walkway, blocking them off.

  "Any other plan?" Athena asked. She squeezed off another two rounds, dropping two of the men on the mezzanine before sliding behind the nearest stone pillar.

  "I do, but you're not going to like it. Cover my back and head for the stage," Kon shouted over the echoing gunfire. He slid a full magazine across the floor to her.

  "Go when I say," Athena replied, picking it up and reloading the Glock she had taken from him. She glanced around the pillar, aimed, and started shooting. "Move your ass, Kon!"

  "Follow me. I'll get us out."

  "You better!"

  Kon ran for the stage, keeping a row of pillars between him and the shooters. He found the metal hatch he had spotted on the plans of the building earlier that evening. He pulled on the metal ring, and it groaned open.

  "Athena! Come on, I've got you," Kon shouted, turning to find her. He lifted both of his guns and aimed at the men closing in on her. He dropped the nearest two, trying not to watch Athena, just focusing on taking out as many of the fuckers as he could.

  Athena pulled a knife from inside her coat and attacked the closest man, slicing at his forearms so he dropped his gun, before she struck his face and chest in a series of fast, damaging swipes.

  "Fucking hell," Kon whispered, unable to look away as she turned her assailant into screaming, panicked mincemeat. She raced to Kon's side, blood staining her face and clothes.

  "Where to now?" Athena demanded. Kon pointed to the metal cover, and she glared at him. "You're going in first."

  Kon didn't argue, and even though he hated enclosed spaces, he didn't have a choice. He swung his legs onto the ladder. "Don't forget to close it behind you."

  "I hope rats e
at your face," she snapped above him.

  Kon hit the bottom of the ladder, and he pulled the small flashlight from his pocket. He shone it up as Athena slammed the hatch shut and slid one of the daggers through the handle and the ladder rung to slow down anyone trying to follow them.

  Kon waited until she was down before grinning at her. "You're good in a fight."

  "You owe me a new suit and a replacement dagger." Athena glared at him, blood-smeared and vicious. "Please tell me you know where we are going down here?"

  "More or less," Kon said, shining the flashlight at the dirt tunnel in front of them. "This way. The old aqueducts should join up to the newer systems and run out into the sea if we head north. I have a place we can hide in Eminönü."

  Athena groaned. "You owe me so much head for this."

  Kon laughed despite the epically shitty situation. "If we get out of this, güzelim, I'll give you whatever you ask for."

  "Answers would be awesome. Starting with how you knew about this tunnel," she said as they began to jog.

  "I studied some plans before I came. I'm surprised you didn't."

  "I thought I was going to an auction with a bunch of rich people. I didn't expect a goddamn shootout. Who were they anyway?"

  Kon paused at a fork in the tunnel. "They belonged to my employer."


  Kon whirled on her. "Because of you. I told you to walk away, but no. You had to argue with me."

  "Fuck you, Konstantius. They were there for you, not me."

  "Both of us, actually."

  "Why? What did I—"

  "It's because of how I treat you."

  Athena's eyes narrowed. "Like shit?"

  "No. Like you matter. Liddell got suspicious of you when you kept stealing my shit, and I kept letting you breathe."

  Athena sneered. "Maybe the Basty of Istanbul isn't such a badass after all."

  Kon turned his back on her and headed left. "I'll argue with you about this later."


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