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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

Page 9

by Bartlett, Gerry

  Manny loved the new dance. The problem was we needed yet another costume to go with it. This song featured more of a hard-hitting dance that would have every man in the audience leaning forward as bare boobs bounced to the beat. It was a hit by Britney Spears. A classic schoolgirl look would play into a popular male fantasy. Mae was trying to come up with a short plaid skirt that could be whipped off to reveal a G-string.

  “I don’t know. Are we turning into strippers now?” Donna complained. “Taking off bits?”

  “Get real, girl. We’re doing a dance routine. I’d like to see strippers stay in sync. Do these steps without missing a beat.” Misty was all for this. Apparently, she’d been in a dance squad in high school and loved working in a group number. She helped me get the girls in line and on the beat. Once they had the idea, several others admitted they’d been cheerleaders or in dance squads in school. One had been in an award-winning college club. She offered to do a flip or backbend. I thought Manny would swallow his tongue when she did her backbend topless.

  “The crowd will go nuts. Keep that move in, Gloria. Anyone else have an acrobatic move like that? How about splits?” He loosened his tie, his face flushed. “This number is going to be so damned hot!”

  “Good. I hated that hula number. If you’ve ever been to Hawaii, you’d know how lame we looked trying to imitate the real Hawaiian dancers.” Donna raised her arms and stretched. “Can we put something on up top? I’ve seen Britney’s video. She had a little white shirt tied under her boobs. We could do that, just open it to show off our chests. I’d feel better if we wore something . I know my boyfriend would too. He’s coming to the show one of these nights.”

  There were several murmurs from the other dancers. They’d been hired before the topless thing had come up. Three had quit and Manny had hired some replacements, but this was still a hard sell to some of the women. Rumors abounded about auditions for spots in the shows on the Strip. The money was better there but, more important, so was the prestige.

  “You need to invest in better costumes.” Mae stood next to Manny. She wagged a finger in his face. “I’ll get the white shirts, cut them down. I’ll have to hire extra help to get them ready for the late show, but this can’t keep happening. How many different shows you want? Huh?” She stomped around. “I got all your measurements except for the new girl. Tiffany, come here.”

  I smiled at Tiffany. She looked nervous. “Mae is wonderful. Stand still and she’ll make something that will fit perfectly. No worries.”

  “Hah! I don’t see you showing your tits.” Tiffany raked my waitress outfit with hostile eyes. “I’d kill for a bra top instead of what’s coming tonight.” She flushed. “Sorry. Nerves. The dance looks cute.” She thrust out her hand. “Tiffany Powers.”

  “Gloria Simpson.” I smiled then inhaled. Oh, gods, A-B Negative. My fangs were down and I had to lean over, pretending to choke. What would this sweet young thing do if I dragged her to a dark corner of the parking lot and took her down a pint?

  She pounded my back. “You okay? My grandma does this when something goes down the wrong way.” She leaned down to peer into my face.

  I pushed her away and struggled to control myself. “Tiffany, stop. I’m, uh, okay.” I stood and looked around. “Nerves. I understand nerves. Let’s hope the dance comes together. I promise not to push another new dance on you girls until next week.” I winked at Mae, my hand covering my mouth where my fangs would not yet behave. “Let Mae help you with makeup. She’ll make you feel better about being topless.”

  Tiffany looked down to where Mae was measuring her breasts, one at a time. “I hope so. I’d die if my parents find out I’m doing this. But I’m desperate. Rent’s due and this was the only job I could get.”

  Several other dancers nodded. “There’s not much turnover on the Strip. Once you get hired there, you never leave unless you’re lucky enough to snag one of the high rollers.” A leggy brunette sighed. “That’s my dream. A sugar daddy takes me away in his private jet.”

  “Then what?” Misty chimed in. “I had that happen. Everything was great until his wife found out. I was flown back here economy class with nothing but a few bucks in my purse and a fur coat that I had to pawn the first chance I got. Fur in Vegas.” She laughed. “Like I needed that!”

  The girls continued swapping stories though none of them sounded heartbroken about their lost lovers. I concentrated on the dance moves and finally put a stop to the stories so we could go through the routine again.

  “Everyone remember the Latin number from last night? That’ll be the first act again.” I glanced at Tiffany. “Anyone bother to show you how it goes?”

  “Donna did. She’s been a big help.” Tiffany smiled at Donna. “I think I’ve got it. What the heck are the feathers for though?”

  “They’re because I paid a hell of a lot of money for them, that’s what.” Manny stepped up. “Use them another week or two then I’ll let you drop them. That okay, Gloria? We need more numbers too. People want variety. A reason to come back.”

  I pulled him away from where the girls were running through the first act one more time. “Yes, variety. But I’m not doing this for free. Are you pleased with what I’ve done so far?”

  “Yeah, I told you that.” He frowned. “What is this, a shakedown?”

  “Call it what you like. It takes time and creativity for me to put these numbers together. So far I’ve given you two great acts for free. Any more and you’ll have to put me on the payroll as choreographer. A salary, not just that pittance you pay for the waitress job.”

  “You gonna quit your waitressing gig?” He looked me over. “I heard you’re doing pretty good there. Making decent tips.”

  “I want to do both. Good salary as your creative director, I guess you could call it, and keep the waitress job.” I saw Tiffany stumble as she tried to master the routine and almost interfered. Luckily, Donna moved next to her and helped her pick up the steps.

  “You don’t want benefits, do you? I’m here to tell you–” Manny kept his eyes on the dancers, most of whom were already in costume, their breasts shaking to the Latin beat playing as they practiced.

  “No, not necessary.” I named a figure that I doubted he’d pay but considered it was a starting point for negotiations. To my surprise, he agreed on the spot.

  “Honey, I hated making up those dances and you’ve come up with two winners. It’s all yours.” He walked over to a locker and threw it open. It was filled with CDs. “Music you can pick from. Or do your own thing. I’d like at least one new dance a week, plus a Saturday night special. Something from the Fifties, Sixties or Seventies. People love nostalgia.”

  “So do I.” If he only knew. I’d lived through those decades and had had quite a time as a flower child in the sixties. “I love that music. Can’t wait. I just hope our dancers can keep up.” I saw Tiffany stumble again. “Is it hard to find good dancers?”

  “Off the strip? Topless? Almost impossible. I’m paying these dames pretty good, plus they have the chance to pick up change from the photo ops.” Manny frowned when Tiffany wiped away a tear. “That new one is a looker, but can’t dance for shit. I’d hate to replace her.”

  “Give her time. She’s nervous.” I stared at her and read her mind. Country girl who’d never done more than dance in a recital back home. This was making her so nervous she couldn’t tell her right foot from her left.

  “Donna, what do you think a shot of something from the bar would do for Tiffany? She’s wound really tight.”

  Donna grinned. “Bring us both a shot. I’ll make her drink it.”

  “Drink? Alcohol? Oh, I couldn’t.” Tiffany flushed. “I was raised strict. In the church.”

  “One drink won’t hurt you, hon, and might relax you. Trust me on this.” Donna nodded and I hurried away to get the bourbon Donna liked. It was no secret the dancer had a shot or two before she danced. Who could blame her? Dancing topless in front of strangers? Nerve-racking.

e toasted Tiffany then watched her wince as she downed the drink like she was taking medicine. Donna sighed. “Thanks, Gloria. That was the good stuff. Tiffany, report to Mae for makeup. She’ll cover those tits with her stardust. That’ll help you feel like you’re wearing something on them. Then get dressed. You’ll see. Glory made us a fun dance. Move to the music and you’ll forget those guys are out there watching. The lights are in your eyes, too. That helps. I love being part of a good show.”

  “I hope I do, too.” Tiffany eyed the empty shot glass. “That stuff didn’t taste half bad.” She ripped off her t-shirt and walked up to Mae. “Reporting for boob makeup.”

  Mae smiled. “I’ve got you, honey.” She picked up a sponge. “Why you’re the whitest white I’ve ever seen. “Cream Number Three for you.” She began to spray it over Tiffany’s full breasts which were pert and entirely natural if the way they moved when she shivered was any indication.

  “That’s cold.” She giggled. “When do I get the fairy dust?”

  “Fairy dust?” Donna laughed. “Drunk on one shot. She’s going to need a keeper.”

  I was very afraid Donna was right. I had to start my shift but I was aware that a novice like Tiffany was just the kind of girl Dom would notice. She was young, fresh and her blood had that divine smell of a rare type. I was still fighting my fangs and I’d had more than enough of Jerry’s blood recently. If Dom got near this sweet young thing? Well, I didn’t want to think about her future if I didn’t watch out for her.


  I was so busy taking drink orders, I didn’t have time to worry about the second dance until the music started. The lights went low except for those on the stage. That heavy beat made some of the men in the audience shout out with approval. I stepped back against the wall.

  “This is new.” Dom slipped in next to me with a vampire’s talent for stealth. I hadn’t heard him coming over the loud music but I’d smelled him instantly.

  “I just came up with it. Tell me what you think after they’re done.” I focused on the stage. Tiffany was staying next to Donna, half a beat behind the rest of the girls. She stumbled once, but she covered by adding a cute little hip thrust.

  “I see we’ve added a new girl.” Dom had noticed of course. “Not much of a dancer but a beauty.”

  “Yes. That’s Tiffany.” I dragged my gaze from the stage long enough to look at him. “She’s innocent, Dom. Leave her alone.”

  “Are you really telling me, your boss, what to do?” His smile wasn’t amused. “What are you not telling me about her?” He stared, obviously trying to read my mind. “Now I’m intrigued. I’ll have to see her after the show. Welcome her personally to the club. Like I did you.” He laughed when the brunette did her backbend. “Oh, my. Now we’re doing acrobatics. I may have to expand the stage.”

  I shook my head. The crowd was going crazy, loving every move. Even when Tiffany gave up doing the choreography and just stood there shaking her hips with her hands over her boobs, it didn’t seem to matter. Donna danced over to her and at least the hands came down. What a fiasco. But they all ended the song together and the applause and wolf whistles were deafening. A hit. As long as the dancers were topless and those little skirts had come off to reveal tiny G-strings, the men were happy.

  “I’d say it needs some work, but the audience loved it. Tiffany, you say. She looks pale enough to be one of us. How interesting.” Dom strolled over to where the dancers were leaving the stage to mingle with the audience. He was there to help Tiffany down the steps, murmuring something to her.

  I stayed busy taking drink orders and didn’t have time to watch what happened next. I had a full tray of empties and was headed for the bar when Donna put a hand on my back.

  “Did you see that?” She waved at the bartender. “Give me a shot of my regular.”

  “See what?” I slid the tray into an empty tub and got busy picking up my new orders.

  “Dom took Tiffany back to his office after he helped her into his jacket. I think he was just in time. She was horrified at having to walk around topless and was about to bolt.” Donna grabbed the shot the bartender slid to her and downed it. “She’ll be sorry. I’ve already made some serious cash.” She turned to go.

  “Wait. Where’s Tiffany now?” I couldn’t do a thing about it though. I had to finish my shift.

  “Still in Dom’s office, I guess. I haven’t seen them come out anyway.” Donna turned when a man waved at her. “Oh, photo time.” Her grin was real. “I love this job. Stand around and pose and the money rolls in.” She held the little plaid skirt in one hand. “I wish they’d let me put this back on though. I feel naked like this.”

  “You have a beautiful body, Donna.” I adjusted the collar of the white shirt Mae had fixed for them. It framed her breasts which sparkled with Mae’s fairy dust or stardust, whatever.

  “Thanks, Gloria.” Something sparked in her eyes. “We do need to go out together. Tonight?”

  “Not while my boyfriend is still in town. Next week.” I smiled to soften the rejection. “I’m considering a Country and Western song for the next dance. Think Manny would spring for cowboy boots?”

  “You need to hit the costume room. We have some back there. Lots of sizes, even some to fit a tall girl like me.” She held out one foot in her plain dancing heel. “Big feet. There are some cute fringe vests, too. Find us a current song with a good beat and do your thing.” Donna laughed when the bartender slid her another shot. “Thanks, Tony!” She threw it back and waved. “Off to pose.” She sauntered over to the table where three men stared at her like she was a juicy steak and they were starving.

  I shuddered. She had a lot of poise. She might hate walking around in next to nothing but she didn’t show it. She laughed and called for the photographer to take pix of her surrounded by the guys. When one made a grab for her boob, she twisted his arm in a move that would have made a wrestler proud. I had a feeling her Lee had taught her that one. The man cursed but backed off, nursing his wrist.

  She leaned down and said something to him that must have convinced him not to touch her again. Maybe she’d told him her boyfriend was “connected.” I’d heard her say that once. Threatening a customer with being dumped in the desert seemed to be her favorite way to discourage men who thought she was easy pickings.

  “When can you leave here?” Jerry had come up behind me while I watched Donna. “You look very serious. What’s the matter?”

  “I’m worried about our new girl. Dom has her in his office. He’s probably drinking from her right now. She was already pretty pale.” I looked around the club. Things were winding down and we were just a few minutes from closing time. Donna was the last dancer still getting her picture taken.

  “That’s his business, isn’t it? I’m sure he knows how much to take safely. The girl will be fine.” Jerry took my laden tray from me. “You don’t have to wash the glasses, do you?”

  “No, not my job.” I collected money from one more customer, then turned in my take for the night. I hadn’t pushed for photo opportunities so I had no extra money coming there. That was a worry for another night. “Actually, I’m done. I guess I can go.” I glanced at the hallway leading to Dom’s office. “Do you mind if I check on Tiffany?”

  “Tiffany. Like the jewelry company. I bought you something from there once. Do you still have it?” He took my hand, running his thumb over my wrist.

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry, but I sold it years ago. I hated to lose it, but I needed rent money and couldn’t figure out any other way to get it.” I did regret pawning that beautiful Tiffany bracelet. Jerry had always been generous. I’d learned early on that the gifts from a lover were how a mistress was able to make it through lean times. I’d never admit that taking jewelry from Jeremiah had been almost the same thing as selling myself.

  That thought made me lift my chin and turn away from him. If I started down that road of shame, I’d start crying. I couldn’t change the past. Better to deal with the present sit

  He held me back when I started down the hall. “Leave Dom alone. It really is his business who he uses as a blood source. We shouldn’t interfere.”

  “I feel responsible for Tiffany.” When I said it, I wondered…?

  “Why?” Jerry said it.

  “I don’t know. She’s an innocent, from the country. She has no idea what Dom is or what he can and will do to her.” I looked around. No one could hear us but I moved closer to the office just in case. Donna had finished with her men and she’d left. They were paying Barb, the other waitress, and now the club was clearing out. The lights on the stage were dark and customers got the hint. Last call.

  “He’ll satisfy himself, erase her memory and send her on her way, no harm done.” Jerry put his hands on my shoulders. “It’s what we do, Glory. You know this. Why the sudden stab of conscience? Vampires crave blood. Sure, we have the synthetics, but most of us, especially the ancient ones like you and me, enjoy a taste of the real deal from time to time.” He kissed my forehead. “I admit, I don’t drink synthetics if I can help it. I still prefer hunting for my supper.”

  “Jerry! We’re supposed to be civilized now.” I also hated to think of him risking being caught on a surveillance camera somewhere. It was the main reason most vampires stuck to synthetics. “It’s one thing to see books about vampires, or movies, but if people suspect we’re real…”

  “Fuck civilized.” He grinned. “I’m careful. I admit the danger makes me feel alive.”

  “You won’t be if you accidentally approach the wrong person. You know there are vampire hunters. I’ve heard the stories about them.” I hit his chest. “Why take such a risk?”

  “What’s all the noise out here?” Dom came strolling out of his office, his arm around Tiffany. She had a bemused expression on her face. I knew that look. Dom had mesmerized her, taken blood from her, then planted some false memory in her mind to erase what had truly happened. Hadn’t I done that to mortals back when there had been no choice but to stalk them and take their blood if I wanted to survive?


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