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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

Page 12

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “Threatened an innocent dog? Why?” Tiffany stood, her glittery breasts trembling in outrage.

  “Doesn’t like animals. Called him a mangy cur. I told him I wouldn’t work here if Valdez couldn’t stay in the break room.” It wasn’t a lie.

  “Why, that does it. I’m cancelling our date. I don’t want anything to do with a man who isn’t an animal lover. I think it says something about their, I don’t know, soul.” She tapped her heart, like this was a lesson learned for her.

  “You are so right, Tiffany.” I had to agree with her. Man or woman, if a person couldn’t treat a helpless animal right, they sure weren’t going to be good to another human being. “See you later. Good luck with the dance.”

  “No worries. Donna helped me practice this afternoon. I think I’ve got it down. I was on the cheer squad in high school. Before I dropped out.” She sighed. “Another thing I did for love, quitting school. Big mistake. Now I’m studying for my GED.”

  “That’s good, Tiffany.” I had to admire her. It wouldn’t be easy fitting that in with the schedule here.

  “Listen, Gloria. This gig here is temporary.” She clutched my hand. “I live in fear my mama is going to find out I’m showing my titties to the world. I need a different kind of job where I wear clothes. Maybe work with computers.” She sighed. “I know I don’t look it. Hell, even the dog is giving me the eye. But I’m good with stuff like that. Aced the technology classes before I dropped out.”

  “There’s no shame in dancing to make an honest living, Tiffany.” I gave Valdez a warning tap on the head before I went on to the bar. I believed what I’d said. The dancers were working hard and using what they had to keep a roof over their heads. I admired them for the courage it took to show their bodies each night to a bunch of men who called out remarks to them that made me want to rip out their throats. Animals.

  “You look ready to bite off someone’s head. What’s up?” Caroline approached me as I was picking up an empty tray with napkins on it.

  “Hi. Aren’t you supposed to be in Dom’s office, impressing him?” I smiled at her. She looked about twenty but had to be pretty old to have accomplished as much as her grandmother claimed. Shape-shifters aged slowly.

  “Done. He’s hiring me. Likes the idea of, and I quote, ‘a pretty girl watching his back’, unquote.” She looked around the club. “Gran and Pops are working out details for the Halloween gig.”

  “The big tasting bash.” I scanned the room. The few customers who had arrived had already been served by Barb, the other waitress. This might be a slow night. “What do you think of this place?”

  “Not impressed. Though Dom is surprisingly sharp. Attractive too.” She smiled. “Gran would not like for me to notice that. And I won’t, on the job.”

  “Of course. This place is too far off the main drag here. But the girls are doing the best they can. Wait till you see the show. Topless.” I shuddered.

  “What were you looking so angry about when I walked up?” Caro wasn’t going to let it go. She was like her grandmother in that way.

  “The audience. Wait and see. The men who come here tend to be creeps. Maybe they’ve been run out of the nice places on the Strip.” Caro looked confused so I explained. “Those neon signs you saw outside your hotel, heck your hotel itself is on the Strip. That’s the street where the really nice casinos and showrooms are. The Velvet Slipper obviously isn’t close to it. You had to have noticed that when you drove here.”

  “Yes, we did. Pops used the GPS in the rental car or we never would have found this place.” She looked around in the dim lighting. “It seems okay, smaller than the showroom in our hotel. That place is huge.” She laughed. “I think Pops was hoping for the dancers there to be topless like you advertise here.”

  “Sorry Fergus was disappointed.” I made myself smile at a man who kept staring at my own bra top. Tips, Glory . “Unfortunately, we get a lot of men who hope the topless thing means the women are for sale. I don’t mind being looked at, the outfit guarantees that, but I’d like to see some respect, know what I mean?” I nodded when a new arrival waved at me and pantomimed drinking. “I’d better get to work. See you later.”

  “I’m not a bouncer, but I’ll keep an eye out. No respect?” She fisted her hands and straightened her shoulders as if ready to rumble. “I’ll show them respect.”

  I chuckled, suddenly in a better humor as I went over to wait on the customer. My good mood vanished when he tried to tuck a twenty between my breasts.

  “What do you think you’re paying for, bud?” I jerked it out and threw it in his face.

  “A look at a fine pair of jugs, babe.” He grinned. “Why so sensitive? You gonna take that top off when the show starts?”

  “There a problem here?” Caroline walked up, her face grim. She wore a pair of black pants and a black shirt, with a padded vest over it. I bet she had a weapon tucked under it.

  “Yeah, I got a problem. This chick won’t take my drink order.” The man waved the twenty. “Scotch on the rocks, sweet cheeks.”

  “Touch her again and it’ll be you on the rocks, outside in the parking lot. You get me?” Caro leaned down, her voice was hard and her hand gripped his shoulder. Whatever pressure she used on him was enough to make him squeak. “Glory, you on the way to get that drink?”

  “Yep.” I snatched the twenty and walked away, hiding my grin. Sweet cheeks? I’d take it. “Thanks, Caro.”

  The night wore on. The dancers did a better job with the songs and between dances the photographer was busy taking pictures. I got lucky and had my picture taken a few times, my face aching from my fake smiles.

  Fergus and Maggie settled at a table before the first dance and stayed through the second. They were joined by Dom who waved me over.

  “Glory, tell the bartender to bring us drinks from my private cellar. He’ll know what to pour.” Dom grinned when Caro walked up. “How do you like my new bodyguard?”

  “She’s terrific.” I turned to walk away, sure my face was flaming. I hated that I had to be seen by my old friends in my flimsy waitress costume. Tonight’s bra top was another push-up that made what the customer had called my “jugs” seem enormous. Then there were the skimpy shorts that left my rear exposed. No wonder I was treated like a slut.

  “Glory!” Maggie was out of her seat. “Don’t be embarrassed.” She walked with me to the bar. “I think you look good.” She squeezed my shoulders. “A little obvious, but you’ve got the figure for it.”

  I slammed my empty tray on the bar. “This is why I need to get away from here, sooner rather than later. You think I like flaunting myself this way? Unfortunately, it was the only job I could get that paid decently and didn’t require daylight hours.” I waved down the bartender. “Dom needs three glasses of his special drink for service at table three right away.” I turned to Maggie. “How do you like it? Hot or cold?”

  “Cold. We’re in the desert. We’ll take our drinks cold tonight.” She studied me from head to toe. “Relax. No judgement here.”

  “You heard her, Ray. Three cold ones.” I leaned against the bar while I waited. “This is not the kind of business I want. You’re on to something with the vintage clothes. I need to find more, though, if I want to stock a shop.” I turned to pick up the tray. The smell of the fine synthetic tempted me like none of the other drinks I’d already delivered had. This was another reason why I had to get together money fast. I wanted to be able to afford luxuries such as premium synthetics in my own fridge.

  “You’ll have to buy from people who need to sell their old clothes. Clothes in good condition. Haunt thrift stores too. You might get lucky and find some good things.” Maggie walked me back to the table. “I wish you could sit down and join us.”

  “No, I’ve got to get back to work. I hope you enjoy the show.” I set the glasses down in front of each of them. “Fergus, how did you like the first dance?”

  He grinned, carefully keeping his eyes fixed in the vicinity of my eyebrow
s. “Loved it. Beautiful women and Latin moves? Dom says you choreographed it. Nice job, Glory.”

  “Thanks. But the steps were really basic. Nothing compared to what you saw at your hotel. Caro told me you went to a show there last night.” I held my tray in front of me like a shield and I saw Fergus relax.

  “Yes, we did. Both had beautiful ladies. We just get to see more of them here.” Fergus leaned away from Maggie as if expecting her to hit him.

  “He’s right. You have a smaller stage but we’re closer here.” Maggie pinched her husband on the arm. “Fergus obviously prefers this venue.”

  “We can’t compete with the big hotels. But I thought it was a great show.” Dom sipped his drink. “Cold?”

  “Maggie requested it.” I nodded toward her.

  “Okay then.” Dom smiled. “To a good and profitable association with the Turnbulls.” He held his glass out for a toast.

  What was that about? The three of them were smiling as they clinked glasses. Fergus sipped and grinned.

  “This is delicious. I will definitely be ordering some of it. Write down the name for me, Dom. As far as the show, Glory, the hotel had fancier costumes and some singer I never heard of, but you gave me bare breasts. Hard to beat that.” Fergus yelped when Maggie pinched him again. “Hey, you know I appreciate women.” He leaned over and nuzzled her neck. “Later I’ll show you how much.”

  “If you hope to show me anything later, you’d be wise, Fergus Turnbull, to quit carrying on about breasts and stick to business.” Maggie sipped her drink. “Aye. Six cases of this and six of the Peruvian we had in your office, Dom. We’ll be back for the tasting, of course. I can see that a distributorship might not be a bad thing. Getting synthetics like this at cost for ourselves would be a bonus. And then there are our connections with our customers. Right, Fergus?”

  I relaxed. Business with Dom. Vampire business. The Turnbulls could certainly afford to buy a distributorship for the synthetic blood. It would be another money maker for them. How nice.

  I said something appropriate then hurried away to take care of my own business. I’d make maybe a hundred bucks tonight while they were throwing around thousands on cases of blood. My old pal Maggie, who had been just as lonely and hungry as I’d been back when I’d met her, now took luxury for granted.

  I tried not to let that bother me. I was going to let it motivate me. It was past time for me to make a push to secure my future. Why, even Tiffany, who’d struck me as something of an airhead, was making decent decisions about her life. I was definitely slow in that department. No more excuses. No more “Poor Glory has to be dead all day, no wonder she can’t succeed in anything.” Nope, I had plenty of time each night to get busy. As soon as Jerry and the Turnbulls left, I’d concentrate on making cash and putting together inventory for my shop. Planning.

  The lights dimmed. I found a spot to watch the second show and was glad when Caroline joined me. I’d noticed she’d had a word with the bouncers and they also made a point of being seen on the floor when the dancers got photos taken with customers.

  “I like the way you’ve been watching out for the girls.” I whispered this when the music started.

  “If the customers know there’s security on alert, they will probably act better.” She grinned. “Oh, I love this song. You picked it?”

  “Yes, great beat, isn’t it?” I was tapping my toe as the dancers came out in sync for a change. “One more time! Yes, they got it together.” I was happy that even Tiffany managed to fling off her little plaid skirt on the beat.

  “Cute number.” Caro stepped away from me as the music ended. “It has the crowd worked up. That could be a problem. Those dancers aren’t wearing a damned thing, Glory.”

  “I know. Not my choice. I suggested they put the little skirt back on before they step off the stage. Some do it, some don’t. They make good money when they get photos made with a customer. Tips plus commission.” I picked up my tray when a customer waved at me. “Back to work.”

  “You limit drinks on these guys?” She followed me. “You know a drunk won’t show restraint.”

  “It’s hard to set a limit. Dom wants to make money. I can’t blame him for that. I do pay attention, though. We call a cab for anyone who tries to drive under the influence. Liability issues.” I smiled at the customer and walked over to take his order. Soon I was too busy to pay attention to Caro.

  When Jeremiah walked up behind me and slid his hand around my waist, I almost dropped my tray.

  “You should be paying closer attention to what’s going on around you.” He nuzzled my ear.

  I stepped away from him. “Don’t touch me. You’ll give the customers the idea that they can get away with stuff like that.”

  “Then let’s go.” He took the tray away from me and dropped it on the bar. Glasses clattered and one almost rolled off before he caught it. Vampire reflexes. “Seriously. I’m leaving tomorrow as soon as the sun sets. This is our last night together for a while.”

  “Are you trying to start a fight with me?” I stared up at him. “I’m on the job. I can’t just leave. Look around. There are thirsty customers and I need to take drink orders.”

  He did look around, his eyes widening when Donna took a hundred-dollar bill from a man then the photographer snapped a picture of her leaning against the customer. “Seriously? There are naked women walking around here. What the devil is this place? What are they selling?”

  I had to admit Donna had pushed the limits of what the girls were supposed to do. She’d pressed a bare breast against the man’s bicep. He slipped her another hundred as we watched and she whispered something in his ear, slapping his hand playfully when he gave her breast a squeeze.

  “She shouldn’t be doing that.” I grabbed an empty tray. “I need to take drink orders. Please sit with Fergus and Maggie until the club closes. It won’t be long now.” I touched his cheek. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “Oh, you will, will you?” He grinned then looked at his very expensive watch. It was new, one of those computer things that also sent him messages. “Very well.” He frowned when I lowered my tray. “Must you dress like that? You are showing entirely too much skin.”

  “It’s a costume, Jerry. Now, go. I’ll bring you a glass of Dom’s good synthetic. Hot or cold?”

  He kept staring at my breasts. “Hot.” His voice was low and full of meaning. “I like it hot.”

  I pushed him toward that table. I was hot. That man could warm me up with just a word. I told the bartender what I needed and carried it back to where Jerry had settled in with the other vampires. I was surprised the mortals in the room hadn’t noticed the power that seemed to come from that group. To me it was obvious. Each one of them could have easily drained dry more than one of the men around them. My friends were laughing and talking now, but the mood could turn on a dime. Vampires. Who knew what they could do?

  When a man cursed, a chair crashed and slid across the floor, and a woman screamed, all four of the vampires stood, ready to take care of business. Caro moved across the room at a dead run and even I was ready to jump into the fray. Especially when I saw who was in the middle of the fight.

  Two men were using their fists to pummel each other. A woman was trying not to get in the way. Or was she? I feared the worst when she picked up a champagne bottle. I doubted it was because she was thirsty.

  “Drop it, Donna!”

  She just looked at me and lifted it over her head, ready to swing.


  D onna looked eager to hit one of the men with that champagne bottle. I ran toward her, pushed her out of the way, then used my tray to knock the man across the room. He sailed so far, he hit the wall next to the entrance then slumped and fell to the floor.

  “My God, Gloria, how did you do that?” Donna stared at me.

  “Hey, I work out.” The sound of glass breaking behind me made me turn. In one of those slick shifter moves that you have to see to believe, Caroline jumped between two
men and slammed a hand in each of their faces. “Stop this!” Caro’s voice had the ring of authority.

  “Says who?” Naturally it was Lee who challenged her. He smacked her hand and she sent him staggering into a table. “That asshole was feelin’ up my woman. I’m givin’ him a beat-down. Stay out of it.” He grabbed for something to break his fall and only succeeded in sending the table over, drinks and all. The men who’d been sitting there enjoying the fight were suddenly not happy when their drinks landed in their laps.

  “Hey, watch what you’re doing!” One of them threw back his own chair. “You want to see a beat-down, come on.” He raised his fists like he was practicing with a heavy bag in a gym.

  Caroline lifted Lee up by his jacket and threw him into a chair.

  “Don’t you fucking move.” She glared at him and he was stupid enough to ignore her.

  “You try to keep me here. That’s my girl over there.” Lee made an effort to push her away and Caro gripped his shoulders.

  “Glory?” She glanced at me.

  I took Lee’s chin and stared into his eyes. “You can’t move.” I rarely mesmerized mortals but this one was easy. He stared straight ahead, ignoring the noise of two bus boys sweeping up glass and righting the table and chairs. The bouncers had cleared out anyone else who wanted to fight.

  “What’s wrong with him, Gloria?” Donna stared at her boyfriend.

  “I was checking his eyes. I think he’s on something. Let him sit there and sober up while you circulate and earn some money.” I guided her toward a table full of men who certainly seemed interested.

  “I bet you’re a lover, not a fighter.” Donna looked the first man up and down. “I just hate to see a good-looking guy all battered and bruised. How would that look in our picture?” She gestured to the photographer. “Al, get a shot of me with this guy. What’s your name, honey?” Since she was about a foot taller than the customer, her bare breasts were swaying near his nose. So far, he was speechless.


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