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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

Page 27

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “She makes a pretty bird.” Valdez followed me out of the room and down the stairs.

  “Shut up.” I said my good-byes then unlocked my car and pulled out my worn paper map of Las Vegas. It didn’t take long to get there. Odette lived in a mansion with a gate. Nice. I punched a button and said my name. That got me buzzed inside. I pulled into a circular drive and walked into a courtyard. The large double doors swung open and Odette stood there waiting.

  “I’m so glad you are here. Come, you can meet my lover. We were together in Europe and now he is here. He came in early for Dominic’s blood tasting. I was so happy to hear from him!” She was smiling widely and had changed from the casual outfit she’d had on at the Council House to a pretty dress in a jungle print. The shades of green matched her eyes and looked good with her long blonde hair. I had to think that dress would have suited me. Too bad she was wearing it instead of selling it.

  “This is a beautiful house, Odette.” I followed her with Valdez on my heels. There were marble floors, high ceilings and lots of space without too much furniture. What there was had an elegance that made me think of Europe. We moved into a living room with a gray velvet sofa and love seat. It sat on a rug that was a work of art with swirls of gray and burgundy. A pair of burgundy and gray striped chairs faced the sofa.

  Fine art was everywhere. Modern sculpture sat on the coffee table but the art was more old school. Somehow it all worked together.

  “It’s a rental. But I like it very well. Darling, come meet my new friend!” Odette called. “He is always so busy. His office is through that door.” She pointed to more double doors but one of them was open.

  A man pushed the other door open. “Why, yes, I was busy, but not so busy I can’t find time for you, my love.” He stopped and stared. “This is your new friend?”

  “Yes, Glory, um, Simpson. Is that right?”

  “No, it’s St. Clair. Isn’t it, Gloriana?” He walked up to me and took my hands.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes. How had this man ended up here? Coincidence? Or part of some horrible plan that would end up hurting me or Jerry?


  “ R obert MacDonald.” I hadn’t seen him in centuries. “What are the odds?”

  “Strange question to be asking in Las Vegas. We could probably find out with a quick call to the nearest casino.” He turned to Odette. “Darling, Gloriana and I have known each other for centuries. Her sire and I are bitter enemies.”

  “Oh, no! And I brought her to our home?” Odette clutched his arm. “I’m sorry, Robert.”

  She pronounced his name the French way, Ro-bear. I put my hand on Valdez’s head to keep him back. He’d started growling as soon as he heard the word “enemies.”

  “Stop, Valdez. Robert and I never fought. In fact, I’ve always liked you, Robert. I would hope after all these years that the feud between you and Jeremiah could be settled.”

  “You would think so. You’re right, you and I always got along quite well.” He smiled. “Sit, relax. Odette, don’t we have something to serve our guest?”

  “Yes, of course.” She hurried out of the room, throwing a glance back over her shoulder.

  “Odette says you’re in Las Vegas for Dominic’s blood tasting, Robert. Is that true?” I had to wonder if he had followed me or was stalking Jeremiah. If the feud was still on, anything was possible. “Have you been in America before?”

  “First, yes, I visit here frequently. Actually, my brother lives in America. I came to look around and met Odette a few years ago. Now she is after me to take her back to Paris. I am tempted since it is one of my favorite cities. When I heard about this blood tasting being held on All Hallows Eve, I decided it was worth a look. Do you know of it?”

  “Yes. In fact, I work for Dominic Mayer, the man who is organizing it. If you got an invitation, then you know he is selling franchises for premium brands of synthetic blood in various parts of the world.”

  “It piqued my interest.” Robert smiled when Odette returned carrying a tray with three goblets on it. “I assume this Mayer fellow has tied up this region around Las Vegas for himself.”

  “Oh, yes. He has from here to California.” I took a glass.

  “He took the Hollywood vampires? Clever of him.” Robert stared into his glass. “How about a toast? To meeting old friends.” Robert clinked his glass to mine. Then he turned to Odette and touched his to hers. “And making new ones, Odette. I think you and Gloriana will find you have much in common.”

  “You two were never lovers?” Odette said after we all sipped what proved to be one of Dom’s best Romanian synthetics.

  “Plain speaking, Odette.” Robert grinned. “No, we were not. I tried, but Jeremiah Campbell is a jealous sot. He would not share her or let her go.”

  “You also were married the last time I saw you.” I saw Odette’s eyes narrow. “That was four hundred years ago, Odette. I’m sure Fiona is either long dead or finally got her wish to become vampire and has moved on.”

  “Which is it, Robert?” Odette put down her glass.

  “This is what I love about Odette. She does not play games.” Robert put down his own glass and reached for her hand. “It is a long story, leannan . For another time. Let’s just say that Fi is well out of my life. I haven’t seen her in decades and have no desire to do so.”

  “So she is a vampire.” I played with my glass. “I liked her. I will say that, Odette. I’m glad she isn’t moldering away in a grave somewhere. She trapped Robert into that marriage. It was a sham. You have no reason to be jealous of her.” I stood. “Odette, I am dying to see your closet. That is why I came, right?”

  “Yes, it is.” She got up with a swish of skirts. “Are you still with your lover, Glory, this Jeremiah Campbell?” She smiled at Robert. “Will he be coming to the blood tasting?”

  “We are still together. At times.” I turned to Robert. “Yes. Jerry will be there. He’s going by Jeremy Blade these days. I hope you two can be in the same room together without trying to kill each other. He is interested in a franchise as well.”

  “Of course, he is.” Robert was up and drained his glass. “I foresee a bidding war. Damn him. Micah should have warned me about this.”

  “Micah. I met him. What is he to you?” I stopped next to Odette in the hall doorway.

  “A cousin. He is not a MacDonald but shares some of our blood. He also has some Campbell blood. That is why Jeremiah tolerates him. Someday trying to get along with both clans will get the man killed.” Robert shook his head. “He came to Las Vegas to look around before the tasting. He told me he met you.”

  “Yes, he helped me out of a bit of trouble then disappeared. I need to thank him.” No wonder I had noticed his good looks. Blood from both clans!

  “That is what Micah does.” Robert frowned. “You never know which side he will land on either.”

  “Men and their feuds.” Odette linked arms with me. “A woman would have settled such a thing centuries ago with a conversation over wine. Don’t you think, Glory?”

  “Yes, I do.” I was liking Odette more and more. “But then no one will tell me exactly what started it all.”

  Robert laughed. “Believe me, we don’t wish to fight, but sometimes that is the only way to settle our differences. Now I have work to do. Money to make.” He walked over and kissed my cheek. “Gloriana, it was good to see you. If you’re lucky, someday you will get to meet my brother Ian. He’s the brains of the family. He is in Texas of all places. Says it’s cheap to live there.” Robert walked toward his office. “Not that he has to worry about money. He’s richer than the rest of us put together.”

  “Come, Glory. Robert is a Scot and a pinch-penny. I will go through my jewels and sell you some.” Odette narrowed her gaze at Robert. “I hope we can come to terms. I need my own pocket money.”

  “Odette, I love you, but you seem to go through money like water. By all means, sell something. Learn the value of a dollar and make room in your closet.” Robert nodded an
d disappeared into his office.

  Odette huffed before walking into the elaborate master suite. I followed her, trying to concentrate on business. Robert MacDonald. Micah Something. Jerry had always hated anyone from the MacDonald clan because of an ancient feud that he would never explain beyond claims of stolen cattle. Neighbors raiding neighbors. It all seemed so foolish with such a passage of time. Now both Robert and Jerry would be after franchises at the blood tasting. It would be beyond foolish if they both bid on the same areas. I needed to talk to Jeremiah. Warn him.

  “Glory, look. Don’t you think someone would die for these earrings?” Odette was rifling through a jewelry box and held up some gold loops.

  “They’re perfect and would be easy to sell. Put them aside. When we get a pile together, I’ll make a bid for the lot.” I’d learned from Karla how to negotiate. She was a shrewd businesswoman.

  Odette and I toured what was a fabulous closet. I resisted dresses and all kinds of clothing and concentrated on accessories. I didn’t have much room left in my storage unit and really couldn’t afford to rent another one. Still, I’d ended up with a pile of scarves, bags and jewelry when we realized we were running out of time before dawn.

  “You don’t have to go home. It’s late. You can spend the day here, Glory. Your shifter is here and we have many extra bedrooms. All the windows are automatically covered by special shades once dawn arrives. It is very safe.” Odette packed the treasures into a bag from a high-end boutique. “Don’t worry about paying me now. We can get together tomorrow night.”

  That suited me because I would need tomorrow’s tips to pay her anyway. “Fine. I’ll stay. Show me where I can spend my death sleep.” I saw Valdez still waiting for me by the door, always close. “My shifter will stay with me, inside the room. I hope there’s a lock on the door.”

  “Of course.” Odette smiled. “I understand your concern. I would ask for the same, staying in a new place.” She held out her hand. “Come. I will show you.”

  I followed her upstairs to a beautiful suite of rooms. The master bedroom had been downstairs. This was obviously reserved for guests. There were towels set out in a luxurious bathroom but I would have to wear the same clothes I had on now once I woke tomorrow night.

  “We are much the same size, Glory, though you have more bosom. If it would work, I would do what women can these days,” she held her hands out in front of her chest, “implants!” Then she shook her head. “But then I think what would happen during death sleep? Would they pop out? Explode? I am afraid to try.” Odette was obviously reading my mind. “Don’t worry, I will bring you an outfit to wear home tomorrow. You can keep it.” She gave me a quick hug.

  “Thanks, Odette. Robert was right. Nothing ever happened between us and nothing ever will. I’m still in love with my sire, Jeremiah Campbell.” I looked into her eyes when I said this.

  “I wouldn’t blame you if you are attracted to Robert. He is handsome and has that wicked twinkle in his eyes that draws a woman. I’m sure you know what I mean.” She still stared at me. “He certainly seems attracted to you.”

  “He flirts, it’s harmless.” But I did know what she meant. I was sure that was one reason Jeremiah would never consider settling his differences with the man. He was jealous of my friendship with Robert.

  She looked me up and down. “Why, we could almost pass for sisters. Does that mean Robert has a type?” She shrugged. “If you are in the mood, join us downstairs. Three in a bed is an adventure. I know Robert would enjoy it. We have done it before.”

  I was speechless. I finally stammered out a thank you for the offer of clothes and left it at that. Three in a bed? One of them the handsome and, I had to admit it, the very appealing Robert MacDonald? Yes, I’d always been attracted to him. But I’d never been attracted to the idea of a threesome. Obviously, Odette wasn’t bothered by the idea of sharing her man as long as she knew I wasn’t in the market for a permanent arrangement.

  I posted Valdez at the door and enjoyed the hot water in a shower that had plenty of jets, some in interesting places. I kept thinking about that threesome. No, it wasn’t in my wheelhouse. By the time I’d wrapped myself in the fluffy robe I’d found hanging on the back of the door, I knew dawn was near and couldn’t imagine anyone having the time or energy for lovemaking.

  Odette had left a filmy nightgown on the foot of the bed and hung a red dress in the closet. I checked the size tag and knew that it would fit because it was the kind that had a wrap front. Now whether it would show a lot of skin when tied, I’d have to find out in the morning.

  I told Valdez to turn his back and slipped into the silky gown then crawled into bed. Egyptian cotton sheets. Whatever Robert did to afford all this luxury, I had to admire his good taste. Or was this all Odette’s doing? I didn’t care, I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the soft pillow and the comfortable bed.

  “You weren’t tempted by Odette’s offer?” Valdez stood next to the bed.

  I opened my eyes. “Which one?”

  “You know which one. The threesome. You think I couldn’t pick up on the vibe between you and MacDonald? Careful there. I was warned about Jeremiah’s enemies before I took this job. In case you didn’t know it, shifters are briefed when they sign on. I wasn’t about to be blindsided by someone who had an ax to grind with your sire.”

  “I’ll say this. The last time I saw Robert, he was trying to make peace between the clans. The king had ordered it.” I yawned, my eyelids heavy. “Jerry wasn’t in a peace-making mood.”

  “Seems like there will probably be some kind of showdown at the Halloween party.” Valdez chuckled. “Dom won’t be happy. But then again, if they start a bidding war, it will jack up the price. Dom will come out a winner in that case.”

  “Only if things stay civilized. Dom has decided the tasting will be a costume party. He claims ancient vampires love a chance to dress up. The problem is that it gives them a chance to add a weapon to their outfit. If either of them brings a sword or a knife to the party, it could all turn into one big mess. I was counting on big tips from this event.” I rolled to my side.

  “You might be lucky to come out of it unharmed.” Valdez shook his furry head. “There’s nothing you can do about it except warn Dom of what’s coming.”

  “Right. Now go guard the door. I don’t want to wake up with Odette and Robert in bed with me.”

  “You sure? I could see you were tempted.” He did trot to the door and hit the lock with his nose. “A monkey could jimmy this lock. You’re not very safe here.”

  “Sure I am. I’ve got my shifter on duty.” I smiled then fell into sleep.

  “That dress looks better on you than it did on me.” Odette met me in the hall when I came out the next night. “I don’t have enough bust for it.”

  “I have too much.” I had tried to wrap it tight, but it would simply not go all the way across. I was showing a lot of cleavage.

  “Robert will like it.” Odette led the way down the stairs. “Don’t forget the things you picked out before you leave.”

  “Robert does like it.” He smiled up at us. “You both look very beautiful this evening. Too bad you have to rush off to work, Gloriana. Odette was supposed to try to persuade you to stay and play.” He slid his gaze over my breasts, exposed by that dress.

  “That was never going to happen, Robert. But thanks for allowing me to spend the day here. The room was lovely.” I kissed his cheek, dancing away from him when he reached for me. “Odette, I will call you and we can meet so I can pay you.” I picked up the tote. “This was fun.”

  Odette walked me to the door. “I will be with Robert when Dominic has his Halloween party. I will see you there?”

  “Yes, of course.” I realized it was only a week away. “If you don’t mind waiting, I can pay you then.” I opened the front door and let Valdez go first.

  “That’s fine, Glory.” Odette lost her smile. “You swear there was nothing between you and Robert?”

  “No, nothin
g.” I touched her hand.

  “Good.” She stepped back and closed the door abruptly.

  I looked down at Valdez. “Guess I’ll be seeing them on Halloween.”

  “Guess so.” He walked ahead of me to the car, on the alert. “Nice place. Short term rental, they say. Another shifter came by while you were dead to the world. MacDonald doesn’t plan to stay past Halloween. Odette let go of her old place in Las Vegas when she hooked up with him. If she doesn’t go with MacDonald when he leaves, she might be looking for a roommate too. Obviously, she has expensive tastes.”

  “And a lot of luggage. No wonder she wanted to sell a few things. Unless she’s got plenty of money, she’s going to have to rent a storage unit or find a place with a huge closet just for her clothes.” I opened the car door for Valdez. My old Suburban looked pretty sad in front of the mansion where I’d spent the day.

  Apparently, Odette was dependent on her man for a place to live and perhaps an income. I could relate. That was why I was so determined to get my own business off the ground and make it successful. Jeremiah was generous and liked having me around, but we’d butted heads from time to time. He was always the man in charge, in control of his businesses and the people around him, me included. He decided where we lived. If he acquired a new hotel or casino, he’d just announce it and I was expected to start packing. That had happened to me one too many times.

  Then there was his lusty nature. I had one too but I reserved my lust for him. He claimed he just liked to look at other beautiful women when we were together but his heart belonged to me. And yet, as soon as we decided to take a break, he managed to get a new woman in his bed right away. So easily! I hated that about him.


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