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Page 37

by Lexi Hots

  “You are not a prisoner, child.” He said slowly, placing the platter before her. “Eat and gather strength. You are not what you pretend to be, Sienna… I can tell.”

  “Oh, so you also have the power of witches and warlocks now.” She smiled slyly and licked her lips. “What are you going to do to me here… great chief? Are you going to bewitch me?”

  “You are in need to know and honor the proud legacy of your clan, for what your father and his father before believed in and died for.” He said solemnly, placing a hand over his massive chest.

  “And do you believe in the same.” She asked, her emerald eyes sparkling in the low fire he lit in the hearth.

  “I… I do.” He exhaled heavily. “And even though I have suffered more than most… I want only the best for our people.”

  “Yes, indeed.” She nodded, almost affectionately. “After all you are the chief… everyone looks up to you.”

  “What are you so hostile about, Sienna?” He looked at her directly. “What has driven you to do these things?”

  “Are we not free?” She glared at him. “To live as we want. Why must I be confined to ways dictated by millennia long traditions that have no place in the changing world of today?”

  “Yes, we are free.” He said resolutely. “Yet to survive this harsh world, we must keep together as a group and a clan. Strength in numbers, unified as one we are stronger than we can be alone. And we need certain rules in place to keep us together as equals.”

  “But that gives you no right to impose upon those who want nothing of your ways.” She gritted her teeth, fingering the edge of the platter before her.

  “As a clan, Sienna, we are diminishing, and we need every one we have to keep ourselves strong.” His voice was heavy with remorse. “Young men and women are necessary for the survival of our people.”

  “Yes, we are diminishing.” She nodded glumly. “But we can do so much more if all the squabbling clans can unite as one… and live together in peace.”

  “That is a naïve notion only a child can hope for.” He shook his head. “The lands grow ever smaller as we take from it. Integrating with other clans will hasten our demise.”

  “You only think selfishly for our own…” She countered hotly.

  “And do you think that the others do not…” He gave her a look of annoyance. “Every clan only cares for its own. And were you not such a fool to believe that boy, you could see what I say is true.”

  “That boy whom you killed.” She cried, memories of Muriel filling her mind. “He was the chief’s son and he promised me…”

  “The boy lives, and his promises are but wisps in the air,” Kane snorted.

  “All he wants is you writhing under him.”

  “And what do you want?” She demanded of him.

  “I want you to be honorable to our clan and wed Daren.” He sighed, knowing well what her response would be.

  “Daren is a fool and I would not wed him if he were the last man alive.” She gave concurrence to his expectation.

  “He is a great warrior; he does his late father and my best friend, Goran Han, proud.” Kane said with conviction.

  “Then you should wed him.” She laughed. “Since you admire him so much.”

  “Your mind is addled.” He shook his large head. “What manner of strange berries and herbs have you been eating?”

  “More than you know, great hunter.” She retorted. “I am living a life, unlike you, who is no better than the dead.”

  “Why seek you to persistently mock me?” He said coldly. “Does the loss of your father vex you so to show your ire on me, for taking his mantle as chief?”

  “Do not speak of my father.” Sienna’s green eyes flashed. “You are half the man he was.”

  “I am in agreement on that accord.” He accepted gracefully. “Yet you dishonor him greatly with your constant insurgent behavior.”

  “What would you know of insurgence, Garth Kane?” She laughed mockingly. “You’ve only lived a life ordered by rules and restraint?”

  “Rules and restraint have kept us strong, as a clan.” He accentuated his claim with a ham sized fist thump on his broad chest.

  “And yet we lessen in number each winter.” She rolled her eyes at him.

  “All the more reason you are needed among us.” Kane leaned closer and touched the platter.

  “As what, a birthing device?” She twisted her lips in disgust.

  “As a member of the Clan.” He pressed, holding up the platter to her.

  “And why do you not fulfill that obligation?” She stared into his pale blue eyes. “Or are you not capable of siring offspring?”

  “I am not the one in need to this remedy…” He almost snapped at her.

  “And why not?” The redhead asked him with a show of concern. “What prevents you from contributing to the future of the clan you are so proud of?”

  “I honor my wife…” He looked down at the cold stone floor of the cellar.

  “Your wife is dead… but you are not.” She replied dryly.

  “She lives in my heart.” He clutched at his chest emotionally.

  “And you called me naïve?” She laughed out loud. “Tell me the truth; you are unable to sire a child. You have not enough of the seed a man requires to…”

  “Sienna!” He controlled himself with difficulty.

  “It is told that even after three years your wife was not able to conceive,” She went on mockingly. “…perhaps that is what killed her, the shame of being wife to a man who…”

  “Silence!” He roared, unable to take anymore. “Your impudence must be harnessed… or else…”

  “Or else what?” She challenged him, smiling boldly. “You will not surely slay me.”

  “What?” He stood up, pointing a trembling finger at her. “No! But be warned… you are exceeding your boundaries and there is so much a man can…”

  “It is told that nothing hurts more than the truth when given openly.” She leered at him.

  “You have been warned, woman.” His entire frame shook with rage.

  “Ah, it pleases me that you see me as a woman now and no longer a child.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

  “A child, yes… that you are… and you must be treated as such.” His eyes went wide and a malevolent lust misted over them. “The switch, your tender bottom shall feel the sting of the switch wielded by my mighty hand.”

  “Oh, yes, yes… O, great hunter and mighty switch wielder.” She goaded him on, holding out her arms to him. “My soft and tender buttocks are in need of your loving care.”

  “Brazen woman, you force my hand.” He snarled and clutched around at the air in frustration.

  “So what stays it…?” She purred shamelessly. “Lay your hand on my brazen buttocks… or are you incapable of that as well?”

  “Arrgghh!” Kane growled like the very bear he resembled as he grabbed the laughing young woman and threw her over his knees.

  He pushed her elk skin coat up and pulled down her breeches. Oblivious of the smooth white skin of her well rounded buttocks, blinded by his rage, he brought down his enormous, battle callused hand hard. She bit down on her lip firmly and could not stop the tears. The stinging blow was more painful than anything she had ever felt in her life, but she didn’t cry out. Her body trembled as he struck her again and again. She knew she wouldn’t be sitting down well for a while, and yet something about this was strangely enjoyable. She wanted to feel his hard hand strike her again and again. Along with the pain, a strange sensation of pleasure coursed through her with every strike.

  After about a dozen blows, Kane exhaled deeply and paused, his large hand resting on her smarting buttocks. Absently he let his thumb caress the smooth soft flesh as he came to his senses. He looked down at her semi-nakedness and gasped. In his mad rage, he didn’t realize he had stripped her halfway and assaulted her. A deep sense of shame washed over him and he quickly covered her exposed flesh and pushed her off his knees. Rising swif
tly he ran out of the cellar and locked the door, ignoring her whimpering sobs that strangely sounded like laughter.

  “A drink… I need a drink.” He stumbled around the house. “Mead… Wine… anything.”

  He found a small clay jug and emptied the contents in one swift motion. It was not enough, barely leaving an aftertaste on his lips. He calmed down and glanced over his shoulder. There was a lot more wine and mead in the cellar but he wasn’t ready to go down there anytime soon. That hell-spawned woman had made him lose his mind. It would be a while before he could consider going down there again.

  “I need fresh air… to clear my head.” He grunted and rushed outside.

  It was dark already and the stars were twinkling in the clear sky. A strange night, he thought, different from the usual cloud covered ones that lasted a few hours so far up north. His head felt light for a while and he sat down on the hard packed ground outside his hut. Visions of Julia filled his mind and he drifted off, slumping down on his side right over the stone steps of his home. Anyone looking at him would smile at the sight of the great chief on another one of his drunken stupors. Only this time, he wasn’t quite as drunk.

  When he woke up, it was still dark, and the clouds were back where they were supposed to be. He couldn’t see the stars anymore. A dream, he thought and looked around. But the memory of what happened in the cellar a while ago was too clear to have been a dream. He shook his head and got to his feet. A fear crept into his heart, fear of what he had done. He had to go down and check on her. He had never behaved in such a manner with another before, least of all a woman almost half his age. Praying for redemption to the gods of frost and snow, he made his way back inside and anxiously opened the cellar door. Half expecting her to come flying out, he braced himself, but nothing happened. Perhaps she was asleep this time.

  He stepped inside and over to the bed. The fire had run out and the cellar was cold once more. He lit the fire again and waited for the pale glow to fill the room. She was on the bed; he could see her shape in the dim light. The platter was still on the floor, though it was empty. She had eaten the meat and that made him feel a little better.

  “So you are back.” She whispered, startling him a little. “Do you have more… for me?”

  “Uh… yes, I will fetch you some more venison.” He stepped back toward the door.

  “I meant more punishment, great chief.” Her voice was strangely soothing. “Come closer, I am in need…”

  “I have no requirement to punish you further.” He said with a hint of regret. “I… if I may, please accept my apologies.”

  “Oh, the great chief humbled by a mere wisp of a girl?” She taunted. “What would your late wife have to say?”

  “Please, do not torment me any further.” He stared at her imploringly.

  “What you did to me was worse.” She said, almost in tears.

  “I am truly ashamed of my…”

  “Are you, truly?” She rose off the bed and dropped the covers.

  “Yes, I am…” He nodded and looked up.

  His heart skipped a beat and he froze in place. She was standing before him completely naked and her large green eyes looked at him with longing. He felt his head spinning and needed to sit down. But the only furniture in the cellar was the bed, and she was right beside it.

  “Chief…” She said, smiling now. “I have decided to heed your pleas to remain with the clan and make it stronger.”

  “But… but why are you… put on your garments before you catch a cold.” He stammered, struggling to keep his head straight.

  “So much care and concern, great chief.” She grinned, caressing her naked breasts. “We are all not children, you know, and you must stop treating us as so.”

  “Sienna, have you gone mad?”

  “No, Garth.” She took a step toward him. “I have stopped being mad.”

  “But… you… you’re…”

  “I am in need, Garth.” She said seductively. “As much as you are… no one can measure up to you, great chief, I need you... and I know that you need me.”

  “You’ve lost what ever mind you had.” He laughed nervously.

  “Yes, I have lost it to you.” She pressed on. “When your firm hand fell on me, I knew it right then that no other hand shall touch my tender skin… no other man shall come near me.”

  “But, Sienna… you must be wed to Dar…”

  “Be silent, chief.” She purred, almost upon him. “I have felt your desire for me rising up from beneath when your firm hand fell upon my smarting behind. Your mind might be clouded, but your body knows what it wants.”

  “I… no, it can’t be… I must be going mad.”

  “Yes, great chief… let us go mad for one another together.” She grasped his hands and placed them on her naked breasts. “Touch me again, I want it… I want your strong hands on me.”

  Kane recoiled as if struck by lightning, drawing his hands away. He took a step back and tripped over his own large feet and fell. She fell on top of him, laughing loudly. Her lips met his and she kissed him. Unable to push her away, he ended up groping at her naked flesh, exciting the aroused young woman even more.

  “Oh, Garth… Garth Kane, the great chief of our clan.” She wailed. “Deny yourself no more… deny me no more… I want you, Garth… and you want me.”

  It was true. Kane could fight it no longer. This brazen and brash young woman had made him feel like no other, not even his beloved Julia. He pleaded for forgiveness, but he was a man of flesh and blood and thirteen years of abstinence by a man of his strength and prowess was more than enough penance for one night of forbidden passion.

  “Sienna…” He groaned as her hands explored his massive body, tugging away at the deer-skin shirt and breeches. “Oh, this is so wrong…”

  “Only if you believe it so, war chief.” She purred as she released him from the confines of his clothing. “There is no wrong done when a man and woman are in agreement with their need for each other.”

  He didn’t reply, his trembling body giving in to her advances without any more objection. Her hands, small and soft yet firm, felt good and he savored her touch. Her laughter was softer than before as she held his arousal in her hands, her green eyes lit with admiration.

  “Oh, chief… you are great indeed.” She said, licking her moist lips and marveling at his throbbing hardness in her hands.

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, filling her senses with the virile musky odor of his manliness. Unable to resist the urge to take him in her mouth, she lowered her head and her lips closed over the dense pear-sized head. She heard him gasp and stiffen. His large hand reached for her head in reflex and he caressed her hair. She knew then he was hers.

  Sienna swirled her tongue around the pulsing cockhead a few times, before taking more of the foot long hardness in. He cried out, more than a dozen years of restraint falling away like the snow off a rocky ledge. She stroked the entire shaft lovingly and flicked her tongue over the deep slit of his cockhead. His loud moan echoed around the cellar as he caved in to the sensations he denied himself for so long. She caressed his hot flesh, bringing him to the brink, her delicate fingers teasing the sensitive skin of his gonads. His groan of pleasure satisfied her and she excitedly anticipated his imminent release. The hot gush of his orgasm exploded inside her mouth, making her gag and her eyes water. She felt a surge of joy course through her and struggled to swallow all of his offering. He seemed endless as wave after wave of his release emptied into her eager mouth. He kept caressing her hair and moaning, telling her how good he felt.

  “Ah, now that we have eased your pain.” She smiled, releasing his spent organ and licking her fingers. “…you will see things in clearer light.”

  “Sienna… you have… I couldn’t control…” He whispered, almost in apology.

  “Great chief, get a hold of yourself.” She grinned, gently stroking him back to life. “Do you consider yourself beaten… by this mere wisp of a girl?”

bsp; “I… please…” He drew himself away from her.

  “Will you not avenge yourself?” She purred, eyeing him with lust and following him as he backed away. “Will you not do unto me as I have done to you? Come, great chief… let not my faith in you be completely gone. Take me; show me you are the man that I have always dreamt about.”

  “I… you, you have awakened hidden demons in me, woman.” He rose swiftly, pushing her away. “May the gods strike me down, I have been weak.”

  “You were weak before, Garth.” She said, sprawling herself down on the bed and spreading her legs wide, the dampening sheets under her speaking volumes of her arousal. “Now show me your true strength, take me… lead the clan by example, sire your firstborn with me.”


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