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Page 67

by Lexi Hots

  Valerie helped Sara hobble over to the bleachers, where the coach met her and asked if she was alright.

  Sara nodded and told the coach that she would be fine, but asked to be excused from the rest of the practice, knowing that any attempt to work it out here on the field would be futile and would most likely lead to more embarrassment.

  The coach agreed and told Valerie to watch after her. Valerie nodded and the two of them left the field.


  Back in their dorm later, Valerie was doing her best to take good care of her friend. She brought her an ice pack and stayed with her for a long while.

  After a time, Valerie asked, “Are you feeling any better?”

  Sara shrugged and answered, “It’s okay. If you have stuff to do, go ahead…”

  “No,” she shook her head, “That isn’t it. I was just going to say, if you weren’t any better by tomorrow, my mom has a friend who is a professional masseuse. She works around here. If you want, I could see if she could get you in tomorrow?”

  Sara thought about it for a moment, since that sounded like it could do her some good all around, but then quickly decided, “No. I can’t do that. I don’t have the money…”

  “You can come after hours…I do it all the time,” Valerie smiled, “She will do the massage for free if I talk to her and I am sure she is going to really like you.” She shrugged, “Who knows, you might become a regular.”

  Sara considered it again, “I don’t know…” The thought of a woman rubbing her hands all over her body made Sara uncomfortable.

  “It feels fantastic,” She answered, “I swear that Camilla has magical hands.” Valerie waged her fingers in front of her for effect.

  Sara then glanced down at her leg, which still seemed swollen, despite the intermittent icepack treatment and considered to weigh up her options.

  “What could it hurt, really?” Valerie encouraged.

  Sara shrugged, “I guess you’re right.” Then she smiled and asked, “What time should we go?”

  Valerie returned her shrug before answering, “I don’t know…Six, seven? I’ll talk to Camilla.”

  Sara nodded, “Sounds good to me.”


  The next day, despite herself, Sara was looking forward to the massage. She had never actually had one formally before and therefore, despite her slight discomfort, she was curious about how it was going to feel.

  Who knows…maybe Valerie is right and I will become a regular. She smiled at the thought.

  After wearing an ice bandage to class all day, Sara was looking forward to feeling these magic hands and was in so much discomfort, that by the time they were on their way to the masseuse, she didn’t even care about her original reservations. She just wanted to feel better.

  When they arrived at the office, Sara was surprised to see that everything looked very homey and welcoming. Even though she had a vision of it being like going to a physical therapy office, or any other doctor’s office, it more looked like someone’s bedroom. There was a large table in the middle of a fairly small room.

  At the head of the bed, there was a shape that resembled a pillow, which had a hole in it and beyond that there was a counter with towels and oils lining it.

  On the walls, there hung paintings of beautiful, abstract art and there was a chair in the corner of the room.

  After helping Sara onto the bed, Valerie took a seat in the chair and for the first time, Sara noticed the calming sounds of running water flowing through the room. It could only be heard when the room was silent and it automatically caused Sara to relax.

  “You can stay in here?” Sara asked.

  Valerie shrugged and offered, “If you would be more comfortable if I left…”

  “No,” Sara answered quickly and then sighed, feeling nervous, for some strange reason, “It’s okay. I don’t mind. I want you to stay. I was really just asking.”

  Valerie nodded, “Okay. Just let me know what you are most comfortable with.”

  Soon after she said that though, an older woman walked into the room.

  “Hello!” She said exuberantly as her eyes widened with curiosity. She stuck out her hand and added, “I’m Camilla.”

  For a woman that could be her mother, Camilla had an awesome body. Her tight pants curved into a perfect hourglass shape while her form-fitting, cleavage-heavy shirt attracted attention directly to her large, voluptuous breasts.

  As Sara realized this, she could not keep her eyes from widening as well, as she tried to look up at the woman’s face, but was easily distracted.

  “Hi…” Sara said in a slightly nervous tone, shaking the woman’s hand firmly, “I’m Sara.”

  “I know, Valerie told me all about you! Why don’t you lie down and let me have a look at that leg?”

  Sara nodded and lay down on the bed, with the back of her head poking through the hole in the pillow. She felt the woman move next to her, but then, she went up to the top of her head and began to massage it.

  Camilla placed her warm, delicate hands on Sara’s forehead. She rubbed carefully, in a calculated manner, making Sara feel comforted and relaxed. She allowed her to do this for a little while, until she moved to her temples, which gave her a strange tingling sensation that felt great, but also made her slightly uncomfortable.

  At this point, her eyes popped opened and she asked, “Why are you rubbing my head? My leg is what hurts.”

  Camilla laughed and answered, “I’m sorry…I thought you knew. Valerie signed you up for a full body massage. I will focus on your legs, but I can see just by looking at you that your entire being is stressed and needs a release.”

  The woman then continued to massage Sara’s temples lovingly, before she began to brush her fingers through her hair, with a slight amount of pressure.

  Figuring that she was the professional, Sara simply allowed herself to go with the whole flow of her touch and closed her eyes. Eventually, she felt herself groan and sigh as the relaxation intensified.

  Sara felt her eyes roll back in her head and she began to move into her fingers, in order to enhance the sensation she was receiving.

  Then, Camilla began to slide her hands down her neck. She then picked her hands up carefully, which lead Sara to open her eyes and ask, “Where are you going?”

  Camilla smiled and answered, “I am going to help your leg now…” then, her face scrunched up as though trying to think, before she turned back to Sara’s face and she said, “Why don’t you take off your pants. The affected area is pretty high and I think you would be much more comfortable if you were to be looser.” Then, she smiled, before suggesting, “In fact, would you be comfortable taking off all of your clothes. That is how it is normally done the most effectively, but I didn’t want to push you at first, since you were already so nervous.”

  Sara thought about this for a moment, before she answered, “Okay…”

  She quickly pulled her pants and shirt off, only leaving her bra and underwear on, while Camilla got a few towels to cover her with.

  Soon after she was situated on her back, Sara felt a towel be placed over her lower back, which only covered her womanliness, leaving her legs completely exposed.

  Still, she was in a room full of women, so she figured that she shouldn’t feel uncomfortable. After all, she got changed in a locker room, next to half-naked women her own age probably more than she got changed while in a room by herself.

  This was perfectly normal.

  Once they were all ready to proceed, the woman easily grasped Sara’s hand and poured a small amount of oil onto her palm. The scent of sweet almond oil filled the air.

  Camilla waited a few moments, before telling her, “Good, you’re not allergic.”

  Then, she made her way over to the bottom of the table and she placed her hand on the muscle that was causing her the trouble and Sara yelled out.

  “I’m sorry…” Camilla answered calmly, rubbing another part of her leg, so that the pain would disappear, “This is
very tight and it will be for a few more minutes,” then, she said to Valerie, “Please come over here and talk with her softly, so that it might distract her until I can work this pulled muscle out.”

  Valerie moved over to Sara’s head and bent down to talk to her. She said, “Camilla is going to help you feel better. I promise, just a few seconds of pain and then, you will feel like a brand new woman.”

  Sara nodded and smiled at Valerie, “Okay. Thank you for staying.”

  Valerie pressed her hand against Sara’s arm and beamed back at her, “Of course.”

  Before Camilla put her hands on her leg again, the scent of oil became stronger and Sara could hear her warming it up in her hands. When her hands touched Sara this time, the now warmed, slick liquid seemed to meld with her skin perfectly and made it seem as though the muscle had already started to work its way out. Therefore, it wasn’t nearly as painful as the first touch had been.

  Eventually, the pain subsided completely and after focusing on that area until it was free of the hurt, Camilla began to lightly stroke Sara’s calves, with long, powerful, but delicate strokes. Every once and a while, Sara would feel the woman’s nails against her skin when she paused to knead an area a little, but that only added to the sense of pleasure the massage was bringing to her.

  Sara groaned again with pleasure.

  After a little while, the woman decided to focus on her knees. Camilla’s hands easily slid under Sara’s knees, before her thumbs pressed skillfully against her kneecaps. The pressure was just enough so that Sara felt good, without being hurt.

  Then, after a long moment, Camilla worked her way up, towards her thighs, kneading it and stroking it, much like she had done to Sara’s calves.

  As she did this, Sara began to feel not only relaxed, but strangely stimulated. She ignored the feeling though, thinking that it was just because she had never had such an intimate moment with anyone before, much less another woman.


  The massage stopped though, right before her body started to writhe from the growing sensation that was becoming even harder to ignore. When her hands stopped, Camilla suggested, “Now, why don’t you turn over on your stomach, so that I can continue with the massage?” In the silence that followed, Camilla added in an offhanded way, “Oh and take off your bra and underwear, if you want. It is so much easier to work when I don’t have to contend with straps and pantie lines.”

  At first, Sara wasn’t so sure that she really wanted to continue. Sure, it felt good, in fact, it felt way too good, but eventually, she did as she was told, not wanting to insult Camilla by making her think she was accusing her of anything. After all, Camilla was a professional.

  However, when Sara turned over, now completely naked, she stacked her hands under her head, so that she didn’t have to put her face in the hole in the pillow.

  She was still slightly nervous and this made her feel a little bit better. No one said anything, so she figured it was alright.

  Immediately after that, Sara smelt the scent of almond filled the air again, before she felt hands on her exposed buttocks.

  Sara quickly pinched her legs together and clenched her cheeks together tightly, “What are you doing?” She asked as she looked back at her.

  Camilla laughed and answered, “It’s a full body massage…I am massaging your full body.”

  “It feels great,” Valerie spoke up, who was now looking on from over by the counter, “Just relax!” She encouraged.

  Feeling slightly outnumbered, but wanting to trust her friend, if nothing else, Sara sighed and answered, “Alright,” before trying to relax once again.

  Once she wasn’t surprised by the motion, the feeling of having her cheeks kneaded and stroked with the warm, sensual oil really did feel good. Sara had never been touched like this by anyone and so, at first, she equated the moistening sensation between her legs to that, but after a little while, it became clear that she was truly turned on.

  She looked up at Valerie, who was standing in front of her, with a low-cut shirt and shorts that rode up almost to her womanliness. She focused on her face and her hair, however, realizing for the first time how truly beautiful she was.

  As Valerie looked down at her and smiled, Sara felt her eyes raise with allure and a sense of excitement flow through her.

  Before Camilla moved up to Sara’s shoulder’s however, she slid her hand between her legs and easily played with Sara’s dewy mounds in a teasing fashion.

  Sara screamed out with surprise and looked up at Valerie, thinking that she was just about to be embarrassed, but Valerie’s smile assured her that she was thinking along the same lines as Sara was.

  “Hey, before I continue any further, how about you two come back to my house and I can show you a few things that you can do at home to help her?” Camilla asked and Valerie raised her eyes to her.

  “Okay,” Valerie said, almost immediately, before looking at Sara in a pleading way.

  “Sure,” Sara answered, hoping to feel more of what she was experiencing. She had never had such sensations coursing through her body, but even though she was inexperienced, nature told her that there was certainly more pleasures to experience.

  Sara stood up, no longer even able to feel a pain in her leg and hurriedly got dressed.


  It seemed to take forever for Camilla to close up, even though it was obvious that she was hurrying. Then, once they had all piled into Camilla’s car, it also seemed to take forever to get to the house, even though the trip was usually short.

  The whole time, Sara could not help but stare over at Valerie, wondering if what she had felt for her on the massage table was truly genuine and if there was any way that she was correct in assuming that her friend felt the same kind of new connection.

  After all, she was a little over-enthusiastic about learning how to do some of the massage moves from home. Perhaps she anticipated having the same connection that Sara knew they had back in the room again.

  However, Sara couldn’t be sure and so, in an effort to keep from being rejected or looked at differently if she was wrong about what the three of them shared, she just sat there quietly and continued to steal a glance of her, wondering about what was to come next.

  Sara had always thought that Valerie was pretty. She had a great figure, similar to Sara’s, but her face and hair always seemed to shine. She wore little makeup, but she always seemed to stand out in a crowd.

  Plus, no matter what Sara did, she could not get her breasts to pop quite like Valerie’s. Her friend always gained the attention from all of the boys and while Sara didn’t do too badly herself, she had often thought that Valerie had a far easier time of attracting people to her.

  Throughout the entirety of their friendship, Sara had always been somewhat aware of her secret desire to be more like her, but now, she wondered if really, she just wanted her.

  As the car finally pulled into the driveway of Camilla’s home, Sara supposed that there was only one way to find out.


  When the three of them made their way into the house, Camilla showed them to her own personal massage room almost immediately.

  This table was much bigger, but the ambiance was basically the same. The calming, abstract pictures were still hung on the wall and the sound of running water began to flow through the house at an easy, calming pace. However, there were also scentless candles that Camilla lit with broad, enticing movements, as she made her way throughout the room.

  Soon, the only light was that of the flickering candles, whose shadows danced peacefully across the walls.

  Once the room was set up, Camilla looked at Sara and asked, “How is your leg feeling?”

  “It is doing much better,” She smiled.

  Camilla smiled, “Good! Now, these techniques that I am going to show you will help Valerie get you back on track in no time.”

  “Thank you,” Sara answered eager to get back on the table. “Should I?” She motioned towards the table.
  Camilla nodded and replied, “Of course, but this time I want you to lay as flat as you can, so that I can manipulate your body appropriately, okay?”

  Feeling far braver now and curious about how much more interesting this was going to be, Sara nodded and began to undress herself.

  She watched the other two women as she removed her clothes and saw that they were both eyeing her. There was a part of her that was embarrassed, but she used the warmth the feeling provided her to make her feel better about what she was doing. After all, she wanted to feel the way that Camilla was making her feel again and she knew that to do that, there had to be some kind of mutual attraction.


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