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Page 77

by Lexi Hots

And here he accidentally dropped the card from his hand. Sienna bent down to assist in retrieving it, but was quickly brushed aside by the man. However, from her current vantage point, it appeared that there was nothing remotely close to that written on the paper. In fact it seemed to be an ordinary business card for the cruise ship. Sienna thought she might have even seen the company name splayed across the top.

  “Now we will draw lots to see who takes which end!” the host commanded.

  Straws were pulled from his hand… the host received the rear-end and the sleepy-eyed man would take the front.

  “Fine by me!” Sienna laughed. “I’ve never done this before. I hope you take it rough with me!”

  She pulled her bikini bottoms off… rubbing her pussy as she did so. Nice and wet. The men each jerked their cock in unison (purely by coincidence), hardening the manmeat to service the large jugs of Sienna. Paige shouted from the sidelines, cheering her friend on with motherly cautions against orgasming.

  They lined up on either side of Sienna, gripping their dicks. The host held a small towel in his off hand.

  “When I drop this… we insert!”

  Suddenly the towel fluttered out into the air and the game was on.

  Sienna felt each cock penetrate her simultaneously. The smaller of the two being in her mouth. She knew the sleepy-eyed man would be easy pickings. And despite the extreme pleasure she felt in her pussy, from both the thick penis and the thought of a stranger filling each end of her, she focused on the front. It was a competition after all! And so she sucked with all her might. Running her tongue in skilled circles, massaging the head, licking the underside in all the right places. Gushes of precum squirted into her mouth. This is how she knew he was close (coupled with his moans of ecstasy). She sucked again, with an even mightier force than before, just as the man jutted his hips forward… Sienna felt it immediately. The warm cum spraying inside her mouth. She cocked her head free of the repulsive meatstick, spitting his white goo onto the deck.

  “He came! Removal!” she yelled victoriously. Then it occurred to her that there was one person left to defeat. The very man who currently had his cock buried in her southern slit.

  “I can do this all day!” he smirked. “I never lose!”

  “I bet you don’t. Not with that big solid cock of yours. How could you?”

  “You got that right!” the sexy seal host roared.

  “Don’t give in Sienna!” Paige hollered.

  This only caused a smirk to appear on Sienna’s face. “No, I bet you don’t. Oh my god! You’re getting me so close! Please just let me win! I need this! I need your cock!”

  The host laughed maniacally. “Is that all you’ve got? That pitiful acting? I bet it doesn’t even convince your pencil-necked boyfriend. I’m not relenting on this pussy until you soak my dick with your cum, miss. So keep groaning like a pornstar. It’ll only make my victory that much sweeter.”

  And he seemed to be correct. His cock was amazingly sweet and filling. Sienna had never felt such a forceful, yet intimate railing. Could she possibly hold off long enough to win this game? And what was the prize? No one had bothered to ask…

  “Please! Let me win this! I know you’re the best I’ll ever have. At least give me this!” she shouted.

  The mass of partygoers stood on their feat, mesmerized by the action.

  “No chance, baby!”

  Sienna felt his cock sliding along, so perfectly, so blissfully. She knew her cunt couldn’t withstand this pleasure much longer. Something had to be done or she would surely cream upon his member.

  “Look here! You want my tits, don’t you? I saw the way you looked at me earlier today when you handed me the towel. You love them, I can tell.”

  “Yeah, so what? I have all I want right here in your juicy cunt!” the host laughed.

  “Are you sure?” she asked. “I mean you never even got to touch them. Doesn’t that bother you? Look at them bouncing for you as you fuck me. How big and perky they are. C’mon big boy, grab a handful and tell me you don’t love them.”

  And with that, the host lost all sense of reason… he reached down to take hold, grabbing the fullness of each breast.

  “Ah hah!” Sienna shouted, giving Paige a conspirational wink.

  The two girls shouted together, “No touching! Automatic removal!”

  “Noo!” the host cried out just as Sienna burst forward, freeing herself of his rod.

  “Looks like I win after all, boy!” she smirked.

  He covered his face in shame, crumpling over.

  “Don’t feel too bad. I actually do want you to feel these. And I want you to fuck me. Now. Make me cum!” Sienna ordered.

  “W-what?” the host stuttered.

  “Get over here and fuck me! I need cock!”

  A smile spread across his face as he once again re-entered Sienna’s soiled pussy from the rear, his hands fondling her boobs with an unparalleled passion.

  With the crowd cheering all around them, Paige yelled out, “Sienna what should I tell your boyfriend!”

  She grinned, loving the foreign cock in her cunt, before speaking the words…

  “Just tell him what we always tell yours!”

  The blast of cum coated her vagina, spilling out onto the deck like a bursting milk jug.

  The host emptied the contents of his member, leaving nothing to spare. Sienna, at long last, had gotten her stranger’s cock and cum…

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  Story 35

  he bar was full of people, glass clinking and vapor rising from tense lips. I was supposed to be meeting people, but I was too anxious to really care much about looking for them. My eyes were glued to the television, just like everyone else.

  We were waiting for the results of the Galactic One lottery. It had only been a few years since we had discovered a planet with intelligent life on it, but through extraordinary efforts translation devices were already created that allowed peace brokering to occur at an impressively fast rate.

  Just a few years previously, the world was busy arguing what the reports meant by ‘intelligent life.’ The prevailing theory was that whatever it was, it would not be identifiable to average humans.

  Then the pictures came. The ‘aliens,’ who called themselves the Zeithens, were remarkably human looking. They stood upright on two legs, had two arms, and had similar facial features. There were plenty of differences, don’t get me wrong. They were taller and much more muscular than humans. They had extra features that we didn’t have and lacked others like a full set of five toes.

  None of these differences were as remarkable as the similarities. Centuries of speculation and decades of bad movies had conditioned humans to think that aliens would be some grotesque slimy beast, covered in spikes, claws and teeth. No one expected a slightly improved version of a human being.

  The first people sent to the planet were researchers and diplomats. The researchers were scientists who volunteered in order to leave a lasting mark on the body of knowledge human beings have of this universe. The diplomats were just government blowhards who saw it as a way to increase their power and control.

  I have no idea how they managed to do it, but through some technological advancements that the planet already had, translation attempts succeeded within the first few months of their arrivals.

  Researchers had been sending reports back of their culture and people for the past few years. At the beginning it was fairly rudimentary stuff. It was still fascinating. Every time new information came, it was all anyone talked about until the next round landed.

  Then the video leaked. I remember when the world thought Gangnam Style spread fast. This video set records. There wasn’t a single soul on the planet other than the children and blind who didn’t watch this video in the first few days.

  I’m not sure what was more shocking. The first thing everyone noticed was definitely the size of the penis. Before arousal, they
look relatively similar to a human dick. Once they are ready, however, the ‘extension’ happens. Extension is the word everyone started using for their arousal rather than erection. Watching it happen was like watching a magician pull a string of handkerchiefs from their sleeve. At a certain point the skepticism turned to disbelief. The disbelief then faded away to pure awe.

  All told, the final length ranges between 3 and 5 feet. Needless to say, size isn’t really an issue on their planet. But like I said, this wasn’t the most impressive part. The thing that really blew people’s mind as they watched the video is that they had full control over it like it was some type of arm or leg. They could bend it in any direction, raise it high in the air, or low to the ground.

  No one knew what the women were like. You would think it would be a man that was the first to fuck an alien, but it wasn’t. The first was Dr. Emily Harrold, a researcher who was one of the very first sent through the galaxy after contact.

  In the video there is another human there with Emily operating the camera. After taping the male alien getting ready and extending himself, the video zooms out and you can hear the two humans talking about whether Dr. Harrold wanted to go through with it. She insisted that it was for the good of science. The other woman thought she was crazy, even suggesting that the event may actually kill her.

  The first time people watch it, they all cringe at this point, certain that they’re about to watch a woman murdered by an alien’s dick. This was far from the case.

  No one was really sure what the mechanics of the process were, as the video focused on Dr. Harrold’s face the entire time, but this only added to the buzz.

  A mix of fear and anticipation were evident in Dr. Harrold. She breathed heavily as her eyes darted around the room. This continued for a few moments, as video watchers struggle to keep their eyes on the screen for fear a gruesome death is about to unfold.

  Out of nowhere, her eyes shot wide open. By wide, I mean the widest I’ve ever seen a pair of eyes open. Her mouth slowly opened as she drew sharply inward. Her chin then tilted to the sky, pushing upward as her whole body arched below it.

  A deep, sexual scream rose from the pits of her chest breaking the relative silence of the film. Her arms flailed a bit as she began to pant, then the yells started again. Within a few seconds, the yells turned into the unmistakable sounds of orgasming.

  And then it was over. Everyone always wanted more, but that was it. The entire video took place in less than 90 seconds. The actual sex was less than 30.

  The government tried to claim it was fake, but it was an obvious lie. We thought men were insecure about their dicks before, but these issues escalated to a fervor in the days and weeks following the release. Meanwhile, anything related to aliens became the new top fetish among women.

  More information continued to make its way to the public, nothing nearly as intoxicating as the video. The planet was ruled by a universally loved royal family, and surprisingly war was unheard of there. They were extremely peaceful and happy people.


  But this was old news at this point. The reason I was at the bar was because they were about to release the results of the lottery. Apparently the Zeithens had a particular fondness for human women. As part of peace deals, they agreed that the Prince of their planet would marry a woman from Earth. The process became a lottery of sorts.

  Anyone interested in potentially becoming the Princess had to go through a rigid application process. At first the plan was to accept anyone who met certain standards that were willing to go, take them to the Zeithens’ planet, and allow the Prince to court or chose someone.

  The results of the initial application had organizers reeling. Hundreds of thousands of women had applied. I was one of these women. Space travel amazed me, and the potential to travel the galaxy for free was not something I wanted to miss, even though the chances of me being picked were infinitesimally small.

  Everyone said they only applied for the hell of it and didn’t want to actually go through with anything, but this didn’t seem to be the truth. It was like beauty contest contestants saying they didn’t care if they won, yet secretly sending death wishes to their competition.

  In order to figure out who would be sent, they decided to pick 100 women at random, put them through additional testing, and then send anyone who passed to the other planet.

  That list was being announced tonight.

  Some network had bid insane amounts of money for exclusive rights to broadcast the names. I wanted to be at home, mashing the refresh button on a webpage, but instead I was stuck in this bar so I didn’t have to pay to watch. I knew I wouldn’t be picked, but there was a part of me that just had to watch and know for sure.

  They made a spectacle of the announcement. Celebrity performers, comedians, musicians, and everything else they could throw at us through the screens. Television was becoming increasingly irrelevant, and networks were doing anything to try and draw viewers back.

  Every ten minutes they would announce another ten names. Each time, the bar would groan in unison as no one recognized any of the names. I looked around at the depressing scene around me. This was why I wanted out. Some women wanted to go for the sex. Others wanted to be royalty. Others still saw it as a great adventure. I wanted to be far from this planet. I was sick of losers like the two across the bar getting into it over everything and absolutely nothing at all. I was sick of the mindless drudgery of work all day, all week then drowning our sorrows in liquor all weekend. I would kill for something different.

  “Amanda Briggs,” My name registered in my consciousness, coming to me like the wafts of vapor, faint yet still vaguely noticeable.

  I glanced around to see who was calling me. A group of people were pointing at me. I recognized them from years before. I wondered what they wanted, but they were whispering to each other.

  The bar began falling silent as more people started looking my way.

  The man on the television began rereading the last list of names. He ended with, “and Amanda Briggs.”

  I felt a rush of confusion to my head. Everything faded away to a weird black and white haze before coming back into focus again. I nearly passed out but managed to keep myself together.

  The calm that had overcome the bar subsided and was replaced with raucous cheering. People I didn’t know were congratulating me. Women offered to take my spot if I decided not to go. I started pushing my way towards the exit.

  As I swam my way through a sea of sweaty sleeves and outstretched arms, I tried to comprehend what was happening. I made it to the door, burst out into the cool night air, then broke into a run until I reached my car. I slumped back in my seat, staring into the night sky for what felt like hours.

  I easily passed the additional testing. We were scheduled to ship out on January 1st. All 71 of the women who were actually going through with the journey had to undergo training and education relating to space travel, and we were also taught all the classified information known about the Zeithens.

  An unofficial part of the training was that all of the women started dieting and exercising like crazy. They were competing for some unknown prize and the ‘heart’ of some dictator on another planet. I was sad my great escape would be accompanied by these empty headed morons.

  They all buzzed about the sex night and day. We were about to travel through space and be some of the first humans ever to make contact with another intelligent species, yet all they cared about was getting fucked. It reminded me of going to college, only worse.

  I may have felt differently if I knew what I was missing. I never had sex and never wanted to. I watched as my friends whored themselves out in high school, pretending to be dumb just to attract boys. I watched as the boys pretended to like the girls, only to move on to the next after successfully getting between their legs. I decided not to take part in the mayhem, at least not until I had my life together and met an equal that I respected.

  The other problem was that I had no chance
of being picked according to all the best assumptions. I was only included as a token ‘other’ category inclusion according to the charts. The people of this new planet were apparently much taller than normal humans, with an average height of over 8 feet. Height was considered an attractive characteristic for both men and women there.

  I’m short. Barely 5 foot tall. To make matters worse, my boobs are rather large. You’d think this is a good thing, but all the Zeithen women were extremely small chested.

  The rich women going on the intergalactic journey paid to be shaped into this tall, flat chested ideal the Prince was assumed to have. The poor ran and ran and ran, hoping to shave every last bit of fat off their body.

  I relaxed and read. I collected every truly great work of literature humanity had managed to generate, saving it on my tablet. I was excited to leave most of our culture behind, but also scared at what my future had in store. I was making sure I had years’ worth of company in the form of legendary characters and stories that would get me through any difficult adjustments.


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