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Filled! Page 79

by Lexi Hots

  The difference is the speed he was able to achieve. At first he was moving in and out at the speed eager humans do after they have been without sex for too long, but then he just kept coming faster. I felt him sliding in and out of me and the sensations that shot through my body were overwhelming for a while.

  There was so much pleasure, it almost felt like pain. I was having a hard time breathing, so I shifted to my hands and knees. He quickly resumed his previous thrusting speed which had my whole body violently rocking back and forth. My breasts slammed against the bottom of my chin with each thrust before bouncing back in the other direction.

  By the time he reached his maximum speed, there was no separating him from a jackhammer other than the fact that the tool being shoved into me was a hot, muscular cock. At a certain point, I could no longer distinguish between the individual thrusts. Everything blended into one sensation of pleasure stimulation that continued to grow.

  Again, I felt my body giving in to the pleasure as another orgasm built. As I succumbed to another, I felt my body go weak and my arms collapsed, unable to withstand the onslaught of sensations washing over me.

  I laid face down on the couch for a few moments.

  “Would you like to try another?”

  I felt slightly guilty. I was feeling so good and he had yet to finish himself, but it was hard to dwell on this. I had never felt this good in my life, and I was thoroughly enjoying it.

  I had him wait a few minutes to give me some time to catch my breath before starting again. I tried stroking him with my hands, but he did not seem to understand this so I stopped.

  The next move we tried I’ve come to call the corkscrew. Just like the first two times, the beginning was the same. He slowly entered me while keeping himself narrow. I cannot describe how nice this is. I don’t know what it's like for a human dick to slide in fully wide to begin with, but I have to imagine this is better.

  Instead of expanding, this time he began swirling his dick in a circle. I couldn’t see anything, but it felt more like a spinning corkscrew than a wand being waved in circles, if that makes sense. I felt him touching every side at me at once. His tip reached far into the back, then spun around and around the inside of my vagina like a snake. The feeling is hard to describe. The alternating locations of pressure make for a very interesting result. Each time part passed over the ridged area on the front wall of my vagina, extreme pleasure shot through me. The spinning sensation made my head spin as well. I felt like I was on an amusement park ride, only this was 100 times better than any ride you can find at a park.

  Again, I couldn’t stop myself from orgasming long enough to let him finish. I tried to hold it in, waiting him out, put I couldn’t. With my body on pleasure overload, I began screaming even louder as this one had me feeling like I did back in the bar when I heard my name called, nearly passing out.

  My body felt like a puddle of goo. It had experienced pleasures unknown to it before this day, pleasures unknown to almost every human body in the history of our species. I still felt guilty. I knew I wouldn’t last much longer before I had to call it quits for the day. I couldn’t take much more.

  I decided to try and be as sexy as possible, even though I had no idea what I was doing. From the porn I had watched and from listening to my friends, men seemed to like when women ask them to cum.

  I was feeling dirty and extremely turned on, and wanted to actually feel him cum. I thought a moment about the dangers of this, but figured there likely were none due to the differences between us. On top of this, I had always kept good track of my ovulation, and knew any possibility for pregnancy had just passed.

  I got to my knees and pulled him down to me. As his head lowered next to mine I whispered, “It’s your turn. I want you to finish. I want to feel you finish.”

  He looked shocked. “Are you sure about this?”

  I bit my lip and nodded. “Please.”

  “If you are sure.”

  He pushed his way inside me again. The thrusts came harder this time. I thought about what he had said earlier, and began squeezing against him.

  Up until this point, his body hadn’t been very active in the process, but now he got on top of me. The pressure building inside me as he expanded continued past any point he had gone previously. I felt like I was a balloon being filled to the brink of popping.

  Mixtures of pleasure and pain shot through me. This wasn’t the pure pleasure I had been feeling earlier. This toed the line, but for some reason I was enjoying this fact. The noises that erupted from within me were low and sexual, noises I had never made before in my life. I wouldn’t have been able to make them if I tried, they were entirely involuntary.

  He seemed to love this, and continued with a fervent passion. I tried squeezing against him, but I was already stretched so far that my muscles had little control anymore. His thrusting continued to come harder and harder, until grunts began coming in unison with them.

  As the grunts grew in volume, I could tell he was getting close to finishing. His speed slowed, but the strength of each thrust only increased. I was experiencing more pain than pleasure now, but was weirdly still savoring every moment of it.

  Finally he began to bellow and I felt his hot liquid shoot inside me. He continued to thrust as it shot out, filling me entirely. I could not believe the amount. His orgasm continued for what felt like hours but was actually just a minute or two, still much longer than what I had expected.

  The amount of cum he shot in that amount of time was unbelievable. It seeped out of me, covering my legs and the couch below me. It was hot and sticky but quickly hardened, making it difficult to remove.

  As he finally finished, he laid down beside me. “I can’t believe we just did that.” I really couldn’t believe this either.

  I purred. “I know, that was amazing.”

  “I wasn’t expecting to move so fast.”

  I playfully shoved him, thinking he was joking. “It was your idea. You started it!”

  “Oh, I’m happy, I just can’t believe I’ll be a father. You’re right though, it did feel amazing.” He rolled to look at me, grinning.

  I laughed nervously, unable to tell if what he said was a joke. It was looking more and more like he was serious. I couldn’t comprehend what he meant, so I just blurted out, “I’m not pregnant am I? Why are you a father?”

  I had no idea what piece of information I was missing, but the look on his face immediately conveyed that I was. I could just tell.

  “When we finish inside, our seed always finds a home. Is this not the case for you?” I still rebelled against the idea. I surely had heard him wrong. This whole thing was just a bad dream. I was probably still stuck on the spacecraft, probably down for a long sleep.

  After a few panic attacks, a bout of hyperventilation, a little bit of anger, and a lot of unwillingness to accept the truth, he finally managed to calm me down. We talked about it a while, and he explained that he was ready to make me his Princess if I wanted that.

  When he said that, I again began to reel. Part of me thought things were moving way to fast. I had known this man for a few hours. He was amazing, and I legitimately liked him, but how was I supposed to know if I wanted to marry him.

  I started thinking about the alternatives. The whole time he helped talk me through my options. He was calm, understanding, and still extremely sexy.

  My life had already changed so much in the last few months, and even more so in the last few hours that I decided to just go with it. He was so genuine, so nice, and so good at sex. I wish the third one didn’t matter, but it was certainly a plus.

  It was a plus that I continued to enjoy. He was ready and willing to get me off at just about any whim I had. He was the most fulfilling person I had ever talked to, which helped make the sex even more incredible. I went from a virgin who avoided sex my entire life to a complete sex addict. The pleasures he was able to deliver to me would make any woman feel and act the same.

  About a month af
ter that first night, I realized that he was in fact right. His seed must have waited for an egg to present itself, because I could feel the changes in my body. I was carrying the first child between our two races, a monumental event in the history of the universe I expect.

  I was soon made an official part of the royal family, having officially accepted his offer to be his bride. Life is good here.

  Especially the sex.

  Story 36

  Lily took the rough straw broom and spun in a circle on the porch of her father’s store. The dust kicked up and out, but most of it settled back on the uneven boards again. She spun again creating a little storm of dust to fall around her feet again. She was playing more than she was working.

  Even though she was nineteen, she still liked to play. With no other children or young girls near her father’s store, she had to make up her own games. She liked to play and she liked to spin.

  Lily made her turning, dusty sweep again, but this time she almost fell dizzy with the drifting dust. She took hold of one of the posts next to the steps and waited for the feeling to pass.

  The diesel engine on the armored car rattled to life and gave a long roar like and angry animal. Lily turned her eyes toward the vehicle. Armed men in duster coats and gas masks sat on top. Another man stood on the running board hanging out the driver’s side. He wore dark goggles up on his forehead as he counted out gold coins into Lily’s father’s fist.

  Her father had his back to Lily as black clouds of exhaust coughed up from the rusty pipes on the back of the armored carrier vehicle.

  The buyer raised his eyes to Lily back on the porch. He licked at his lips still counting out coins as he stared at her. His tongue left a muddy swatch around his lips in the dust and grease there.

  Lily supposed it could have been a while since his band had seen a woman. They weren’t bandits or scavengers, if they were paying her father in gold. She couldn’t tell under their masks, but they were probably not mutants, if they weren’t slobbering and trying to bite.

  As she took a deep breath and felt her chest heave in the sun, she figured it was probably because she wasn’t wearing a shirt. Her pants hung low on her hips too showing the muscle and the triangular descent of her pubis. She kept herself trimmed and bathed, so her skin was smooth and clean except for the most recent layer of dust from her porch game.

  Another game she liked to play was pretending she didn’t know why the strange men noticed the curves of her breasts and nipples. She fought the urge to smile and just stared at the stranger’s greasy face.

  He finished counting and exchanged a few words with her father. Lily imagined the man was making an offer on her. He would take her to lands she had not seen beyond her father’s store, the dark woods, and the outer settlements. She would have to do whatever he commanded her to do. That would be an interesting game to play. Maybe the others would keep their masks on as they watched or would they join in on the game?

  Lily tingled and felt dizzy again as she held the post. She turned her body so that one of her nipples brushed over a smooth spot in the wood. The tickles made her legs feel weak.

  Her father nodded and the man reached inside the truck. He brought out a box wrapped in brown paper like a fine present.

  “Is that for me?” Lily whispered too quietly for anyone to hear over the growls of the engine.

  Her father took the box in both hands. The stranger dropped a few more gold coins on top and returned his gaze to Lily. Her father balanced the package on one arm and swept the coins into his fist and then to his pocket with the others.

  They exchanged a few more words Lily could not hear with her father looking up at the man and the man looking at her. The man pulled a nub of pencil from his front pocket and drew on top of the package. Lily thought it might be words and she wanted to know what they were. The man tucked his pencil back away in his pocket.

  The stranger pulled his goggles down over his eyes, but his gaze lingered in her direction. As her father covered his mouth with his free hand and returned up the road behind the vehicle, the stranger stepped inside and closed his door. The engine engaged and they rolled away into the wild world without Lily to play with.

  Her father looked up at her and sighed. He stopped at the foot of the stairs. “What did I tell you about wearing a shirt while customers are here? What have I told you about wearing one all the time?”

  Lily did not answer, but lifted a shirt off the railing. She was not even sure if it was actually hers. It was big and loose and hung down low in the V’ed front. If she leaned enough one way or the other, the opening would reveal her nipples to whoever wished to see them. Or whoever she wished to show, she supposed.

  Her father took the steps and opened the metal caging over the wooden doors of his store. She was not sure it would keep out mutants if they found their way here from the barren wastes, but she would not be able to sleep at night in the apartment above the store, if the bars weren’t in place.

  “Are any of the rider’s back, Lily?”

  She shook her head and came out of her thoughts. “What? Ugh, no, father, none have returned since leaving out this morning. I’m sure they are all fine. They are armed and it has not been long.”

  “I’m sure they are fine too, but I have another delivery,” he said.

  Lily looked at the brown paper around the box. It had no rips in it. The edges were sharp and the folds were smooth in tight triangles. It was the finest wrapping she had seen in as long as she could remember. She could not see any of the writing that was added on top.

  “Is it that box?”

  Her father looked down at the box on his arm and back up at her while he held the caging open with his other hand. “It is, but this is a parcel.”

  Lily swallowed still staring at the paper. “Is it called that because it is wrapped so nicely?”

  Her father narrowed his eyes. “No, any package that is to be delivered to someone else is called a parcel. This is a parcel.”

  “What is in it?”

  “That is none of our business,” he said. “We are just charged with seeing it safely to its intended owner. Only he has the right to unwrap it and know its secrets.”

  “Who is its owner?”

  “It goes to a settlement across the dark wood. It is one we have not delivered to before.”

  “The Rivertown Haven? Or the Lifetower Fortress?”

  Her father shook his head and said, “I said it is one we have not delivered to before. The man that paid me to send this called it the Alpha House.”

  “Where is that, father?”

  He stepped away from the door and let the caging crash closed. Lily jumped at the noise. He leaned the box over and she saw the pencil scratchings on top. She discovered it was a map. There was a square she assumed was their store. A line curved between drawn trees and over a line for the creek which was as far as she had ever gone in the dark woods before. The Alpha House lay many steps beyond that in a place she had never ventured before.

  Lily looked over her shoulder at the shadows between the trees and wondered. She looked back at the parcel and saw no other writing around its tightly wrapped sides.

  Her father pulled it away from her sight suddenly. He said, “Let me know when one of the riders returns, please.”

  As soon as he turned his back, she said, “I will take it.”

  He stopped, but did not face her. His body hid the beautiful parcel. “The dark woods can be dangerous. We have never gone this way before. I’m not certain what you will face.”

  “Would you keep me caged in the store always, Father?”

  He sighed. “If I could …”


  “I jest … sort of. Are you sure you want to go out there alone and face the dangers that might be in your path carrying this package to its owner?”

  Lily thought about the fact that she had been considering the possibility of going with the stranger and his masked gunmen as their toy to explore the world. He
r father probably would cage her up forever, if he knew her thoughts. She decided to keep them to herself.

  She said, “Parcel, Father.”


  “It is a parcel because it belongs to someone else and we are charged with its delivery.”

  “Right, it is a parcel and we are.”

  “So, let me take it,” she said. “I have made other deliveries, when you needed.”

  “Closer to the store, yes,” he said. “But never into the dark woods.”

  “This will be the first, then. I am well able. I am old enough to ride.”


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