Book Read Free


Page 87

by Lexi Hots

  “Extra credit.” Kira replied with a grin before the two chuckled.

  Chapter Two

  The next day Darren sat in class and found himself thinking about how he couldn’t wait to get to the library after his classes. However, one thing Darren didn’t expect he’d be doing that day was worrying about how many books didn’t get put up. Darren imagined piles of books on tables higher than everyone’s heads and that lead him to wondering when Kira made it to the library. That lead him to start fantasizing about Kira and imagined her in her librarian outfit like she was the day before. The wind was blowing, making her long brunette hair blow in the breeze as she pulled her blouse apart, exposing her breasts covered now with just her bra. Darren imagined her not in pants anymore, but in a sexy, short skirt and imagined himself running his hands up the outside of her thighs, under her skirt and going to pull down underwear, but she wasn’t wearing any.

  “Mr. Franklin?” Professor Allen said with a questioning tone, breaking Darren out of his daydream as well as alerting Darren to the fact that Professor Allen was asking him a question based on everything he just missed while daydreaming, “What is the second law of robotics, it’s easy.”

  “Uh…” Darren thought, actually knowing it but being put on the spot made him draw a blank.

  “See, if you weren’t daydreaming you would have known we weren’t talking about robotics at all. This is history class. The history of robotics is interesting, but nothing we’ll cover this semester, if at all since it’s so young in comparison to most everything else.” Professor Allen said before he trailed off when Darren started to daydream about Kira again but looked down at his notes and found just his name so he made himself focus on the professor’s lecture.

  The rest of Darren’s classes took forever while Darren fought thoughts of Kira all day in disbelief that he had such good luck from such crappy grades. However, since he was fantasizing more than he was listening or working on his assignment Darren found himself having homework to do. He shrugged, figuring that he would just do it at the library when he got a chance, if he got a chance, and started thinking about piles of books on the tables taller than everyone again. Time ticked away slowly until Darren finally got out of class and once he did he hurried off towards the library, yet didn’t walk fast enough for it to be obvious he was rushing.

  “Hey, bro, you gonna ever party again? Shit, ain’t seen you around in day man. You used to hang every day. What’s up?” Darren’s old friend Jack said as he walked up to Darren before the two shook hands.

  “I lost my job cuz I was slackin’ man. I don’t have the time. I gotta divvy my time up between school and school now to pass. I gotta be the librarian’s assistant for the next semester I guess, it wasn’t just yesterday.” Darren said, honestly letting his friend know he’d lost his job for hanging out too much, “We partied way too often, bro.”

  “Ain’t that what college is for?!” Jack asked with a grin from ear to ear as they shook hands again, making Darren realize how he’d avoided a money-wasting path and have a greater yearning to learn as he walked away from his dimwit friend who was spending all his time working to spend that money to go to college and party instead of learn.

  “I gotta learn how to divide my time better and keep track of time when I’m drunk…” Darren said, honestly missing his partying days but wanted to pass college and not fail because he partied too hard; he almost felt thankful that Dean Norris had called up his place of work and informed them of his slacking grades, no longer really viewing the Dean as the reason why he lost his job but himself, “Man, I owe him an apology for yellin’ at him like I did…”

  Darren walked into the library and found books scattered about and looked around for Kira as he started gathering books around. He didn’t spot her, yet that didn’t stop him from alphabetizing the books on the table he was at. As Darren scooped up the books he turned around to see two fairly muscular men glaring angrily at him.

  “Those are my books man, drop ‘em.” One of them said, getting a hostile tone at the end; Darren lowered the books down on the table and sighed, realizing he’d skipped a step.

  “Whoops, my bad, I was supposed to ask if that was anybody’s book before I gathered them.” Darren explained as one of the guys walked over and started going through the books while the other stood ominously next to Darren, making him feel like he was about to get jumped.

  “You lost my damn page!” The guy with the books said as he glared up at Darren, “What makes you think you can fuckin’ steal my books, man?”

  “I wasn’t stealing them, I was putting them back and that’s because I’m the librarian’s assistant.” Darren said, feeling his body starting to tense up as his body subconsciously readied to fight if he had to.

  “Bullshit, you were tryin’ to jack my books. Those look like fuckin’ public books, dude? That shit cost me.” The guy said, getting increasingly more hostile with every word he spoke.

  “How fuckin’ stupid do you gotta be to do that and you say I’m the one who needs an education!?” Darren remembered himself screaming at the top of his lungs at Dean Norris, remembering how angry, how enraged he was after finding out the Dean had called his workplace, “Failing grades? How the fuck am I supposed to even pay to get those failing grades without a job? You are fucking stupid, Dean.”

  “You really need to control your temper, Darren.” He remembered the Dean reply to him with a calm voice, “It’ll could cost you your education and the reason I called your workplace is because this college has agreements with all the local businesses to ensure that the students’ education comes first. They agree with us, otherwise you wouldn’t be out of a job. You do need an education, but with that temper of yours you might end up mouthin’ off and gettin’ expelled. You can voice your opinion, Darren, but after a point it becomes harassment. You’ve gotta learn to control your temper, Darren.”

  “What? Just gonna sit there speechless now?” The guy with the books asked angrily, snapping Darren out of his daydream.

  “Yeah, but I’m not speechless. I told you what I was doin and why. At this point you’re just bein’ a dick about it. It was a mistake.” Darren said as he walked passed the second guy trying to be intimidating standing next to Darren with his chest all puffed out, yet Darren didn’t even feel tense anymore, unwilling to take a swing even if they swung on him, “Hey, anybody got dibs on these books?”

  “Yeah those books are public, the scuffed up mother fuckers.” The jerk with his personal books said before Dorothy glared over at him.

  “That’s it mister, you’re outta here.” Dorothy said, to which both the muscular men glared at her and the uneasy urge to fight returned, flooding Darren’s veins as the two guys walked slowly over towards Dorothy, “What? Get out.”

  “I’ll stay here if I want lady. Imma student studyin’ up. You can’t tell me I can’t use the library.” The first guy said as Darren casually got the books alphabetized while his arms and legs remained tense, “Dumbass bitch.”

  “Hey, c’mon man, we’re both just doin’ our jobs and you’re just bein’ an asshole, both of ya.” Darren said angrily as he glared at the first guy, then at the second guy and then back to the first, “Get the fuck out of here.”

  “Oh, ho, this mother fucker…” The first guy said, setting his books down on the table as he looked over at the other bigger guy before he gave a quick tilt with his head towards Darren, making him quite tense and it got worse as the two started walking down either side of the table towards Darren.

  “It doesn’t have to go down this way. You were told to get out then got mouthy with an old lady… shit… Sorry Dorothy.” Darren said, his entire angry tone shifting to a more apologetic tone as he looked over at her.

  “Fine by me.” Dorothy replied as Darren glared back at the two guys blocked all but one way for Darren to escape, but escaping wasn’t on his mind; Darren found that he wasn’t really mad about their altercation but them insulting Dorothy that pissed hi
m off.

  “What’d you say?” The first guy asked, though Darren knew he’d heard him and just wanted Darren to say it again, in his face, so Darren looked right at him, his hand sliding gently over the cover of a book; Darren glared at the first man, waiting for him to swing on him.

  “You’ve gotta learn to control your temper, Darren.” He heard Dean Norris’ voice echo in his head again as Darren’s finger’s slid around the book while.

  “I’ve told ya man, we were doin’ our jobs, as you can see right now while I’m picking these books up.” Darren said, trying to quell the problem but the first guy shook his head to the sides.

  “Nah, that isn’t what you said. Say it again.” The guy said angrily.

  “Oh, the part where I told you that it doesn’t have to go down this way? That’s true too. Ya see, as I’ve stated Dorothy and I are just trying to do my job, which, by the way Dean Norris knows I’ve got ‘cuz he put me on it personally, so the thing is, you’re in the wrong here, from all angles. I’ve apologized for thinkin’ your books were public and you don’t seem to be able to accept it. This is all happening because you won’t let it go.” Darren explained as he turned and started alphabetizing the books on the table behind the one he just had, having dropped the one he was grabbing, “So, before campus police get called, you wanna… yaknow… skidattle? Vamonos? Kick rocks? Like Dorothy said. Again, the only person holding this all up is you. Let it go man, it was an accident.”

  “Don’t touch my books.” The guy said as he started backing away, glaring at Darren as he took the stack of alphabetized books and put it on the table with the other as the two guys left.

  “Wow, that… could have gone down differently.” Darren said, thinking about how he had planned on using the thick book he grabbed as a weapon and, again, thanked the Dean internally as he sighed; Darren looked over at Dorothy, his face scrunched up with confusion, “Where’s Kira?”

  “She’s back there pushing a cart around, takin’ care of books… same as you.” Dorothy said without looking away from her computer screen; Darren looked back and spotted Kira immediately, finding her looking right at him with a grin on her face and it caused a smile to appear on his face irresistibly.

  “Did, uh… Did you see that?” Darren asked Kira as she pushed a car up to the table, allowing for Darren to slide the two stacks of books onto it before he grabbed his side’s hand rail, “I’ve got this. Thanks for bringing the cart over.”

  “Thanks for taking care of those two muscle heads without a fight. I was really sure you were about to get into a fight.” Kira said as she glanced away and in that moment Darren looked down at Kira’s tits, immediately notices that Kira wasn’t wearing a bra and that he could see her nipples through her shirt; Darren forced himself to look away as Kira looked back at Darren, “Now, to take care of these books.”

  “You gonna ride on it or what?” Darren asked as he looked up and made eye contact with Kira.

  “What?” Kira replied, intentionally making Darren squirm because she thought it was cute.

  “The cart.” Darren replied with a grin, “You’re in the way. You wanna hop on? I’ll push ya over to the shelves.”

  “I bet you would… but I can walk.” Kira said with a look in her eye as if she wasn’t sure if Darren was openly flirting with her or not as they walked towards the shelves.

  Chapter Three

  As Darren walked the cart along he couldn’t help but notice that Kira was wearing a sexy, short skirt sort of like the one he’d imagined her in but tore his eyes away from her as they stopped in the A section. Kira turned around and bent over to put a book away and Darren couldn’t help but bend his own knees a little bit, getting lower and lower to check out Kira’s ass, hoping to steal a glimpse of her panties but she stood up so he did too. Kira grabbed ahold of a book and looked over at Darren before she ran her hand down the binding sensually.

  “This book’s texture feels so nice.” Kira said as she rubbed the binding of the book from end to end up and down, watching Darren as she did through the corner of her eyes and saw him press his hips against the cart; she chuckled, realizing he was getting hard and turned to put the book away, “Putting books up can be pretty relaxing too. Ya just sliiiide it in there.”

  Darren was truly speechless, unsure if she was intentionally being seductive or not but found it quite hard to put books away while hiding the fact that he had a raging hard on. The further the book needed to be put away the more difficult it was for Darren to hide his erection but, being able to walk around freely, Kira grabbed a book and knelt down next to the cart, right where she’d be if she were going down on Darren. She slid the book in slowly, looking up at Darren as she did before the book was fully on the shelf. Darren visibly shook and Kira smiled and giggled a little as she stood up.

  “Ya know… taking them muscle heads on… defending Dorothy… that was quite brave.” Kira said as she stood up, now well within arms-reach, her busty breasts nearly right in Darren’s face while Darren continued putting a book away, full-on in disbelief that Kira, this gorgeous woman before him, was hitting on him and didn’t want to read too far into it in case he was wrong, “It’s cute how you keep tryin’ to hide the fact you’ve been checking me out for two days now.”

  “We haven’t spent that much time together.” Darren replied, trying to act casual despite being so nervous he was almost trembling with excitement; Kira slid next to Darren up against the cart and help him push it away, further into the bookshelves and out of Dorothy’s view before they stopped beyond where the next books needed to go, “What…”

  “You know what.” Kira said as she reached down and grabbed Darren’s shaft, feeling him already having a throbbing erection, “I guess no bra was a good choice.”

  “I’d have to say… that skirt is really hot too.” Darren said, trying his best to act casual, as if that thing happened to him all the time but Kira grinned.

  “You’re so cute, actin’ like you’re some player. You’re nervous, I can tell… I think its endearing.” Kira said as she started stroking Darren’s cock over his pants before Kira pushed the books on the cart further away down the cart, far enough for her to bend over on it, “Oh no, I can’t seem to reach these books.”

  “Let, uh… let me help.” Darren said as he sidestepped behind Kira and pressed his cock against her ass as she bent over the cart, shaking once again with excitement.

  “Careful now, don’t want you to reach it just yet. Relax.” Kira said as she reached back and started hiking her skirt up over her ass, exposing her black thong and bare ass for Darren; Darren put his hands on her bare hips and pressed up against Kira’s pussy before he started rubbing back and forth, “Gyrate your hips… it feels better for both of us. Don’t just go back and forth.”

  “Uh, okay.” Darren said as he gripped onto Kira’s ass and started gyrating his hips in a circle and felt the increase in pleasure that Kira was talking about; Kira stood up and leaned against Darren, pressing her back against his chest and let him slide his hands around her stomach and up to her breasts, “Oh… you’ve got such sexy tits.”

  “And you have quiet the Johnson I feel.” Kira said as she grinded her ass on his cock before she turned around; the two looked at each other for a moment before Kira pulled Darren in and started making out with him while he fondled her tits; Kira hopped onto the cart and wrapped her legs around Darren’s waist and used her heels to pull him into her, letting him dry fuck her a bit longer before she lowered her legs and pushed the cart away a little bit with her ass.

  “I’ve… I’ve only had sex like never…” Darren said honestly, “I’m worried I won’t be very good because my lack of experience.”

  “Don’t worry.” Kira said as she lowered to her knees, both giving Darren a great view down her shirt at her luscious breasts as well as get excited as Kira unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out; she stroked his cock a few times and licked up the base of his shaft to the tip before she stuck his coc
k in her mouth.

  “Oh damn… wow…” Darren said, having a hard time not busting a load in Kira’s mouth immediately and quietly moaned as Kira’s head bobbed up and down on his cock; again, he was in disbelief of what was happening and fully expected to either wake up in class having fallen asleep or at home, but did not believe he was in reality, “This can’t really be happening.”

  “Really? Why? We’re two consenting adults.” Kira asked as she came up for air, jerking Darren off as she looked up at him with a smile before she started sucking his dick again; Darren looked around as Kira’s head bobbed up and down, hoping nobody was gonna spot then and couldn’t see anyone in the library so he breathed a sigh of relief yet Kira stopped sucking his dick and stood up, “Now, I want you to fuck me.”

  “Will fuckin’ do.” Darren replied with a grin on his face and got Kira to chuckle as she turned around; Kira grabbed the book cart and pulled it to her and bent over it again as Darren slid his pants down a bit and grabbed onto her hips, “Now, I know you’re gonnawanna just jam it all in there at once but wait and do it slowly. Just the tip first… don’t make me ride you.”

  “Ya can’t threaten me with a good time.” Darren said with a chuckle as he pulled Kira’s thong down and eased the tip of his dick inside Kira; she was quite tight but Darren managed to get the tip of his dick in her wet pussy and felt the urge to slam it deep inside Kira like she’d mentioned but didn’t, like she wanted, and slowly pushed just the tip of his dick inside her before he pulled it out almost completely and her tight, wet pussy pushed him out, “Whoops, that wasn’t me.”

  “I know, you’re bigger than I thought you were.” Kira said with a seductive tone that screamed to Darren that she wanted to get fucked and that made him want to thrust his dick deep in her but held off and just slid the tip in and a bit more; with that Darren was able to start slowly pulling his dick back and forth but made sure not to pull his dick completely out, “Alright, now remember what I said about gyrating? It felt great dry fuckin’ imagine how it’ll feel while fuckin’.”


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