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Page 98

by Lexi Hots

  She held onto the desk and arched her back to give Eric all the access he needed to her ass. His rhythm changed and he pulled out. Before he could even stroke himself, he came hard shooting against her ass cheeks until it ran down her legs.

  Dr. Whittle smiled and nodded. “I’ll see you two at the next class session and I assume that Officer Shoal considers this all one big, unsolved mystery. Right?”

  Shoal blinked and said, “Yeah, no idea what happened.”

  Jessica pulled her shirt down over her cum-covered tits. She slid her shirt back down over her sticky ass. “Well, let’s go, Eric. We need to take showers and I need another shirt. Mine always gets messy with you.”

  Eric zipped up and held her hand as they left Dr. Whittle’s office.

  Eric said, “What color were your panties anyway?”

  Officer Shoal called from the open office. “Red. I found them and I’m keeping them for evidence.”

  Jessica stuck out her tongue and made a face. They both laughed as they walked out hand in hand toward where they had left their books

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  Story 45

  When Hailey received the message that she was waiting for, a mix of emotions rushed through her. Of course, she was thrilled that she had finally received what she believed was the invitation of a lifetime, but she also experienced a sensation that she didn’t expect to take hold of her; fear.

  She didn’t fear the one who had invited her though. Of that man, she was certain. The two of them had talked, both through messages and other means of communication that had recently become available to them every single day for months.

  He was all that Hailey thought about and from the impression she received, he was also everything that she had ever dreamed about.

  However, she certainly felt a sneaking sense of reservation, filling up her bones and sneaking into her soul each and every time she read the message.

  She read it over and over again, trying her best to make peace with it. She wanted to know what it was that caused her such hesitation, since this was what she had wanted. Yet, now that she had it, she was nervous about receiving it.

  Additionally, Hailey was also nervous about the idea of telling her family. They were poor humans, but with the exception of Hailey, they were happy with their lives.

  Her family was content to stay the way they were and they refused to accept the world that was changing continuously around them. They were so worried about losing themselves that they became consumed in being complacent.

  In almost a hundred years, the family consisted of farmers and even though it was a fairly lucrative business once upon a time, the need for organic freshness was soon outweighed by the need for supply.

  Still, instead of helping to bridge the gap and change with the times, they had resisted the technology and thus, eventually, they were left behind.

  Then, when the aliens came, the family really began to propel themselves into a downward spiral. Her father drank heavily and eventually died, while her mother and sisters tried their best to maintain the dying farm.

  Unfortunately, the best that they could do under the circumstances was to become self-sufficient.

  That was okay, for a while. After all, at least they had food, but within a few years, the house and machinery started to fail and those were fixes that, even with all of the technology the world had, just beyond the gates of their farm, there was still nothing that could make a new water-heater or tractor sprout out of the ground. Those things needed actual currency, money that they had tried their best to live without.

  Yet, now that they had no real way of both eating and selling their crops, since there was a limited supply, as well as a limited amount of buyers, the house fell into disrepair.

  If they didn’t work fast and come up with some kind of solution, Hailey knew that they were going to end up losing the farm that her parents had sacrificed everything to not only keep, but maintain in a pure fashion.

  Hailey didn’t agree with this though and, being the oldest, she also couldn’t just stand by and watch her mother ignorantly suffer when there were options for her that she just refused to consider.

  To Hailey’s mother, it seemed that she would rather see her family starve to death and be put out on the street then to conform to the new way of doing business. Hailey just didn’t understand, but as she clutched the money, the real, live, tangible money in her hands, more than enough to fix everything, she breathed a sigh and hoped that now that it was a done deal, she could make her mother understand.

  It was a long day for Hailey. Instead of telling her mother what she was doing, she just went around town and even different parts of the Earth, now with plenty of whatever she needed to get her anywhere she needed to go, to pay off her family’s debts and then buy a wonderful feast for them.

  Her mother and sisters would be out working in the field all day, which was where they also expected her to be and so, she could go about her business without worrying about being disturbed.

  Plus, it was her turn to make dinner tonight, which worked out perfectly. They expected to be working out in the field, getting food, whatever it was they could find after the drought, so that they might have food for the next day, so they still would think nothing of her being in the house while she prepared their meal; the dinner that they thought was going to be yet another rousing soup filled with lettuce and all of the other random bits that they had scrounged up the day before. They thought dinner was going to be awful, as it had been every night for almost a year, but tonight, it was going to be magnificent…and that was only the first surprise.

  For as excited as Hailey was to share the news with her mother and sisters, by the time she ended up calling them in for dinner, she was so nervous that she hardly even felt hungry.

  She hoped that she was making the right decision; she had no doubt for herself, but it was for the sake of the relationship she had with her mother and sisters that she was worried.

  Everything else, she could handle.

  No matter what happens, she thought to herself as she saw the old door handle curve, signaling that all of her planning for tonight was about to either pay off or blow up in her face, by this time tomorrow, you will be in the loving embrace of Xavier, beginning your new life far away from here.

  When her mother opened the door, her eyes grew wide, Her sisters followed and, smelling the unfamiliar, savory delight that Hailey had cooked up, rushed past her mother with large smiles, beginning to devour the food in its entirety.

  As though they really feared that the food would be taken away from them, or disappear if they did not consume it quickly enough, the girls didn’t even bother to grab plates. It had been so long since they had full stomachs that they wanted to have it all at once.

  “This is delicious!” They exclaimed, digging deeply into the food.

  “Stop!” Their mother screamed and with effort, the three girls put down their meal. Then, with angry eyes, their mother glowered over at Hailey and demanded, “What did you do?”

  Hailey smiled, hoping that it wasn’t too late to bring her mother back to her senses. She hadn’t done anything wrong. She had done what she honestly believed she needed to do in order to ensure the safety and security of her family.

  Even if her mother couldn’t see it, Hailey hoped at least, that her father would be proud of her. She wasn’t sure considering how undeniably he was against the kind of thing she had found that it made sense to do, but she was not just doing it for her own happiness. She was also, mainly doing it to ensure a better future for her mother and her sisters, as well as for herself.

  That was why she had made such a deal. It wasn’t because she really wanted anything other than love from Xavier, it was so that she could be happy with him without feeling as though she had abandoned her family when they needed her most.

  “I didn’t do anything wrong, Mother. I bought everything that you see
here,” She answered, beaming and trying to get her to be proud of her. Always the black sheep of the family, never following what their mother had to say, like her sisters did, because she researched and knew that there was a better way, almost every time.

  However, tonight, she only wanted to make her mother happy, after all, once she took care of everything and ensured that her family was safe and secure, she wasn’t sure when she would see them again; perhaps at the wedding, but then again, she supposed that would all depend on how her mother reacted in this moment.

  “With what?” She demanded, “Did you steal the money?”

  Hailey narrowed her eyes as she answered, “What? No, Mother. I didn’t steal anything.” Even though she understood why, given the abundance, when she thought they had so little, her mother would logically conclude that her eldest daughter had pulled off some kind of grand heist in order to provide her family with a meal of this significance, she still could not help but feel slightly offended that her mother would ever think she would do something so foolish.

  Her mother stared at her with cold eyes as she answered, “Then…how?”

  Desperate to have her mother calm down and try the food that she had tried so hard to acquire and prepare, Hailey pulled a chair out for her mother and grinned before she answered, “Please sit. I have a lot to tell you, but don’t worry, none of it is criminal and all of it is good news.” She then looked around the table at her sisters as she added, “For everyone.”

  Her mother stared at her suspiciously, but sat down.

  Once she was settled, Hailey went over to the other side of the table in order to begin at least trying to eat as well. When she looked up after pulling in her chair, she answered, “Please…Eat…”

  It was then that her mother started, very cautiously, to pick at her food. It was kind of funny, watching her. If Hailey didn’t know better, she would think that her mother thought that the police were going to burst in at any moment and take the food right off of their plates.

  Hailey’s sisters, however, were enjoying the fresh meal just as it was. They cared very little about where they received their food. At least they were able to eat a full meal.

  The family ate together, the first proper meal that any of them could remember, in silence.

  From Hailey’s mother, she sensed strain, but from the other girls, she sensed a joy in the ability to eat fresh.

  Being able to give that to her sisters, especially in light of where she was going to be dining tomorrow and with any luck, every night after for the rest of her life, she felt that this was the least she could do.

  Eventually though, Hailey decided that she needed to tell her mother more about what she was able to do for her, since she had a feeling that her mother was not going to ask her about it herself.

  “So…” She replied carefully, “Mother…I have a few more surprises for you…”

  “Oh?” She asked, this time without looking up from her food.

  Hailey nodded, “Yes, ma’am.”

  “What are they?” Her mother certainly didn’t sound very grateful though and while that wasn’t why Hailey had done this, she did feel a little bit angry that her mother was more suspicious than anything else.

  “Well, the house is paid for…And I have arranged to have people come out to the house this week so that they can fix everything that is going on with the house,” She smiled.

  “So, we’re not going to be put out on the street?” Her one sister exclaimed excitedly.

  “No,” She shook her head, “The house is yours,” Then, to her mother she added, “All you have to do is keep up with the taxes…”

  However, instead of being happy, Hailey’s mother just glowered at her, “Tell me this instant, what did you do?”

  By now, Hailey was tired of being treated like she had done anything wrong and so, she grew angry at her mother’s demand. She stood up and answered, “I did what was best for this family and for myself. I have entered into the exchange program for young women and I have been messaging with a very nice alien man who wishes to make me his bride. His name is Xavier and I am leaving tomorrow night.

  “No, you most certainly are not leaving at all, young lady!” My mother exclaimed, pounding her fist down on the table, “I will not have you whoring yourself out to some alien!” She glowered around the table and screamed, “Now look what you did! You not only put us in God knows how much more debt, but you now put us in debt to an extra-terrestrial!” She looked at Hailey’s sisters now and exclaimed, “Enjoy the food while you can girls, because your sister has ensured that we will likely never eat again!”

  “Stop it, Mother! The debt is mine now and it is one I am happy to pay! I love Xavier and he loves me.”

  She glowered at her and answered, “I loved your father. I know he loved me and do you know how I knew that? For starters, he was my species, so I knew that he was capable of feeling the same thing that I can feel, but most importantly, I didn’t just talk to him through messages and holograms! You can’t just send a picture to someone and write them a nice note and know everything about them.”

  “I’ve spoken to him for months, Mother…This is what I want…” She huffed with vexation, knowing that her mother was being unreasonable and petty. She didn’t understand anything and didn’t want to understand anything that progressed their lives. She was stuck in a rut, just like Hailey’s father and his father before that. No one wanted to change and therefore, their ways were becoming obsolete, but Hailey refused to let that mean that her family was going to starve or be put out on the street. “Besides, I’m an adult, mother. I can do whatever I want. I exchanged this plan with Xavier because I was trying to not only better my situation, but that of my family’s situation.”

  “Our situation is fine!” Her mother exclaimed, “I don’t need you trying to fix everything for me.”

  “Your children are starving!” Hailey insisted passionately, “You were going to lose your house, your farm and everything that made living here even the least bit worth it.” She then huffed before she added, “I did what I needed to do to protect our family, like you should have.”

  Her mother seemed shocked, but right now, Hailey was so angry that she could not even bear to think about the repercussions of the truth she had, until now, held deep within her heart.

  Hailey felt hot tears come to her eyes as she answered, “There is an escrow set up with money for whatever you need. Use it and get the farm up and running again, the right way this time, instead of clinging to the past. My pod leaves tomorrow morning. I will let you know when the wedding will be, should everything go well with the program.”

  Hailey’s mother was beat red with anger at this point, but Hailey didn’t care. All she wanted was to be with Xavier and leave this horrible life behind. She couldn’t believe that her mother could even try to convince her that things were going well. How could she not see it?

  Yet, at this point, she felt that she had done all that she could do and so, she tore off to go pack her belongings.

  Not wanting to stay with her mother that night, Hailey stayed at a friend’s house, one who was already married to a good, local, human man and the two girls stayed up all night talking about the adventures that Hailey was about to have.

  Then next day, when Hailey said goodbye to her friend, she was disappointed to see that her mother was not there to see her off.

  Still, after a brief thought and a tear for the relationship that she still believed could have been, she directed her focus to move forward.

  After all, in a few short hours, she was going to officially meet the love of her life, why should she waste tears on someone who didn’t even care?


  The pod was fairly large and housed all of her things, with a chair in the middle that she was strapped into carefully, ensuring that she was secure. Soon after she was strapped in, the last of the humans that she believed she would see for quite a while came through the pod and secured her things. Then, th
ey closed the transportation device. They sealed it, locked it and then began the countdown.

  As they reached closer to the final number, Hailey felt a sense of excitement begin to rumble through her stomach. She had waited for this day for so long and she could not wait to finally meet the alien who was hopefully going to officially become her husband-to-be.

  After a few moments of pressure, she was off; barreling through the atmosphere, leaving her small world behind for good. Before her, she was convinced, held a bright, exciting future.

  She wasn’t sure what exactly awaited her on her travels, but she was sure that whatever it was, the experience was going to be far better than what Earth had to offer her. She had always scraped and scrounged to get by, but Xavier, he knew what he was doing. He had created a good life for himself, from what he told her and even more important than that, she actually felt connected to him in a way that she had never before had the pleasure of experiencing.


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