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Page 100

by Lexi Hots

  The warmth of his body was increasingly exciting to her and even though they were both practically glowing from the sense of heat they were radiating, all Hailey wanted to do was feel Xavier consume her more.

  Once he had wrapped his legs around her he proceeded to pull her legs apart, so that she was completely exposed.

  He then wrapped his arms around her chest and grasped her breasts with his hand, while his other hand moved down to her split legs and began to make its way between them.

  Feeling a surge of excitement, Hailey leaned back into him and closed her eyes, while she yelled out.

  He continued to stroke her breast with a loving touch before he then grew another hand out of his arm, a regeneration trick that could be reversed if needed, to grasp her chin in the new extremity’s flesh.

  Xavier turned Hailey’s head towards him and immediately thrust his lips against hers. The powerful kiss caused Hailey to grow weak from being overloaded with emotion, but his new hand released her chin and carefully eased its way around the back of her neck, so that he could help her support her position.

  Meanwhile, his other hand began to carefully encircle the nipple of her breast with a skill that made her feel so good, that it was almost intensely painful, while the third hand rubbed himself against her warm, wet golden flesh with the same kind of teasing.

  Feeling more emotion and sensation than Hailey even thought was possible, she tried to scream out again, but his long, encompassing tongue busied her mouth too much for her to really be able to make much noise. So, she just ended up groaning in a pleasurably tortured fashion while the parts of her body that could move writhed and squirmed under his touch.

  Hailey heard her breath, but kept her eyes closed, in order to feel everything that he was doing to her. She could not believe that it felt this good and he wasn’t even inside of her yet.

  Every bit of her body felt as though it had just been reborn and was begging for attention from his stroking hands.

  When he was finished with the first breast, he moved onto the next, stroking it and then pinching her nipple with precision, causing her to scream, in spite of his mouth overtaking her.

  She then felt him laugh as he released her completely, except for the hand that was holding her neck.

  Without another word, he thrust her forward, so that she made it onto all fours, still being held securely by the large chair, before his hand released her neck and moved down her back, still pressing her down in a way, so that she could not turn around.

  “Are you ready?” He asked her and she realized that he was beginning to focus on her moist womanliness and behind almost exclusively.

  She regained her breath, which she had lost momentarily from the whirlwind of movement and emotion that she was going through before she smiled and nodded, “Yes, Xavier. I want you more than anything I have ever wanted in my whole life.”

  Then, she felt one of his hands grasping at her womanliness, massaging it in a fashion that caused her eyes to roll back in her head. Hailey groaned and arched her back downwards, which allowed Xavier to have even more direct access to her. She heard him laugh, before she felt his hand spread apart the lips of her loins, before his other hand began to encircle her cavern walls mockingly. She yelped with surprise at the complete and utter sense of intensity that she felt.

  Her body both wanted to move away and towards him at the very same time and yet, the hand held her solidly in place, so that he could play with her for as long as he liked.

  Eventually, after the jitters that came with being touched there for the first time subsided, she felt her molten need begin to thrust with excitement before it motioned towards him, as though willing him to enter her.

  He then pulled his hand away, without going inside of her, but kept his other hand holding her open and exposed to him. Yet, at first, she didn’t feel him do anything else, until finally, she felt the tip of him begin to stroke her. She groaned as she felt the vibration of her body begging, while her hands desperately grasped at the chair, trying to find something to hold onto.

  Her clutching was almost as if it was to force the inanimate object to carry some of the burden that Xavier had created from his teasing and thus-far, refusal to completely satisfy her.

  “Please…” She begged through gasping breaths, “Please…” She whined, “I’m ready…I need you.”

  At first, the only thing she was aware of was a small laugh, but then, she felt him plunge inside of her with a force that caused her to scream out, which was followed by a pleasure that made her momentarily feel like she was going to cry.

  “Yes!” She exclaimed, grasping tighter to the chair, with just about everything she had.

  Feeling him raging inside of her had only caused her to feel more pressure, but as he pulled in and out of her carefully, she was sure that there was going to be an amazing end to everything that she was feeling.

  At first, he eased himself back and forth with a sense of ease and care, his hands grasped either side of her, holding Hailey in place, while his other hands stroked her back, causing an even more intense sense of pleasure.

  Then, however, Hailey could have sworn she felt his hands ease back, closer to her buttocks. Even though it didn’t matter much what he did at this point, since he was making her feel absolutely amazing. She didn’t question him, but eventually, she was sure that he was up to something back there.

  Soon after she realized this for sure, she had little time to react before she felt what felt like a completely different maleness thrust through her cheeks. At this, she screamed, feeling a sense of pain, but as both phalluses interjected in and out of her, filling her, completely, the slight sense of pain quickly gave way to a thrill so amazing, that it was completely euphoric.

  For a moment, all Hailey could do was breathe and moan as she enjoyed the desire that he was providing her, but eventually, she actually made it to the point where she could push back against him which only escalated her experience.

  “Are you okay?” Xavier asked.

  “Oh God!” She gasped as an answer before she groaned a sentiment of excitement which quickly led to a shriek of pleasure.

  “Good…” He answered and Hailey could tell that there was a broad smile riding on his tone.

  With that, Xavier began to quicken his pace and Hailey felt the new birth of every feeling she had ever experienced all begin to commence at once.

  This time, when the tears came to her eyes because of the overwhelming sensation of euphoria, they stayed, but Hailey didn’t care.

  If she could, she would stay like this, maintaining this rush of feelings inside of her forever.

  “Oh my God…” She gasped, “I love you…I love you Xavier….Oh my God…” She repeated until the exhilaration overtook her breath almost completely and soon after she felt Xavier burst all at once. Both of his loins filled her with their juices with one final, glorious thrust.

  After a moment and a loud groan from behind her, she felt Xavier grasp her tighter and then proceed to finish, coursing himself in and out of her with a sense of ease. She felt her heartbeat rise with every stroke; her arousal overcome by the smooth wetness that was now consuming her, until finally, she felt the orgasmic relief within herself and she screamed his name, while the world faded from her conscious vision.

  Hailey heard her own voice yelling, while Xavier laughed excitedly, but other than the noises that the two of them made, for a long moment, as though she was suspended in time, that was all that she sensed from the outside world. Everything else was all-encompassing.

  The only thing that mattered to her rushing head and flowing womanliness was the two of them, there, together, sharing this glorious moment.

  Once the feeling had begun to loosen its hold on her, however, she felt her body quaking around both of his members and that sent a final shiver of exhalation through her spine, until he began to pull himself out.

  Immediately after, Xavier hugged her tightly and Hailey had never felt more fu

  After the two lay on the large chair together, holding one another tightly for a long time, Hailey felt Xavier begin to play with her hair lovingly and when she looked up at him, he told her sweetly, “I cannot wait to marry you, Hailey. I knew from the moment I saw you that I had found the best woman, of any species and I would be honored to have you as my wife.”

  Flattered, Hailey smiled and answered “I was obsessed with you since your very first message. You are the only man, from any world, who has ever helped me to feel like I belong…and I couldn’t be happier to belong to you.”

  “And I, you,” He replied.

  With that, Hailey received a notification of an urgent message and so, she excused herself to look at it.

  She didn’t want to pull herself away, but considering who had sent the message, she knew that she could not concentrate fully again until she knew what it said.

  As she read the message, she felt tears fill up her eyes.

  “What is it?” Xavier asked carefully and Hailey turned around.

  When she saw him, she began to smile as the tears that quickly built up started to run down her face, “It’s my mother,” She answered him, “She says that she is sorry for everything. They are doing quite well, thanks to the new life we provided for her, the farm is back up and running back on earth, my sisters are actually attending school and the four of them would be honored to accept our wedding invitation.”

  It was at that moment that Hailey truly believed, for the first time, that she could actually have a happily ever after without sacrificing a thing!

  Story 46

  Chapter One

  College is about new experiences right? Trying new things, finding yourself. But you’re also supposed to be grown-up, adults, making decisions – more importantly making the right decisions. So what do you do when – well when the universe seems to be pushing you one way, and your loyalty pushes you the other way?

  You see, the way this all starts is with my meeting Bret. He’s standing squinting in the sun looking up at our first year halls and looking for the reader into which his keycard should fit. Turns out he’s just down the corridor from me and I help him away from the maintenance entrance that he’s fussing with. We go round to the residential’s entrance and we head up to our floor chatting all the way.

  Once he’s set up his room, rather than waste time unpacking, we go find a pool table in the Student Union building and put away a few beers. By the fifth pint down, we’re the best friends either of us have ever had.

  Then, in the haze of the morning hangover, we decide that the beer-brotherhood stuck after the beer had dropped away. We get on: same sense of humour, complementary strengths and weaknesses, and we’re both studying history.

  He’s what the American’s would call a trust fund kid, and what I’d call a fucking posh-boy, but even that has some benefits, he tends to pick up the tab when we’re out and his parents funded the sweet flat we took up in second year.

  His parents are divorced and don’t talk, so he plays them both like the proverbial and gets a double allowance for rent and booze. With both sides paying double for everything there’s plenty to spare to live it up and spend on his best pal, me.

  I have no shame in helping him spend his allowance. After all, he hardly earned it. Nor did his parents, they inherited cash from their parents back to time immemorial, or at the very least the 1980s.

  So with our small(ish) flat off campus together, we settled into a best bud rhythm. Our flat is great: two bedrooms, three bathrooms, and more gaming consoles than any two guys could need.

  It’s a great little bachelor pad. Then his Dad goes on this long business trip, Bret suggests his step-mother come visit him, and that is when all my bloody troubles start.

  Because the thing is, for all my athleticism, I am terrified of girls, a real social anxiety type deal, and Bret, in a fit of filial duty invites his new step-mum over for a bank holiday when I’ll have to hang out with her.

  Bret just wants to ‘keep an eye on her’ while his Dad’s away, though he doesn’t specify what that means. He clearly loves his step-mom like his own, but his Dad doesn’t trust her much. Nice marriage they’ve got going on there.

  Anyways, Bret doesn’t tell me about the visit until the last minute.

  So when the doorbell rings, I am a little surprised, but I skip over to the hallway and answer the call.

  The door opens on a gorgeous blonde in her mid thirties, wearing a summer dress that is cut a little low for a married woman. She’s perches atop a pair of massive platform high-heels, that bring her diminutive form almost to my considerable height.

  ‘Hey there, hot stuff,’ she says cocking her hip and pulling her sunglasses down to look me head to foot. ‘My little Brettling in?’

  I blush, and feeling myself blush, go ahead and blush even harder, redder, mortifying-er. ‘Uh, yeah. Bret–’ I try to give him a shout but stop as my voice comes out in a squeak which makes me triple down on the whole blushing thing.

  She takes over, pushes past me and yells, ‘Where’s my little Brettling at?’ I hear her making cooing noises in the kitchen like he’s five rather than twenty-one and I nervously join them.

  ‘You didn’t tell me you were shacked up with such a stud, Bret,’ she says, giving me that same predatory look as at the door. ‘Maybe I should have gone to college. I could see myself enjoying it here. You’re father’s pretty good in the sack but he does not have all that.’ She gestures vaguely at all of me. ‘I bet you just go and go, don’t you, hot stuff?’

  ‘Ewww, mum,’ Bret says, rolling his eyes at me. ‘She’s like this, you just have to ignore her.’

  ‘If he does, I’ll just have to try harder. Make mommy a voddy and coke would you, Brettling dear. Your friend can keep me company.’

  She slips her arm into mine and guides me out of the kitchen through to the to the sofa in the living room, resting her head on my shoulder like we’ve known each other for years.

  My heart is hammering in my throat. I can smell her perfume and it must be drugged because I feel light headed and a little faint.

  I manage to hoarsely whisper: ‘Bring one for me too, Bret.’ Hopefully the booze will straighten me out and help me relax with this astonishingly sexy man eater.

  ‘Yes, let’s get this party started,’ she shouts. Then she whispers in my ear, ‘You a real party animal I bet. Eh, hot stuff?’

  ‘A little, but I try to stay in shape for the varsity…’ I am cut off as she pulls me down onto the sofa beside her then tucks her knees up and turns to me. Her dress falls away to reveal way more of a shapely leg that I have to very carefully avoid looking at. My body is reacting involuntarily to all this attention and not just the near panic attack she’s putting on me with her femininity and plunging décolleté.

  I try eye contact but find I can’t look her right in the face for long and end up staring at the blank TV screen.

  ‘Ah, drinks are here,’ she grabs both glasses from Bret’s hands and thrusts the more full one into my hands. ‘Chin chin.’ She knocks hers back almost without swallowing and I marvel slightly at it. The chugging has disarrayed some of her hair and with it a little looser there is something a little less intimidating about her.

  ‘What do you boys get up to here when its just you? A lot of girls make their way through those doors?’ She gestures at the bedroom doors visible down the small corridor.

  ‘Ewww, mum,’ Bret says again.

  ‘Bet your room is a merry-go-round of tail, hot stuff,’ she winks at me. She actually just winked at me.

  I try to mumble something coherent through the rising tide of embarrassment as Bret smirks at me. ‘You’re making him blush,’ he says. He is grinning at my embarrassment and I pick a shard of ice out of my drink and throw it at him.

  ‘Oi.’ He ducks. ‘I’m gonna start cooking,’ he says. ‘You two keep each other entertained.’

  I turn my head to watch him leave and before he’s out the doo
r I feel his step-mum’s hands testing out my biceps. I assume she’s about to make another comment but when I look at her she’s got a weird look in her face like she’s checking the pressure in a tyre, assessing me. I suddenly understand what people mean when they say they felt like ‘a piece of meat’ to someone else. It’s kind of flattering and I realise I am unconsciously tensing the arm she’s feeling.

  ‘What you studying? Biology?’

  ‘No… I… Hist–’ I begin but she cuts me off:

  ‘You play around much?’

  ‘Sorry, I don’t–’ What the hell does she mean by all that.

  ‘You know, sport and stuff?’

  Oh, thank god. I breath a sigh of relief. ‘Yeah. Rugby, a little rowing. At this time a year I like tennis for the sun. Mixed doubles are fun.’

  ‘Oh! I have the cutest tennis skirt. Sooo short, scandalised the local old folks who use the tight-ass banker’s health club me and Bret’s dad use. I barely ever get to wear that skirt though. Bret’s dad isn’t very,’ she pauses. ‘Energetic, if you know what I mean. Whereas I love to exercise myself. I bet you’d give me a serious workout over the net.’ She looks at me, still with that appraising look in her eyes, but a little hind of approval in the look that makes me think she isn’t just making fun of me.


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