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Filled! Page 105

by Lexi Hots

  “Go on, Cull… ennn,” Shania moaned. “Fuck her and fuck me at the same time…”

  “Oh, yes, baby.” Nagynia added. “Fuck us together… let the rumors about the men of the North be proven true.”

  “Those rumors are of no other Northman… just of me.” Cullen growled and pulled out his cock of the princess’ hungry pussy and rammed in hard into the noblewoman’s soppy one.

  His rock hard buttocks clenched hard as he pounded not one, but two tight pussies of women of high birth. He laughed inwardly, as apart from their looks and social station, these women were no different from the many whores and slave girls he had pleasured before. When he closed his eyes, their tight, juicy pussies were all the same for his mammoth cock.

  Cullen increased his tempo. Plunging his cock in deep, one thrust into Nagynia the next into Shania. It was a skill to do that and he found he had a natural talent for it, with the two compliant and willing women taking full satisfaction of his efforts. He felt the rise of his orgasm stir in his gonads once more as both women under him gave in to orgasmic bliss in tandem over his cock. Each plunging thrust increased the surging rise of his orgasm, until he was breathing sharply.

  “No, barbarian… no!” Nagynia screamed. “Drink, we want to drink… your fresh juice again.”

  Cullen pulled away, staggering on his heels as he squatted before the scrambling women, as he stroked his engorged erection before him. Shania and Nagynia got on their hands and knees and like thirsting little fledglings opened their mouths wide in anticipation of his delectable deluge.

  The barbarian obliged them to the fullest as a thick jet of his hot cum shot out right into Nagynia’s waiting mouth. He swiftly swiveled his muscular hips and Shania caught the next spurt on her pink tongue sticking out. He twisted again, letting the noblewoman take the next one and then the princess swallowed the one after.

  The two women closed in on his spewing cockhead as the spurts reduced to a flowing stream. Pushing one another to get the most of his offering, the two women giggled and licked each others faces as the muscle-bound mercenary splashed his hot cum all over them. He caressed their silken tresses and sighed. This was a life he could get used to. He would take them with him high into the mountains and make a place for them to live. He didn’t care to worry about how he would sustain two women, one with child, on his meager earnings as a sellsword. He would take one day as it came, just like he had always done.

  “Oh, Cullen… this was by far the best sex I have ever had.” Shania stretched her naked body luxuriously. “I want this to go on forever.”

  “On that we are in agreement, my dear princess.” Nagynia grinned, smearing the sticky cum all over her face and breasts.

  “Aye, so am I.” Cullen nodded, flopping down to rest between the two naked women, under the shadow of the horses. “And if we keep this up, we will cross this desert in two days and be at the northern border of your father’s kingdom, princess. There we will rest and replenish our strength, then ride for the cold soulless hills of my clan lands.”

  “Oh, good.” Nagynia smiled lazily. “I know you will lead us true, Cullen. It will be good to sleep on a soft warm bed again after all these many days out in the wild. And I’ve also got this yearning to have some stewed beef.”

  * * * * *

  The beef stew was thick and rich in flavor, and the fresh baked bread was like the most delicious of cakes. But none of it tasted better that the clear water the three thirsty travelers poured over their faces and swallowed down in painful gasps. Not caring about the state of their clothing or the water dripping off their half-exposed bodies, Shania and Nagynia fell upon the food like starving wolf pups. Cullen licked his lips, still savoring the water. Two days of drinking Shania’s milk and their lust-filled playfulness after that not withstanding, the water was still something that could never be bested. He joined the women, heaping spoonfuls of the hot beef stew and chunks of bread into his mouth as the other people in the little tavern by the only well near the western border watched them in amusement. Cullen looked up at the slender white haired innkeeper as he chewed on the bread and beef.

  “What brings you here all the way across the accursed desert?” The old man asked, apprehensively.

  “We are just travelling through, friend.” Cullen replied brusquely. “We head for the north country.”

  “Have you any news from the West?” Nagynia asked the old man.

  “Aye, My Lady.” He said, looking at her curiously. “News is there aplenty, if it matters to ye.”

  “It does matter to me, old man,” Shania looked at him sternly. “Tell us what news comes from the kingdom… I will pay gladly in gold for it.”

  “No need for payment, my princess.” The old man smiled. “Yes, I knew you from the moment I saw you and the news I have is ill. King Gawain has been imprisoned by some traitors… and the kingdom is in turmoil.”

  “What?” Shania was aghast. “My father… imprisoned? It has to be that lizard Draco.”

  “Yes, I would say that was his plan since he first arrived to the palace, several years ago.” Nagynia said calmly.

  “We must do something, anything.” Shania yelled. “I cannot flee north while my father languishing in chains.”

  “You can storm the castle.” The old innkeeper said suddenly.

  “What?” The three of them looked at him in astonishment.

  “Aye, the people of the kingdom are loyal to your father and to you… men from everywhere will follow you, it’s only the matter of rallying them.”

  “How do you know so much?” Nagynia demanded.

  “As a busy innkeeper, it is my business to know…” the man grinned.

  “I can see the possibility, princess.” Cullen spoke up. “You must rally the people; go around the kingdom… with Lady Nagynia and a few men from here.”

  “And what will you be doing?” Shania demanded.

  “I will go north and bring with me fighting men, men of war… like me.” Cullen said calmly. “They will fight for gold and strong drink. I will return with an army of them in seven days.

  * * * * *

  On the seventh day as he had promised, Cullen rode down the northern hills leading hundreds of his highland clansmen, driving the scattered army of Draco’s men further back toward the Southern border. The men of the farmlands and the surrounding villages had done the Princess proud, holding back a trained and bettered armed legion of the kingdom. Many of the soldiers deserting Draco also helped, for they were still loyal to Gawain and his heir, Shania.

  “Where is the princess?” Cullen barked at the captain assigned to lead the farmers and fishermen.

  “Her majesty herself leads the attack on the eastern gates, my lord.” The man bowed.

  Cullen cursed under his breath, he had give her clear instructions to not get in the thick of the fighting, at least not until he had arrived with his war-hardened kinsmen. The promise of much gold and Western liquor had lured almost every fighting man the highlands could offer to come to his aid.

  Draco had a fatal flaw in his plan. He overlooked the common man, taking only the nobility and higher ranking officers of the King’s army into his confidence. Though he did succeed in dethroning and imprisoning Gawain in his own dungeon, Shania assured Cullen that the common people of the land were still loyal to Gawain and to her. And she was right. The siege on the Castle was almost over. Cullen’s horde of marauding highlanders had turned the battle, and broken the Draco’s resistance. He kicked his horse and thundered toward the eastern gates.

  “Ah, Cullen… you have done it again.” Shania gushed as the mercenary rode up to her.

  Cullen felt his breath taken away as he beheld her. She looked dazzling in her shining suit of body clinging chainmail armor and a flowing red cloak as she sat upon a regal white stallion, bedecked in gold and steel. She was a vision that inspired men to die for her and it was no wonder that every able bodied man who could wield a sword rose to her aid, many of the soldiers from the ki
ng’s army among them.

  “I see that you too have fared well, princess.” Cullen nodded as he scanned the damage done to the eastern gate. “It will take much from the King’s coffers to set this right again.”

  “Oh, no.” Shania spat. “Draco will pay, as will his descendants if the snake has any. Every price of gold that goes to rebuilding the kingdom will come from his estate that which I will claim as my own after this is over.”

  “And where is the cur?” Cullen sheathed his sword. The fighting had ceased for the time being.

  “He hides behind the high tower of the Castle Keep.” Shania said with a deep sigh. “Only a skilled assassin can get to him.”

  “Leave that to me.” Cullen looked grim. “And what of the king… is he…?”

  “My father is imprisoned in the dungeon west of the Keep, away from Draco… another flaw in his plan, the arrogant fool.” Shania glared at the towering Keep. “My spies in the castle tell me the king is well and being cared for.”

  “What of the resistance beyond the gates.” The mercenary asked. “Shall we just march in and overpower them all?”

  “Yes, we will.” Shania nodded. “Draco’s main army has dispersed. I am ever grateful for your kinsmen’s help.”

  “They have a price.”

  “And I will pay it gladly… all of Draco’s southern estates will suffice, I should hope.”

  “With some to spare for the rebuilding, yes, it will.” Cullen nodded. “It is time to lead the charge. And you, my love, must stay back here… and where is Lady Nagynia?”

  “She is well; I locked her up in northern outpost.” Shania grinned. “She was too eager to obey your last order to keep me in check.”

  Cullen eyed her with a knowing gleam in his eye as he turned to the men waiting for orders and led them on a charge into the eastern courtyard of the Castle, shields held high to thwart the hail of arrows coming down from above.

  Shania watched him ride off, a silent prayer on her lips and pride in her heart. She was so wrong when she had first met him. Her arrogance treated him with disdain and ridiculed him as a lowborn, even though he had kindled a raging fire of lust within her. And now, after a mere month and a half, she felt like she could not live without him. She carried his child and she could think of no other more worthy of her, and she of him, with the possible exception of that slut, Nagynia. The young princess rolled her eyes with a grimace.

  * * * * *

  Draco’s bloodshot eyes almost popped out of his lean face as he glared at Cullen. The barbarian had stormed the Keep with a horde of wild men as savage as himself and disposed of his most trusted bodyguards in mere moments. Now the giant loomed over him, his lips twisted in a snarl and his steel blue eyes lusting for blood.

  “You ill-begotten untutored fool.” Draco screamed, waving a short curved dagger before him, “You have destroyed a lifetime’s worth of work with your lust for a woman of high birth.”

  Cullen remained silent, his keen eyes following every move of the frantic man cowering before him. He could snap his scrawny neck with a twist of his thick wrist at any time, but he preferred to wait and watch the distraught nobleman.

  “When my nephew is here with the entire army of the Southern Kingdom, you will all hang.” The gaunt man rasped, his eyes darting left to right and back again with frenetic urgency. His snake like tongue licked his thin lips repeatedly and he brandished his dagger as a child would a toy.

  “The Southern Kingdom has given up on your foolish schemes.” Cullen said coldly. “King Leos-le-Fountain has even imprisoned his own foolish son for plotting against the kingdom… they have placed a price on your head, one I might consider going for.”

  “You lie, lowborn.” Draco almost whispered, yet he knew the truth in the barbarian’s words.

  “Surrender, fool.” Cullen offered. “And you may yet live out your days… in the dungeons.”

  “Nay, savage.” The thin man yelled and lunged at the huge warrior, his dagger held high before him, aimed for Cullen’s throat.

  The large mercenary did not draw his broadsword, not even a dagger. He deftly side stepped the desperate man’s rushing attack, grabbed his flowing robes and hurled him toward the open window. The skeletal figure was lifted into the air and sailed smoothly though the window to plummet to the cobbled pathway, a few score meters below.

  Shania watched in contempt as the desperate nobleman howled on the blood spattered ground, both his skinny legs broken. She waved at her soldiers to take him away to the physician and then throw him into the dungeon. She waited for Cullen to come back down; she needed him beside her when she rescued her father from the confines of the prison below the Castle.

  * * * * *

  “I never thought I would see my Castle again.” Gawain held up his goblet of wine. “And I must say there is no king more proud of his son than I am of my daughter, the Princess Shania.”

  “Father, that is enough… let the guests relax and make merry.” The red faced young princess hissed at the belligerent monarch of the Western Kingdom.

  “Oh, be silent, child.” Gawain patted her on the back. “You are ruining the moment.”

  He turned to the thronging crowd before the royal castle and waved at them as they cheered. “This day…” He continued his address to them, “let it be written, that a princess is no less in waging a war and running a kingdom than a king.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without Cullen… and Nagynia.” Shania whispered.

  “Aye, so it is true.” The King went on aloud. “Cullen the savage Northman has indeed served our Kingdom well again… and so, as King, I decree that my lovely daughter, Princess Shania, may choose him as her husband with my blessing.”

  Cullen jerked up as if a few sharp arrows had pierced his broad back as Shania and Nagynia squeezed each of his massive upper arms. The roar of the crowd was defeating and the revelry exploded all over the kingdom. Gawain retired to his private chambers to rest, leaving Shania and Cullen to join in the festivities of the night.

  “So it is done, Cullen.” Nagynia said, kissing him on the cheek. “You are consort to a queen.”

  “Yes, so it is.” Shania giggled. “And as queen, I would also need a loyal handmaiden who can keep my husband busy whenever I am unable… or even at times when able.”

  “Oh, you know I am perfect for the job, and I don’t even need payment.” The dark haired noblewoman laughed.

  “If I had ever dreamt of something like this happening to me even a month ago, I would consider myself going insane.” Cullen laughed, putting his massive arms around both women and squeezing them close to him.

  “Oh, we will have many moments of insanity, dear husband.” Shania slipped her hand under his kilt, groping for his gigantic cock.

  “And this night is not a bad one for the first of many.” Nagynia joined the princess in laughter, slipping her hand under Cullen’s kilt from the other side.

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  Story 48

  “This is a very high-level job, do you understand? In order to be successful here, Mrs. Brennan, you must be able to do…just about anything.” The older man’s voice curled around the last word with an insinuation in his voice that made Cynthia slightly uncomfortable.

  Still, she needed this job. She had promised her husband that she would play nice with his senior executives and so that is what she intended to do; no matter what.

  At least, she thought as she consciously tried to stop her hands from fidgeting with her nervousness, he wasn’t all that bad to look at.

  The man with whom she was speaking to now had a prestige about him that was admirable. His hair was beginning to grey, but his facial features were as sharp as ever, giving him a very distinguished look. The suit-jacket and tight white shirt that the man was wearing did it’s best to hide a slim, toned physique, although the slight ripples in his arms, even through the jacket that he was wearing, were abundantly no
ticeable to her, especially given the conversation they were having.

  The man’s dark eyes were piercing and suggestive, but the colors that made up the irises were unable to be pinpointed. They were not quite blue; they were darker than that, but striking nonetheless. The darkness that resided within them, which melded well with his hair made his eyes seem almost grey.

  Even though she could not deny that the man had a charisma and a handsome, yet somewhat strange, devilish charm, Cynthia immediately felt as though she was coursing towards completely unchartered waters. Her chest rose and fell with a cadence that seemed far slower than it should have been, considering the rate at which her heart was pulsing. It took her a moment, but she soon realized that her eyes had dropped to the same general location as the senior executive’s, watching her breasts, which were plump and ripe from the heat, rise and fall with every breath she took.

  When she realized where she was looking, she panicked and brought her eyes up to try and meet the senior executive’s again, but he wasn’t so shy about where his eyes wanted to remain. Feeling a sense of immodesty, her eyes then flickered towards the door and part of her wanted to stand and bolt, but the voice of her husband rang loudly in her head, telling her to stay. The reminder of why she was doing this settled her enough so that she could at least think a little clearer, even if she still wasn’t the least bit content with what was actually going on.

  Still, she did not want to bring attention to his ogling, since the more he scrutinized her body, the more she hoped he would want it. So, instead of doing anything to avert his eyes from her form, she pressed herself up, showing him more of a peek into what she was offering him if he took her onto his team.


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