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Filled! Page 106

by Lexi Hots

  Feeling awkward staring back at him as his eyes widened with delight, she tried her best to look around the room with an expression that told him she was unimpressed and he would have to show her a lot more than his fancy office to get her to truly reciprocate his affections.

  That was rather difficult though, because Cynthia was impressed. Her and her husband lived well, but this office alone made their home seem nearly worthless.


  The senior executive sat behind a smooth, boastful mahogany desk, which was complete with deep etchings of intricate design that showcased not only his taste for grandeur, but also his excitement for the finer things in life.

  However, the desk was not the only attribute that made the room feel expensive. A large Persian rug lay sprawled out across the floor, reaching towards all four corners of the room with a magnificent presence, while expensive paintings lined the walls and taunted Cynthia with their beauty.

  While the executive’s eyes looked upon her with the distinct pursuit of conquest misting over them, the beady little eyes of the paintings looked at her as though they knew the true lack of experience she held and threatened to expose her.

  Under the scrutiny of both the executive and the paintings, she felt bare and exposed. She had the sensation that at any moment, she would feel a light touch of a hand as it caressed her inner thigh, easily working its way towards her womanliness, before snatching her faithfulness from her in one foul swoop.

  In her thoughts, Cynthia went as far as to imagine the brush of Mr. Rossini's closely shaven beard brushing against her lips, while he took her into him, while his hand grasped her face and pulled him towards him and thrusting his rod into her with an overwhelming and experienced sense of passion and vigor. With the thought, her breasts began to swell even greater and a chill ran down her spine.

  For whatever reason, she imagined that the proposition that she waited so impatiently for, even though she had no idea what it would entail, would not come in words, but rather in a rough, swift action. Cynthia thought that by the time she realized what was happening, it would already be too late. She sensed that the senior executive liked to go about sex just about the same way he went after financial endeavors; swift, hard and aggressively.

  However, no matter how convinced she became that he was about to make her his own, he made no other move, but to watch her bosom as it invitingly protruded out of her dress.

  They were quiet for far too long. Yet, finally, when the senior executive finally looked back up at her eyes, Cynthia thought about what to say. In the seconds that had ticked by since his comment was spoken, a lot had gone one inside Cynthia’s head and she wasn’t quite sure whether she wanted to respond to what he said, or the thoughts that had penetrated her brain and confused her mind. She was a married woman, after all.

  She wanted to ask what exactly he meant by his previous comment and if she were any other situation, she most certainly would have asked. However, because of whom she was talking to and the fact that she was sure she really didn’t want to know anything about what was going on at the time, she decided against her normal reaction.

  Instead, she smiled, hoping that her eyes and expression matched the level of understanding they had come to with a sense of excitement and allure that would prove to be convincing, “Yes,” she answered, “Whatever it takes.”

  “Excellent!” He exclaimed without his expression changing, “Because this line of work, dealing with financial accounts that, if even so much as ruffled could ruin all of our lives in an instant, can be extremely stressful and to keep from jumping off the roof, we all need to be able to keep things interesting.”

  Again, Cynthia nodded, feeling her stomach twist uncomfortably, even though she tried her best not to let her discomfort show. “I understand.”

  This response made the senior executive sneer, ever so slightly, “We shall see about that, Mrs. Brennan. I have always been a proprietor of the old saying that actions speak louder than words and with your husband’s recommendations, speaking as highly of you as he does…” He paused to give her a strange look of approval that was extremely evocative, before continuing in a far more obvious tone, “In all aspects of your performance, I am extremely interested in seeing your actions first hand.”

  Cynthia almost answered him with a sense of spite in her tongue, considering that even though her husband warned her of the executive’s blatant disregard for tact, as well as his multiple vices, which he seemed more proud of than even his financial success, she still did not think that he would be that forward, but she resisted and simply responded with giving him an arched eyebrow and a smile that consisted of plump lips and a redolent tone, “Even if my husband is being modest, I am sure how aware you are that I am up for the challenge,” As she did this, she made sure to arch her back, so that her breasts popped out of the low-cut dress she was wearing, in an effort to give her statement a little bit more credibility.

  In any other situation, speaking this way to anyone, other than her husband, Cynthia would have felt her cheeks turn red in a moment, but she knew that for this to work, she needed give a Oscar-winning performance.

  He took the invitation to leer unashamedly at her exposed and voluptuous flesh and perfected womanly figure, but he didn’t respond. He simply enjoyed the view for a few moments, before somewhat abruptly dismissing her.

  As she stood to leave, Cynthia didn’t know what to think. In a way, she could not wait to get out of the room, which seemed to be filling with male ego and the undeniable sense of sexual attraction more with every second that passed. However, there was a part of her that felt put-off by the end to the encounter.

  Still, Cynthia stood up with purpose and fixed her dress, so that her breasts stuck out, complimenting her curves in a way that she hoped was attractive to the man, before shaking his hand and turning around with a saunter that allowed perform in a teasing fashion while she walked away, ideally giving him a show that he would want to see again.


  From the moment she turned around until she reached the door, she didn’t look back, but just as she opened the large, strong, encompassing door which matched the desk perfectly through the type of wood and intricacy, she turned her head to look over her shoulder. She smiled at him staring at her as her hand closed around a smooth, alluring golden handle that was probably as real as they could make it without sacrificing solid functionality and integrity. Once she stroked the handle down, she pressed firmly against the wood, forcing it to open for her with the pressure of her touch. When passage out of the room became available, she strutted through the door, ensuring to make herself look as tight as possible, while she accompanied the smile with a slow wink, before disappearing and then closing the divide between them with purpose.

  When Cynthia walked in the door, she ran to Trent and hugged him, happy to be home and away from all of those piercing, demeaning eyes.

  After taking one look at her, he asked, “Was it all that bad?”

  Even though the words that made up the questions seemed like they could have been domineering, the sentiment behind his expression and tone was genuine.

  Cynthia did not want to tell her husband about the encounter with his boss, because she feared that there would be jealousy, or worse, a sense of pleasure derived from the situation. So, she just looked up at Trent and gave a slight shrug.

  “I told you that he had an ulterior motive for hiring you…” He shrugged, “Most women who are hired don’t last, because of his expectations…If you don’t want to do it…”

  “No!” She answered, trying her best to be absolute. “I want to do it. We need the money and I think it might be interesting.”

  Cynthia then focused on the warmth of his arms, surrounding her and she felt comforted. Trent’s body was younger than the senior executives, but just about as well toned. His broad chest and lean arms rippled with muscles every time he moved and his form slid flatly into a slate of abs which flowed down to his groin and deli
cious manliness.

  Yet, it was his face that she drew the most comfort from at the moment as she stared lovingly into Trent’s eyes, after only a moment of hugging him tightly. She smiled as she saw a flash of an expansive grin cross his face, which made his deep brown eyes immediately brighten. Looking at her husband now, she was reminded that even the shape of his face was incredibly masculine, while his expressions continued to seem, almost boyish in nature. The juxtaposition made for a very interesting mix.

  They were interrupted by the sound of Trent’s work phone. He pulled away from her and answered it. After speaking back and forth for a few moments, he hung up the phone and informed her that she will start tomorrow.

  Cynthia tried her best to illuminate the sense of nervousness she felt as pure excitement, but she could tell that Trent wasn’t buying it; at least not completely.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” He asked, encircling her in his arms again.

  She smiled reassuringly and replied, “I will be fine…”

  He nodded and answered, “Okay…” Then, after a moment, he shrugged and said, “I’m going to go to bed…I’m really tired.” Then, without waiting for her to respond, he broke away and headed towards the bedroom.

  Cynthia stood there for a moment, trying to figure out exactly what she should do, but eventually decided that no matter what was going to happen at the firm tomorrow; she was going to need her rest, so going to sleep wasn’t such a bad idea.


  Her first day of the job, despite the awkwardness of the interview process seemed to be fairly uneventful. Trent was tasked with showing her the day-to-day operations of the firm and she was instructed to sit in on his meetings with clients, in order to see how he, one of the best salespeople they had, massaged the clients into investing their life-savings with their company.

  Throughout the morning, Cynthia saw a whole slew of high-profile people coming in to set up investments, but despite the amount of warning she received about the ethics of the company, it really did seem as though it was business as usual.

  Then, Trent got a call that seemed to change his attitude immediately.

  When she asked him what that call was about, he told her, “That was Mr. Rossini. Just as I thought, he and another senior partner want to gauge just how serious you are about your willingness to do anything.” The way he said the last word showed his growing disdain for the idea. She knew that he wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but Cynthia could tell that whatever it was her showing her shamelessly exposed, pink-tipped bosom of fun was not going to cut it.

  Of course, the two of them were sexually adventurous with one another and neither one of them was ever a prude, but neither of them had ever looked outside the relationship for satisfaction and even though she knew what she was getting into, at least on the surface, she understood the discomfort that Trent had with the situation, because she felt it too.

  Still, she had promised him that she would do anything for him and so she remained steadfast in her conviction. “Okay…Where are we going to meet?”

  “We’re both supposed to go to a ritzy hotel downtown…They are going to meet us there.” He informed, before grabbing his suit jacket and began to walk towards the door.


  When they entered the hotel, they received the key from the front desk, which was registered under their name and went up to the room that they were instructed to enter.

  Once they got up there, they found that there was a stunning, yet empty room spilling out before them. The hardwood floor reminded Cynthia of Mr. Rossini’s office, but the deep red walls, elegantly wallpapered, looked as though they were made specifically to keep secrets, without passing judgment.

  Above the bed there was a curtain which matched the walls and arched over a curling, smooth, sensuous headboard, which was elaborate and held the expensive mark of gold that looked over the large, desk and drawn curtains, which also helped to distinguish the secrecy and romantic atmosphere of the room.

  Across from the bed, there was a velvety couch, which also adored a gold trim and tight, lavish upholstery work.

  All and all, the room was inviting, but considering that the couple had no idea what kind an invitation it was sending, the extreme essence of ardor made the room seem strangely uncouth for the situation they were in.

  It did not take long for the two men to come into the room behind them and when they did, Cynthia wasn’t quite sure what to do. So, she instinctively moved towards Trent, who stood stiffly next to his wife.

  The two men didn’t seem to be the least bit uncomfortable, though. They promptly began removing their clothes. Cynthia watched as the muscles she knew the senior executive had beneath that suit and tie rippled to life while he removed his shirt.

  The other man in the room, Cynthia had never met, but he smoothly introduced himself as James, was younger, but still her elder, yet his body looked as though it was chiseled out of stone and was meant for a god. In addition to rock-hard abs and a tight physique that contorted tightly against his body, making the tan of his skin seem enticingly sleek, the man also had deep brown eyes, like Trent, that were friendly and welcoming. His dark hair was already ruffled slightly and looked somewhat disproportionate to his otherwise taut body. His chest sprawled out confidently, with a sprinkle of hair funneling down to his perfectly triangular abdomen. His smile was also cheerful and even though, ultimately, the two men undressing before gave her the same alluring sensation, she chose to keep her eyes on the younger man for a while, in order to get her strength up.

  However, as he turned and made his way onto the bed, allowing for a rope of muscle to lasso its way across his back and tighten even more as he moved, she felt the connection of their eyes break and so, she shifted over to the senior executive.

  It took her a moment to realize what was going on and when she did, she knew that she shouldn’t actually think about it. The best thing for her to do was just to go with it, she decided, so she tried her best to hide the sense of surprise that she felt.

  He smiled at her as well and assured her, “It’s okay, Cynthia…Come here. We’ll take it slow.”

  Cynthia looked at Trent who instinctively pulled her back, which made a pit of fear quake obnoxiously within her stomach.

  Trent shrugged and gave her a look as though he was suddenly very uncomfortable with the whole situation, but despite her uneasiness, Cynthia knew that this was both her job and her husband’s job and she had promised him on their wedding day that she would be his strength when he was weak and so, she smiled at him and nodded, before breaking apart from him.

  She didn’t look back. She couldn’t look back and so, she just kept her smile, thought of Trent and moved towards the full, crimson colored comforter, that welcomed her with tight, plush pillows busting towards her in the same manner which she pressed her bosom towards the men in hopes to portray a senses of excitement for what they were about to do.

  However, truthfully, she had no idea whether she should be excited or terrified, because although she liked sex, she had never done it with more than one man and certainly did not have anyone watching her.

  The closest she ever came to this situation was while she was going through an experimental phase in college, when her and her two roommates were feeling particularly horny and decided to touch one another in order to see what it would feel like. Even though it really was just a phase, the sensation of having two different people exciting completely different parts of her body at once, was fairly overwhelming, but also intoxicating. Therefore, she hoped that if she had to do this, once they got going, the sexual tension that was obviously apparent in the room would take over and give her the pleasure that she wanted to be able to crave.


  As she moved towards the men, she shared a glance between them and began to unbutton her blouse in preparation. At first, she thought that her attempt to gain their attention was working wonderfully, but then, Mr. Rossini’s voice boomed, “Wai
t!” with vigor.

  Immediately, Cynthia stopped, but soon realized that his eyes were looking past her figure, at Trent.

  Naturally, the gaze of the two other people in the room flickered towards him as well. Feeling all six eyes on him, Trent laughed nervously, “I’ll just give you guys some privacy…”

  “No!” The senior executive said firmly, “Sit over there and enjoy the show.” He then smiled at Trent in the same manner that he first smiled at Cynthia and just as she had, he knew immediately that was not merely a suggestion. “Enjoy yourself, kid. This is supposed to be fun…for everyone involved.” The way his tone bowed around his last word made Cynthia feel as though there were suddenly eyes on the back of her head and eventually, the other two pairs looked to her also, as though to confirm the shift in attention.

  Trent smiled wearily back at his boss, right before his eyes shifted away from his wife in a quick, almost ashamed sense, before he made his way over to the couch and sat in it heavily.


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