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Page 136

by Lexi Hots

  After a little bit, the kid went to sleep, and the two guys were in the living room, having some wine that she offered. Beverly was able to nab a better job, which allowed her to spend more time at home, and the relationship between Thomas and her got better. Of course, there were still a few bumps in the road, but she seemed to be doing better, and the guys were happy too.

  She moved into the middle, sandwiching her body in between their own. Her hands danced right over the heat of their crotches, a smile on her face.

  “By the way, would you like to do something,” she said, teasing the two men with her smile.

  They look to one another, desire in their eyes, and it was obvious what they wanted. They needed her, and before they knew it, they got up, following her over to the bedroom. It would be yet another wild night, and they would get to spend it with the MILF that they both enjoyed. She was perfect for both of them, and definitely the one that they were happy to have.

  The night was spent with the three of them all tangled up in the sheets together, and while Thomas never found out, they continued this for a long time. For Richard, he knew that this was the beginning of a fun adventure, and he knew that while this as the exception to his career, he was happy that he took the chance and got to have this sexy MILF, for he knew that it was something he enjoyed, and it was a time that he would never forget, and a time that he would be able to enjoy no matter what the odds may be.

  Story 62

  “Dizzy Lizzy!” The redhead exclaimed, throwing her arms around the smaller woman.

  “Mia, it’s been so long.” The brunette’s dark eyes shone bright. “I missed you.”

  “Yeah, me too… three years is really long enough.” Mia Swansea nodded, taking hold of one of her friend’s travel bags. “How was the flight?”

  “It was okay.” Lizandra Mazarich smiled, adjusting her round frame spectacles on her soft, lovely face.

  Best friends since high school, the two of them couldn’t have been more opposite. Mia was the sporty outdoors type. Tall, athletic, sexy and dynamic, her long red hair and emerald green eyes made her stand out everywhere. With a body to send most men into their wildest midnight fantasies, Mia Swansea had her share of prime grade beef to boast about.

  Liz, on the other hand, was the little rocket scientist, happy in her studious world of books, gizmos and deep space fantasies. She was the smaller woman, about five feet three, slim and lithe, with a nice curvy ass and smallish pert breasts. She had long black hair and her large grey eyes were slightly arched, owing to her oriental ancestry that gave her an ethereal elfin look.

  “You can crash at my apartment, no questions asked.” Mia stated, placing the travel bag into the hold of her car. “For as long as you like.”

  “That’s really great of you, Mia.” Liz smiled. “But I’ll find a place for myself as soon as I get settled into a job.”

  “No worries there, best friend.” Mia punched her lightly on the shoulder, making the petite woman wince.

  “Ow, I’m still not the Amazon that you are, Mia.” Liz rubbed her shoulder with a laugh.

  “Oh, I’d dang forgotten that.” The redhead grinned back, starting the car. “You are the one with the brains and all the cool geeky ideas.”

  “Yeah, and three years in college have made me geekier still.” Liz took off her glasses and wiped them with a micro-fiber cloth.

  “Any boyfriends… or adventures to tell of?” Mia probed.

  “Yeah, right.” Liz snorted, putting her glasses back on. “Even if I had the time, I wouldn’t know how and where.”

  “What? Three years in college and you’re still a virgin?” Mia faked astonishment. She would have been surprised instead if Liz wasn’t a virgin.

  “Rub it in, why don’t you?” Liz sniffed.

  “Okay, forget that.” Mia shook her head. “So what kind of a job are you looking for? This is the big city, there’s plenty to go around.”

  “Research and development mostly; preferably in a lab as opposed to the field.” Liz said thoughtfully. “I can try in some of the state universities here.”

  “Research and all that science stuff?” Mia scratched her chin. “Hm, maybe I can help get you a job like that, with better pay than any university.”

  “Really?” Liz’s dark eyes lit up. “Where?”

  “I can’t remember the name of the company the guy works at, but it’s a big place.” The redhead slowed the car down, “…almost international level big.”

  “Wow, and who’s this guy?” Liz peered out of the window at her friend’s apartment building.

  “Oh, my step-brother, Dirk Parrish.” Mia replied, stepping out of the car.

  “Step-brother?” Liz was intrigued. “When did you get a step-brother?”

  “Liz, baby… we’ve so much to talk.” Mia gushed. “I’ve a new mother now and a step-brother to boot. And they’re freaking millionaires. Come on up, let’s get freshened up and I’ll tell you everything.”


  Liz looked around her best friend’s spacious apartment. It was in the high rent district. It looked like Mia’s life was on the up and up since they had last met. Liz was happy for her. She was still surprised to know about her parents’ separation and Mr. Swansea marrying again. That brought in the step-brother for Mia. She looked at the picture of him Mia showed him. He was a rather handsome man, tall and powerfully built; the kind that terrified her, even though she felt strangely drawn toward them.

  Mia told her that Dirk was the Chief Executive at one of the largest conglomerates in the city. His company was always in the need for clever people, people just like Liz. All she needed to do was make a call and Dirk would do the rest. And he did, offering her a job right over the phone without even meeting her in person. Any friend of his step-sister was worth knowing, he had said. That was funny, because Mia said she didn’t really know her step-brother at all. They had just met at the wedding, two years ago and at Christmas last year. But Liz shrugged that off, all she cared about was getting the job, and the annual package he offered with benefits was too good to pass up. She had to meet him on Monday, for a personal round of talks before he assigned her to her post. She felt restless, just a few hours into a new city and she already had a great place to stay and an even greater prospect of work.


  Monday morning, and Liz stood with Mia at the lobby of the largest building in the corporate sector of the city. The elevator doors slid open and a large young man, bald headed and in a dark business suit walked out, grinning widely at them. Tall and broad shouldered, his muscular body stretched the business suit to the seams. He was around Mia’s age and sporting a completely shaved head made him look even more intimidating than the photo Liz had seen. Mia squealed and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He returned the favor, looking straight at Liz. She felt a strong blush coming on and averted her eyes.

  “Liz, this is my step-brother, Dirk Parrish.” Mia boomed. “Dirk, this is my best friend, Lizandra Mazarich.”

  “Liz,” His voice was deep and rich, making her shiver, “so good to meet you.”

  “And… good to meet you too, Mr. Parrish.” She mumbled, wincing as his large hand squeezed her little one hard.

  “She’s just arrived from the country.” Mia laughed as they bundled into the private elevator. “Everything’s a bit over whelming for her.”

  “Ah, you’ll get used to it.” He beamed at her. “I’m excited to have someone of your caliber and qualifications here at this enterprise. I’m sure you’ll be doing great here.”

  “Well, I do hope so.” Liz glanced at Mia, but her friend was busy gazing at her own step-brother.

  The elevator stopped at the eleventh floor, opening directly to his office. It was good to be the CEO of a grand establishment and have an entire wing for an office. Liz held on to the side railing for support, the sheer enormity of it all made her head spin.

  “Are you alright?” Dirk asked her.

  “Ah, first day ji
tters.” Mia laughed. “She’ll be great… she’ll fit right in to your science fair projects, Dirk.”

  “That and a few more things.” The tall man grinned, slapping his step-sister on her sexy bubble butt.

  “Well, now that I’ve seen what you do, finally, I’m going to go.” Mia sighed, stretching her back. “Got a job of my own to get at.”

  “Sure thing, Sis.” Dirk nodded. “And don’t worry; I’ll take good care of Liz.”

  “Yes, which I am sure of.” Mia smiled sardonically and stepped into elevator. “See you soon, Liz.”

  “Oh, er… yeah, I’ll see you in the evening then, Mia.” Liz sounded unsure.

  The elevator doors closed and it began to descend, Liz stood looking at it in silence for a few seconds.

  “Liz… Miss Mazarich.” Dirk called out to here. “Let’s step into my office.”

  “Oh, you can call me Liz, Mister Parrish.” She turned and walked up to him.

  “Sure, if you call me Dirk.” He smiled wide.

  “Okay, Dirk.” She grinned nervously. “And isn’t all of this your office.”

  “Yes, it is, Liz… pretty big, isn’t it?” He waved around proudly. “But I meant my private office, a lot more cozier than here.”

  “Sure, you’re the boss.” Liz leaned back with a soft laugh.

  “I am,” He grinned. “And it’s good to be the boss.”

  “Is that it?” She pointed to a door with his name on it.

  “Bingo!” He snapped his fingers. “This way, please.”

  They stepped into an office of normal proportions. Two large couches stretched across the walls. A very wide redwood desk dominated the centre and a large black leather armchair tilted invitingly toward them.

  “I love the whole Spartan feel.” She said hesitantly.

  “Yeah, me too.” He nodded. ‘Why clutter up the place with stuff you don’t need. Come, let’s go over the stuff that you would need… working here as our resident brain.”

  “Oh, that sounds intimidating.” Liz felt a sudden chill descend on her.

  “Ah, nonsense, it’s mostly fun.” He assured her with a smile to make her swoon. “And I must say, Liz, for a brain, you’re sure packing a bodacious body.”

  “I beg your…” She almost choked.

  “No need to beg,” He grinned. “You can earn it all here.”

  “I don’t think I understand, Dirk.” She frowned.

  “Then let me show you.” He smiled. “Look all around you, what do you see?”

  “Uh… I… I’m not too…” She looked genuinely bewildered.

  “Ding! Times up.” He laughed. “Big. Everything is big. Think big and you can get big.”

  “Umm, yeah, I see that.” She agreed pensively.

  “Great.” He exhaled deeply. “So do you have a boyfriend… or a special someone?”

  “No, but why is that imp…” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Sometimes you may be required to work long hours, being in the think tank.” He smiled knowingly. “And, of course, if you are distracted, you might not perform as well as you’re being paid to.”

  “Oh, I see.” She licked her lips. “Well, no… I’ve never… I mean, I don’t have a boyfriend or anything.”

  “Splendid.” Dirk clapped his hands. “But if you do and that someone is also a part of this organization, we can work something out.”

  “Oh, I didn’t think so far ahead.” She smiled.

  “But you’re on the think tank.” He joked. “…with me.”

  “Oh, so we’ll be working together… mostly.”

  “Not mostly, all the time.” His eyes bore into her. “So what do you think about me?”

  “Uh, I can’t say I thought much about…”

  “Oh, come on, really.” He feigned hurt. “Am I not impressive to you?”

  “Oh, yes… yes, you are.” She nodded her head apprehensively. “You’re my boss.”

  “That I am… but don’t you think I’m attractive... for a big guy.” He pressed on.

  “Yes, you are. You’re the most sexiest man I’ve ever seen, and been with, for so long a time.” Her mind wanted her to scream, but she looked down at her feet blushing furiously.

  “Ah, I see you blushing.” He smirked. “That’s enough of a compliment for me.”

  “Oh, Dirk…” She looked up. “I’m not sure if this is a good idea.”

  “Aw, that’s silly geek girl talk, love.” The big bald man smiled. “You must know that this is the best deal you’ve got. You may never get another chance like this.”

  “That is probably true.” She answered, feeling strangely excited by his words. She began to get a hint of his intentions and played along.

  “Look at all this, everything I have… it’s all big and powerful... like me.” Dirk waved his muscular arms around. “You remember, I told you over the phone I have one more round before I assign you to your post.”

  She nodded her head.

  “This is it.” He stretched out his arms wide. “Show me you like it big and have the desire to go after it.”

  “You mean to make it here… or anywhere I have to sleep with the boss.”

  “It’s a one way ticket, babe.” He grinned. “All the way up.”

  “Well, I must say, you’ve got me interested.” She sighed. “And the benefits are tempting.”

  “Then let’s not waste any more time.” He reached for her. “Time is money, and money is mine.”


  She took an instinctive step back and then stopped herself. Even though she felt like it was wrong, the odds were heavily in her favor and beside he was a really attractive man, bald head and all. She looked at him apprehensively and he smiled.

  “Easy. I don’t bite… much.” His laughter echoed around the Spartan office.

  She giggled, her eyes roaming all over him as her took off his coat and shirt. His shoulders and neck muscles were corded and thick and his chest looked like two slabs of granite put together. She felt like a few butterflies were loose in her stomach. Her heart began to pound and her knees felt weak.

  Dirk dropped to his knees before her and slid his hands up her legs, hitching up her skirt all the way to her waist. Liz wanted to scream and run but the heat of passion had seized her. She was powerless against this intimidating mountain of a man. She felt like a doll in his large hands.

  Dirk slipped her skirt right off and dug his fingers into the waistband of her panties. The moist muskiness encouraged him and he slowly pulled them down her smooth thighs. Liz sighed and then stiffened as she felt a man’s lips on her virgin pussy for the first time in her life, even before she had been kissed. She grasped at his bald head, her nails dug into the hard dome of his scalp.

  Dirk stood up and lifted her in his arms as if she weighed less than his coat, laying her on top of his large desk. Liz let him push her down on the leather topped surface, the coolness felt good on her bare buttocks. He spread her legs wide and lowered his head to her inviting pussy. His tongue darted out, stabbing at the stiff little button poking out from under its hood. She was already wet and he tasted her arousal with passion. Swirling his tongue over her throbbing clitoris, he enjoyed the sound of her sobbing moans and excited gasps.

  Suddenly the door swung open and Mia walked right in. Dirk jumped up as if he was stung, yanking a skirtless Liz up with him. The brunette groggily looked around, trying to assess the situation. Dirk pushed her behind him and gave Mia a questioning look.

  His step-sister stood for a while with her mouth wide open, then shook her head as if to wake up from a trance.

  “It’s not what you’re thinking.” Dirk sounded stupidly unconvincing.

  “Uhh, yeah.” She replied. “You with your shirt off and Liz without her skirt and panties… and I’m thinking you two are doing some rocket science?”

  “Well, okay.” He grunted. “So you caught us… what next?”

  “I’m still thinking.” She snapped.

  “And what are you
doing back here, barging in like that?” He countered.

  “I got my purse switched with Liz’s… came to get it back.” Mia twisted her mouth.

  “Ohmigod, Mia!” Liz came to her senses. “Please, Mia… I don’t know what happened to me.”

  “So what are you going to do, Sis?” Dirk glared at Mia. “Rat out on me to the rest of the family?”

  “I have a better idea.” Mia smiled wickedly, walking up and pressing her sexy body against his.

  “Uh-huh?” Dirk gave her a questioning look.


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