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Page 154

by Lexi Hots

  I then noticed Abby was nearby, her pussy and ass begging for attention too.

  While I fucked Trish, I moved my hand out, pushing it into her pussy. It was weird to fist one woman while I was fucking another, but she seemed to love it, and soon, she started to groan in pleasure and move towards me.

  The feeling of both of these incidents happening felt almost surreal. I loved the feeling that this was giving me, and as I watched Natalie and Trish go at it, I felt like I was really in a whole new world. After a few more thrusts, I knew that I was at my limit. Her ass was just too tight, and that’s when I felt it.

  The thrill of the orgasm hit me as I came hard, filling her up with the feeling of my see. I moved my hand to her clit, rubbing it, and while she got Trish off, I could see that she was getting aroused too. After a brief moment or so, both of them were at their limit too.

  Then, there was Abby to deal with. One by one, I managed to get everyone off, using both my fingers, and my fists. Everyone then pulled away, each of us basking in the afterglow. I saw Trish smile at me, that flirty little glance that I saw before.

  "You did pretty well, handsome,” she said to me.

  "You were pretty great yourself,” I told her.

  "Anyways, if you want to stay here, you’re more than welcome to. We can all have a little fun again,” she said.

  I figured a nap wouldn’t be that bad. I mean, I fucking needed it, that’s for sure.

  I started to fall asleep in the living room, wondering just what the future might hold.

  Chapter 3

  "What the hell are you doing here?”

  I was immediately roused from my sleep, looking over to see who it was. Sure enough, it was Devin. Holy fuck. What he also saw, was all of the other ladies around me, including his mom. He looked at me, shocked and unsure of what to think.


  "Sorry Devin, did I forget to let you know that I'd have company over today? I’m so sorry,” she told him.

  “Really, my best friend mom?” he said.

  "He came over to deliver something. I can't help it that he decided to stay for a little extra fun,” she said with a coo.

  "Yeah well, I definitely didn’t need to walk in to see this,” he told me.

  "Sorry son. I’ll make sure to let you know next time anything happens,” she told me.

  "Yeah, yeah,” he said.

  I watched as he looked at me, shaking his head, and soon, he headed upstairs. I looked at his mom, and then the rest of the girls, immediately wondering what we should do next. When they all woke up, Trish smiled at them.

  "We should get dressed. Devin ended up coming home early,” she said with a smile.

  "Did you know he would be here?” I asked.

  "No. He told me he’d be with his friend for a while, but I guess that didn’t happen,” she said.

  A part of me wondered if I should talk to Devin about all this. But, I figured the best thing to do, would be to wait for him to talk to me. Trish walked over to the kitchen, still naked, and she made us all food.

  I was surprised none of them seemed put off by me. Did that mean they all wanted this. Yuri was the first to get dressed, followed by Natalie. Then, I got myself together, or at least put on pants, and Natalie settled for a bra and panties, which still left little to the imagination, but I guess was fine. When we were all done, Trish came back and threw on her underwear, smiling at all of us with a smirk.

  “There we go,” she said.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  "Oh yes. Just took a bit to get started with. You said you had to leave soon, right?” she asked me.

  I nodded. "Yeah. It’ll have be kind of quick. I definitely have to get out of here soon,” I told them.

  The woman smiled, giving me a small plate for dinner. We all ate happily, but we didn’t speak for a long time about anything. I definitely knew there were a few things we needed to discuss that’s for sure. After a long time, I finally finished, putting my dish away and looking at her.

  "I have to head out soon,” I told them.

  "I figured as much. It was fun hanging out with you though,” Trish said.

  I looked at her, slightly embarrassed by all of this. I did have to head back soon, even though it was the last thing I wanted to do.

  "Anyways, what now?” I asked her.

  "Well, you’re always more than welcome to come stop on by. Just let me know, and I’ll bring friends over,” she said with a purr.

  I flushed. I mean, I wasn’t against doing that again, but still. It certainly did have an awkward touch to it. I looked at her, and then I spoke.

  "What about Devin though?”

  "Oh him? He’ll be fine. He’s used to this type of shit by now,” she said.

  I looked at Trish, unsure of what to say. I mean, I guess if she says so, then fine.

  "Okay,” I told her.

  "Besides, this isn’t the first time he’s ran into me during a moment. I have seen him before. At this point, he just ignores it. don’t worry so much,” she told me.

  I flushed, feeling as if I was doing something wrong. Was I? I didn’t even know anymore.

  "Okay Trish,” I told her.

  "Besides, I had a good time. We all did. It seemed like you had a pretty decent time as well.”

  I mean, I'd probably have enough material for my spank bank to last a long time, and then some. After I looked at her for a moment, I blushed, and then I spoke again.

  "Anyways, I should be getting out of here.”

  "Alright. Have a good evening,” she told me.

  I walked out to my delivery truck and drove it back. I still couldn't believe I did that, that they had sex with me, and I wondered if Devin would call me at some point. I got back to the office, putting the truck away. One of the workers was there, but they didn’t question anything. I clocked out, and headed back to my place.

  Along the way though, there was a ring. I looked at the caller, and sure enough, it was him. I pulled my phone out, holding it to my ear and then speaking.


  "Well hello to you too. What the hell was that?” he asked.

  "Your mom wanted me to come over. So I did,” I told him.

  “Right, right. I can’t believe you slept with her. don’t you know how risky it is,” he said.

  "I mean yeah, but she wanted it. She was the one who agreed to it first,” I said.

  "Yeah, but still. You gotta be careful. I won’t say anything, but just don’t do that while you’re on the job again. You could get fired,” he admonished.

  "Okay mom,” I teased.

  "I may be acting like your mom, but I’m just trying to help,” he said.

  "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, how was hanging out with your new friend? I'm surprised you haven’t talked to me.”

  "Because you’ve been busy. And busy with my mom it seems,” he told me.

  "Okay,” I said to him.

  I looked out, seeing that I was almost home.

  "Sorry for my mom by the way. I know it was probably fun for you, but she’s a bit of a hoe. It’s not the first time, and probably not the last. Just...if you make deliverers there, or end up at her place, at least shoot me a text. And I do want to hang out again, if you want,” he said.

  "Sure, I'll probably be over at some point during the next week.”

  "Not just to see my mom, right?” he said jokingly.

  I laughed. "I doubt that will happen again. Your mom was fun, but I think she wants someone who’s more professional,” I told him.

  "Nah dude, she won’t stop talking about you with her dumb girlfriends. But, I think it’s safe to say that if you come over for me, you leave her be. I know that’s probably hard for you to do, but please keep it out of our friendship,” he said.

  I laughed at his words, but I could understand the sentiment.

  "Nah I'll make sure I'll visit for other reasons. And while you’re not around. That was,” I told him.

tter than you ever thought, huh?” he asked.

  "Yeah pretty much. I'd love to try it again,” I told him.

  "I'm sure. Anyways, you free next Friday?”


  “Then let’s go chill and such. And not have my mom hanging around,” he teased.

  I laughed. "You got it.”

  The phone clicked off, and when I got home, I stepped out. My parents didn’t even ask me what I was doing, nor did they question what happened, or why I was back so late. They seemed happy that I had a job and that was that. It seemed like something that they were happy with, and while I felt good, a part of me wondered if there was any chance that they’d figure out what happened.

  I knew Devin wouldn’t say anything. He wasn’t all that happy with it, but he certainly wasn’t going to hate me. I guess he just accepted his mom was a hoe. As for me, I think I’ll just come over when she wants me again.

  The next time I saw her would be fun, that’s for sure. I knew for a fact that this was probably going to be a fun experience, but at the same time, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t awkward. However, I was just happy I got to finally fulfill a dream, and I knew I'd be fapping to this for a long time.

  That night, I did think of that, and I couldn’t wait for the next experience. However, I was pretty fucking tired, and I’d probably feel dragging in the morning. But it was an experience, and one that I'd do again if I ever had the chance, because I finally got to fuck the MILF of my dreams and her friends, and it was the beginning of something bigger than I ever thought before.

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  Story 71

  I still couldn’t believe it. The idea of being abducted by an Space Alien wasn’t something I had put much stock in, ever. All those people talking about it in those Weird TV shows and cheap shit tabloids always had me laughing and brushing them aside as drunken delusions. And now here I was, in my own drunken delusion, only I wasn’t drunk and sure as hell not deluded. This was no dream either. I don’t know how long it had been, but I know I had been asleep and awake for more than a dozen times, and I always woke up in this little sterilized room with a single porthole to look out from. And all I could see outside was the dark and cold emptiness of space dotted with thousands and thousands of stars.

  My abductor was an alien from another planet. This I could tell from the one time it made an appearance. I couldn’t really tell its gender, it had humanoid enough form, but there was nothing human about it, even though it was wearing some sort of space suit with a full face visor. The being had come into the room, I think a couple of times before, while I was asleep, because it seemed pretty familiar with me. I think it was studying me. And when it appeared before me yesterday while I was awake, I felt really terrified at first, thinking of all sorts of wicked experiments it might do on me. But all it did was stand across the room and watch me. It felt creepy as hell, but then as time went by, I began to feel more relaxed. Something told me that this alien was not going to be anything like the sci-fi movies showed them to be. I could almost sense it kind of admiring me and my body. Did it want to do something to me? Or was it sizing me up for its next meal?

  I didn’t know if I was the only one abducted, I didn’t even know where I was and if any other humans were on this ship or whatever it was I was being held captive on. I wondered if I could communicate with this alien, but before I could initiate anything, it had abruptly slid out of the room and the door closed shut behind it. That was yesterday or at least the time period before I slept and woke up to the here and now. It was kind of hard to tell the days from the nights when everything outside looks the same.

  I wondered what would happen to me, what this alien’s agenda for me was. Could it be that I the only one it had abducted from Earth or were there others like me on this ship or whatever it was? Thinking of Earth made me miss my life back there. I don’t know how long it had been, it could have been days or weeks or just hours when you don’t know the time. My life back on Earth wasn’t really anything special but whatever it was I still missed it. The first few times I was awake, I felt horrified. But then as more time seemed to go by, I wondered what was in store for in the future, if I even had a future.

  Being who I was on Earth made little sense here and now, in this unknown place I found myself. A twenty one year old girl like me; well read and on my way to a successful career in Journalism after college, I could have had a brilliant future. But now, what next? Barely did that thought occur, the panel door parted and my alien abductor entered. I didn’t feel as terrified as I had the day before, but my heartbeat elevated just the same. What was this thing going to do, if at all it did anything? This time I wasn’t going to wait for it to initiate conversation. I did it myself.

  “Where am I... and why?” I managed the courage to demand.

  The creature stood awfully still and seemingly stared back at me through the visor. It cocked its head and almost seemed like it would answer me.

  “Well?” I said irritated. “Can you speak...? I want to know why I am here and how long it has been since... you kidnapped me.”

  “An-Gel-Aa!” A strange sound seemed to invade my mind, almost like the initial throb of a headache.

  “What?” I tried not to sound shocked, but I was. “You... whatever you are... you know my name.... How?”

  “An-Gel-Aa!” I winced at the nagging pain as the alien used some sort of telepathic means to communicate. “I am To-Ar-Ya! I take you.... for me?”

  “Ahhh!” I managed to groan. “Get out of my head.... what do you mean by that?”

  “An-Gel-Aa! Do not resist... open your mind to me.” Its voice got louder inside my head.

  “What the fuck?” I dropped to my knees, trembling from the strain. “But why me? What do you mean you took me for you?”

  “An-Gel-Aa! I, To-Ar-Ya, must learn about other life forms in the Universe... for my school report.”

  “What?” I stared hard at the alien. “So I’m going to be a lab rat for your school science project? That’s some crazy shit...”

  “An-Gel-Aa! You are perfect specimen to study.”

  “And what do you want to study about me?”

  “Human life, and reproduction rituals.” The alien said inside my head, with a hint of excitement.

  “Guh, you mean... you want to know how we Human’s do it?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, well, inside my head.

  “Yes... to know firsthand, and experience the act of Human copulation.” It went on.

  “Holy crap, I must be dreaming... an alien wants to fuck me.” I laughed and shook with fright at the same time.

  “Fuck? Yes, An-Gel-Aa! Fuck is good.” The alien nodded its large head as it projected that thought inside my head.

  “It depends...” I had to shrug. “I mean, I don’t even know you... I don’t even know what you are... I don’t think I would want to have sex with some slimy alien with weird fetishes.”

  “No sex with slimy alien, An-Gel-Aa!” It sounded offended. “Sex with Humans.”

  “Human?” I looked at the being with wide eyed astonishment.

  “Yes. I, To-Ar-Ya, must make report on how Human’s reproduce.”

  “So you have abducted other humans... like a male, I mean... I am a girl, and you would need a man to... you know...”

  “To-Ar-Ya thought An-Gel-Aa can show me all.”

  “So am I the only one you abducted... from Earth.” I looked around the small cell, as if to find others from Earth suddenly appearing out of thin air.

  “Yes.” The alien nodded.

  “And how can you...”

  “From your mind I will find what you desire as a mate... and I will create...” The words bounced around inside my head.

  “You can read my mind?” I had to gasp again. “Holy shit... I mean, for real.”

  “Yes, An-Gel-Aa! You think of your perfect mate, and I will create.”

  “Create? You mean you
can make Humans?” More gasps and a thumping heart. “Then why’d you kidnap me?”

  “To know from you, An-Gel-Aa!” This Toraya telepathically replied.“To know how Human’s think and do.”

  “But how are you going to create...” I tried to hide my bemused horror.

  “I have already taken a gene cell from you, An-Gel-Aa! I have put the cell in me... so now what mate you think of, I will create and become.”

  “Create and become... you mean, you will become Human?” I was sure my eyes were almost popping out of my head.

  “Yes, very simple process of cell-transformation.” Was this creature’s matter-of-fact reply. “Easy to do and reversible.”

  “Are you a male, whatever you are?” I had to know.

  “I can be anything, An-Gel-Aa!”

  Holy crap! I couldn’t believe my ears and my heart skipped a few beats. This freaky alien wanted to know how we Humans did it, and I was going to be its test subject. What the fuck? And it said I could think up of a perfect mate and it could transform itself into one. This was the craziest shit I ever heard and part of me wanted to scream and run. But the other part wanted so much to be involved in this preposterous idea, and it was winning out fast. I took a few deep breaths and relaxed. I could feel the alien’s presence in my mind, I don’t know how, I just did. I racked my brain and began to think of all the dreamiest, hunkiest men I had ever seen. As I envisioned up a smorgasbord of delicious beefcake, the images in my mind seemed to be more real than ever before and I could tell the alien was soaking up all that information. I opened my eyes and couldn’t stifle the loud gasp that escaped from my mouth.


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