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Steel: A Great Wolves M.C. Romance

Page 14

by Jayne Blue

  “We were under extreme pressure. There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

  Steel took a step forward, and I wanted him to come closer. I wanted it all to be like it was, or rather, to start something new, without all the pain I was in when we met.

  But it was too far a bridge to cross maybe, too much time had gone by. He was probably over me. He was probably with someone else. My heart tried to protect itself from hearing anything like that.

  “Well, let me show you.”

  Steel took my hand and helped me climb up to the back end of the truck. Just that contact brought a flood of memories, of the way he made me feel. I focused on the tarp as he removed it, revealing the entire sign.

  “Oh, my God!” It was huge, gorgeous. Spelled out in burnt red letters, it read: Bishop’s Bookstore.

  “Good or no?”

  “Steel, I love it! It’s old fashioned and modern at the same time.”

  “Well, thank Jules for that.”

  I looked at the lettering and realized I needed to use this as my logo, on my business cards and on my shopping bags. It was stunning.

  And then I did something crazy. I stepped out of the truck and straight into Steel’s arms. He was stunned and had no idea what I was up to.

  “I want to kiss you to thank you. Is that okay?” I asked, just in case he did have someone, just in case this wasn’t what he wanted.

  “Fuck yeah,” he said, and I put my hands around his neck and slowly our lips met. Every cell in my body felt like “fuck yeah” was the exact right phrase.

  He pulled me in closer, and the kiss turned hot, my tongue swirling around his. And if we weren’t in the street, the thank you kiss would have gone on and on. I wanted it to go on and on.

  “I am sorry I left you. I had to build this, my life, on my own.”

  “I get it now. I didn’t at first. But I tried to put you in a glass cage.”

  “You love me. Or you did, you wanted me safe.”

  “You got it right the first time. I love you.”

  “I’m not that girl, the one who you saved. I’m different. Can you accept someone who, well, I can’t be contained.”

  “You have always been this, Darby, and I don’t want to contain you. I want to love you and fuck your brains out. See, poetry?” He pointed to the book sign. I laughed and buried my head in his shoulder.

  “You do have a way with words. And signs. And that other thing.”

  Steel kissed me again, and this time I didn’t care if we were on the sidewalk or really where we were.

  “I got you,” I said, and Steel lifted me off my feet. His arms were tight around me and mine around him.

  I felt strong, happy, and brave. It was a good place to start.


  Steel – Three Months Later

  * * *

  I looked around the table, it was crowded. That was thanks to Sawyer. When he came, we were a much smaller group. That was only a few years ago. The new guys didn’t remember that in those days there was a real chance that our chapter wouldn’t survive. It was thriving now. Members and money were rolling in.

  We’d need a bigger table soon.

  Sawyer pounded the gavel, and we stopped our side conversations. Lately, it was like a frigging lady’s tea with the gossip.

  Today’s offerings included the fact that Hammer’s old lady had just embroidered her own wedding dress. In addition, Hammer was supposed to remind us to wear our newest leather for their wedding Friday.

  Stone was at the table for a change, in from Florida, for Hammer’s wedding. I knew that we’d be seeing less and less of him. He’d struck gold in the love department with Kara, and she’d struck actual gold in the form of buried treasure. Kara was based in Florida so Stone would be too. I missed seeing Stone’s face around here, but I’d knew I’d have to get used to that.

  New probies were all over the place, we seemed to get ‘em from everywhere. Ryder was also in the process of making one, he had a baby on the way. Damned if that kid didn’t have mini leather jacket ready to go. Ryder been nuts from the minute he found out Jules was knocked up. I tried to remember how annoying that was if my old lady was ever pregnant.

  That I could even consider having a family of my own, outside of the M.C., was still a damn miracle. Shit, saying that I had an old lady? It sounded foreign to me still, but I fucking loved it.

  Knowing I’d found someone so perfect and that we’d fought through some tough shit and had come out the other side gave me patience for and even interest in all the domestic bliss busting out around the table of the M.C.

  “Alright, let’s get this done.” I piped up, and Sawyer gave me a grateful nod.

  Everyone quieted down, and Sawyer started.

  “First order of business, Stone has requested permanent placement in the Emerald Coast Chapter. All in favor.”

  “Hell no!” Ryder said and put a hand on Stone’s shoulder, “You need to stay in town so I can call you for babysitting duties.”

  “Shit man, Kara won’t let me near baby turtles much less a human baby.” Stone said, and we all laughed at the mental image.

  “Can we move this along?” Hammer was also on a short leash since the wedding of the century was about to go down.

  “Yeah yeah, here comes the groom, I got it,” Ryder said.

  “All in favor or Stone’s moving to GWEC!” Sawyer restated it, and we all intoned “eye.” Though it was going to suck not having him here, his heart was in Florida now.

  “Okay, this next shit is serious. The Chicago Chapter is in fucking chaos.” Sawyer said and looked at all of us. I knew this part was coming, Sawyer filled me in as V.P. Ridge was ready for it too.

  “What’s going down?” Hammer asked Sawyer.

  “Name it, they’ve got it. They’re having trouble with their legitimate businesses, can’t get out of their old ones, they’ve got Hellz Rebels causing shit, and this stays right here. The problem goes from the top down.”

  “Shit man,” Ryder said.

  “Yeah, we’ve got an S.O.S. from the inside and we’re going to help. Ridge is headed there. See if he can straighten shit out for the Chicago M.C. or decide if it needs to be shut down.”

  “Man, first Stone, and now Ridge? This day is sucking,” Ryder said.

  “We swore an oath to The Wolves, wherever they are, I take that shit seriously,” Ridge said to Ryder.

  “I know man, I know.” Ryder was saying what we were all feeling. Times were changing. Growing was good, but it always came with pain.

  “So, Ridge is headed out, Larry is coming out of retirement to help with the secretary-treasurer shit Ridge had. I think that’s about it.” Larry was the oldest member of the GWGC he’d come over with Sawyer, when we were in a spot, not too different than what Chicago was dealing with I guessed. Larry grumbled when we told him he was being recommissioned, but the club was in his blood. We’d be fine with Ridge gone if Larry was back in action at The Wolf Den.

  “Steel, you have the gavel, update the rest of it,” Sawyer said and handed it over.

  I ran down the housekeeping, the businesses we ran, the places we protected, the scumbags we were keeping an eye out for, and I tried to do it fast. Hammer kept pointing to his wrist to let me know his ass was grass if we didn’t get out of there.

  “And we’re going to need to get some of the newer recruits up to speed on the patrols since we’re all busy Friday. Ryder, can you wrangle that?”

  “Sure, as long as a baby doesn’t pop out,” Ryder said.

  “Meeting adjourned.” I banged the gavel. The members dispersed, a lot headed to their women, and the rest headed for a shot at The Wolf Den. Junie always poured heavy when the whole club was in the house.

  Ridge came over, and we clasped hands.

  “I gotta leave now brother.” He said, and I knew it was true. There was shit to deal with in Chicago that wouldn’t get better by being ignored.

  “Sure, Darby’s going to miss you at the wedding,
she was hoping you’d do the chicken dance with her. Shit. I’m going to straight up miss you.”

  “Looks like you’re up for the chicken dance. And man, Chicago is less than three hours away on a bike. You know I’m leaving at a good time. You’re all settling down; I’m going to hunt for tale and kick ass in The Windy City before some chick gets her hooks into me.” Ridge said, and I laughed.

  “God forbid and if you get into any shit in Chicago, I’m there.” Ridge knew that I’d have his back, even if it he was in another state. I watch as he circulated in the club and said his goodbyes.

  Great Wolves Grand City wouldn’t be the same. Chicago was lucky to have him.

  My phone buzzed. I realized I had an errand to run, fast if I wanted it done before the wedding.

  I was glad I had wrapped up this lady’s tea. I had a bit of jewelry to pick up!



  * * *

  Steel held my hand as Hammer and Daniella exchanged vows. I liked looking at my hand in his, our fingers entwined gave me a warm feeling in my heart. My love had only grown over the last year as we learned who we were outside of all the chaos that happened when we met.

  I didn’t know Daniella well, but I’d learned we had a lot in common, both of us trying to make our way with little shops in Uptown. When all her wedding stuff died down, I hoped we could spend more time together.

  The wedding was beautiful, outside, near the lake, and total Great Wolves from the leather wearing groomsman, to the Harley escort for the bride. But there were delicate touches too that were no doubt from Daniella. Her grandfather walked her down the aisle, or rather rolled next to her in his wheelchair, I couldn’t help but cry as I took it all in.

  The Great Wolves were my family now, rowdy, scary, loud, leather, and legion.

  We were in a little reception hall after the ceremony when it struck me. I felt my chest constrict, and my heart speed up. Steel was at the bar, toasting Hammer. I didn’t want to interrupt him.

  I knew I was safe, the room was filled with love, but I needed out. I tried not to be conspicuous, I walked past the crowd, the cupcakes, and the deejay. If I could just get out, in the air, then I could get on top of this.

  My agoraphobia was managed, mostly. But sometimes, a wave of panic hit me. I walked into the warm summer night. There was a picnic bench, I walked over and sat down. I let my brain take over the body that was lying to me about things closing in, or my heart exploding. None of these things were true.

  I managed my breathing first. I told myself I was okay, that this would pass, and slowly it did. I felt my heart return to normal.

  “You’re okay Darby Bishop. You’re fine.”

  “More than fine.” I turned around to find Steel, looking sexy as hell in his leather, brand new for the occasion.

  “I am, it’s all good.” He’d learned, after a lot of reminding, that I had to manage these episodes and he couldn’t fix them.

  But no matter what I did, he found me, and watched over me, and loved me as I got stronger. As I learned I didn’t have limits.

  “Little too crowded in there, I needed some air.” Steel said and he sat next to me on the bench.

  “Yeah? Well, thank you for checking up on me out here. I don’t want to interrupt the party.”

  “You’re the only party I need baby.” He said and we leaned into each other. He kissed me and immediately my body went into a different kind of overdrive. Even after all this time, he made my toes curl with just a look.

  He slid me closer with his arm and I nuzzled into my spot on his shoulder.

  “The M.C. sure cleans up nice.” I said and it was ridiculously true. The leather, the jawlines, the muscle, it was off the chart when the Great Wolves were all in one place.

  “I have a question for you, seeing as you appreciate how good looking we all are when we put in an effort.”

  “Showering, I think that’s what you did. Men.” I said and smiled at him. To my eyes he was the most gorgeous of the bunch, gorgeous, but not a touch of feminine in him, except those eyelashes he liked to feather on my cheeks.

  “Hey, these are new pants too, don’t forget.”

  “Okay, so what’s your question?”

  “Darby, I can’t live without you. I don’t want to live without you. And I’ll never be good enough for you. But I promise you I’ll love you, hard, forever.” And he reached into his pocket to produce a little velvet box.

  “You’re serious?” I took it and opened it. There was a huge diamond sparkling up at me.

  “I’ve never been more serious in my entire life.”

  “Steel, I don’t want to live without you. I love you too, hard.” I said and he put the ring on my finger.

  “This thing is huge? Did you have to sell your bike to get it?” I was legitimately worried he’d gone way overboard.

  “No way, next to you of course, the bike’s my number one. Did I ever tell you that being in the M.C. is, lucrative?”

  “No, I’m not marrying you for your money.” I said and looked down at the ring again. It was stunning.

  “What are you marrying me for?” He said and pulled me onto his lap. I felt his hard body under mine and was starting to get some very impure thoughts.

  “I’m marrying you for those leather pants.” Steel put his lips on mine and kissed me, hard.

  “How do you feel about me getting you naked in the woods over there?”

  “Yes, to all of the above. Getting married, getting naked, all yes.”

  Steel picked me up and carried me to where the woods lined the little lake area. It was dark but for the moonlight. He laid down his jacked and then me on top of it.

  He lowered himself and our bodies melded together, found each other, recognized that we were two parts of one whole.

  Steel nibbled on my earlobe and said the words I loved to hear.

  “I got you.”

  Then he kissed me, it lasted forever.

  * * *

  The End.

  Up Next

  Don’t Miss Ridge - The First of the Great Wolves M.C. in Chicago!


  You met MMA Superstar Jessie Hoolihan in Steel. Read how his delicious romance unfolded when an Irish girl stole his heart and put his flirting ways to the test in Clinch

  Also by Jayne Blue

  Great Wolves M.C. Series

  Michigan Chapter






  Chicago Chapter






  California Chapter






  Ohio Chapter






  Florida Chapter






  * * *

  Dark Saints M.C. Series

  Dark Vow

  Dark Temptation

  Dark Honor

  Dark Fury

  Dark Desire

  Dark Instinct

  Dark Seduction

  Dark Destiny

  Dark Oath

  Dark Redemption

  * * *

  Tortured Heroes Series

  (Men in Uniform Romance)








  3 Book Box Set

  * * *

  Uncaged Series

  (MMA Romance)





  Hold Series

  (MMA Romance)

  Book 1

  Book 2

  Book 3

  Hold Series Box Set

  Torrid Series

  (Billionaire Romance)

  Book 1

  Book 2

  Book 3

  Complete Series Box Set

  The Owned Series

  (Billionaire Erotic Romance)

  Owned by the Playboy

  Owned by the Candidate

  Owned by the Spy

  Owned by the Prince

  Owned by the G-Man

  Complete Series Box Set

  Lincoln - Owned World Stand Alone Romance

  The WLUV Series

  (A Newsroom where the top story is lust!)

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  Thank you so much for reading and connecting with me.

  Love you,

  Jayne Blue




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