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Kink Page 2

by N. M. Catalano

  “It’s fine Elizabeth, it gave me an opportunity to talk with Elsie. But I’ve got to get back to work. Have fun, and I’ll be watching you two.”

  Elizabeth returned from giving Marco a reprieve from his night of torture just in time to save Elsie from having to answer John.

  Elsie had been so close to confessing how much she wanted John, but then he would have made her tell him why he couldn’t have her. If she’d have been alone with him any longer, all her control, and ability to resist him, would have been gone. She couldn’t allow herself to be so vulnerable, she would only end up getting hurt and humiliated. And she would never, ever let herself go through that again.

  “Go on and go, John, you don’t scare us,” Elizabeth teases him.

  He sends Elsie one more promising look before turning and walking away. She stands with her mouth open watching him leave, taking the promise of erotic delights with him. She wants to shout the words screaming in her mind at his retreating figure, Yes, yes, throw me over your shoulder like the sexual beast you are and ravage me!

  “Um, did I interrupt something Elsie?” Elizabeth asks tentatively, looking back and forth between her friend and John’s back.

  Elsie tears her eyes off the bear of a man walking away as the partygoers attempt to swallow him up. But that’s impossible, there’s no way John could be as obscure as anyone else. Not only because of the sheer size of him but because of his sense of strength and power, his formidability would make him stand out in any crowd.

  “No…..yes…….oh God, Elizabeth, I’m not really sure!” Elsie looks at Elizabeth, confusion on her pretty face.

  “What do you mean you’re not sure?”

  “I think that sexy barbarian propositioned me,” Elsie answers, as a smile begins to play on her lips. The giddiness that comes from saying it aloud begins to bubble up within her.

  “You think?! How can you not be sure? Either he did or he didn’t, Elsie! And you’d better tell me everything that happened while I was gone!” Elizabeth can’t hide her excitement. Elsie and John together, they would be perfect for each other.

  “He told me that he made me his mission,” Elsie tells her friend coyly.

  She decides it would be better to leave out the Brian aspect of this whole situation, some things are better kept to one’s self.

  “He said that?”

  “Yeah, and that everything I do is his business now.”

  Elizabeth looks at her wide-eyed.

  “Elsie, you know what that means, right?” Elizabeth asks her a little unsure.

  “I think so…,” she answers hesitantly.

  “Elsie! Maybe I’m wrong, and I don’t think I am, but I think it means he just said that you’re his…”

  “That’s what I thought…,” Elsie replies. As much as she wants to drag him out of there and have her wicked way with him, she’s filled with reservations.

  “And you don’t want that? You don’t want to be with him?”

  “I do, Elizabeth, but it’s not that easy. I’m not like you, I’m…damaged.”

  Elizabeth knows her friend, she can tell there’s much more going on here than what’s on the surface. She glances over to where John is standing at the other end of the room, proud, still, stone-faced. Then she looks at Elsie. She’s nervous, maybe even a little scared. And then something tells Elizabeth to look over at Brian. He’s watching them, and she had never seen the look on his face before. He looks like a hunter right now.

  Elizabeth’s eyes turn back to her friend, and she sees a vulnerable girl staring back at her through Elsie’s eyes. She wraps her arms around her, comforting her.

  “Come on, El, we came here to have fun. And that’s what we’re going to do. If anything is meant to be, it doesn’t matter what you or anyone else does, it’s gonna happen. We might as well enjoy ourselves until it does.”

  Elizabeth could feel Elsie’s body relaxing in her arms, and it made her smile. The poor thing feels like she’s battling the whole world all alone.

  “You’re right, Liz, let’s dance, I’m not wasting two shots of Jägermeister! I can at least pretend I’m getting my freak on!”

  Elsie takes Elizabeth by the hand and pulls her to the dance floor. The howls of Animals by Maroon 5 fill the air as the lights dim and the beat drops. The flickering lights reveal brief flashes of bodies moving and grinding. And Elsie sees him in the seconds of light over the heads of the people in the crowd, John, watching her. The pull between them is so strong, no one else exists. He is calling to her with only his eyes and she’s answering him with her body, she can’t control it. It tells him how much she wants him, how hungry she is for him and she can almost hear him growl, answering her need with his. The sexual tension between John and Elsie is almost palpable, even from across the room.

  “Come on, Liz, let’s get a drink!”

  Elsie feels like she needs something to cool her down, although she might have to pour it over her head to put out the fire burning inside her.

  At the bar, Elsie and Elizabeth relish the show being put on by the divas who have had a little too much to drink, and the spectacles they are making out of themselves.

  “It seems we’ve missed an inside joke, Brian, what do you think they’re laughing at?” comes John’s deep rumbling voice from behind Elizabeth and Elsie. They jump and grab onto each other, looking like they’d been up to no good.

  “Jesus, guys, you scared us half to death. You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that,” Elizabeth chastises the two snickering testosterone brothers, Brian and John.

  “You can find out what’s really going on if no one knows you’re coming, Elizabeth. And from the way you two were carrying on, I’d bet you were up to no good,” John, smirks at the girls.

  “I think there’s a lot more than meets the eye going on, John,” Brian says mischievously, looking at Elsie and causing a blush to spread across her face and up under her mask.

  “I would definitely have to agree with you, Bri,” John says as his gaze holds onto Elsie a heartbeat too long. Elizabeth looks between the three of them. There is definitely something more going on than what Elsie told her, she can just feel it, the vibes coursing between all three of them are blatantly obvious.

  Iggy Azalea fills the air with her popping sexy lyrics in Beg For It. Elsie jumps up from her position against the bar shouting, “Come on, we’re all dancing!” grabbing Elizabeth and the guys at the same time.

  “We can’t, Elsie, we’re working, but you two go ahead and we’ll be there in spirit.”

  Elsie is jerked back like a rubber band, John and Brian didn’t budge when she pulled on their hands to drag them towards the dance floor.

  “Yeah Cat Woman, you go ahead, we’ll have fun watching,” Brian says with a wicked smirk on his face. Leaving no doubt as to what he’ll be watching as his gaze flickers along Elsie’s black vinyl encased body.

  Elsie and Elizabeth are out on the dancefloor popping and grinding, laughing and moving when Damien, one of the camera guys they worked with, joins them. He’s the cutest grunge guy, with tattoos and gauges, and he’s dressed like a doctor tonight. He was in love with Elizabeth during the filming of Safe Haven but nothing ever happened between them. It appears he is still carrying a torch for her. It looks like more than one person noticed that fact, Marco has suddenly appeared at the edge of the dance floor and he isn’t looking too happy. When he finally catches Elizabeth’s attention he motions her over to him.

  “I’ll be back in a little bit. Apparently Mr. Grumpy Pants wants me for something,” Elizabeth shouts over the pounding music.

  Elizabeth turns to go to Marco and Damien looks over at Elsie asking with a look, Who the hell is that?

  “Boyfriend!” Elsie yells to Damien in answer to his silent question.

  Elsie happens to glance up and she sees John. For just a moment there’s frustration, anger, and pain etched across his features. But in the next breath it’s gone so quickly Elsie thinks she might have imagined i
t. His face is the same reserved picture of control she’s used to.

  I should just leave her alone, John thinks to himself. I am too fucked up to offer her anything besides sex. And even then I won’t allow myself to give her all of me, I will always hold myself back. While the fight within him is raging, there’s no hint of it on the outside. He is, as always, the expert at control. I won’t allow myself to get in too deep. I’ll just dip my toes in that sweet pool of hers, just get a little taste, just enough to show her how beautiful she is. Then I’ll leave her alone. I’ve just got to taste her. John knows he’s kidding himself thinking he’ll be satisfied with just a taste of Elsie.

  Elsie chooses to ignore the two hulking men lurking just out of reach on the perimeters of the room. They always know exactly where she is and who she’s with. John especially, could not for a moment ignore Elsie’s powerful pull on him. This big controlling man was reduced to a quivering puddle with just the smile from her. She is his Kryptonite and his fire, with the power to turn him into a blazing inferno and in the next moment crush him to dust. He is so fucked.

  “Come on, Elsie, let’s get a drink,” Damien says and leads her from the dance floor to the bar.

  “What would you like,” Damien asks turning to her.

  “Just a Michelob Ultra, I’ve already had a couple of shots of Jäger and I don’t want to push it.”

  Damien turns to the bartender, “Make it two Mich Ultra’s.”

  The bartender hands them their beers as the DJ announces last call.

  “I guess we got them just in time, party’s ending,” Damien raises his beer to Elsie in a toast.

  “It appears you did,” John’s voice interrupts their conversation.

  Elsie’s head quickly turns from the bottle she was lifting to her lips to see John standing directly behind her.

  “And your point, Mountain Man?” she snaps at him.

  He quirks an eyebrow at Elsie’s comment, smirking, before turning to Damien, “Hi, I’m John,” he extends his hand to introduces himself.

  Damien’s jaw hit the floor upon seeing John and hearing Elsie’s snide remark to him. John’s large frame and imposing presence make him feel like a boy standing next to John.

  “Um, hi, I’m Damien, I used to work with Elsie and Elizabeth. Camera.”

  John gives Damien a questioning look, not quite understanding what he means.

  “Movies, I’m a camera guy,” Damien explains shaking himself out of his sense of being flustered, realizing he probably sounded like an idiot with his one word statement.

  “Excellent, I work personal security for the cast. Maybe I’ll see you on set sometime.”

  “Yeah, that would be cool, can never have too many friends like you,” Damien nervously laughs.

  John turns his attention to the woman who’s making him crazy, “I’m going to give you a ride home Elsie. Elizabeth told me you ladies took a cab.”

  “Listen, Big Fella, I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. I don’t need you or anyone else to look after me,” Elsie snaps at him.

  He just smiles at her. “Elsie, it has nothing to do with your capabilities. I’m taking you home, there are a lot of drunk people out there tonight who might not see you, since you’re dressed like that, or worse, see you in this getup and want to do something about it. When you’re done with your beer we’ll leave. Don’t be difficult, please.”

  Once again John managed to successfully shut her up. He was completely right and there is no way Elsie can argue with him. She stood there blinking at him, stunned.

  John turns back to Damien, “Nice to meet you, be careful out there and maybe I’ll see you on set.” He looks back to Elsie, “Finish up and don’t disappear, I won’t be happy,” John says giving Elsie a final no nonsense look.

  Still stunned, all she’s able to mutter is, “Ok.”

  John turns and walks over to Brian. They stand and talk observing the thinning crowd, both of them looking like warriors, each one distinct and proud in his own way.

  “And who the fuck is that?” Damien asks Elsie a little dumbstruck at the massive man that just left.

  “John Wolfe,” she mumbles.

  “Ok, and?”

  “Oh,” she pulls her head out of her ass and tries to banish the images from her mind of that sexy beast taking her and doing incredible things to her. “He’s a marine, an MMA fighter and an instructor at Evolutions gym. And apparently he’s going to be a pain in my ass.”

  “Damn, Elsie, I would do him. Are you kidding me? That guy is a one of a kind right there, and he obviously has it bad for you,” Damien’s obviously impressed with the Mountain Man. He is fan-girling and man-crushing on John all at the same time.

  “Well, knock yourself out, Damien. I’ll put in a good word for you, because there is no way I’m getting anywhere near that.”

  If I keep telling myself that maybe I’ll believe it, Elsie tries to convince herself. He has ‘Danger’ written all over him and I learned to read those signs a long time ago. One lesson learned the hard way was more than enough. There is no way I’m going to step foot in that minefield. Please have the strength to stay away, girl. You don’t know if you can handle the mess afterwards.

  “Why, Elsie? Give me one good reason why,” Damien asks turning his beer up to take a long swallow.

  Elsie sighs deeply.

  Why? she asks herself.

  “Self-preservation,” she states flatly before chugging her full bottle of beer. She puts the bottle down on the bar and squares her shoulders as in preparation. “Might as well get this over with,” she mumbles to herself. Then Elsie turns to Damien, “Call me Damien, we’ll hang out sometime,” and she gives him a small hug.

  Just as Elsie moves to walk away, Elizabeth comes up behind her.

  “They just called last call, are you guys leaving?”

  “Hhmmpph, John insisted on giving me a ride home, the over-bearing barbarian,” Elsie huffs.

  “Really?” Elizabeth asks her friend, unable to hide the surprised satisfaction on her face.

  Elsie gives her a you’d better not say anything else look, squinting at her through her mask.

  “I’m probably gonna meet a couple of friends over at the Liquid Room. You wanna come, Elizabeth?” Damien asks hopefully.

  “I’ve got to go too, Damien.” She gives him a quick hug, “It was really good seeing you again, you look great, as always. Take care of yourself, ok?”

  Damien looks at her longingly, his feelings apparent, “You too, girl, you’re just as beautiful as ever.”

  “Are you ladies ready to go?” John’s voice breaks in on the friends saying goodnight. Marco arrives as well at that moment to take his woman home.

  “Might as well,” Elsie glares at him.

  “Ready, baby?” Marco asks Elizabeth. It is obvious he adores her. Elsie can’t stop herself from looking longingly between Elizabeth and Marco wishing she had that.

  “Yes, Marco,” Elizabeth smiles up at him before giving Elsie a big hug. “Goodnight, and thank you so much for asking me to be your date. Let’s have lunch on Monday, ok?”

  “Aw, you’re the best date ever. Sure, lunch sounds good and we have a class at the gym on Monday night.” Elsie returns the sincere affection the two friends share.

  “See you at class Monday night, Elizabeth, and I guess I’ll see you then as well, Bro,” John does the whole cool hand-shaking, back-pounding male thing with Marco and gives Elizabeth a friendly hug. Then he turns to Elsie, “Have you finished your beer?”

  “Yes, you big oaf, let’s go,” and turning one more time to Damien she catches him ogling the huge man, “Geez, Damien, bye!”

  “Bye, Damien,” John tells him as he places a hand on Elsie’s back to lead her out of the banquet room.

  The music is still playing but the lights are coming back on as they make their way to the lobby and out through the front doors of the hotel. The valet takes John’s ticket and disappears to retrieve his car. Around t
hem, partygoers are laughing and talking, but John and Elsie don’t notice anyone else as they’re standing there, glaring at each other. The inferno building between the two of them is scorching, threatening to burn them both.

  CHAPTER 2 “Nice to meet you, where you been? I could show you incredible things. Magic, madness, heaven, sin. Saw you there and I thought, ‘Oh, my God, look at the face. You look like my next mistake.” Lyrics, “Blank Space”, by Taylor Swift

  “Thanks for letting me take you home without a fight, Elsie.”

  “It seems I didn’t have much of a choice,” she wants to sound annoyed, but deep down she can’t believe that she’s going to be alone with him, at least in his car.

  “I guess I didn’t really give you one, huh, sue me then,” he smirks at her.

  “Hhrrmpph,” is all Elsie can manage. How can she argue with him when this is exactly where she wants to be, whether she is willing to admit it or not?

  The valet pulls up with John’s overgrown big boy toy. It’s a black Ford F350 pickup, with darkly tinted windows, and huge tires that lift the vehicle high off the ground, with a push bar across the front grill, fog lights, and racks on top and in the bed, maybe they’re for his surf boards, Elsie thinks.

  “How am I supposed to get in to that? I need a ladder,” she exclaims eyes wide, slightly stunned.

  “Don’t worry, Angel, I’ll take care of you,” he smiles with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

  John presses a bill into the valets palm as he leads Elsie around to the passenger side of the truck and opens the door. Before she even realizes what he’s doing, he lifts her up, as if she weighs nothing and sets her in the seat, pulls the seatbelt over her lap, and straps her in.

  “There, Dollface, exactly how I want you,” he teases her as his hand glides up her thigh before he closes the door.

  Holy shit, what just happened? She wonders watching him as he walks around the front of the truck, to the driver’s side, to get in.

  Closing the door, he buckles himself in, and before pulling out onto the street, he turns to Elsie and finds her watching him.


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