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Kink Page 3

by N. M. Catalano

  “Where do you live, Angel?” he asks softly.

  “Do you know the fountain on Market, at the roundabout?” she asks still not believing that she’s in John Wolfe’s truck, and he’s taking her home.

  “Yes,” he answers, looking at the petite fairy sitting next to him, as warmth fills him.

  “I live in the apartment building right there,” she says the words, but it doesn’t seem like they’re coming from her.

  She feels detached, as if she’s floating in some sort of warm fog. The attraction to John is making her high, seeping through her, igniting her insides. They are saying one thing with words, but something else entirely with their eyes and their bodies. He smiles gently at her before turning his eyes back to the road and pulls out into the late night city traffic.

  It’s Friday night, Halloween, one of the biggest party nights of the year. There is a lot of traffic and even more people than usual, walking along the sidewalks. Their laughter and the sounds spilling out of the bars lining the streets along with the cars, the occasional clomp of horse’s hooves from the buggies and mounted police officers make up the music of tonight.

  Looking for a parking space next to her building takes longer than the drive there.

  “You could have just pulled up out front and dropped me off, John.”

  “Nope, Angel, I’m walking you to your door,” he replies firmly.

  Truth be told, Elsie is ecstatic about his chivalry, although she wouldn’t admit it to him or anyone else. She’s so excited, she’s got butterflies in her stomach.

  John keeps his hand on Elsie’s back as they walk down the sidewalk to her building. The night is comfortable, there’s a bit of a mist in the air and it shrouds the moon. Off in the distance is the sound of a dog barking and the faint noises of the partyers and the downtown traffic. The street they’re on is quiet with not another soul to be seen, it’s just them in their private little bubble.

  Turning the corner at her building, John takes the keys from Elsie and opens the lobby door.

  “How long have you lived here?” he asks, as they walk to the elevator.

  Elsie is unusually quiet, the butterflies in her stomach are turning to nervous jitters. If she didn’t know any better she’d think this was the first time she was ever alone with a man. But it’s not any man, it’s John Wolfe.

  “About five years,” and she wonders if he can hear the slight quivering in her voice. What the hell is wrong with me? I never get nervous, she thinks to herself.

  “So you like it here,” he continues. It’s a statement, not a question.

  “I travel a lot for work. Being in a building like this makes it easier for neighbors to check on my place while I’m gone.”

  The elevator dings, announcing its arrival, and the doors open. They enter and he keeps his hand on her back, holding her next to him. His scent, his body heat, all of him fills her senses and causes her nerve endings come alive.

  “What floor, Angel?” His voice is gentle and controlled. She wonders if this man ever gets flustered.

  “Fourth,” to her ears the word sounds like a croak.

  John, unbelievably, is a bundle of nerves as well. A woman never affects him this way, but Elsie is no ordinary woman. She is vibrant, she is seductive, and she could be dangerous for him. The energy between them is intense. The hand on Elsie’s back opens, making her back arch as his fingers spread to cover the entirety of it, from the curve of her ass up to her shoulder blades. His hand slides slowly up and it takes all of Elsie’s willpower not to lean into him, and all of John’s not to pull her to him.

  The doors open. Elsie takes a deep calming breath before exiting, and walks to the end of the hallway to her door. John still has her keys in his hand, and he looks at them trying to decide which one it might be. He chooses one.

  “The next one,” she tells him, her voice so quiet it’s almost a whisper.

  When he turns the key in the lock he hears the deadbolt click and the door gives with a slight push. John waits for Elsie to enter, and for an invitation.

  “Come in,” she says nervously.

  He slowly enters and pulls the door closed behind him. They are standing at the door. The apartment is dark except for the dim light coming from a lamp on the table next to the velvet sofa. It gives the room a soft romantic glow filling it with warmth. The rooms are filled with deep rich colors, and feminine touches, with pearls, velvet, and satin. John didn’t notice anything other than the silence, as his eyes were glued to Elsie. It was quiet, the noise of the city below them forgotten, the only sounds are their breathing and the whir of the refrigerator.

  A smile lifts the corners of his mouth as his hands reach up to her face, “Here, let me help you with this,” he says quietly as his hands move to the back of her head. He unties her mask, her face lowers, and he sets it on the table next to them.

  Lifting her chin with a finger, “Elsie…” her eyes raise to meet his. “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asks soflty.

  God, how I wish that were true! her mind cries out.

  His eyes search hers looking for a sign to tell him what she wants from him. He sees wanting in them, and in the way her lips are slightly parted, and in her body, the way her chest rises and falls quickly with her breathing. He shouldn’t be here, he should have dropped her out front and left. But he couldn’t resist, he ignored all of the warnings his mind had shouted at him, while he was looking for a parking space. He pushed them all into the back of his mind and slammed the door shut.

  I don’t give a shit, I want to at least kiss her goodnight, just the feel her lips on mine. And that will be enough.

  And that’s what he’s going to take. The finger from under her chin moves so his hand is holding her cheek. His thumb strokes her lower lip and he can feel the warm breath she exhales as her eyes flutter at his touch. His tongue follows the path of his thumb, gliding along her lower lip, then moving to trace along the top lip. Her tongue reaches out to meet his, softly stroking, teasing, savoring the taste of him as it explodes on her taste buds. It’s perfect, perfectly him, perfectly delicious and it only serves to ignite her hunger for him even more.

  Her hands reach up, and she buries them in his long black hair, pulling his mouth hard against hers, as her body arches into him. His hand on her cheek slides to the back of her neck as his other arm wraps around her body and pulls her into him, molding her to him, lifting her feet off the floor. The kiss has turned from a soft caress to consuming, devouring and ravenous.

  A deep growl rumbles from deep inside John. His hunger for this tiny woman is intense, and consuming, it fogs his mind and takes over his senses. The only thing that he knows is an overwhelming need to have her, take her, make her his.

  Elsie moans softly and John eats it as if it were her, sucking it into him and letting it feed him. She melts into him, her body burning to have him all over her.

  He stands taller lifting her with him as her legs wrap around his big frame, never breaking the kiss. He turns and holds her against the wall while his hands cup her ass cheeks, squeezing them, as his fingers graze her sex through the black vinyl material. That tiny little touch sends her over the edge, escalating her need. He feels the intensity of her desire, her need for more. John tears his mouth from Elsie’s and moves to her neck, exposed to him, begging for him to taste. His mouth moves further down, nipping at her collarbone before his tongue strokes the valley between her breasts.

  “Oh, God…,” it comes out on a long drawn out heavy breath from Elsie.

  And her body opens to him, one little caress of his tongue was the key that opened her lock. Her body begins to move against his, grinding up and down along his groin. One hand moves from her ass cheek up to the zipper of her suit, nestled between her breasts, and pulls it down, the sound echoes through the silent rooms. His fingers push the cups of her bra down causing her breasts to pop up and out. His hand returns to that round cheek. The sight of her porcelain breasts, topped with the blush pin
k nipples, makes his cock want to explode. Bringing his bare chest closer so it touches Elsie’s hardened nipples, he moves softly against them, teasing them, flesh against flesh.

  “Please…,” she moans throwing her head back and pushing her breasts into John’s broad tanned chest.

  “Please what, Angel?” he asks quietly, between gritted teeth.

  “More…,” she answers almost absently. She’s riding higher on that wave and the sweetness feels so good.

  His mouth lowers to flick the tips of her breasts with his tongue, one at a time, twisting them between his lips as he moves her sex up and down along his rock hard erection while one finger pushes into her hole through her clothes. He pulls one pink bud into his hot mouth sucking and flicking it. Her nails dig into his naked back as her body stiffens against him.

  “OHGODOHGODOHGOD!” the long continuous moan comes from within the depths of Elsie, deep, strong and guttural.

  Oh, my God! I’m cumming! The thought floats through Elsie’s erotically foggy mind as she rubs herself against, what feels like, the biggest dick she’s ever felt in her life. The last waves of her climax sends shivers through her and she doesn’t want it to end. Fuck, if this was that good, I can only imagine what being naked with him would be like, with both of them. And that thought causes her body to jerk with the final jolts of her orgasm.

  “Fuck, Elsie, the things we would do to you…,” John’s voice is strangled as his face is buried in the curve of her neck, speaking more to himself than to her.

  “Yeah, Big Fella, I think I have a pretty good idea,” and the images that fill her mind make her want him even more.

  “I’d better leave now before I can’t stop myself,” he says as he gently places her feet on the floor. Bending to place one more soft kiss on each pebbled nipple, he fixes her bra and gently zips up her suit.

  Taking her face in both of his hands, he kisses her long, hard, and deep as Elsie’s knees begin to give out.

  “Don’t think this thing is finished between us, Angel, we haven’t even begun,” he says looking into her eyes with a promising smile lifting his lips.

  Letting her go, he walks out the door and closes it behind him, without looking back.

  What the hell just happened here? she thinks, mouth agape and eyes wide. I am so, so screwed.


  Monday arrives and Elsie is supposed to have lunch with Elizabeth then tonight is the self-defense class at Evolutions Gym. A class that Brian and John alternate teaching. She knows she’ll have to see John tonight and the thought sends a nervous ripple through her.

  And I dry humped him Friday night. In my apartment. Against the wall. Ugh, Elsie thinks burying her face in her hands.

  Today is going to royally suck! I wonder which macho sex hound is going to be teaching the class tonight. Maybe I shouldn’t go, Elsie argues with herself cringing inside, wondering what John’s reaction is going to be when he sees her tonight. Who am I trying to fool, I can’t wait to see John again, even though nothing will ever come of it. There will not be a repeat of Friday night. Now all I have to do is avoid being alone with him, with the both of them. Simple.

  Elsie’s phone vibrates with a text message.

  -Hey, Chica, we still having lunch today?- Elizabeth asks.

  -Yeah, where at Lady?-

  -How about a big ole sloppy burger at Sonic?-

  -Sounds like just what I need, some sloppy meat in my mouth, what time?-

  -You need to get laid. How about 12:30?-

  If Elizabeth only knew, I just about got serviced Friday night. And I don’t know if I’m going to tell her. Elsie thinks, struggling with the thought of telling her friend about her few moments of ecstasy. Shit, she tells me everything, she told me what happened with Marco, I can’t be a hypocrite.

  -See you there-

  Flopping back against her velvet, antique couch, Elsie groans with her frustration aloud to no one in particular.

  “This could end up being the worst day ever!”

  Being unemployed can feel like a vacation sometimes. Elsie sent in her resume’ to some of the current productions happening in her area. The closer it got to the holidays the less likely it was that she’d find work before the first of the year. The downtime would suit her just fine. She’s just come off of a very grueling schedule because the last production she worked on nearly ran over, which would have killed the budget, so they were forced to work straight through, with no days off, under a very strenuous schedule. Right now she’s thoroughly enjoying being able to do whatever she wants to do, whenever she wants to do it.

  Some of that freedom is being able to work on her own designs and creations. The ideas are constantly coming to her, and she always carries a sketchpad with her, to jot down them down. The book is also filled with loose pieces of scrap paper from those occasions when she couldn’t carry her book with her, but she had to get an idea down before it floated away. Her dream is to open her own boutique one day featuring her own, and other beginning designer’s styles, a place where they could showcase their talents without commercialism infringing on them. She’s been working on some resort wear since she’s been home, Elsie continues to follow the seasons according to the wholesale sector, and the extra bedroom in her apartment currently looks like springtime exploded in it with all the bright and flower-covered fabrics bursting from every surface. Visions of sandy beaches, smells of suntan lotion and moist ocean breezes fill her mind. The music she’s listening to this morning, in her studio room, is a wicked mix of Calvin Harris’ Summer, perfect for the flighty feelings of sun-kissed skin and hot romance.



  But even she can’t stop the memories of her few minutes of passion, with the big Mountain Man, John. Her hands smooth out a burnt orange ream of fabric, preparing to cut out the patterns she’d made of her designs. Her breath catches as she remembers John’s smooth skin under her fingertips and his tongue tracing her lips. One hand lifts to follow the ghost along her lips, as the other set of fingers softly stroke the fabric as if it were John’s chest.

  Stop this, Elsie! It’s not going to happen. There is no way you are going to show him your hideous body. Never!

  Her body was probably the reason Elsie went into fashion design. Maybe it’s her self-image that she was compelled, at least in her mind, to make it as beautiful as it could be, by creating beauty to cover the scars. Her contribution to broken women is to offer them beautiful things, so that they can feel beautiful. And if you feel it you will be it.

  Elsie straightens with a smile on her face. She is in love with the design she’s working on now. It’s understated glamour, subdued beauty for someone who is glowing from within. A woman who doesn’t shout, but whispers all that is within her. She chuckles because her own appearance is such a contradiction to what she creates. It’s kind of a cruel joke, really, that her own personal style is strong, independent and loud while what comes from her mind is soft and elegant with a quiet strength. Maybe her designs are the symbols of the butterfly she will become after she morphs from being a caterpillar.

  A glance at the clock tells her she’s got two hours until she’s due to meet Elizabeth at the burger joint, Sonic, a retro ‘50’s drive-in diner style restaurant, all shiny silver and neon. She’d have to start getting ready in an hour. Elsie decides to set the alarm on her phone, because she has a habit of zoning out and hours pass unnoticed when she’s in the world of her designs. Each piece takes her to the woman, and the place, where it will be worn, each one is a bit of an escape to her. And she really didn’t want to have to rush out of there in her too big overalls, black tank top and the blue bandana around her head. Especially if she ran into the Beach Barbie in the lobby, the perfect blonde who lives in the building and thinks and acts like she’s God’s gift to the world.

  When Elsie pulls into the parking lot of Sonic she scans the spaces. Sitting in her bright yellow VW Beetle, with the big purple daisy in the clear vase sitting on th
e dashboard, she notices Elizabeth is not here yet. She’s a little relieved because it gives her another minute to psychologically prepare herself for the interrogation, which she knows is about to begin. It serves her right for grilling Elizabeth about Marco not too long ago. She leans her head forward and rests it on the steering wheel, letting out a sigh. Maybe getting the third degree from her friend would be good for her. It might give her a chance to get everything out and possibly gain a clearer perspective on her feelings about John and the proposition she may have been given the other night. The closer it gets to tonight’s class the more nervous Elsie became. By the time she walks through the doors at the gym she’s going to be blithering ball of nerves.

  No, there’s no reason to feel like this. All we did was make out, no big deal. And I’m probably exaggerating about what John and Brian meant by me being their mission. Impossible, there’s no way they could want me, Elsie tries to calm herself.

  A knock, knock, knock on her driver’s side window made her jump a mile out of her seat.

  “Jesus, Elizabeth, you gave me a freakin’ heart attack!” Elsie yells at her friend who’s laughing at her from outside the car.

  “Geez, El, I didn’t know if you were sleeping, you were so still. And I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but that was funny. What is wrong with you?” Elizabeth asks still chuckling.

  “Nothing really, no big deal,” she answers, getting out of the car. “Who’s car are we eating in?”

  “Yours, we’re here,” Elizabeth says walking over to the passenger side. “Unlock the door, Babe, Momma’s chilly.”

  They both got in and sat back in their seats, assessing each other.

  “Spill it, Babe, you’ve always been terrible with secrets,” Elizabeth states plainly.

  Elsie lets out a sigh, not really knowing where to start.

  Elizabeth’s brows rise slowly, still scrutinizing her friend.

  “You fucked him, didn’t you? John,” she throws at Elsie. A small smile plays at Elizabeth’s mouth as she’s trying to hold in her laughter from the idea of her two friends together.


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