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Kink Page 24

by N. M. Catalano

  John slowly eases the plug from Elsie’s bottom and cradles her in his big arms. He carries her to the bed and places her gently on the sheet. Covering her with the thick down comforter, he removes her choker and sets it on the nightstand before going into the bathroom. He washes the plug, then returns to her with a moist, warm, cloth to clean his oozing cum from her.

  Elsie feels like a gelatinous gob of human being, completely spent and satisfied. It’s almost as if she doesn’t have form or substance, exhaustively rocked by the intensity of her orgasm.

  John slides in beside her on the huge bed. Pulling her tiny frame against his big warm one, he wraps her in his arms.

  “Mmmmmmm,” she murmurs.

  “Tell me Angel, you enjoyed getting spanked.” John doesn’t need to ask, he knows, her body has already told him so.

  Elsie’s body presses against his at the mention of it.

  “Yes,” she whispers.

  “And you liked the crop making love to you,” he continues. His hand is stroking her skin and he feels her breath catch in her body pressed intimately against his.

  “Yes,” the word comes out breathless.

  “It takes you to a place you’ve always yearned to go,” he states quietly, knowing the answer already.

  “Yes,” it sounds like a hungry plea.

  “I will always give you what you need, Elsie, trust me.”

  “I do, John, completely.” There is so much certainty in Elsie’s voice.

  They share a few moments of silence, holding each other, their souls embracing, wrapped in the warm tenderness of their afterglow.

  “Did you enjoy the fights, Angel?” he asks, quietly.

  They haven’t talked about the exhibition tonight. MMA is a big part of who John is, and knowing how Elsie feels about it is important to him.

  Elsie was a nervous wreck when they’d left the Myrtle Beach Convention Center. Between the fights, Bambi and her hateful looks, then finally the night ending with John’s confronting Rico, Elsie’s mind was reeling.

  Elsie rolls over within the circle of John’s arms, her face inches from his, the hardness of his body pressed against the womanly softness of hers.

  “My God, John, I’ve never seen anything like that. You were an animal. I didn’t want to watch but I couldn’t tear my eyes away. Are you always like that?” she asks, her eyes excitedly searching his.

  Her fingertips are softly outlining the curves of his face, his eyes, his lips, his jaw, everything.

  He captures her fingers with his lips and sucks them into his mouth before he answers her.

  “Tonight really was mild compared to what a championship bout is like. Tempers are high and everyone is out for blood when money and titles are involved. What did you think about Brian?” he questions, smirking slightly.

  Brian loves martial arts, and it suits him with his naturally fluid movements. His fighting style always comes as a surprise, when people see Brian compete for the first time.

  “The man is a total badass, I was amazed. It was a thing of beauty, how he fought,” Elsie responds with genuine wonder.

  “I know, the boy is good,” he smiles. The pride John has for his friend is obvious.

  “I have to ask you something, Angel,” worry furrows John’s brow.

  “Ok,” Elsie replies, a little tentatively.

  Something must really be bothering him.

  “Rico…,” John begins.

  Elsie waits, not really sure where he’s going with this, but not liking the sound of it already.

  John continues, “Did something happen between the two of you? Do you have feelings for him?”

  By the uncomfortable expression on John’s face, it’s apparent he did not want to ask her these questions.

  “Of course not, I have nothing to do with how that man behaves towards me. I have no idea where it’s coming from. Janie seems to think that he only does it to get to you. What the hell is his problem with you anyway?”

  “I wish I knew, Elsie, but it’s gotten old. When he pulled that little stunt in the cage tonight, towards you, that was crossing the line. Mess with me all you want but when you go after my woman, that is disrespect that won’t be tolerated,” John says firmly.

  Butterflies fill Elsie’s stomach when John calls her his woman. Nothing else matters except her belonging to him and he to her. Rico can be an ass all he wants to, she’s John’s woman.

  But there was that feeling of foreboding she’d gotten when Bambi looked at her with so much hate in her eyes.

  “John, it might be nothing…,” Elsie starts.

  “Nothing is never nothing, Angel, tell me,” he says as he plays with a piece of her blue-black hair.

  “Well…,” she starts, “Bambi and her hoodlum-looking cousin, and his friend. They kind of gave me the creeps. And then Bambi kept giving me dirty looks, because of what Rico was doing. You don’t think I’m being stupid, do you?”

  “Not at all. A very good friend of mine used to say, don’t trust this one because it’ll cut that one. Meaning you can’t trust anyone else. Always trust your gut, Angel,” he says kissing her on the tip of her nose.

  John giving affirmation to Elsie’s concerns didn’t make her feel a whole lot better.

  Maybe she should tell him that one of the hoodlums works on set.

  Chapter 16 “…coming like an avalanche…we’ll bury you alive….”Lyrics: Bury You Alive by Caustic

  It’s been an incredibly long day for Elsie, but being back on set is exhilarating for her. She loves bringing life to things, the scripts and the stories, the designs and the fabrics, it doesn’t matter. She glances at her watch and is stunned to see that it’s 9:00 at night, shooting broke two hours ago, No wonder it’s so quiet. She needs to get out of here before it gets any later. She goes over her notepad with the outline of tomorrow’s cast and costumes, and the crew sheets and call times, scanning the pages one more time. A ripple of excitement runs through her at how perfect the designs she’d brought in from her own collection had worked. Thank God the producer liked them and gave her the green light, saying they were perfect for the shoot. Elsie was thrilled that she was finally selling some of her pieces and the thought of it made her do a happy dance.

  The ringing of her cell phone startles her out of her little internal celebration.

  “Hi John,” she almost squeaks, not able to contain her excitement.

  “Hi, Angel, you sound really happy, good day today?” he asks and Elsie can hear the smile in his voice, maybe he’s reacting to her obvious giddiness.

  “Oh my God, the absolute best!” she bursts out.

  “Whoa, this sounds good, you’ve got to tell me about it!”

  “Well, when I was reading over the script and prop requirements I realized that some of my original designs would be perfect for the movie. So, I brought them in and showed them to the producer and director and they agreed with me!”

  “So your clothes are going to be in the film, Angel?!”

  “YES! Two outfits, isn’t that incredible?!” she squeals flapping her hands as the excitement seeks a release from her wound-up little body.

  “Well, Elsie, your talent is amazing, it was only a matter of time before you got the recognition you deserve,” John says, so proud of her.

  “But wait, that’s not all!” Elsie says, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

  “There’s more?”

  “Yes, Rachelle Lefevre loved them so much, she asked me to bring some other pieces by her place this weekend!”

  Elsie’s enthusiasm has her bouncing and jumping again.

  “I am not at all surprised, Sugar. Like I said, it was only a matter of time. You deserve it.”

  “Thank you so much, John, I…”

  A heavy knock on the door interrupts their conversation.

  “Hold on a second, someone’s knocking on the trailer door.”

  “You’re still on set?! Don’t answer the door, Elsie!” he yells as a strong sense of forebodin
g prickles his skin and makes his hair stand on end.

  But it’s too late, she’s already set the phone down and has her hand on the doorknob. She heard him yell into the phone, but she’s too wrapped up in her own thoughts and emotions to hear his warning.

  “Yes...,” Elsie begins to say as she turns the lock and twists the doorknob, opening the door just an inch.

  “Move out of the way, bitch!” a white man in a black hooded sweat-jacket shoves the door open, throwing a shocked Elsie off balance.

  “What the fuck!” she yells in surprise as she stumbles backwards and catches herself on the table attached to the wall behind her.

  John is already on his feet, grabbing his keys and running out the door with the phone plastered against his ear. Every one of his military instincts has come alive. And he knows what he has to do. But it’s going to kill him.

  FUCKFUCKFUCK! screams through his mind before he hangs up the phone, the last words he heard were Elsie’s ‘What the fuck’. As he’s jumping on the back of his bike, it will be faster to get to Elsie on his Harley, he calls Marco because he’s closest to the set.

  “What’s up, Bro?”

  “GET TO ELSIE FUCKING NOW. SHE’S IN TROUBLE ON THE SET, CALL THE COPS, I’M ON MY WAY!!” he yells into the phone and hangs up.

  Adrenaline’s pumping through his body, John’s on high alert. But he’s amazingly calm, he’s been in so many perilous situations, responding to an emergency comes as first nature to him. He takes his phone out at a red light and texts Brian with the emergency signal followed by ‘Elsie Set’, they’ve used this system since the beginning of their friendship.

  Each second is killing him.

  Tick tock.

  Tick tock.

  Tick tock.

  FUCK THIS SHIT! He guns it and runs the red light, and every other one, on his way to the movie set.

  Dear God, please, let her be ok. Not for me, I’m not worth it, but for her. PLEASE! the agonized prayer chants through his mind. Please don’t let me be too late!

  In the two seconds it took Elsie to regain her balance, she’s cleared her head so she can comprehend what’s happening. One thing is certain, she is in trouble, but how much trouble she’s not sure of.

  “What can I do for you, do you need to call someone?” she asks, desperately trying to get to her phone but trying not to look scared.

  “No, I don’t need your damn phone! And you don’t need it either,” the hooded man tells her, grabbing her phone off the counter and throwing it to the other end of the trailer. “Now, if you’re smart, you’ll keep your mouth shut. I just need someplace to hang for a little while,” he says nervously as he locks the door, keeping his other hand in his pocket.

  “Sure, would you like a bottle of water? Crafty left a couple of hours ago, but we have a fridge,” Elsie says as she tries to find another excuse to get to her phone. She’s trying to keep her voice calm, John’s reassuring voice is in her head saying, ‘Keep calm and make no sudden moves’. Just the thought of his voice gives her strength, but it also makes her heart hurt. Please hurry up and get here, John! she begs, in her mind.

  “Sit your ass down, and shut up, I’ll tell you if I want something!” he barks at her, grabbing her by her arm and yanking her back against the table, and facing forward. Elsie’s head hits the wall as his body leans against her back. He’s still holding her arm as he leans forward, over her bent body, and tells her, “You move when I say you can move, where I say you can move to, understand, Bitch?”

  “Yeah,” Elsie grits out, between clenched teeth, as she shuffles her feet to steady herself. She can smell the alcohol on his putrid breath and it makes her stomach lurch. With his body practically on top of hers, the odors of filth, cigarettes, and human excrement fill her nostrils, and her stomach lurches again.

  “Oh, so you want to play a bit while we’re waiting, is that it, Baby?” he laughs as he rubs his hardening cock into her ass.

  Oh, God! NONONONO, not that!!! Don’t let him do that! I couldn’t live through it, please, God, have mercy!! her mind pleads with whatever higher power is listening.

  His grip loosens slightly as he moves his other hand to fondle her breasts, squeezing and pulling on them. Bile begins to rise in Elsie’s throat, and she desperately tries to keep from gagging. John’s voice, in her mind, keeps telling her, ‘Keep calm, Angel, keep calm, think clearly.’

  He starts to rub himself against her ass again, trying to get himself hard as his other hand moves to pull her shirt off her body, and he throws it behind him. She can’t take it, those old feelings of disgust with herself come raging back and she tries to fight him off.

  “No, please don’t!” she pleads.

  He yanks hard on the arm that he’s got twisted behind her back, and excruciating pain shoots through her body as he rips it out of its socket and it goes limp.

  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!” she can’t stop the scream that is wrenched from her at the sudden pain.

  The intruder grabs Elsie, turns her around, and shoves her against the table again. CRACK! fills the room, vibrating and ringing in her head, from the force of his hand against the side of her face. The taste of blood fills her mouth as the pain in her face and head join the pain from her dislocated arm.

  “SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU STUPID BITCH!! I’ll give you something to do with that fucking mouth of yours, you can suck my dick!” he growls at her, his spit spraying from his decaying mouth inches from her and covering her face.

  “Get that nasty mouth of yours away from my face, You Filthy Prick, and if your dick smells anything like your mouth does, that shit is fucking rotten,” she grits out between clenched teeth.

  Anger and rage has filled her, and those combined with the adrenaline rush, from the pain, have cleared her head enough for her to form some logical thoughts. Although, telling him his dick is rotten probably wasn’t the smartest move on Elsie’s part.

  “Fuck you! I knew you were a little cunt when I saw you in Myrtle!!” he roars and moves his free hand to strike her across the face again.

  Realization dawns on Elsie. This is the guy who was with Bambi’s cousin at the MMA exhibition in Myrtle Beach. The shock is almost as strong as her pain.

  CRACK!! Before he can bring his hand forward, Elsie smashes her forehead into his nose and blood is pouring out of it and into his snarling mouth.

  “In your dreams, scumbag!” Elsie growls back.

  “GODDAMN BITCH!!” he yells, letting her go as he brings his hands to his face.

  Elsie seizes the moment, and his disorientation, and raises her knee to crash into his disgusting crotch.

  “Bitch doesn’t even come close to describing me, you fucking pig!”

  “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” he bellows as he doubles over, grabbing himself.

  SLAM! The elbow from her good arm comes down with all of her force, into his back, making him crumble to the floor.

  “OH GOD!” he moans when his body lands at her feet.

  “God won’t help you, douchebag!” she spits out as she brings her foot back to kick him.

  But he grabs her ankle and pulls her feet out from under her, making her fall and hit her head on the table as she goes down.

  “You stupid fucking cunt! I’m going to cut you up into tiny pieces, after I fuck the shit out of you!!” he roars and scrambles on top of her thrashing body.

  He grabs both of her arms, even the limp one, and yanks them over head, as he straddles her legs.

  “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” comes Elsie’s scream as the pain from her dislocated shoulder rips through her.

  He laughs and a hideous smirk pulls his lips up. She can see his face now, as she’s trying to focus through the pain, and it’s filthy, covered in scabs and pustules. It’s hollow and gaunt, with sunken eyes under greasy hair plastered to his very skeletal head. He’s a fucking drug addict, an ugly ass one! she thinks.

  “Does it hurt, bitch?” he laughs at her and pulls on her limp arm again.
r />   “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!” comes another rolling scream from Elsie, this time tears start pouring down her swollen face.

  He unbuttons Elsie’s pants and yanks them down as he moves his body to dig one knee into her chest and the other into her thighs pinning her down. It was all he could do to get them off her thrashing body. She’s lying completely naked beneath him now, but he’s still fully dressed.


  WHACK! another crack across Elsie’s face reopens the split lip from his first hit.

  “You’re gonna suck my dick now, you fucking whore! Then I’m gonna fuck you in the ass. When I’m done, I’m gonna cut pieces of your body off, one by one, and you’ll be awake for every single cut. How’s that sound for a fun-filled night?”

  Elsie stops moving and a very pleased smile spreads across her bruised and swollen face, the movement making her head throb from the pain.

  “When he gets here and rips you apart, nice and slow, that’s when the fun’s really gonna start. I’m gonna record you screaming like a little bitch, which is exactly what you are, you fucking limp-dicked coward.”

  “Who the fuck are you talking about, Slut?!!”

  Elsie could only laugh. She laughs even harder as fear flickers through his eyes.

  He starts to unbutton his filthy pants, they’re so dirty the color is unrecognizable. He lifts his hips and starts to pull out his semi-hard, skinny, toothpick of a cock.

  “Laugh on this, Baby, suck it!!”

  “You put that sorry excuse for a cock in my mouth, and I’m gonna bite the mother fucker off, don’t try me!” she tells him in a very matter of fact voice.

  It made him stop and look at her for a moment, assessing whether she’s telling the truth or bluffing.

  “Fuck that shit,” he growls, and lifts himself up enough to roll her over underneath him. “I’ll just fuck your little asshole, you ever been fucked there, Bitch? Do you like it? I can’t wait to ram my cock in your tight fucking ass!” he taunts her sickeningly.


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