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Kink Page 25

by N. M. Catalano

  He’s kneeling on the backs of her knees and he has her bad arm twisted behind her back. She is immobile. She can’t move and there’s nothing she can do about it. The pain alone has her frozen in its grasp, she can only whimper, hovering on the cusp of blackness and delirious pain. He starts hitting her on the ass and legs, and shoving his fingers into her holes, as the welts from his hands form up and down her body. Elsie can feel him pumping away on his limp dick, trying to get it hard behind her, and he occasionally smacks her ass with the flaccid member.

  “Oh, yeah, Baby, I’m gonna fuck you like the filthy whore that you are!” he laughs as he finger fucks her ass. She whimpers, trying pull herself away from him.

  There is a sudden gust of cool air as the door flies open.

  “You piece of fucking shit!!” John roars as he pulls the drug addict from off of Elsie and throws him across the trailer, his body flailing through the air like a rag doll. He is on him immediately with one hand on his throat, the other pulled back to pummel his face with his huge fist.

  “Please don’t….,” the intruder begs John, his extreme fear of the huge man is obvious in his bulging eyes. His pants are still open and are falling down his rail-thin legs. His skinny shriveled up penis is flopping over his filthy underwear, and he’s got bruised injection marks covering the flesh of his thighs. John also sees the bruising on the man’s face and the recent left-over blood where Elsie had head-butted him. Good girl.

  “Shut up!” John yells as his fist makes contact with his face.

  John has never felt so much rage pumping through his veins as there is right now. Even after all of the horrors he’d seen in war, there is nothing that compares to what he felt the moment he opened that door and saw him on her. He has to make sure Elsie is ok first, she has to be his priority. With his hand still gripped tightly around the man’s neck and the other waiting to pummel his skull, he turns to her.

  “Angel, are you ok?” he asks her softly, his voice trembling with all of his pent up emotions.

  She turns her face to look at him but she can’t see him through her swollen eye. But just the sound of his voice assures her that she’s ok.

  My poor Baby Girl, look at what he did to you! And I wasn’t here to protect you, oh God! I’m so sorry, Angel! his anguish screams in his head.

  “Yes,” she croaks out. Then the sobs begin to take over her body.

  John nearly crumbles under the avalanche of emotions, hers and his, and his always controlled countenance threatens to crack. He can’t hold his fist any longer, it jack hammers into the side of the skinny man’s face.

  “John, STOP!!” comes Rico’s voice, bellowing from the door.

  John turns towards him, stunned.

  “Let him go, he’s mine,” Rico orders sternly.

  “What the fuck, man! He beat Elsie and was….,” the words get stuck on the lump in his throat, he can’t bring himself to say anymore. The image of her like this, because of this piece of shit, is forever burned in his mind. And killing him wouldn’t be enough.

  “I know, and I’ll make sure he gets what he deserves. I’m a detective and he’s involved with a heroin bust that went down tonight. Let me take him, John, don’t make it worse, Bro,” Rico instructs him calmly, slowly stepping into the trailer.

  John’s eyes catch the shuffling movement of Elsie’s battered body on the floor. He holds back the sob that nearly escapes him, he has to be strong for her. Her whimpers, from the pain of her arm as she tries to move, pushes him over the edge. John shoves the limp body, which he was still holding by the throat, at Rico and is immediately on Elsie. He’ll deal with this, and Rico, later.

  “Don’t move, Angel, I’ve got you,” he coos, trying to soothe her.

  “I knew you’d come,” she says, between the sobs that are racking her tiny, crumpled, naked body.

  “Always, Angel, and forever,” he whispers, unable to speak any louder because of the constriction in his throat, sobs threatening to overtake him. He reaches for whatever he can find to cover her now shivering frame, mostly likely convulsing from shock.

  Brian’s tall frame fills the door, along with Marco’s.

  Both Marco and Brian quickly assess the situation as Rico drags the lifeless male form out the door. Brian steps around Marco, to go to his friend and Elsie, fury engulfing him. He looks around for something else to cover Elsie with, his possessive instincts kicking in as well for the brave little pixie. He has to be calm and collected for her, so he puts a tender smile on his face, pushing the rage to the side, as he bends to place the covering over her body and stroke her hair.

  “I’m sorry, man, I was across town with Brian at a meeting, we tried to get here as fast as we could,” Marco explains, out of breath, he was obviously running.

  “Elsie smashed that piece of shits face in, Bro,” John proudly boasts of the woman in his arms.

  “Yes, I did, and I would have done more, scumbag that he is,” comes her little voice, from John’s lap.

  “I’m proud of you, Angel, so proud,” John says, the pride so loud and clear in his voice.

  “Me too, Dollface, you did good, I’m very proud of you,” Brian tells her affectionately.

  Sirens screech to a halt outside the trailer, but none of them move. After a few moments of John holding Elsie close, Brian stroking her hair, and Marco standing guard in the doorway, Rico comes back to the trailer.

  “There’s an ambulance here to take Elsie to the hospital,” Rico explains patiently.

  “I’m coming with her and don’t give me any shit about it,” John states sternly.

  Throwing his hands up defensively Rico replies, “I understand, and you have plenty of clearance, so there’s not much I can do to stand in the way of whatever you want to do. Apart from pulling that piece of shit apart, which he fucking deserved, off the record.”

  “I’ll take your bike back to your house, John, and meet you over there,” Brian says.

  “I’ll follow you and give you a lift, Brian,” Marco adds in.

  “Thanks, Bri, thanks Marco,” John says to his friends before turning his full attention back to his beautiful Baby Girl, lying in his arms.

  “Can you walk, Angel, or do you want me to carry you?” John asks Elsie.

  “My arm, John,” Elsie says tentatively, hating that she has to seem so weak.

  Another pang of anger shoots through John before he asks, “Can you move it, Baby Girl?”

  “No…,” Elsie answers, choking back another sob.

  “It’s ok, Angel, we got you.” John looks over Elsie’s head, “Brian…”

  “I’m on it, Bro, one second,” Brian answers, already in motion. He’s stepping around everyone to look for something to make a sling for Elsie’s arm. The less it moves the less discomfort it will give her. Brian searches through the clothes and accessories tagged and hanging in the back of the trailer, until he finds a sundress. If he cuts it up and ties it together it will be perfect, lightweight and unencumbering. He grabs the garment between his two hands and tears it down the middle, then he ties the two pieces together to lengthen it, giving it enough slack when it’s tied around Elsie’s neck. He turns back to John, waiting.

  “Angel, your clothes…?” John asks Elsie quietly.

  “I’m not going out there without them, it’s bad enough…,” Elsie stops, the last word cracking as the newest round of sobs threatens to burst out.

  “Ok, Baby Girl,” John says, stroking her back, wanting to pull her into him and wrap her in his arms, and never let her go.

  Brian turns to look for Elsie’s clothes. Her jeans are sitting on the floor, inside out with her purple thong tangled in them, along with her sneakers. He picks them up and rights them, pulling out the shoes, he then hands the thong to John. He turns and sees her shirt across the room. He takes a couple of steps and bends to pick it up, along with the matching purple bra, which is twisted up in her Paramore t-shirt. Under it is Elsie’s phone, the screen is smashed, probably from the im
pact with the wall. Brian’s jaw tenses as he fights to keep his anger in check, Elsie doesn’t need any more commotion right now. Her shaking is visible despite the garments placed over her naked body, and she’s in shock. He keeps his movements smooth, relaxed, and without surprises, all the while forcing himself to remain calm. If he wasn’t a soldier and didn’t have the training of a fighter, Brian doesn’t know if he’d be able to control himself, because right now, all he wants is to see the blood of that low-life scumbag coloring his hands.

  They are beyond the point of shyness with each other, these three, who have shared such deep moments of intimacy together. Elsie allowed herself to open to them, proving to herself that she can trust them, and they cared for her with a tenderness she had never known before. In their arms she feels protected and safe. In John’s arms she feels his deep affection. She feels home.

  “I’ll close the door so you have some privacy, take your time, I’ll hold anyone off out here,” Marco gently says from the partially open trailer door.

  It’s quiet now, just the three of them in the small cocoon of the trailer, the sounds of sirens and men’s voices are just muffled noises in the background. They have been alone together before, sharing her, making her body come alive, but this is different, and somehow so much more intimate. These two men are here for her, her protectors, her comforters, her lovers. She has been lovers with both of them and loves them both, but she is in love with only one of them, her heart burning for him even now, battered, bruised, and violated.

  “Are you ready to do this, Angel?” John asks, looking into her one open eye, the other is colored ugly shades of deep blue and purple and swollen shut.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be, Mountain Man,” she says, trying to lighten the mood. She knows this is not going to be fun, and she’s trying to prepare herself in her own way.

  John’s heart aches for her, but is swelling with the immense pride he feels at this moment. He lowers his head slowly to kiss her fat bruised lips wanting to give her, even if it’s just a taste, some of the power of what he feels for her.

  Lifting his face slowly from hers he says, “Ok then, let’s do this,” and gives her a soft smile, admiring her bravery and tenacity.

  There’s nothing that can get this woman down, he thinks, his pride for her beaming from inside of him.

  Brian steps a little closer as John lifts his big frame from the floor and holds Elsie’s good hand. Brian pulls the garments that they’d placed over her away, so that no one trips over them. Elsie smiles tightly up into both of their faces.

  “Ok, boys, show time,” she says, before she begins to pull herself up onto her feet.

  She grimaces as she clenches her teeth through the pain, her arm flailing slightly from the movement, but she’s up and standing. She’s naked in front of these two beautiful men, both so different, one light like the sun, the other dark like, but glowing hypnotically like the moon. Elsie doesn’t care right now that she’s a battered, swollen mess, or that the hundreds of scars that crisscross along her pale skin are on display in this hideous fluorescent light. Right now, at this moment, she’s a survivor, she won and she’s damn proud of it.

  “Nicely done, Baby Girl, now which would you prefer to start with, shirt or pants?” Brian asks her, tenderness and pride evident in his voice.

  “In this case, let’s have the dessert first and save the peas for last, ok?” she answers, her face a little flushed from the pain.

  Brian smiles at her description as he squats in front of her, holding her pants open for her to step into.

  “What, no panties?” she asks.

  “Don’t be difficult Elsie, you’re only going to have to take them off once we get to the hospital,” he tells her sternly.

  “Hrrmmph,” she snorts and steps a foot into her blue skinny jeans. Brian pulls it up to her knee.

  “Now the other leg, Dollface,” he instructs her.

  She obeys and places her other foot into the leg opening. Brian shimmies them up her small curvy hips as John holds her shoulders still, in order prevent any unnecessary pain. Next, he helps her into the red Converse, one foot at a time, with no socks.

  “Where’s your pocketbook, Angel, I’m going to put your bra in there?” John asks.

  “What about my thong,” Elsie asks.

  He just shoots her a half naughty smirk.

  “Men,” she groans, rolling her eyes, wanting to laugh. “In that drawer, on the bottom,” she says pointing to the file cabinet in the corner.

  John takes the single step to the filing cabinet and opens the bottom drawer. Her denim jacket and big black leather bag are the only things in there. He takes both out and sets the bag on the table, then hands the jacket to Brian. The connection that John and Brian have is so fine-tuned that words are not needed.

  “Ok, Baby Girl, we’re going to use this jacket instead of your shirt and we’re going to put it on you backwards. It’ll still be uncomfortable putting it on, but not as bad as trying to pull that t-shirt up your arms and over your head, and it’s not going to be fun,” Brian explains, looking deeply into her eyes. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Elsie responds, letting out a long breath, preparing herself.

  Brian holds the jacket open in front of Elsie’s bare chest gesturing for her to put her bad arm in first. John holds the upper part of her limp arm steady as Brian begins to feed the sleeve up its length. Elsie grits her teeth and lets out a long, constant, deep moan as the ache pulses through her.

  When he gets it past her elbow he instructs her, “Ok, Baby Girl, let’s get this one in now,” motioning to the good arm.

  Elsie’s face is pale and her jaw is clenched and there’s a sheen of sweat covering her, but she’s pushing on. She extends her arm, and slides it into the sleeve, while John is her holding her other arm steady. The only noise in the small cramped space is their breathing and the occasional deep growl, coming from Elsie.

  Now that both arms are up to the elbows, in the denim sleeves, Brian stops and looks at Elsie. John is still holding both her upper arms firmly, he knows what’s coming next. And it makes the rage boil inside of him again.

  “Ok Dollface, here comes the fun part, you ready?” Brian asks her, strong determination, comfort, assurance, and admiration showing brightly in his eyes.

  “Yes,” she says almost whispering.

  “Ok, Baby Girl, I’m going to do this quickly, to get it over with, and it’s gonna hurt like hell,” Brian continues, trying to prepare her.

  “Just do it…,” she starts to yell at him.

  YANK! Brian pulls it up to her shoulders and pulls the back together in one quick swoop of a motion.

  “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!” a gut-wrenching scream is ripped from Elsie at the sudden jerk of her arm. Her legs give out and she throws her head back, as her face contorts in pain. John just as instantly as the jacket is pulled up clasps her again, steadying her as she drops to her knees, not wanting to pull on her arm and cause her anymore pain.

  The two men give her a minute to ride through the pain and come back down. She is on her knees, sitting back on her heels, taking deep breaths.

  After a moment she warns, “I’m going to kick both of your asses just as soon as my arm is better. Now help me up and let’s get this over with,” lifting her good hand up and raising her unrecognizable face to look at them, a tight but quirky smile plays on her swollen purple lips.

  John and Brian laugh at her statement, their Elsie giving it right back to them.

  “Come here, Angel, have I told you how much I adore you?” John says, not able to stop the endearing phrase before it pours from him.

  The statement makes Elsie sway on her feet even more than the pain did.

  Chapter 17 “I’ve heard that you’ve been self-medicating in the quiet of your room, your sweet suburban tomb. And if you need a friend, I’ll help you stitch up your wounds. I heard that you’ve been having some trouble finding your place in the world,
I know how much that hurts. But if you need a friend then please just say the word. You’ve come this far, you’re all cleaned up, you’ve made a mess again. There’s no more trying, time to sort yourself out. Hold on tight, this ride is a wild one. Make no mistake the day will come when you can’t cover up what you’ve done. Now don’t lose your fight, kid. It only takes a little push to pull on through. With so much left to do, you’ll be missing out and we’ll be missing you…”Lyrics, “Missing You” by All Time Low

  Elsie’s arm was dislocated, she was in shock, and she had a concussion from the blows to her head. Because of the nature of the crime, the hospital had to do a rape exam to gather evidence against her attacker. The police took a statement and shot some photographs of Elsie’s battered face and body. Unfortunately, the whole process made Elsie feel like a victim all over again, violated, pushed, pulled and humiliated.

  My God, if I anyone else has to get between my legs tonight I don’t know if I will survive it! Elsie agonizes in her mind as she bares herself yet again for another examiner. She feels raw, dirty, and battered emotionally, physically and psychologically. It’s all she can do to keep it together, to get through this night of hell that doesn’t seem will ever end.

  They gave her some pain medicine and set her arm after x-rays were taken and she went through an MRI. John was able to stay with her through these initial services, while they were getting her stable, and assessing the extent of her injuries, but once the criminal investigators began their examinations and questioning, John was kicked out. He tried to call in all the favors that the local police owed him, and even tried to pull rank on the local officers, but nothing worked. Instead, he’s been pacing the hallways for five of the longest hours of his life.

  Rico, John and Brian are waiting outside the door of Elsie’s room. John hasn’t stopped pacing the ten foot expanse of the hallway, since she was moved here. Brian has claimed his spot, to the side of her door, while Rico has placed himself across from the door. Every so often John stops his march and glares at Rico.

  “You want to tell me again, Dude, what the fuck went down that made this happen?” the simmering rage that is boiling in John churns hotter and hotter with each passing, agonizing, minute that he can’t get into that room and be by Elsie’s side.


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