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Pretty Hostage

Page 16

by Julia Sykes

  Acting like the animal I was, I caught the delicate fabric in my teeth and curled my fingers into it, shredding the barrier that hid what was mine.

  I fisted the ruined underwear and shoved them into my jeans pocket, a trophy to keep for later.

  My hands curved beneath her ass, tugging her body toward me and spreading her for my admiration. I traced the line of her slit with my tongue, groaning at the first taste of her arousal.

  She cried out at the new sensation, bucking against my mouth.

  My fingers sank into her cheeks, holding her hard enough to mark her. She whined, and I could feel her muscles dancing and fighting to move.

  I lowered my lips, so they hovered just above her clit.

  “Are you trying to get away from me?” I asked, my question deepened by cruel amusement. “Or are you trying to get your hot little pussy closer to my mouth?”

  “I…” She strained and tensed, but my good girl kept her hands exactly where I’d told her to. “Please,” she begged.

  “Please, what?” I mocked, reveling in her predicament. I nuzzled her inner thigh, letting her feel the heat of my breath teasing over her swollen, soaked lips. “What do you want, florecita?”

  “More,” she whined.

  I flicked my tongue over her clit, making her gasp and writhe. I repeated the teasing contact, tracing her folds with my fingers at the same time.

  Fuck, she was so soft and wet for me. I wanted to plunge my fingers inside her and find the sensitive spot at the front of her inner walls that would make her weep for orgasmic release.

  I can’t break her hymen.

  I tongued her clit with more force, some of my frustration with my limitations bleeding out into ruthless aggression on the most tender part of her body.

  The primal need to stake my claim threatened to overwhelm reason. I couldn’t fuck her, and I couldn’t handle her delicate pussy as roughly as I wanted.

  I dipped my forefinger just inside her slick opening, gathering up her arousal without driving deep.

  There was a vulnerable part of her untried body that I could penetrate without leaving any visible sign of my transgression. I’d promised Adrián I would keep my cock in my pants, but I would allow myself this one possessive act.

  Every part of Sofia belonged to me. I’d claimed her mouth with my tongue and explored her pussy as much as I was allowed. I was greedy for more, and I had a very limited capacity for restraint.

  I maintained my firm grip on her ass with one hand, trapping her in place, so I could play with her how I wanted. Keeping my mouth on her clit, I lifted my gaze to her face. I was hungry to watch her reaction when I slipped my desire-slicked finger past her swollen folds.

  The instant I touched her asshole, she jolted beneath me.

  “Mateo!” She shrieked my name in protest, but it ended on a strangled cry when I nipped at her clit.

  I eased off slightly, but I held her like that, immobilizing her with the threat of my teeth around her sensitive bud.

  She stared down at me, her sparkling eyes wide with alarm and her lush lips parted around panting breaths. Her hands were still locked behind her head.

  She was being so good for me, so perfect.

  I brushed my finger over her asshole, forcing her to accept my touch on the most vulnerable part of her virgin body.

  She whimpered, her eyes clouding with confusion as she watched me with a mixture of trepidation and fascination.

  I applied pressure, and she tried to clench to keep me out. I growled a warning against her clit, and I felt a fresh wash of her hot arousal on my palm.

  I didn’t have to issue a verbal rebuke to make her relax; her most sensitive, secret places were thoroughly under my control. All I had to do was watch her and wait, rubbing her tight little hole so that she understood I wouldn’t back off until she gave me what I wanted.

  After a few seconds of ruthless stimulation, she eased enough to allow me to penetrate her. I barely pushed in before withdrawing, playing with her tight ring of muscles and teaching her how good it could feel to surrender this part of herself to me.

  I removed the threat of my teeth and placed a kiss on her clit. She gasped and lifted her hips, drawing my finger deeper inside her.

  “See how sensitive you are, dulzura?” I cooed, tonguing her tight bud to reward her good behavior.

  I slowly pumped in and of her ass, pressing a little farther with each gentle thrust. Keening, broken cries issued from her perfect lips, and she began to rock toward my hand, inviting me to claim her.

  “This is all for me,” I told her, intoxicated by her complete submission. “All mine.”

  My possessive words pushed her over the edge, and her liquid heat coated my hand as her tight muscles squeezed my finger. She screamed out my name and ground her hips against my face, pulling me deeper inside her ass and seeking more stimulation on her clit.

  I allowed her to writhe through her release, giving her enough freedom to move against me in desperation, her little body greedy for all the pleasure I could wring from her.

  Her scream softened to a whine, and she collapsed beneath me, spent and sated.

  I released her clit and slowly withdrew my hand. Before I moved away, I dropped more kisses on her scars, worshipping her perfect body.

  She let out a contented sigh, and I glanced up to find her eyes closed, a serene smile curving her lips.

  “I’ll be right back,” I murmured against her marked flesh, pressing one last kiss on her thigh before slipping into the bathroom to quickly clean up.

  When I returned to the bed, she lay exactly where I had left her: legs bared, pink pussy on display, and her hands cushioning her head.

  I stretched out beside her, grasping her wrists and freeing her from the position I’d shackled her in with no more than a command. She rolled over and snuggled into me, breathing deeply, as though she couldn’t get enough of my scent.

  I let her cuddle up as close as she wanted, even though her nearness caused me physical pain at this point. My dick was still rock hard, my balls aching for release.

  She tucked her face against my chest, her hands roving over my body. She’d never touched me like this before, her dainty fingers tracing the shape of my muscles in a lazy, lust-drunk exploration. Her small hand curved over my arm, as though testing how much of my girth she could fit between her extended thumb and little finger.

  “You’re so big.” She made a happy humming sound.

  “That’s because it’s my job to keep you safe. I’m supposed to look scary,” I murmured, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

  “You’re not scary,” she said with a child’s innocence. “You’re just big.”

  A low chuckle rumbled from my chest. “I’m glad you feel that way.”

  “Mateo…” She hesitated, suddenly shy.

  There wasn’t anything shy about the way she tilted her hips into mine, pressing tight against my throbbing erection.

  Without thinking, my palm firmed on her lower back, trapping her there.

  “I know you’re big,” she continued softly. “That makes me nervous. But I…I want you. Will it hurt a lot?”

  I bit back a groan. She wanted me to take her virginity.

  The wait for Ronaldo to die was going to kill me.

  “I’ll make sure you’re ready for me,” I promised roughly, my lust for her setting my teeth on edge.

  “Okay,” she breathed.

  Her touch skimmed over my abs, her fingers fumbling at the button on my jeans.

  I grabbed her hand, jerking her away more roughly than I intended.

  She peeked up at me, her eyes tight with uncertainty. “Do you want to be the one to do that? I can take off my dress, if that’s better for you?”

  Jesus. She wanted to do this right now.

  “I can’t—” I cut myself off before I said I can’t fuck you. That language was too crass for her first time, and I would have to let her down gently. I didn’t want her to think I was rejecting he
r by delaying.

  “We can’t have sex,” I said instead. “Not today.”

  “What?” A wrinkle appeared between her brows. “Don’t you…Don’t you want me?”

  “I want you more than anything, sweet Sofia,” I promised, pressing my hard-on against her for emphasis. “But I can’t take your virginity yet.”

  The wrinkle drew deeper. “How do you know I’m a virgin? And what do you mean by yet?”

  “Your engagement to Ronaldo is the answer to both of those questions.” I couldn’t help the anger that bled into my tone. The fact that Ronaldo thought he still had a claim on her made me see red.

  “Engagement?” She pulled back, putting a few inches of space between our bodies. “What are you talking about?”

  All the air was knocked from my chest. “You don’t know?”

  “Know what?” she demanded, her voice growing louder with her own anger and a note of fear. “Who is Ronaldo?”

  “That fucking bastard,” I seethed. My hatred of Caesar was poison in my veins, a burning sickness driving me to the brink of sanity.

  He’d sold Sofia to Ronaldo without asking for her consent. Without even telling her it was a done deal.

  She scooted away from me, her lovely eyes wide with panic. “Explain what’s happening. Right now, Mateo!” she shouted when I didn’t answer immediately.

  “You’re engaged.” I couldn’t help snarling the words.

  “Are you crazy?” she demanded shrilly. “Trust me, I would know if I was engaged. I’ve never even had a serious boyfriend.”

  “That’s because your piece of shit father didn’t tell you, apparently,” I barked. “He arranged for you to marry Pedro Ronaldo.”

  Her head shook back and forth, her curls swaying wildly. “I don’t know anybody named Pedro Ronaldo.”

  I spat a curse, rage at Caesar riding me hard. “Ronaldo controls one of the Mexican cartels that traffics our product into the States. Caesar arranged the marriage six months ago. I assumed you’d agreed to it.”

  “Why would I agree to marry someone I’ve never met? Daddy was going to hook me up with a drug lord?” She shook her head more forcefully. “This is insane. It’s not true.”

  “That’s what you said when I told you that your father had kidnapped Valentina,” I reminded her harshly, my tenuous hold on my anger slipping in response to her disgust at the idea of being with a drug lord.

  Sofia seemed to keep forgetting that I was a criminal, just like her father. Just like Ronaldo.

  She paled, her jaw going slack. My cruel retort had shocked her like a slap to the face.

  “I won’t do it,” she said on a horrified whisper. “I’m not going to marry a stranger.”

  “No,” I agreed, some of my ire fading. “You’re not going to marry Ronaldo. He’ll be dead soon, and then, there won’t be anything to keep you from me.”

  Her eyes met mine, the horror focused in my direction. “Dead?” she repeated. “Why will he be dead? I’ll just tell him I won’t marry him.”

  “That’s not how this works, belleza.” I tried for a gentler tone. “If your father cared about your opinion on the matter, he would have asked you.”

  She pushed off the bed, standing on shaky legs. “You knew about this.” It wasn’t a question. It was an accusation. “You knew I was engaged, and you…touched me anyway. Because…” She swallowed, as though fighting down nausea. “Because you knew Ronaldo would be dead soon. What if I had wanted to marry him?”

  “But you don’t want to marry him,” I snapped, knowing that she wouldn’t like my truthful response: that I didn’t give a fuck if she wanted to marry Ronaldo. As soon as I’d taken her as my hostage, her fate had been sealed.

  “You said we couldn’t have sex because I’m engaged,” she continued, as though I hadn’t responded. “But if you know I’m not going to marry him, why does that matter? Why did you say we couldn’t have sex yet?”

  She was picking at this, her mind wading through her horror and anger to seek out an answer I didn’t want to give her.

  “You’re a virgin,” I said, as though that would explain everything, as though I wouldn’t have to say more.

  “So?” she demanded. “Why does that…”

  Her mouth snapped closed, and her eyes began to shine. She was starting to put things together, and the truth was going to be agonizing for her.

  “Daddy always said how important it was to wait for marriage.” I wasn’t certain if she was aware that she spoke the disturbing words aloud. “And Mom said no one would want me if they saw my scars. So I never…”

  Her eyes narrowed at me, a fresh wave of anger surging in my direction. “Daddy wanted me to be a virgin when I married this Ronaldo guy. But I want you to tell me why that matters if you aren’t intending for me to go through with the marriage.”

  “Sofia, I was just trying to protect you.” I attempted to placate her. “Those men who came to the house—the ones you saw me fight—didn’t come to take you away. Your father sent them to deliver a message. Caesar intends to keep his alliance with Ronaldo. He wanted to make sure I don’t take your virginity, so the marriage could still go forward. I was never going to give you to Ronaldo,” I swore before she could even question it. “But Adrián had to promise your father that I wouldn’t… He promised that your virginity would remain intact. That’s why Ronaldo has to die. Once he’s dead, there is no arrangement, and there won’t be anything keeping us apart.”

  Her lower lip trembled. “You made a deal with Daddy and Adrián about my virginity? You all traded my body like a bargaining chip between you?”

  I took a step toward her, but she threw up her hands to ward me off.

  “I didn’t have a choice,” I reasoned, not wanting to acknowledge the lie on my tongue. “If we hadn’t made this agreement, there would have been war. You would have been in danger. I was protecting you.”

  “Protecting me?” she shrieked, her eyes wild. “Is that what you call what you just did to me? You couldn’t take my virginity without my father’s permission, but you could put your mouth on me and…”

  She couldn’t seem to finish articulating what I’d done to her without being sick. Her features were pale and pinched, her delicate body shaking.

  “This doesn’t change anything between us.” If I said it out loud, maybe it would be true.

  “There is nothing between us,” she hissed. “Just your lies and my stupidity for blindly trusting you.”

  “No.” My refusal was harsh and immediate. I wouldn’t let her pull away from me. I wouldn’t lose her trust.

  I closed the distance between us in one long stride, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close to my chest.

  “Don’t touch me!” She tried to shove me away, but she didn’t have a chance at physical resistance.

  “I won’t let you go,” I ground out, keeping her pinned against me. “I won’t make that mistake again. You need me to touch you.”

  “Stop it!” she insisted, breathless from her struggles.

  “I’ve got you, Sofia,” I swore, not giving her an inch. “You’re mine.”

  She went completely still, and I could practically feel her body solidify to ice. “If you force yourself on me, I will hate you forever.”

  My muscles flexed around her, my body rebelling at the prospect of releasing her.

  “Let me go.” She bit out each venomous word.

  Somehow, I summoned up enough willpower to peel my arms away from her trembling form. As soon as she was freed from my cage, she stumbled back, putting space between us.

  She took a deep breath and straightened her spine, finding the strength to present defiance even though tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “I will stay here at your house,” she declared coldly. “I’ll be a compliant little hostage, because being trapped with you is a slightly less horrific nightmare than facing Daddy right now.” She lifted her chin, her bright green eyes searing into me. “But I will never make the
mistake of trusting you again. I will never let myself forget who you really are.”

  “You know who I am.” I rasped the lie.

  “I do now,” she agreed. “You’re a criminal. You’re my jailor. And nothing else.”

  Chapter 16


  I touched my thumb to the base of my ring finger, a habit that had become obsessive over the last twenty-four hours. But the absence of a diamond ring didn’t take back the awful revelations about my engagement.

  My brain’s default defensive mechanism was to deny what Mateo had told me.

  I’m not engaged to a drug lord I’ve never met. Daddy wouldn’t do that to me.

  But denial wouldn’t make this go away.

  It was agonizing enough to accept that Daddy had arranged this marriage, but thinking about Mateo’s part in the bargain made me want to vomit.

  I’d trusted him enough to let him…touch me in ways I’d never considered before. I’d shared my scars with him. My secrets. My body.

  But he’d bartered for the rights to my body days ago, working out a truce with my father and a second, clandestine deal with Adrián that would allow him to claim my virginity when it was no longer problematic for their criminal enterprises.

  No one had asked my opinion. No one had asked for my consent.

  Mateo’s heavy fist hit the bedroom door, the booming knock a feeble veneer of respect for my personal space. He hadn’t forced his way into my bedroom since I’d shut myself in yesterday, but I could sense his mounting frustration each time he brought one of my meals.

  “What?” I demanded, setting down my songwriting journal.

  “Valentina and Adrián are coming over for dinner.” His deep voice penetrated the closed door. “We’re eating in twenty minutes.”

  “I’m not hungry.” That wasn’t true, but I didn’t want to deal with company right now. Especially not Adrián Rodríguez, even if I did like Valentina.

  “I didn’t ask if you were hungry,” he retorted, terse. “I expect you to eat dinner with us.”


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