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My Whole World

Page 7

by Davidson King

  “And you have to work at Vick’s tomorrow, right?” Her smiling face dropped as she asked.

  “Yeah. But only three more nights doing that, right?” I didn’t want to tell her that after those nights, there was no way Vick would let me leave.

  “It’s going to be okay.” She squeezed my hand, and I felt how much she loved me.

  I was curious about her day and hoped maybe she’d mention someone following her, and if she could describe them, maybe I’d know who they were. But she said it was a day of work, and then she had lunch with one of her book club friends and that was it. Nothing weird. I wondered for a brief moment if Vick was fucking with me just to scare me and no one was really shadowing Poppy at all.

  When I stepped into Vick’s office the following afternoon, I didn’t even get to say hello before he gripped my shirt and slammed me against the wall.

  “It’s funny to stand up there on that fucking faggot’s stage and let him make fun of me and my place? You think him getting all his little fairy friends to ooooh and ahhhh over stealing you from me is entertainment?”

  Seemed like he was also watching me, which I should’ve known, but what could I say? My back was throbbing, and he wasn’t loosening his grip.

  “I can’t control what he says, Vick, and if I defended you, do you really think he’d tell me anything?” It sounded logical, and Vick must have agreed, since he let me go a second later.

  “You better have something amazing to tell me today, then. Did you find out about the private party?”

  I shook my head and winced when he slapped his hand hard next to my ear.

  “Tell me something, Toby, or I swear to fucking Christ, you’ll regret it.”

  “I know that he’s working on something for Wet Wednesday, and the storage closet has high-end liquor, and there are professional dancers, and Max makes a new drink every night.” It all seemed so small, but when Vick smiled brightly and laughed hard enough that he was gasping for air, it suddenly didn’t feel so small after all.

  “That’s perfect. Tell me about this Wet Wednesday, and what sort of drinks does Max make?”

  “All I know is, Ledger had to make phone calls to figure out legalities and such for Wednesday, and Max makes new drinks from fresh stuff from the farmers market, or wherever it is he orders stuff.”

  Gently Vick patted my cheek. “Good work, Toby. This is very good news.”

  I had no idea how a phenomenal show that Atlas was surely going to put on or information about Max’s drinks was at all good for Vick, but I wasn’t complaining. I simply left his office and worked through my shift on autopilot. Shane wasn’t working tonight, so I had this new girl who didn’t know soda from water, and it kept me busy until I clocked out.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The rest of the week, Toby was perfect. Everything was running smoothly, and there were no complaints. Max, Ciro, and Ledger said they encountered zero issues and a staff meeting with the servers and security all said he was a natural. I was glad since that private party was Friday night and the following week, we had Wet Wednesday. I didn’t need any issues.

  “This bachelor party on Friday, they’re taking up the VIP floor. Why not the private room?” Max asked as we all sat down for our weekly managers’ meeting. The weather was wicked, causing Toby to run a little late.

  “Max, they are paying a ridiculous amount of money; closing the floor for one night isn’t an issue.”

  “Who are they, again?” Ledger asked right when Toby walked in.

  “Sorry I’m late. The rain is awful out there. It just wouldn’t let up so I had to bus it, but I missed the first bus so I had to wait.”

  “No worries, next time let one of us know, and we can pick you up. There’s coffee and bagels. Get settled—we were just talking about the private party on Friday night.”

  Toby’s head whipped around, his color drained, and he was suddenly as pale as a ghost. “Who…um, who’s the private party, and um, what will I be doing?”

  Maybe he was just nervous, but it was an odd reaction. “Senator Ramos’s son, Sam, and his fiancé, Jeremy, are having a joint bachelor party here. It’s huge because I’ve never hosted a political anything, so it has to go flawlessly.”

  Toby plopped down on his seat, gripping his coffee cup like a lifeline. “Senator?”

  “Yeah, Toby, are you okay? I will most likely be hands on for this and leave you to the main floor. Knowing your eyes are on everything else is a huge relief. I can concentrate on Sam and Jeremy.”

  “Oh…yeah, fine, sorry just.” He swallowed loudly. “Senator.”

  “No shit, right,” Max said with a loud laugh. “Next thing you know, Joker’s Sin will have celebrities and who knows what else.”

  We spoke a while about the party, and the whole time, Toby couldn’t seem to make eye contact. Only after we moved on and began discussing the rest of the week did he relax and start contributing. I couldn’t understand why Toby was so nervous about the party—I let him off the hook. I’d make sure to talk to him alone later.

  “We doing a theme day this week then or no?” Ciro asked, wanting to know what to watch for coming in.

  “You can’t ignore the rest of the week because of the party. Why not a leather night on Thursday?” Max said, and that seemed like a great idea.

  “I’ll put it on the website.”

  “You can also, maybe, as a surprise on Tuesday, have like a singles shot night,” Toby added. “Since Thursday is so far away, for fun, every single person gets a free shot or something. That can be advertised on the site now.”

  It was a cute idea and he was right—we did need to do something before Thursday. “Great idea. Too bad you won’t be here for that or leather night.”

  It was the last week Toby would be working at Vick’s, and I was relieved he’d be done with the place.

  “Yeah, but I’ll be there for the party.”

  The party that terrified Toby. “That you will.”

  We shot the shit for a little while longer until everyone finished their bagels and coffee; then Max and Ciro said they were going home and would return by the time we opened. Ledger was “going to do music things.”

  “Toby.” I wanted to get him before he had a chance to leave. “If you’re not busy, I’d like to talk with you?”

  “Oh, well, I have a few errands to do before work tonight. Is there any way we could do it later?”

  I didn’t think Toby was deliberately avoiding me; he likely did have errands, but I didn’t want to talk about this while trying to focus on the club.

  “How about you meet me at the diner on Fifth at one? We can get a bite while we’re at it. Would you be able to do that?”

  He looked at his phone. “It’s ten now, yeah, I can do that. See you then.”

  “Great, see you then.”

  By the time one came around, I was glad to see the sun was peeking through and was able to walk the few blocks to Fifth to meet Toby. Cindy, who worked at the diner, led me to a booth, and I made sure to face the door so when Toby arrived I wouldn’t miss him.

  I watched out the window and happened to see the moment Toby stepped off the bus. He had a large paper bag in his hands and was headed my way. He appeared frazzled, probably from doing errands all day in the rain. I felt guilty making him trudge here, but maybe an hour of sitting, relaxing, and eating would calm him down.

  He’d just crossed the street when I noticed a man approach him. Toby didn’t appear to know the guy and wasn’t really speaking, just listening. I noticed that familiar dreaded expression Toby got on his face when something was wrong. I stood to go out and intervene, but no sooner did I make it to the door than the guy walked away. I figured I’d stand by the door at this point, hoping Toby would realize I saw the interaction and talk to me.

  “Oh, hey, Atlas, did you just get here?” Toby asked as he stepped into the diner.

  “A few minutes ago, I saw you get off the bus, so I figured I’d me
et you.”

  I could tell by his expression and how he swallowed that he was aware I saw the other guy, so I simply asked. “Who was that guy you were talking to? He didn’t seem too friendly.”

  “Excuse me,” a lady said, trying to enter the diner.

  “Sorry. Toby, our booth is over here.” He followed silently and when he sat, setting the paper bag beside him, I waited for him to answer. When he didn’t, I nudged. “The guy?”

  “Oh, um…he was someone my sister knows. An ex. He startled me is all.”

  Why is he lying to me? “What did he say? Has he been harassing you and her?”

  “What? No, no, it’s fine, really, Atlas.” He lifted the menu and was reading it over, clearly trying to end the conversation. There was so much secrecy when it came to Toby. While he intrigued me and brought up feelings I’d long hoped were dormant, his lies, his secrecy, brought other darker memories to the surface too.

  “Ready to order?” our waitress asked.

  We placed our orders, and I decided now was as good a time as any to bring things up.

  “Toby, I spoke with the staff and managers, and everyone has the greatest things to say about you. You fit in like you’ve always belonged.”

  His cheeks pinked, and the ashen pallor I’d seen adorning his skin too often began to fade.

  “Thank you. It’s such a relief to hear that. I really felt like it was going well, but you never truly know if people are being nice to you to be polite or if it’s genuine.”

  I agreed with him on that. “You have nothing to worry about there. But one thing you need to understand, Toby, is that I’m good at what I do because I can read a crowd. I can see a person sitting on a barstool and know if they are having a good day or bad one. I can tell when someone looks me in the eyes and tells me half-truths or full-blown lies.”

  There was the paleness again, and I knew I was on the right track.

  “Why don’t you start unloading some of that burden that’s sitting on your chest? Let me try and help you.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  So much of me didn’t want to lie to Atlas. I wanted to beg him to help me and wished that if I opened up to him, nothing would happen to Poppy or anyone at Joker’s Sin. But the cost was too high; the price was like a noose wrapped around my neck squeezing the choice right out of me. There was no way Atlas was going to settle on me telling him it was his imagination. So, I had to think of something.

  “When you offered me this job, I was certain Vick would give me a hard time about taking it. When he didn’t, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

  The waitress came by and quickly placed our meals down, as if she knew we were in the middle of something and didn’t want to get involved.

  “Go on, Toby.” The sincerity in Atlas’s brown eyes made my heart ache. Part of me knew if I told him the whole truth, he’d do everything in his power to help me because that was just the man he was.

  “Then he told me I needed to work for him for two weeks to train someone.” I rolled my eyes, trying to play this whole thing off. “There’s been no one to train. And I’m starting to think come Thursday he’s not going to let me go.”

  “Not let you go? He doesn’t own you.” His voice rose, but he quickly recovered. “I’ll come there myself and show Vick Keller he can’t own people.”

  God, I wanted to jump the table, wrap my arms around him, and kiss him senseless. I wanted to thank him for being him. But I couldn’t have Atlas doing that.

  “No, no, you can’t. He may not look like much, but he’s not someone to mess with. I’ll have to wait it out and see what Thursday brings. No sense in starting something if there’s nothing to start, you know?” I dipped a fry in ketchup and ate. Maybe if I stuffed my face, I couldn’t talk anymore.

  “That’s why you’ve been on edge? The fact that you think Vick will hold you at his place?” I nodded and went on eating even though with each swallow my stomach churned. “That guy back there. He was really your sister’s ex?” Again, I nodded because I’d already said so much more than I should.

  “Toby, listen to me.” When he reached over and took my hand, his skin felt like the remedy to every anguish. “You tell me after work on Thursday what he says, promise. I won’t sit by and let him force you to stay there.”

  I swallowed my food and offered a small smile. What the hell do I say to that? “Atlas, you have to understand something. I will never be that person whose decisions harm other people. The guilt I’d feel if something happened to you because of me would be worse than anything Vick could do. I’ll be okay.” I released my hand from his grip, internally shattered from the loss of his warmth. Even though I knew Vick taking down Joker’s Sin would hurt Atlas, he’d still be alive.

  “No one should fight a war alone,” Atlas whispered, his gaze gravitating toward the view outside. People passing by had Atlas’s attention, like any one of them could be a threat.

  We finished lunch in relative silence and when it was over, he paid before I had a chance. “I asked you to have lunch with me, don’t insult me.”

  “Well, thanks.”

  When Atlas and I parted ways outside, I kept thinking about what Vick’s guy said to me outside the diner.

  “Be careful what you say to Atlas. We will know if you tell him anything.”

  I knew there was no way they’d be able to hear what I said to Atlas, but they were going to go by whatever Atlas did after our lunch. It was the only reason I even told Atlas what I did. Encouraging him to not go after Vick was a make-or-break moment. Lord only knew what Vick would do to Poppy if Atlas went into Vick’s and raised hell. I was convinced he’d wait it out until my last day, so I decided not to let it weigh on me and made my way home to put things away and get ready for work.

  I shouldn’t have been shocked that Monday was just as busy as any other day of the week at Joker’s Sin. Obviously Friday and Saturday were the busiest, but the amount of bodies dancing and drinking on a Monday night was amazing. Of course, it had a lot to do with the man himself and not just the drinks. The special Max was offering was bright green. He was calling it Mint Mania.

  I watched as Atlas took to the stage and every head in the place turned.

  “Hello, my lovelies.” His voice boomed, sending a thrill through my body…no doubt many others too. His presence was powerful. “Are you all having a good night?”

  He wore an amethyst suit with a black shirt underneath and no tie, so I could see his neck and part of his smooth chest. There was a tiny glint, indicating he had a necklace of some sort on. His braided hair was half up, and I could almost smell his intoxicating cologne from where I stood on the floor. I’d told Poppy his scent was like a magnetic force, and she said something about his natural scent mixing well with whatever he wore, making it uniquely him. I had to agree since I’d never smelled anything so wonderful.

  “I was thinking about playing a game,” Atlas said, his smile so bright I could see it from across the room. “I need five volunteers, and they need to agree to be blindfolded.” While the threat of being blindfolded would have many backing away, in this case the room erupted with people shouting they’d do it.

  “Okay, chill, I have some more to say.” Atlas laughed. “On top of being blindfolded, you need to be unattached to someone, because what I have in mind very well may make a connection for some of you.”

  The emotional energy in the place became more seductive with Atlas’s further instruction, and DJ Edge began playing some sultry jazz.

  “You’ll come up on this stage and be blindfolded. Then, I’ll stand behind each of you and see who in the room wants to dance with you more. You’ll dance with the person I choose, who will not be blindfolded, then have drinks.…I will give you both two pieces of cloth. One green and silky smooth, one that will feel rough and be the color red—since one of you will be blindfolded, you’ll need to feel the difference. When DJ Edge says time is up, you both will put either the green cloth dow
n on the table or the red one. No fighting. If you both choose the smooth route, you’ll be escorted to a private room to have some cocktails, no blindfolds, and get to meet your mystery person.”

  All I could think was how terrible this would end up at Vick’s. There’d certainly be a bar fight over someone, but I knew this would go smoothly for Atlas.

  “Now, who wants to be blindfolded?”

  And again, the people cheered.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “What the hell, Atlas?” Ledger came storming into my office. It was Tuesday night, the singles shot night was going great, and I’d sequestered myself inside, away from people. I knew why Ledger was angry.

  “Shouldn’t you be manning the music?” I snapped.

  “You fucking well know I have it set to go for a while or else I wouldn’t be in here.” His eyebrows rose and he pointed right at me. “What’s with the attitude?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Ledger, am I not allowed to have a bad day?” My sarcastic tone wasn’t doing me any favors.

  “Claude said you snapped at him when he was laughing too loud. Max said you keep telling him to pour faster—”

  “I fucking just said I was having a bad day and I came in here, away from everyone. What the fuck else do you want from me?” I was roaring at this point, and it was a good thing the music was loud, and my room was somewhat soundproof.

  Ledger plopped down in the chair, staring at me with an unamused glare. “Talk.”

  I was so pissed, my bones were shaking. My skin was so tight, it felt like it would split at any minute. And I knew why.

  “I hate that Toby is at Vick’s tonight.”


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