Sacrifice: A Dark High School Romance (Holly Oak Academy Book 2)

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Sacrifice: A Dark High School Romance (Holly Oak Academy Book 2) Page 4

by G. Bailey

  “This is a beautiful place.” Anne rests her head on my shoulder. “I’m so glad I came.”

  “Me too.” I rest my head on hers, comfortable and peaceful for a long moment.

  I wish moments such as this could last forever.

  My stomach rumbles and Anne laughs.

  “I’m going to get some food. Do you want anything, Anne?”

  She shakes her head. “Nope, I’m going to nap for a bit.”

  I hug her gently before leaving our room. The lodge has descended into chaos with students running around, laughter filling the place and so much noise. I find the kitchen in the end and get to work making myself a jam sandwich just as Nathan comes in. He flips the lock on the door and I raise an eyebrow as he goes to the cupboard.

  “Want a sandwich?” I ask him and he pauses in his cupboard search to look back at me and nods once. I shrug my shoulder and make him a sandwich too, placing them both on plates. Nathan closes the cupboard and brings a large sharing packet of crisps over as I jump on the counter. He hops up next to me and we both tuck into our lunch, the silence slowly becoming more uncomfortable by the second.

  “I live with my aunt, have done since I was twelve,” Nathan starts to tell me, and his hands shake as he places them on his knees. “Hunter needed to die because he was going to kill our aunt. He had it all planned out. The idiot kept bragging about it to his girl, and his girl hated him as you well know.”

  I swallow the lump of food down. “Why would he want to kill her?” Nathan’s secret is complicated and I never truly understood why he would kill his father and frame an innocent housekeeper.

  “Before I explain everything, remember that when I was a kid I loved my brother. Hunter was my fucking world.” His beautiful green eyes meet mine. Pain, loathing, regret and every little negative emotion haunt them. I’ve felt those a hundred times before. They’re tattooed onto my body in the form of scars. “A day after my eleventh birthday, I walked in on my dad banging our housekeeper in the swimming pool. He didn’t see me or Hunter, but fucking hell we saw them. Our mum was dying in hospital at the time. We literally just came back from seeing her and this was what my dad was doing?” Nathan laughs but it lacks all humour and reeks of pain. “Hunter took it worse than I did. He became a monster. Ten days later I went into my dad’s study and he was dead on the floor, a chunk of his head dug in. Hunter was stood over him and he laughed like it was all a big fucking joke.”

  I reach over and place my hand on his, encouraging him to tell me the rest.

  “I helped Hunter clean up the statue he hit him with and wipe our housekeeper’s gloves all over it. Then I called the police and claimed to see her do it.”

  “I get it. You loved your brother and you were just a frightened kid who wanted to protect him. What did your mum say?”

  He looks down at our hands, his jaw clenching. “She passed away almost at the same time dad died. It was like she could sense he was leaving her and she wanted to go with him. I thought I could be enough for Hunter but he only got worse as we got older. He liked pain. He was jealous and obsessive of Imogen and I knew he killed her boyfriend. When I found out he was after my sweet aunt, the woman who took in two troubled kids and moved halfway across the world to look after us, I knew Hunter had to go. He was too fucked up, too crazy and far gone. I don’t mourn the man he was in the end. I mourn the brother I had before we walked in our dad fucking the help.”

  “I’m sorry I judged you before I knew. And I’m sorry I killed Hunter when it should have been you that did it.”

  Before I can blink, his lips are on mine and he pulls me onto his lap.

  “Don’t say sorry. You are Regan Fucking Hall and I owe you a favour.”

  He kisses me again with hard, vicious desire, and I almost forget everything we just discussed. His hands tear at my clothes and I pull off his, somehow the two of us still on the countertop. He lies me down flat, strokes his cock while looking deeply into my eyes, and then he’s thrusting into my wet pussy. I clench around him and twine my fingers around his neck as he continues to assail my lips with his own. My insides tremble as pleasure quickly builds. Our moans and gasps are nothing but nonsensical sounds in each other’s ears. He’s fucking me with all of the anger, passion and pent up emotions we’ve been feeling for each other.

  For our families.

  For our messed up crazy pasts.

  And for the peace and fucked up love we seem to find in each other’s arms.

  His hand slides between us as he plays with my clit and thrusts deep into me.

  “Come around my dick, Regan. Let me feel you.” He grunts into my ear and his words send me over the edge. I cry out as I come and he comes with me, gasping my name like a prayer I want to hear over and over again.

  “Open this door immediately!” Mrs Bitch shouts, banging on the kitchen door.

  Nathan’s cock is still buried inside me as we glance at the door and burst out laughing. He kisses me softly on the lips before pulling out and we get dressed as quickly as we can. Thankfully, there’s a side door leading onto a balcony, so we use that to escape just as Mrs Bitch manages to find a key and charge into the kitchen.

  I have a funny feeling this winter break is the escape we’ve all been looking for.

  “It’s hot tub time, baby!”

  Joshua picks me up and swings me around playfully. He sets me down and takes my hand, leading me onto the deck where the hot tubs are. Ethan, Nathan, and Lucas are sharing one of the tubs. Anne is wrapped up in blankets on a lounger beside the outdoor fire. Charlie’s Angels are in the tub beside her, and I did invite Rory but I highly doubt he’ll come.

  I let go of Joshua and unravel my robe. At that exact moment, all of my guys turn to look at me. I deliberately chose my skimpiest bikini so that hardly any of the gold material covers my body. I grin at them as I climb onto the tub and step into the bubbling lukewarm water. Joshua hops in after me and pulls me onto his lap. I can already feel his big cock pressing into me from under his white shorts. I squirm a little just to tease him and he growls in my ear.

  “Regan, how many boys did you date before us?” Nathan playfully asks, but Ethan’s eyes narrow on me as I clear my throat.

  Well, this turned from sexy to serious far too quickly.

  “A couple,” I say, avoiding a real answer and hoping they will just leave it at that.

  Of course, they don’t.

  “Regan had a fiance. Didn’t you know?” Ethan adds and I grit my teeth as Joshua tightens his hands on my hips.

  “The idiot must be crazy to let you go,” Joshua says at last. “What did you do, babygirl? Stab him on your wedding day?”

  My eyes lock with Ethan but he just smirks, leaning back.

  “He is dead,” I muse, my voice cold and emotionless. “So you’re not entirely wrong.”

  Lucas groans and drags a hand through his wet hair. “None of us here are virgins. Why don’t we leave it at that?”

  His voice is laced with worry for me with a notch of humour.

  “Here-here.” I chuckle and grin as I sink myself into the middle of the hot tub, letting the bubbles riding all the way to my chin before I stand up. The water drips down my body and I feel each droplet being watched by my guys. I’m curious who will move first. I sway my hips to the music as I drop my head back, closing my eyes.

  “Oh, great. 007 is here,” Ethan grumbles.

  I look up just as Rory steps onto the deck. I’m disappointed to see that he’s still wearing his uniform. Looks like he won’t be joining us after all but his eyes fight the urge to drop from my face to my body.

  “It’s your father.” He stops beside me, his expression turning sour. “He’s just scheduled a call.”

  “For when?” I look between the guys, giving them a casual roll of my eyes despite my heart racing away. My father rarely calls me and it’s never pleasant when he does.

  Rory picks up my robe and hands me it. “In five minutes.”

y, I climb out of the tub and slip into my robe. What do my parents want from me now?

  Rory takes me through the lodge to a room hidden away at the back. He pulls a key out from his pocket and inserts it into the lock. He must be able to sense my unease because he pauses to look at me.

  “I’ll stay inside with you.”

  I nod, admittedly touched by his support. “Thank you.”

  He turns the lock and we step inside. It’s more of a conference room with numerous chairs positioned around a long table and a flat-screen TV. I sink into the chair nearest the TV as Rory pulls out his phone and types away. Not two seconds later, my father’s face appears on the screen. He’s in his study, sitting on his high-backed leather chair across from his rich mahogany desk. Our family crest hangs on a huge silver shield behind him, almost the same colour as his short hair. Just ever so slightly, he lifts the corner of his thin lips into a smile, his almond eyes darkening.

  “Ah, Regan. You are thirty seconds late.”

  Rory steps forward. “Sorry, sir, that was my fault. Technical issue.”

  My father casts him a sharp look before turning his steely eyes on me. “I trust you are well?”

  I straighten in my chair and incline my head. “Yes, Father. Thank you for asking.”

  The smile vanishes and his features harden. He’s about to deliver the blow. A nervous feeling cuts through my stomach and I hold my breath.

  “Your mother was unable to attend the call due to some last-minute business. She has decided to host our annual ball next weekend. I have organised everything with your school. We expect you to bring one of your potential tributes.”

  I school my features, hoping to convey a false sense of calmness. He’s referring to one of the guys. The sacrifice. Shit, shit, shit.

  “May I ask why I have to bring them?” I dare to question.

  A cruel snarl works its way over his lips. “Nothing in particular, Regan. He’ll simply be your plus one. This won’t be an issue now, will it?”

  “No, Father.”

  “Excellent. I do hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday, Regan, and I shall see you at the ball.” Turning to Rory, he adds, “Protect my daughter at all costs.”

  Rory nods and my father’s face disappears into a black screen. I stay seated for a long moment, my head buried in my hands. Why oh why do my parents always need to ruin my fucking day?

  “There’s no way he’ll be a guest,” I tell Rory, still covering my face. “It’s all another game.”

  “Aye.” He walks around the table and stands beside me, resting against one of the chairs. “Remington is your safest bet.”

  I peek at him through my fingers. “I know Ethan is. He’s as fucked up as me. But what if this is just another sacrifice? My parents wouldn’t invite someone outside of the Veil unless they’re supposed to be some sort of sick entertainment. If I bring Ethan and he dies, they’ll still expect a final sacrifice at the end of the year, which means I’ll be losing two of my guys.”

  “Do you want Ethan to survive?”

  I frown at him. “Of course I do. I don’t want to lose any of you.”

  He nods. “Then we come up with a plan.”

  Pulling my hands away, I stare down at the table in front of me. “It’ll need to be a damn good one if we all want to get out alive.” I chew on the inside of my mouth. “The plan should be to play them at their own game.”

  “And how do you suggest we go about that?”

  I bite my lip again. “Every year at the Blood Party, my parents have a guest of honor. It’s usually some twisted dignitary that helps to protect the Veil. If my parents want to shed one of my guys’ blood at the party, you’re going to kill this guest before they get the chance. It’ll be enough of a distraction that the event will be cut short, and my parents won’t suspect me or my guy since we were with them at the time.”

  Rory’s eyes gleam and he tilts the edge of his lips. “You’ve got a wicked mind, you know that?”

  I push off my chair and bring my face close to his. “I’m not just a pretty face. Whenever someone tries to fuck with what’s mine, I make sure they live to regret it. Now, are you ready to kill for me, Rory?”

  “There’s nothing I won’t do for you, lass.”

  His words make my heart soar and I kiss him on the cheek before making my way back to the hot tubs. If my parents want me to play their dirty little game this time, I’ll do just that.

  And I’ll fucking win.

  With my robe still wrapped tightly around me, I leave the guys in the hot tub to head inside and check on Anne. Rory trails after me. At the top of the stairs, I pause at the view from the wall of glass in front of me. I walk closer, my eyes tracing the falling snow sweeping across the land outside.

  It’s so utterly peaceful here and it reminds me of the last time I saw snow. In York, on a day that was the best day of my life; a day filled with love and so much pain it still rattles my soul.

  It always will do.

  “Do you judge me?” I ask Rory, well aware of his presence like a blanket holding me down to the earth. “I mean for York. Do you judge what I did?”

  “I admire you more because of York.” He reaches out to catch the single tear falling from my eye. My breath catches when his hand cups my cheek, wiping away the tear stain like it was never there. “You’re not the monster you think you are.”

  I don’t move and barely breathe as he moves closer, pressing our bodies together, his hot breath heating my lips. I close my eyes. If only he would take that final step like I know he wants to do.

  Like I want him to do.

  Only cold air greets me when I open my eyes, and Rory is gone, but I’m sure not far.

  I wish my bodyguard would just kiss me already.

  “Settle down, settle down,” Mrs Bitch shouts, clapping her hands to keep everyone silent as we gather in the middle of the dining hall.

  I wish she would hurry up and say why she has got us out here considering Anne isn’t feeling good. I want to spend the day with her to make sure she’s okay, not hang around here waiting for Mrs Bitch’s spiel.

  Joshua’s hand slides into mine and I look up, catching Nathan’s eyes watching our hands instead of the teacher.

  “There is an amber alert in this area due to a snowstorm and it means we are staying inside for the next few days. All doors are locked, mealtimes are as usual and bodyguards will be staying inside with us for safety. Any further questions or help, please contact a teacher.”

  The crowd bursts into chatter. I roll my eyes and stand up, letting go of Josh’s hand as I head for the stairs.

  “Miss Hall!” the lovely teacher I hoped I had escaped shouts after me, and I try to smile as she somehow finds her way to my side.

  “Mrs B…each, what can I do for you today?” I ask her sweetly, though she isn’t charmed as she frowns at me.

  “It’s about Miss Hopkins.”

  Every time someone says her name, my heart gives a violent lurch.

  Mrs Bitch straightens and flattens a hand down her suit. “As you know, Miss Hopkins hasn’t been feeling at all that good lately. We have decided to move her to her own suite on the first floor.”

  I nod. “Can I see her?”

  “I’m afraid she’ll be busy today with Mrs Anderson who’s a trained nurse and is looking after her. Perhaps you can visit tomorrow.” She looks out the window and gestures to all the snow. “Perhaps we even can go outside if the snow lets up.”

  I watch Mrs Bitch pivot on her heel and busy herself with some other students. I glance at the stairs and a hollow numbness wracks through my body. I’m half-tempted to run up there and see Anne anyway, but the sound of Nathan’s voice stops me.

  “We’re making s’mores. You in?”

  Pulling on a smile, I turn and walk over to the fireplace with him, Ethan, Josh, and Lucas. I nestle on a cushion beside Lucas and watch Joshua preparing the s’mores while Ethan scrutinises his work. It makes me smile how dainty Joshua is tryin
g to be with the marshmallows despite his big manly hands. There’s music playing in the background and everyone is laughing and chatting away. I almost feel guilty about enjoying myself. Should I be when Anne is holed up in her room upstairs? It doesn’t seem that fair to me.

  “Why the long face, cutie?” Ethan plops down beside me on another cushion and crosses his legs. “You know I hate to see you frown. Are you worried about Anne?”

  I look away and stare into the fire. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I have an idea.”


  “If Mohammed won’t come to the mountain, the mountain will come to Mohammed.” Ethan shoves a s’more into his mouth and grins at me. “Let’s make a snowman so she can see it outside her window.”

  Lucas peers around me at him, the corners of his mouth covered in marshmallow. “Talk about a missed opportunity.”

  Ethan frowns at him. “What?”

  “‘Let’s make a snowman outside.’ What you should have said is ‘Do you wanna build a snow—-’”

  “Don’t. You. Dare,” I warn Ethan, nudging him playfully. I take one of his s’mores and pop it into my mouth while standing up. “I’ll go grab my things.”

  “Just watch out for Mrs Bitch. We’re not supposed to go outside,” Joshua warns, winking over his shoulder at me.

  I rush up the stairs and into my room. I try not to focus on Anne’s now vacant bed as I pull on my white puffer coat, boots, mittens and scarf. I grab an extra pair of the latter and creep down the stairs. Mrs Beach is facing the fire with Mr Fleur and Mrs Lyons, sipping their mulled wine and laughing away. I catch Lucas peering through the kitchen door and he waves me over. I hurry inside to find all the guys waiting for me, including Rory who’s pulling on a coat.


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