Book Read Free

Between The Lines

Page 3

by Drew Sera

  “I agree. You’ll have to ask JPFever if you guys get chummy.”

  We wrapped up our phone call and I went back to work reading up on the articles that one of the other responders sent to me. After I finished reading through the articles, I decided to log back into Kinky Links and see if I had a message from J.P.

  “Ah, hello Mr. J.P.,” I said with a smile as I clicked on his message.

  Hi CuffedNBound,

  Nice to meet you and yes, I’d be happy to help you out with whatever questions you have for your book.

  Before I answer your question, I must preface by saying that I could type you pages upon pages on the topic of what a submissive is versus a slave. Everyone has their own ideas and opinions of a slave versus a submissive. But to me, a submissive, for the most part, will consensually continue negotiating with her/his Dom/Domme. They don’t necessarily submit to a total power exchange of everything in their life. They might just be submissive in the bedroom only. Many are like that. A slave will consensually submit to a total power exchange. He/she agrees to hand control of their life, mind, body, and soul, to the Master/Mistress. Slaves will literally put their well-being in the care of someone else’s hands. And they do this of their own free will. Does that make sense? It was my best explanation based on the request for an easy to understand and short version. Hope it helps.

  So, are your characters already in the lifestyle, or are they new to it? One experienced, one new? I love to read romances and was just curious.

  Talk soon,


  I pulled out my notebook and began jotting down some character notes and J.P.’s info regarding the sub and slave. After I finished making the notes I wanted, I hit “reply” to J.P.’s message. I thought it was kind of him to ask about the characters.

  Hi J.P.,

  Thanks again for responding, I appreciate your willingness to help me out and entertain my questions.

  One of my characters is going to be experienced while the other is new to the lifestyle. I’ll tell you a little bit more about them as I go along, but their names are Nick and Rebecca.

  Since we’re on the curiosity topic, is it okay, or acceptable for me to call you J.P.? I know that the BDSM lifestyle has a lot of protocols and I don’t want to offend you at all. Are “J.P.” your initials (first and last name maybe)?



  I hit send and read back over my notes when the bar that notifies me of incoming messages slid across the screen. It was from J.P. Wow, that was quick. Maybe he was on Kinky Links when he received my message.

  Hi CuffedNBound,

  As mentioned before, I’m happy to help others in this lifestyle. You got lucky when I responded – I don’t mean that in a conceited way. Your question was posted to my dungeon’s main group page. Each of the board members are required to check the general thread for questions each day and respond to them in a timely fashion on behalf of my dungeon club. So, when I responded, it was my weekend to check for messages. Any of the board members would have been happy to help as well.

  I can’t wait to learn about your characters along the way.

  J.P. is actually the initials of my first and middle name. I hate my first name, so I just go by my middle name. But, for our purposes, please just call me J.P.

  And yes, about those curiosity pieces, do you write under a pen name?

  Talk soon,


  I thought for a moment before I hit reply. Would there be any harm in telling him my pen name? I mean, after all, a pen name is to protect me. So, would there be any harm in telling him? It’s no different than a reader having my pen name and looking up info on my books and such.

  Subconsciously, Samantha was sitting on my shoulder. I grabbed my phone and sent her a text.

  Amy: Think it’s ok if I tell J.P. my pen name?

  Samantha: I don’t see it as a problem. It’s no different than a reader having it. Plus, now you’re going to book events and you’re really putting yourself out there. You could meet anyone out there. J.P. is just a handsome guy behind a screen helping you with your questions.

  I stared at her message and before I could fire off my text, another one of hers raced in.

  Samantha: NOT that I’d let just anyone stroll up to you at one of these book events.

  She partially read my mind, so I deleted that part of my text.

  Amy: He’s a handsome guy behind a screen who happens to be a sadist.

  Samantha: Behind a screen.

  Amy: We saw the pictures, Sam.

  Samantha: Relax, Aims. Give sexy JPFever your pen name.

  “I was going to anyway,” I said to the screen of my phone and tossed it aside.

  Hi J.P.,

  Your dungeon club sounds great. I imagine that a dungeon that requires their board members to continue to educate new, and even some existing members, must have a lot of pride and care in the community. Maybe I’ll have to visit it sometime.

  Yes, I write under a pen name. It’s Amy Andrews. In fact, please call me Amy.

  It wasn’t until the next morning that I heard back from him. So far, he’s very responsive and his messages are thorough. I hate it when people gloss over certain parts of a message or an email. J.P. seems put together to at least know to reply to the entire message.

  Hi Amy,

  Thanks for sharing your pen name with me. And if I’m being completely honest, it’s much more pleasant for me to type “Amy” than “CuffedNBound.” Kind of long. What made you pick that? Something you’re curious about or into?

  Damn. I guess I wasn’t very creative and supposed it was rather obvious and gave away some of my secret interest. It’s not really an interest. An interest would be something that I’ve tried and liked. I haven’t even tried it to know if I’d ever like it.

  And I probably won’t try it. Not after what happened with Chris.

  I’ll stick to the sidewalk and just continue living vicariously through my exciting characters. They get the amazing sex with a captivating man who sweeps them off their feet…and carries them across the bed of overturned seashells.

  My mind flashed back to J.P.’s profile. Walks on the beach don’t excite me, but watching someone walk barefoot on a bed of overturned seashells does.

  That wasn’t romantic at all.

  “Hell to Amy,” I said out loud. “J.P. isn’t heaven sent. He’s a sadist.”

  Hi J.P.,

  I guess my username is a bit more transparent than I thought it was. Point for you, J.P.


  Hi Amy,

  My second guess was that the “bound” part was for your profession. You know, bound for the books. Book bindings. Cuffed to books.


  I typed back a simple and short response that read, Very clever, J.P. His response came almost instantly.

  Stick to that, Amy. If anyone on Kinky Links asks you what your username means, use your profession to fall back on. If you tell them it’s your “thing” or kink, you might attract some unsavory followers.

  Let me know when you have something else for me and the book.

  Talk soon,


  Whew, good idea. Note to self, bound to books instead of desiring to be bound. Good advice, indeed.

  I slumped back in my chair and stared at my word count for the new book. I most certainly needed to buckle down and bind myself to the book.

  Chapter 3



  I stood in the main room of the club and watched people coming and going. Most of the Doms and Masters already had things in the works and plans for their evenings by the time I arrived. I spoke to a few Doms before they headed to the dungeon area of the club for their scheduled scenes.

  Since I didn’t have a scene scheduled, I was going to check in with another board member and see if another Dungeon Monitor was needed for the evening. I love this club and take a lot of pride in it, so safety is essential. And if I wasn’
t getting off tonight, I might as well make myself useful.

  As I made my way to the main room, a Dom approached. Behind him was his female submissive with a bratty expression on her face. He stretched his hand out for me to shake.

  “Evening, Kent,” I greeted him as we firmly shook hands. “How’s your evening going?” I asked him.

  Kent pointed to the ground, and his submissive knelt beside his legs.

  “We’ve had a rough week. Little Miss Marie hasn’t been taking care of her chores. We’ve gone through some punishments, but I haven’t seemed to get my point across. So, I told her yesterday morning before I left for work that if her chores weren’t done by the time I returned from work, that I’d have you punish her for me,” Kent said.

  “I take it that her chores weren’t done?” I asked despite being pretty sure of already knowing the answer.

  “Some, but not all.”

  I considered the couple. Kent wasn’t much younger than I was, but he was newer to the lifestyle. Kent is very much a “Daddy Dom.” His little girl, Marie, has more experience in her role. I looked down at her and noticed the bratty expression that she was proudly wearing was fading. In its place was a look of concern and uncertainty. Soon, fear would set in…which is what I like.

  “I’d love to punish your little one. What do you have in mind?” I asked.

  “Since she’s just sitting on her ass watching television when she should be tending to her chores first, I think a sore ass would be in order,” Kent suggested.

  I nodded. Oh, I can make this bratty ass sore.

  “Penetration?” I asked Kent to make sure we were on the same page.

  “Penetration with toys and objects are fine,” he confirmed.

  “Bondage?” I asked.

  I love tying up my subjects.

  “Bondage is fine, but anything around her neck is a hard limit.”

  I nodded and confirmed that I understood. I love humiliation punishment scenes. I could get exceptionally hard from just planning them.

  I led them to an open dungeon stall and slapped my hand on the metal table in the center of the room.

  “Undress, Marie,” I instructed and went to a cabinet in the corner.

  I scanned the contents and found what I was hoping to find; a ginger root. Ginger roots cured bratty behavior reasonably quickly, and I was certain that after Marie’s punishment that Kent would come home to chores being done.

  Marie was naked and stood with wide eyes as she watched me carry the ginger root toward her.

  “You look like you know what this is, Marie,” I said as I carried a metal chair over to the table and set it down.

  Marie nodded as I pulled the pocket knife from my pocket and glanced at Kent.

  “Has she had a ginger root before?” I asked him.

  “Nope, this will be the first.”

  “Up on the table, Marie. Ass up, head down.”

  Marie complied, hoping that it would somehow make the punishment less painful. I guided her knees about shoulder length apart, and using rope I secured her ankles to the legs of the table. Along the edge of the top and sides of the table were recessed eyelets and D-rings. Perfect for rope. I located the two closest to her arms and tied them down as well.

  There was obvious excitement in Kent’s voice as he commented about how she was going to be sorry soon. I told him that he might have to keep some of these on hand at home in case the need arises again. I purposely sat near Marie’s head so she could watch me peel and carve the ginger root into a decent sized plug. Visuals of pending punishments are good for subs. The visual is there, but it’s their mind that does all the damage and lets the fear set in.

  Satisfied with the plug, I moved to stand behind her and gave her ass cheeks a few hard smacks. A soft whine spilled from her lips. Even her whine was laced with a bratty tone. She sounded so annoyed and inconvenienced.

  I tugged an ass cheek to the side and in one firm move, pushed the ginger root plug into her ass.

  “Ow! Oh, fuck!” Marie swore and pulled at her restraints.

  “Watch your mouth, young lady,” Kent warned.

  I administered a few barehanded slaps and then picked up the remaining two ginger fingers. I glanced up at Marie; her eyes were tightly closed, and she was trying to fend off the uncomfortable feeling. It was beautiful to me. I whistled over her whiney moans and bitchy grunts while I peeled off a few slivers of the ginger. I placed the slivers in her folds around her labia and clit.

  Oh, she was angry now.

  I gave her another few barehanded slaps on her ass and quickly carved a dildo out of the last ginger finger. While spanking her with my right hand, I used my left hand to fuck her screaming pussy with the ginger dildo.

  She filled the dungeon with her whimpers and cries. I was as hard as a rock and knew that I was going to need one of the club’s girls, or guys, to service me before the night was through.

  Marie was writhing all over the metal table, clearly in discomfort. I also was fully aware though that ginger roots have a tendency to cause significant arousal. I motioned for Kent to come a little closer and take notice of Marie’s swollen clit. I encouraged him to get another sliver and rub it over her clit until she comes.

  I wrapped an arm around one of Marie’s thighs and my other arm around her waist to hold her in place while Kent made her come. Marie came hard and finally settled a bit to where she wasn’t moving around so much.

  I untied her and wrapped a small blanket around her before taking hold of her chin. I tugged on her chin so she would look at me.

  “You’re going to tend to your chores before watching T.V., as your Daddy Kent asks, right?” I posed the question to Marie.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I nodded and looked at Kent.

  “Would you like me to handle the after care, or is that something you’d prefer to do?” I asked him.

  “I can handle it from here, thank you, man,” Kent said.

  I had a feeling he’d want to take care of that himself. After all, he is a Daddy Dom. And they do get off on that kind of care.

  I meandered through the club and watched some scenes for a while before I went to see what my selection was for the club’s house subs. It’s not my preferred way to come, but after the punishment scene with Marie, it was getting late, and I needed to get going. I, unfortunately, had to work tomorrow and wanted to get home to check for a message from the little author before I needed to go to bed. It has been a few weeks since I’ve heard from her. I hope the info that I gave her the last time didn’t scare her off.

  The main room held only a male house sub. Truth be told, I didn’t care if they were male or female. House subs filled a role, and I rarely looked at the genders. Their job while they were at the club, was to service the Doms/Dommes and Masters/Mistresses.

  As I made my way toward him, a club Mistress had just placed her hand on his head. I stopped in my tracks. He was claimed for the evening now. No harm, no foul. It was a sign for me to call it an evening.

  When I got home, I took a quick shower, prepped my clothes for work tomorrow and then booted up my laptop.

  My spirits picked up when I saw a message from Ms. Amy Andrews.

  Hi J.P.,

  Just popping in to say “hi,” and I hope you’ve been well. The past week or so has been very productive with the book. Nick and Rebecca are developing well, and I’m happy with the direction they’re going in. Thank you again for the information you’ve been providing to me. It’s been both useful and entertaining.

  I’m sure you’re out at your club, enjoying something fascinating and erotic. Probably in some hot, leather pants or something. Actually, do you wear special outfits and stuff? I don’t think I ever asked you about that. In case you’re wondering, I’m home, working on the books in some hot pants of my own (they’re flannel pajama bottoms). I hope you picked up on my sarcasm.

  Anyhow, hope you have a great weekend, and I’ll talk to you later.

br />   Sweet girl. She’s actually a hot one too. Once I learned of Amy Andrews, I went in search of info on the author. Found lots of info including a few pictures of her. One was fairly recent at a book event in Long Beach. I’ve been following her on social media a bit and have been looking forward to her book teasers and excerpts that she posts every few days. Amy Andrews has her shit together and a budding interest in bondage.

  I decided to respond in the morning.

  I had a more urgent desire right now; my dick needed some attention. I glanced at a lot of pictures that had been posted during the day on Kinky Links, hoping to find something to excite me. Nothing was doing the trick at the moment, so I flipped over to my profile page and clicked on my photos. I went to the album I labeled as “Not Mine Yet” and began slowly skimming. Within minutes, I was rock hard and had coated my stomach in cum.

  Before reaching and shutting the light off, I took a deep breath and expelled a content sigh. I was satisfied.

  Hi Amy,

  I bet you make the flannel pajama pants look good. My evening at the club was enjoyable, thanks for asking. I topped in a punishment scene last night and had a wonderful time.


  Amy and I went back and forth a bit about the topic of “topping.” I explained it to her and answered some of her questions. I could tell that she was really intrigued and interested in it with her questions.

  Hi J.P.,

  Have you ever topped men or just women? Is that a silly question?


  I smiled at her question. There was something innocent about it…I liked it.

  Hi Amy,

  It’s not a silly question. Please don’t be afraid to ask questions. I encourage education within the lifestyle, so your questions are welcomed.

  I know you’ve seen my profile here and realize that you’ve probably seen some of my pictures. You’ll notice there are women and men there. I’m bi-sexual. Gender doesn’t matter to me in the sense of topping or dominating. I can top either female subs or male ones.


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