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Wrong Number: A Forbidden Love Age-Gap Romance

Page 30

by Iris Trovao

  Her lips parted and she swallowed his tongue, and his groan, pulling him down as she sank back onto the couch. She grunted as her leg twisted, still tangled in the blanket he’d given her, and their teeth clashed together at her abrupt stopping of what should have been a smooth movement.

  They dissolved into giggles, and she thought her heart might burst.

  “This blanket was a bad idea,” Carson joked, and sat back to help disentangle her and toss the blanket aside. He gazed down at her, and though the heat was still prevalent, there was a softness in his eyes that made her chest tighten. “I love you,” he whispered.

  She reached for him, this time slowly, pulling him on top of her, his warm nose brushing her still-cold one. They fit together like their bodies were molded for one another, and she nipped at his lower lip.

  “Does this mean I’m your girlfriend now?” she teased, sticking her tongue out at him.

  His cheeks pinked, and she was struck with the overwhelming urge to pinch them. Before she could decide whether to resist it or give in, he kissed her again, this time a more chaste affair, a simple press of his mouth against hers.

  “Feels ridiculous at my age to even think of the term boyfriend,” he said.

  Her lips curled into a smirk. “Should I call you my boo?”

  He wrinkled his nose and visibly shuddered, and she laughed.

  “I feel like we should have had this conversation earlier.” She poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue.

  “We should have,” Carson agreed. “Might have been able to skip over some of the difficulty of the past few days.”

  Jolie swallowed hard. “I’m sorry for being so crazy,” she said softly. “I really didn’t want to hurt you. And somewhere in my fucked-up logic the way to not hurt you in the long run was to hurt you now.”

  “Stop calling yourself crazy,” he said, sliding his hands beneath her back. He shifted so that he laid on his side, pulling her close to him in a tight snuggle, the flames warming her back. “You’re a human being with thoughts and feelings, and you’re also not the only guilty party in our lack of communication.”

  She rested her forehead against his. “I guess I’m just used to being the fucked-up one,” she admitted.

  “I don’t want to presume anything about you and John,” he said slowly. “But if there’s one thing I’ve learned about my own failed marriage, it’s that no one party is ever wholly the fuck-up.”

  She chuckled. “I’m slowly getting used to that idea.”

  “I am a patient man,” he said softly, and kissed the tip of her nose. “And I’m willing to spend all of our time reminding you that you’re worth loving.”

  Jolie blinked rapidly, her throat thickening. The feeling of unworthiness, now that he’d identified it, felt like a neon sign deep in her gut, pointing to all of her faults and blasting them on a loudspeaker for all to hear.

  But he doesn’t care, she thought. He sees me, fuck-up and all, and he still loves me.

  He loves me.

  After a few days of what felt like honeymoon bliss, Jolie ran out of icing sugar.


  She wiped her flour-covered hand furiously on her pants and swiped at her phone to unlock it. Can you grab some icing sugar on the way home pls? Might as well get regular, too. She hit send and turned back to her cinnamon roll dough.

  Carson had come and gone a few times, to go to work or to check on his daughter. Of course, the time she’d convinced him not to answer his ex wife’s call had been the time his daughter had been in a car accident.

  Jolie felt that guilt deep, but she trusted that he wasn’t holding it against her, especially since she’d overcome her fear of Gina without even knowing the extent of what had happened. She was glad Lily and her boyfriend were okay, and that Gina seemed to understand the shitty position that she’d been putting Carson in.

  Not to mention that heart-blooming news that she officially had the kid’s blessing. The fact that Lily herself had sent him off to patch things up with her. There was still an underlying weirdness, being the girlfriend of a man with kids so close to her age, but it was nice to know that they wanted his happiness above all else. And it seemed like they knew she wasn’t trying to replace their mom or anything.

  Her phone buzzed, and she leaned over to read the preview before it disappeared.

  Carson: Are you trying to kill me, woman? There are enough baked goods in my house to give the whole city diabetes.

  She cringed, a self-deprecating laugh bubbling up in her throat. They’d spent the last few days in mostly-naked bliss, and while he was out she’d gone full trad-wife and spent her time cleaning and baking. He definitely hadn’t complained about coming home to his lingerie-clad twenty-something girlfriend waiting for him on the kitchen island, but she sensed that a talk about venturing out into the world was coming.

  And she knew that he’d be right. She was ignoring things that needed to be mended in favour of rotting their teeth out with treats. It wasn’t the first time she’d used baking as therapy. She finished cutting the buns and arranged them on a baking sheet, popping them into the oven before washing her hands.

  I promise I will go outside today, she sent back. Once these buns are done I’ll go talk to Janos.

  Carson: Good for you. A heart emoji came next.

  Carson: Does that mean I’m off the hook for sugar?

  She snorted. Yeah, I’ll go to the bulk food store and get giant bins of everything to stock you up, she sent back. That way the girls can make a real good mess next time they’re here.

  She imagined the kitchen a complete disaster, the two teenagers chasing each other with bits of dough and flour and chocolate chips flying everywhere. It would be a sight to behold, and she vowed to herself to make that happen for them.

  Carson: Maybe I should shop instead…

  She laughed. Too late! Muahahaha, she sent back. Want me to grab something for dinner? Or are you sick of me yet?

  Carson: Never. I’ll cook when I get home. You take your time with your friend and there will be food when you get back.

  She swallowed hard as she stared at the screen. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, she typed out, wrinkling her nose at how corny it sounded. But she had a feeling he would be down for corny, so she hit send anyway.

  Carson: I could say the same.

  She couldn’t help the happy sigh that came out of her, rolling her eyes at the girly noise. “The things you do to me, Doc,” she murmured as she opened the dishwasher.

  Jolie stood outside the cafe, staring up at the sign. It was reminiscent of the other night when she’d stood outside of the pub, only this time she was feeling the pull to run away instead of the pull to run inside.

  The door opened and Janos stood there, one hand on his hip and his perfectly-sculpted brow raised. “Are you coming inside or what?” he asked before turning and heading back in.

  Jolie chewed her lip and let the door close behind him before taking a step forward and grabbing it. She took a deep breath and walked inside, slowly approaching the bar. The cafe was empty, but a fresh latte sat there, steam curling into the air. The scent of fresh-roasted coffee and pumpkin spice and cookies and muffins and everything assaulted her senses, and she closed her eyes briefly.

  “You’d better drink that before it gets cold,” Janos said, whipping a rag from his back pocket and wiping at the pristine counter.

  Jolie got up onto the stool, staring down at the perfect rose he’d lovingly crafted into the frothed milk. “You should be in barista championships,” she said, raising the mug to her lips.

  He snorted and waved a flippant hand at her. “Wouldn’t even be a fair competition.”

  She smiled and took a sip of the brew, moaning a little as the flavours mingled on her tongue. She’d missed this. Carson’s little home espresso machine just didn’t pack the same punch as Janos’ industry grade equipment.

  He crossed his arms and cocked his head. “Well?”

bsp; Jolie set down her mug, her smile evaporating, and made a show of licking the milk froth from her lips to put off speaking as long as she could. “I’m sorry,” she finally said. “I’m an asshole and I caused a scene and I am so sorry.”

  Janos didn’t answer, simply stared her down, and she caved under his withering gaze, her eyes flicking down to her coffee.

  “I didn’t come to like, beg for my job back,” she rambled on, speech quickening. “I don’t deserve anything from you, especially because you’ve helped me so much over the course of our friendship and I just shit all over it and brought all of my personal drama into your business, but like, fuck, I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry and I miss you and—”

  “Okay, jeez girl.” He raised a hand, unable to keep the smirk from his face. “I miss you too. It was super hard not to text your ass to see what happened with sexy doctor man.” He stepped forward, leaning his arms on the counter. “And is he ever sexy.”

  “Right?” Jolie breathed, her shoulders relaxing a little.

  Janos pointed a finger in her face, tightening her muscles right back up. “It is completely warranted for me to be super pissed at you right now, still,” he warned.

  “I know.” She nodded like a bobblehead. “I know, and I didn’t come in here expecting your forgiveness. Hoping, but just…I just wanted you to know I’m aware that I’m a dramatic asshole and that my behaviour was shit.”

  He looked at the ceiling as if addressing the heavens. “Self-awareness! Hallelujah!”

  They shared a laugh, her body finally actually unwinding as he reached across the counter, grasping her hand and looking at her with the friendly love she’d missed so much.

  “I am not going to offer you your job back,” he said simply. “But I have something else I want to talk to you about, or at least something I had planned to before you went all soap opera all over my cafe.”

  Jolie shook her head. “It’s okay. Really, I’m more concerned with our friendship. And your coffee.” She swirled the latte around in her mug, taking a deep whiff.

  “Good to know I can always bribe you.” He clucked his tongue. “Have you talked to Alicia yet?”

  She chewed her lip. “I’m honestly not sure how to approach that… I said some horrible things, but…I don’t feel like she’s going to understand. And…” She took a deep breath and pressed a hand to her cheek, leaning on her elbow. “I just…I can’t be alone forever just to appease her.”

  “What literally everyone else in the world has been saying,” he drawled, jabbing a thumb into his own chest. “And I mean me. I’m literally everyone else.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I know. I should have told her sooner. And maybe it would have gone down different…or at least I wouldn’t have been such a dick about it.” She paused, taking another sip. “But I think the ball is in her court on this one, like…she needs to be ready I think.”

  “Agreed,” he said. “If it’s any consolation, she’s ghosting me too. She accused me of being an enabler and a shitty friend. I don’t even know if she for sure knew that I knew or just assumed and wanted to lash out at someone, but I told her to kiss my enabling ass.”

  Jolie’s eyes widened. “You’re joking.”

  “I was not in a good mood, thanks to this employee I have causing a bunch of shit during a busy workday.” He shot her a wry smile and she stared down into her mug again to avoid his gaze.

  “Carson did claim fifty percent responsibility for that,” she pointed out.

  Janos let out a low whistle. “So you two did work out your shit after all, hm?”

  Her cheeks flamed and she leaned in, eyes wide. “He loves me,” she hissed, and he rolled his eyes.

  “You’re really not the brightest girl, are you?”

  She scowled but couldn’t hide the smile fighting it. “You suck.”

  “I don’t suck enough that you wouldn’t send me a sexy lumberjack even when we’re fighting,” he said in a singsong, fanning himself dramatically.

  “How did you know Declan was from me?”

  “He said he met this tiny girl in the bar that nearly barfed after two drinks and she told him to come here,” he explained. “Another reason why I didn’t check on you. He said that you went home. Proud of you, by the way.”

  She sighed. “Thanks. And you’re welcome. I figured I owed you one.” She pursed her lips. “Or a hundred.”

  “Oh one of those is worth a hundred, at least,” Janos said emphatically. “Them arms, girl! Gawd! He looks like he can bench press five of me!”

  Jolie laughed, shaking her head. Sitting there on that stool with her best friend and good coffee felt like home. It felt like maybe everything was going to be okay.


  Five years later…

  “By the power vested in me by the province of Ontario, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  Carson glowed with pride at the Officiant’s words. He hadn’t ever thought this day would come, and certainly not so soon. It was everything he could have asked for, everything his heart could take.

  “You may now kiss,” the officiant said.

  Jolie blinked rapidly, her smile practically devouring her face. She looked so beautiful, with pink lilies woven into the intricate braids in her hair.

  The room erupted into applause and cheers as the groom bent the bride back over his arm and kissed her.

  Jolie wiped at her eyes, cradling her bridesmaid’s bouquet under her arm as she watched the happy young couple. Carson stuck his pointer fingers into his mouth and let loose a sharp whistle as Lily and Nick straightened back up, blushing and waving at the thunderous crowd.

  Music erupted through the speakers, and they jumped down from the dais. Carson stepped into the aisle from his front-row seat to give Lily a quick kiss on her way by, and she wrapped her arms around his neck to give him a full-on squeeze.

  “I love you, Dad!” she yelled into his ear over the music before slipping away to give Gina a hug before joining her new husband in their procession out of the hall.

  Rose went next, the Maid of Honour to Nick’s Best Man, then Jolie and Thad rounded up the toddling ring bearer and excited flower girl. Thad wrangled Aiden, only thirteen months and already barrelling around after his sister, and perched him on his arm. Jolie took Emma’s little hand and guided her down the aisle, giggling all the way. At the end of the wedding procession, Carson and Gina followed the party outside as the MC announced drinks for the guests during photos.

  “Mum-mum-mum!” Aiden shrieked as they got outside, practically launching himself from Thad’s arms. Gina laughed as she caught him, peppering his face with kisses.

  Jolie chased Emma around in the grass, a fistful of her pastel pink dress in her hand as she pretended to be exerting herself to keep up with the five-year-old.

  “She’s really good with kids,” Rose whispered conspiratorially into Carson’s ear, and he gave her the side-eye.

  “Don’t even say it,” he warned, and booped her nose to accentuate his point. She giggled and grabbed his finger, shaking his hand back and forth.

  “Okay, Maid of Honour and Best Man, please!” the photographer called from behind the weeping willow tree, and Rose skipped off with Nick’s friend.

  Carson wasn’t sure how he felt about his nineteen-year-old daughter sidling up to an early twenty-something college guy, but he knew if he gave her advice she’d do the exact opposite just to spite him.

  “You know, she’s going to college in the fall,” Jolie said as she joined him, Emma having decided to busy herself climbing Thad like a tree. “Soon she’s gonna be off with hundreds of dudes like that every day.”

  Carson wrinkled his nose. “Do you need to remind me of that?”

  “I do,” she curled an arm through his and looked up at him fondly. “You gotta let go, man. Let out the leash, you know? I may not be a parent, but I was nineteen not that long ago and it sucks to be suffocated.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Not that long
ago, huh?” he teased. “Try ten years, old lady.”

  “Eight!” she protested, sticking her tongue out at him. “Who’s callin’ who old?”

  “You’re all old,” Emma declared, and laughter rippled through the group.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” Thad said, and pretended to eat her cheeks, making her shriek with giggles.

  “Mother and father of the bride!” the photographer called, but Lily said something from her perch by the tree. “And husband and girlfriend of the mother and father of the bride,” the photographer added.

  Jolie chuckled. “That’s a mouthful.”

  As the four of them made their way around the giant tree, Carson marvelled at how they’d gotten here. His eldest daughter, getting married, and the woman he’d sired her with, married to another man with two small children.

  Everyone getting along. Everyone happy.

  When the photos were done, the hall had been transformed from a ceremony to a reception, and people milled about with drinks in hand. He and Gina had places at the head table so they didn’t have to sit together away from the family, and for that he was grateful. Things were a lot easier between he and his ex-wife than they’d been five years ago, but he would have felt like he was missing the best of his daughter’s special day not being with Jolie and the girls.

  It warmed his heart how well she got along with his daughters. It seemed she held more of a big sister role than any kind of authority figure, but that suited them just fine. Jolie had made it clear early on that she wasn’t comfortable trying to fill any kind of stepmom role, especially given how close in age she was to them.

  And considering how long ago Carson and Jolie had agreed that neither of them were interested in having kids or getting married—despite social pressures—it was a good thing, too. Despite their rocky beginnings, their relationship was easy. Their love burned hot and the well of happiness never ran dry.


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