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Mage Throne Prophecy

Page 3

by James Haddock

  I gathered everything of any use and put it in my pouch. Especially the rune scribing tool. It was used to scribe runes on to anything, giving the item magical abilities or powers. His, now my, Mage staff stood in the corner. It was a sad looking walking staff. At a thought it flew across the room to my waiting hand. When it touched my hand, it appeared as it really was, a dark Iron wood staff covered in mithril runes and engravings.

  This was a Swiss Army Knife of staffs. It was a staff when held like a staff. If you put both hands at its middle and pulled apart, it became two fighting sticks. If you held it in front of you like a bow and made the motion of drawing a bowstring, an arrow would appear notched on a string ready to be loosed.

  I had to try it to make sure it all worked for me, but I would need more room. I put on my cape, hood up, and stepped out onto the balcony. With my cape on I was part of the shadows. Using my Mage sight, I looked over at the guard turret, there was no one there. I teleported over to it.

  I kept my cape on and ran through my staff kata. The cape flowed with me, never getting in the way. I separated the staff into fighting sticks and worked those. I put the two sticks back into a staff and tried the bow. I made the motion of drawing the bow, an arrow appeared as I moved my hand back toward my ear. I sighted down the arrow at a tree below and loosed it. The bow, nor the shot made a sound, but I heard the arrow hit the tree.

  The arrows were made of mithril and would, so they say, go through any armor. Once it hit its target, the arrow reappeared in the bow, like a magazine of arrows. You never had to hunt for arrows or replace them, as you never ran out.

  I looked back toward my room, sending a “seeing thought” spell there. No one was waiting in my room, so I teleported back there. I thought of my cape, it changed colors, to a Royal Blue. It was finely made but did not draw attention. I hung it in my wardrobe.

  The pouch became a nice black leather. I thought a moment. I took my notebook out of the pouch and held it against my left thigh. It sank into my leg, like my daggers had done on my forearms. No one could steal it from there. I rubbed my leg and could not feel the notebook.

  I didn’t want to leave my staff out in plain sight no matter what it looked like. I separated it into fighting sticks and put them back over my shoulders. They melted onto my back. I reached over my shoulders for them and they appeared in my hands. “That’ll work.” I put them away and went to bed, sleep came easily.

  Chapter 3

  Our visitors arrived, they brought quite a retinue. There were so many they took over the whole south wing. The Queens were cousins and had been close as children and teens. There was the usual “how the children have grown, you look great, I love your clothes,” etc. etc.

  Regina looked nothing like I remembered, other than her brown hair and bright green eyes. She had lost weight and didn’t look bad. We were about the same age; I few months older. She had grown to an average build and height, but she now moved smoothly, like a dancer or gymnast. What caught my eye was her bodyguard. He was between 25 and 30 years old. He wore a Katana, and a Wakizashi. He wore them in the traditional Samurai style, edge up. This is the first I had seen of Japanese weapons; he didn’t look Japanese. Not Asian at all, more Italian or Spanish. I liked Japanese swords which was why they had caught my eye. I had studied in Japan and admired the culture. I was fairly fluent in the language.

  We were not expected to interact, be seen and not heard. Except for Cain, as the Crown Prince he stayed close to learn the “ways of rulers.” Better him than me. There was to be a dinner and a ball tomorrow night. They would rest from their journey tonight; we would meet tomorrow. I guess I was staring, Regina’s eyes met mine, she smiled and nodded. I smiled and nodded in return. We had played together a few times as kids. I remembered little else.

  I made my escape as soon as I could and went to the training hall. I had it to myself as all guards were on duty. I practiced with my staff as a staff, and as fighting sticks. I found that my daggers would fit on the end of the staff to form a spear, on both ends to form a bladed bo. They could also add blades to the fighting sticks.

  Thinking of the bodyguard’s swords made me realize I needed a sword, or swords. I’d save my daggers as my last line of defense secret. I’d have to think about it. I might go with a short sword and a dagger or sword breaker. No rush. There would be no horse training today the stables were a beehive, and I didn’t want to add to their troubles. I practiced the throwing knives for a while, then went back to my room.

  I got cleaned up and studied my notebook. There was a library’s worth of books in the notebook. I found something new while looking at the maps. I asked for my location and the page turned, and a red dot appeared on the map. It would also give me pages of closer views of our area. I, that is Aaron, had been no farther than the surrounding city. He had not even been to the surrounding hills; I would change that before long.

  “Show me my room on the map.” the page turned, showing a map of my room, the hallway, and a passage on the other side of one wall. I laughed, “Magic has its uses. Show me the castle layout, including all passageways.” the page turned, it showed me the blueprint of the castle. Including, I assume, all passageways. “That might come in handy.” I went to the place in the wall the drawing said the door was. It took me a while, but I finally found the latch to the door, and opened it. It was stiff and hard to open but made no noise. It had been years since they had used it. I would have to put a warning spell on it, I reminded myself. I didn’t want unannounced visitors at an inopportune time. Not only had this door not been used in years the passageway’s floor was thick with dust. I’d have to explore this later; it was almost dinnertime.

  When I arrived at the dining room, there was a crowd gathering. There had apparently been a change of plans. The Queens had decided that the families should eat together. Regina was seated across from Celya up the table from me. The kids kept quiet and listened to stories the Queens shared about their childhood.

  Everything was going fine unit Cain used this opportunity to embarrass me. “I understand you’ve started manifesting your powers Regina.” he said cutting his eyes my way.

  She smiled nodding. “last month, I was wondering how long I would have to wait.” she looked down the table at me.

  “We’re still hopeful Aaron will start soon.” Everyone looked down the table at me. The King was not happy.

  “Girls usually mature faster than boys I’m sure yours will happen soon.” Regina said. Cain had an evil grin on his face.

  “Actually,” I started. Cain’s grin dropped. “I have what I think maybe the beginnings. It seems I have an affinity for weapons, and I have been learning at an accelerated pace. Cain helped me discover it by tossing a plate at me.” Cain’s face reddened, Celya and Amos snickered.

  “Good news then.” Her father said raising his glass. “Here, here,” the King said. I raised my glass at Cain, he clinched his jaw. The King steered the discussion in a different direction looking pointedly at Cain. I’m sure he’d get a butt chewing about that.

  After dinner I found the Weapons Master. “The King will probably ask you about my weapons training, and how fast I’m learning. He may even ask for a demonstration. If he does let’s not push things too far, I’ll just match who ever I face.”

  “He’s already been checking on you. I’ve reported that you are a quick study, and a diligent trainee. Which is the truth. I’ll pass the word to the men; they’ll be ready if it happens.”

  “Thank you, Weapons Master.”

  He bowed “Your Highness.”

  I SLEPT FOR A WHILE, then got up to check out the passageways. I opened the passage door and started inside but stopped. A memory told me to put on my Mage Cloak, it would hide my presence on different levels at different times. Donning my cloak, I entered the passage closing the door behind me. I levitated a few inches off the floor so I would not disturb the dust.

  I could see everything as if the passage was fully lit. The passageway we
nt through most of the castle, and as far as I could tell the dust was not disturbed anywhere. I stopped at peepholes along the way. I learned nothing other than everyone was asleep. I guess someone forgot to pass on the secret of the passages. Curiosity satisfied I returned to my room. This was good information to have, you never knew when you might need it.

  WHEN I RETURNED TO my room after breakfast, my new clothes and servants were waiting for me. I had to try everything on to insure they fit properly before they would leave me. Most of the excitement was taking place in the women’s quarters. They apparently were not satisfied with the fit of some of their new dresses.

  The Queen was shouting, “I have not gained weight, you cut your pattern too close.” I smiled, there were some universal constants.

  I was changing into my training clothes when I felt a servant approaching. He knocked, and I answered the door. “Excuse me Prince, The King wishes your presence in the training hall.”

  I nodded, “Thank you, I’ll be there at once.” He bowed and left. I followed shortly after. No use putting off the inevitable. I arrived at the training hall to find the King, the weapons Master, and two of the Kings guards. These guards were men I had not trained with. It seemed the King wanted an honest test with outside opinions. The Weapons Master brought me a wooden practice sword. He lifted an eyebrow as he handed it to me. I smiled.

  We took our positions and started. The first guard started slowly with basic moves. I matched him move for move. They traded; the next man took me to the next level. I stayed with him going no further than he did.

  They traded again, the other immediately attacked full on. Right behind him the other joined. I kept moving so I would only have to face one at a time. I was holding my own, when the King, literally threw a wild card into the game.

  He threw a practice throwing knife at me. Time slowed for me, I saw aspects of the attacks; I saw where the King stood, where the Weapons Master stood, the position of my attackers and where I needed to be to defend.

  I caught the knife and used it to deflect the left guards attack pushing him to the right blocking the others attack. I stepped behind the left guard and gave both “killing” strokes and backed away still on guard.

  The King showed no emotion. “Bare steel, first blood.” The Weapons Master looked at him but said nothing. The two guards traded their wooden practice swords for their real swords. The Weapons Master chose a good steel sword for me, but I shook my head. I went and the Weapons Cabinet and got two narrow short swords, one was a sword breaker. The Weapons Master raised his eyebrows at my choices.

  I approached the two guards; I would have to end this quick. They were pros, and their reputation was on the line. Once this got intense, they would not hold back. The potential was there for someone to get hurt, and badly. I didn’t want it to be me.

  They attacked, I changed my tactics and attacked, forcing one in front of the other. Father wanted to see if I would shy away from naked steel. Well now, he’d seen. The attack I needed one of them to make came quick. One came in with a side slicing cut. I locked his sword with my sword breaker and continued his attack toward his partner forcing him to defend. When he did, I cut both men on the legs.

  That’s when dear old dad launched his attack. I had just enough time to turn and face him before the fireball was upon me. I got my swords up between myself and the fireball. The steel took most of the heat, but the blast knocked me down and slid me across the floor. No one was charging me so I stayed down. I beat the fire out on my vest. I stood slowly, taking my burned shirt off. I had a nice sunburn on my chest and face.

  “Couldn’t stop the magic attack?” He asked chuckling as he approached.

  “It appears not father, but I’ll keep practicing.”

  “You do that.” He pointed at the ruined swords I had been using. “Those’ll need replacing.” I nodded. “Weapons Master, take him to see the Old Armorer, buy the Prince the best he has.”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  The King left, the two guards stopped before me, and bowed. I bowed in return. There were no hard feelings.

  The Weapons Master and I stood looking at the still hot swords. “You could have dodged that attack.” he said.

  I shrugged, “maybe, but he was after two things this morning. He wanted to see how good I was, and to make sure I knew he was still top dog. He wouldn’t have stopped until he’d made his point.”

  He nodded looking at me, “You’ll make a wise King one day.”

  “I’ll be happy just to live long enough to become wise.” We laughed. “Who’s the ‘Old Armorer’ he mentioned?”

  “He’s an armorer and weapons dealer. He has the best weapons made from all over the world. You’ll enjoy going there, and the King said buy you the best he had.” he said smiling.

  THERE WAS A LARGE CROWD at the ball. All the ladies dressed to the nines, or what passed for the nines here. The great hall was decorated, and a band played in the background. There were finger foods, and plenty of punch to drink. All the mothers brought their daughter to show them off to prospective husbands. It was at events like this where deals and alliances were struck, and marriages arranged. I’m sure my name came up occasionally.

  They expected me to circulate, and dance, at least some. So far, I had avoided the worst, which was being hemmed in by someone’s mother and force to attend to her daughters’ company. I think my reputation of being the “strange” Prince was helping.

  I was standing to the side of the dance floor sipping on a glass of punch, watching the dance. Celya was enjoying herself. She wasn’t a good dancer, but she was giving it her all.

  “There you are,” I recognized Regina’s voice, and turned. She looked lovely. Her bodyguard was close by, her fathers doing I’m sure.

  I bowed, she returned it, “Good evening.” I said.

  “And to you.”

  “Punch?” I asked pointing toward the punch bowl on the sideboard.

  “Please.” I filled her a glass and handed it to her.

  She pointed with her chin, “Celya seems to be enjoying herself dancing.”

  I nodded taking a sip of punch.

  “¥She moves like a wounded sow,¥” her body guard said. I shot punch out my nose and started coughing. Regina was looking hard at him, then at me.

  “Sorry went down the wrong way.” The bodyguard was looking at me, I ignored him. Luckily, I kept from laughing.

  I put my glass down; she handed me a napkin. I cleaned myself up. When the next dance started, “May I have this dance?” I asked offering her my hand. She nodded and took it. She flowed more than she moved. She was a joy to dance with. Fortunately, Aaron was a decent dancer, and I didn’t embarrass myself.

  During our second dance, I noticed the Queens watching us, and their heads were together. “There’s trouble brewing,” Regina said.

  “What, where?”

  “Our Mothers.” she answered.

  “You think they are talking about us?” I felt sure they were.

  “Almost certainly. Mother is looking for me a husband, and father wants an alliance. And here we are dancing the night away. We are definitely on the auction block.”

  “It could be worse; they could auction off Cain instead of me.” I said smiling.

  “Nope, we don’t have enough money or land to buy him. Mother and father think you are the best we can hope for.” she said chuckling.

  I laughed, “I don’t know, that price, for that particular Prince seems kind of high for what you’d be getting.”

  She smiled, “I think so too, I think you’re the better deal.”

  “Really, how so?”

  “Well, if we got you, we’d take you home with us. If we got Cain, I’d have to stay here. I like my home better.”

  I nodded, “sound reasoning.”

  “I thought so. Besides, Cain has always been a mean, vindictive jackass.”

  “So, you have met him.” She laughed; it was a nice sound. We spent the rest of the evening
together talking and dancing. Her bodyguard keeping us separated from interruptions. As the evening ended, I kissed her hand, “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  I turned to her bodyguard and bowed “Thank you.” I almost spoke to him in Japanese, but the time was not right. There were to many people around. Especially if Regina could understand us, and I suspected she could.

  He returned my bow. “Prince Aaron,” he said.

  THE WEAPONS MASTER and I left the castle early the next morning heading for the Old Armorer’s shop. It was a good distance across town, but I was enjoying the outing. The sights and smells were familiar to me, as it would be to anyone who spent any time in a third world country. Most of the streets were unpaved, and the buildings were close together. It was the same with the open-air market area. Sights, sounds, smells, colors, this I enjoyed.

  The store fronts were open with shutters they could close at night. Glass was too expensive to use for these people. We weaved through streets, and side streets. I kept my eyes moving trying not to miss anything. Which was ok, it was what any 15-year-old would do.

  We passed a small armor shop, and something called out to my Mage Sense. I stopped and looked over a few of his items. This was a lower end shop, for those with limited funds. Been there done that.

  I didn’t know what I was looking for but there was something magical here. I had to dig through some used, very used, sheaths and harnesses before I found it. It was a throwing knife in an over the shoulder rig. The rig was like a figure eight, or infinity. The sheath off to one side of the crossover. There was nothing special about its look, but it was special, I could feel it.

  I picked up a couple of other knives looking them over. The owner was watching me to see if I’d bite on any of his bait. I tossed them all aside except the one I wanted.

  I looked at the Weapons Master, “This one will do for practice if I break it, no big loss,” he nodded. I tossed it on the counter and walked out, as if not caring if he bought it or not. I waited outside while the Weapons Master concluded the dickering and purchase. The Weapons Master handed it to me as he came out of the shop. I dropped it in my pouch. We continued on our way.


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