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Mage Throne Prophecy

Page 5

by James Haddock

  “¥Can you help him?¥” The bodyguard asked.

  Before I thought, “¥ I’ll do what I can.¥”

  I closed my eyes focusing on his stomach wounds and saw in my mind’s eye the bleeding stopped and the flesh healing. I did the same for his chest wound. Once finished I leaned back lightheaded. The Queen had tears running down her face holding her husband.

  “You are a Mage Healer.” Reggie’s father said.

  “No, I am not. You were never wounded, and I was never here.” I looked at the bodyguard, “¥Insure none of your guards mentions me being here.¥”

  He nodded, “¥You were never here.¥”

  I nodded to Reggie and teleported back to Amos.

  “Is It over?” Amos Asked

  “I think so, let’s get out of here and have a look around.”

  Chapter 5

  Amos opened the door to his room, and we left the passageway, closing the door behind us. “Amos let’s not mention the passageway or any of my magic. Just say, you didn’t see what happened, and that I killed them.”

  He nodded, “You saved my life, I’ll say anything you want me too.”

  I smiled, “just that.”


  I walked over and started searching the bodies. Amos watched me.

  “I’m looking for information about our attackers.” I said.

  He nodded and knelt beside me. We found a few coins which I gave to him. “Put that away you may need some money sometime.” He did. Their knives were decent, but not great. I left them laying on the floor.

  I searched the Mage carefully, knowing my hiding places. He might have the same. He wore a few rings and bracelets, and a circlet on his head, all of which I put away until I could study the runes.

  He had a good runed knife; it was better than Amos’, so I gave it to him. “This one is better than yours, keep it.” He took it and looped it onto his belt.

  We moved to my room and searched the bodies. We found about the same, the few coins I tossed to Amos. He tucked them away. This Mage had also had rings, and bracelets, but no head circlet. Another good knife, I gave to Amos. He tucked it away.

  “What are you going to do with the rings?”

  “We will study the runes to see what they are capable of. If they are safe, we’ll split them.”

  “Only you and me?”

  “Yep, this was our fight, our prizes.”

  He smiled, “Deal.”

  We heard people approaching. I knew it was the Weapons Master and squad before they rounded the corner. Amos and I stood ready. Amos had his hand on his new knife.

  He looked at us and smiled when he saw Amos standing ready. “Well met warriors, any trouble?”

  “Nothing we couldn’t handle.” I answered.

  The Corporal was looking at the bodies. “Same as the others, no markings.”

  The Weapons Master nodded. “The King is holding court in the great hall, taking a head count. Let’s go see how bad they caught us.” We followed him to the great room, the squad following us, there was a low murmur in the great hall. The wounded were along one wall being seen to by the doctor.

  “These are the last Sire,” the Weapons Master reported to the King. The King looked at us seeing we were not hurt, he nodded. Amos went and sat with the Queen, who hugged him. Cain was sitting by himself. He seemed jumpy.

  I went to the sideboard and got a cup of water. As I drank, I surveyed the room. There were not as many hurt as I expected. It seemed the targets of the operation had been Amos, me, Reggie, and her family. Everyone else, though hurt, were collateral damage not the intended targets.

  The King walked up behind me I ignored him until he spoke. “You protected Amos?” I nodded, turning to face him. “How many did you kill?”

  “Six soldiers and two Mages.”

  He nodded looking around the room. “What do you see here?”

  I looked around again, “This was a targeted attack, they were after Amos, me, and Regina’s family. Everyone else were just people who got in the way.”

  “And what does that tell you?”

  “Someone doesn’t want an alliance to be formed between us.”


  “I don’t have enough information to form a reasonable guess.”

  “Guess anyway.”

  I thought a moment. “Someone wants them to remain weak or not get our help. They have a port city and good lands, but their army is smaller than it needs to be. Perhaps a neighboring Kingdom is looking to expand. Or a foreign Kingdom is looking to use their port as a toehold. Way out on a limb would be both.”

  He nodded, “Good assessment.” He turned and walked away.

  Reggie and her bodyguard came for water, she looked around insuring no one was near. “Thank you.” she said.

  “I’m glad I could help, how is he?”

  “He says he’s fine just weak. You speak Rodrigo-San’s language.”


  “No, I speak some, you speak a lot. Where did you learn it?”

  “I told you the serum was bad.” she nodded, “I don’t remember how I know, I just know,”

  “And your magic powers? Why keep that a secret?”

  “My father, The King, is a user. He would use me, squeeze every drop of use out of me to further his ambitions. His ambitions are not my ambitions.”

  She looked around, licked her lips nervously. “If a deal can be made, would you still come with us, become my husband, and Queen’s consort? This is me asking not my family.”

  I knew it had taken a lot for her to ask. She was clutching her hands together fearing the answer. “Yes Reggie, I’ll come with you, be your husband, and Queens Consort.” I surly didn’t want to stay here. The “Aaron” in me said this was a good thing.

  She let out a breath she’d been holding. She had tears in her eyes. “You won’t regret it.”

  “Well, you had better have over 26 Coppers, that’s all I have to say.” Her tension broke, and she laughed. It was a nice sound.

  “Celya would pay me at least that much to take you.”

  “Cain would pay you more, hit him up first,” we laughed.

  IT WAS EARLY MORNING before we got back to our rooms. I could not sleep so I levitated meditating. I don’t know why I was not freaking out about marriage. I had come close a few times, but few can stay with a Spec-Ops guy long. Especially when you won’t quit the team for them. But why was I so calm about marrying Reggie? I liked her, she’s an only child, but not spoiled. If I stayed here, eventually I would have to marry someone for an alliance or have a knock down drag out with the King. This way at least I have some choice in the matter.

  The castle was in lock-down, or their version of it. The King had called up some of the army. I doubted anyone was making a move against us, but better safe than sorry.

  Out of boredom I took out the six rings I had taken from the Mages I had killed. I examined them. Four of them were basically batteries, to hold Mage power to use when casting. The other two did nothing. I guess even Mages or maybe especially Mages can be vain. I’d give the batteries to Amos.

  I took out the bracelets. They were matched sets and were both batteries and shields. As the shields protected you, they would use the force from the attack to charge the shields, strengthening them. I’d have to study the runes. Maybe I could improve my shields.

  The circlet was the same as the bracelets, but for your head. It became a helmet that protected your face and head. Well, unless someone cuts your head off.

  “I wonder.” I took my notebook out and lay the bracelets on the page. The notebook copied all the information from them, all the runes, and their placements. I did the same to all the jewelry. I’d give one set to Amos. I put the other bracelet and circlet set away for now. I must fix the runes to cover my neck, so I don’t lose my head.

  I could finally sleep for a few hours, before going to breakfast. I was the only one who showed up; I guess everyone else slept in. I ate light and wen
t to the training hall.

  As a test I put the bracelets and circlet on a training dummy, I took a wooden staff and tapped a bracelet. Nothing happened. I took a hard swing at the dummy and the shields flared protecting the dummy. I swung at the head and the shield-helmet formed protecting the dummy’s head. Satisfied I took the jewelry off the dummy and put them back in my pouch.

  I started my workout, getting warmed up, working up a sweat. I felt someone coming and recognized it was Reggie and Rodrigo-San. I kept working when they entered and when I finished; I faced them.

  “May we join you?” Reggie asked. Both were carrying bamboo Shinai practice swords.

  “Of course.” I continued to practice. They stretched and warmed up then practice sword katas. That done they started sparing. I watched; Reggie was not bad. She had good form and flow. She was quick to adjust. What she lacked would come with time and practice.

  She stepped back, bowed and took a few breaths. “Would you like to try? Or are you just going to watch?”

  I smiled, “against you or him?” She laughed handing me her bamboo. I took it and stepped over to Rodrigo-San. I bowed and took my guard. He started slow testing me to see what my skill level was. Once satisfied be began turning up the heat.

  I knew right away Rodrigo-San was a Master Swordsman. He was quick and tricky. He had a fluid grace; he was a wonder to watch. After an intense exchange neither one of us getting the advantage we stepped apart, sweating. I bowed deeply, “¥Master.¥”

  He bowed just as deep, as to an equal. He stood up smiling, “¥I must be getting old I thought a few times I had you.¥”

  I laughed, “¥you are not getting old, if it weren’t for my magic you had me. I have never faced a true master before. It was my great pleasure to do so.¥”

  I suddenly remembered Reggie. I turned, and she was watching us. “That was amazing. I’ve never seen anything like that. No one has ever matched Rodrigo-San.”

  “If it had not been for me using magic, I would not have been able to match him. He is a Master Swordsman. You are lucky to have him as a bodyguard, and teacher.”

  She nodded looking at him, “I know.”

  “How close did they get to you last night?”

  “Closer than I want to think about, only Rodrigo-San stood between us.”

  “Were you armed or armored?”


  Making my decision, “I can help with part of that now, we’ll work on the other later.” I reached into my pouch and took out the bracelets and Circlet. “These bracelets are shields and the circlet is a helmet. When anything tries to hit you, they will stop it, just like a real shield.” She allowed me to put them on her.

  “Do I have to do anything to make them work?

  “Nope, they work automatically.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I slapped her wrist. The shield flared stopping my strike. “Pretty sure.”

  Lifting her eyes, looking up, “the circlet will kind of stand out.”

  “Hide it, let it sink beneath your skin.”


  “Just concentrate on it and tell it to go under your skin and hide.” I took a ring out and put it on. I made it hide. I made it reappear and put it back in the pouch.

  She nodded, closed he eyes and concentrated. They slowly sank out of sight.

  She opened her eyes, looking at her wrists, “did it work.”

  I nodded, “now it always covers you, even when you are not dressed. I’ll make you a dagger or a set that does the same thing,” she looked at my hands. I just smiled.

  Rodrigo-San watched all of this, “Good.”

  “I need to get cleaned up, see you at dinner.” Reggie said.

  “Yes, I need to get cleaned up too.”

  I found Amos on the way to my room and gave him the rings and the bracelets. I taught him how to “hide” things under his skin. That made his day. He now had new hidden shields. “A Star Trek, or maybe Star Wars, fan in the making,” I smiled.

  THEY SENT WORD THAT dinner would be a semi-formal occasion. Which meant dress nice, but not in your finest. I changed my armor and arms to the silver accents but left the cloak off. On my way to dinner the increased guard presences was noticeable. At dinner I saw that everyone came armed.

  Cain and Celya looked like peacocks. I guess they liked to take advantage of every opportunity to show off. Everyone else was dressed nicely but not showy, which made those two look out of place. They didn’t seem to care.

  They held the dinner in the great hall, as there were more than just family here. They had invited nobles that attended the ball. There was no dancing but a lot of a cross table socializing. Reggie, once again sat across the table from Celya, so we really couldn’t talk.

  Amos sat next to me, so we kept each other company. “Do you think the Weapons Master would start training me?”

  “I imagine he would, especially after the other night. The earlier you start the better you’ll become.”

  “Cain thinks it’s a waste of time.”

  “Cain relies too much on his magic. What happens when he faces someone stronger than he is, or has an artifact to counter his magic? He’ll wish he had trained different then. Just think, you have your shields to protect you. That will allow you to get close enough to use steel, someone else can do the same. Never rely totally on one thing to save your life, even if the other thing is running.”

  “True, if you hadn’t gotten to me, I’d be dead. I didn’t like that feeling.”

  “Next time you’ll be better prepared.”

  “Do you think there will be a next time?”

  “Train like there will be, and you’ll be ready. But at some point in your life, yes, there will be a next time.”

  He pondered that, nodding, “I’ll talk to the Weapons Master tomorrow.”

  “Wise.” I said, he smiled.

  The Major domo thumped his staff on the floor gaining everyone’s attention. He stood beside the King. Once all were quiet, The King rose.

  “As you all know we were attacked. Assassination attempts were made against us, our family and our guest. We will find those responsible and deal with them. That notwithstanding we have a Royal announcement to make. Prince Aaron, and Princess Regina, come forward.”

  “Uh-oh, ambush,” We rose and made our way forward. We met and stood in front of the two Kings.

  “We and the Kingdom of Shornwick have formed an alliance. Sealing that alliance, Prince Aaron, and Princess Regina will wed.” There was polite applause. “The betrothal ceremony will be in the morning at the Royal Chapel and the wedding will take place upon their return to the Kingdom of Shornwick.”

  “Someone’s in a hurry.” Reggie took my hand, and we bowed to the kings. She was better at the protocol of Kings than I was. She then faced us toward the crowd, and we bowed again. This time the applause was a little more heartfelt.

  The rest of the evening was a receiving line where we were congratulated and were gifted with pieces of jewelry. This was apparently a tradition at surprise announcements like this. No one had brought gifts so personal jewelry was expected to be given instead.

  I could tell that some, especially the ladies, were not happy at having to give their jewels. “Note to self, always wear an extra ring or two.”

  An elderly lady approached, she was dressed nice, but not in the newest fashion. She started taking off her wedding ring, as it was all she had. Reggie placed her hand on hers stopping her. Aaron's memory told me this was our widowed great-aunt. I placed my hand on top of Reggie’s.

  “Aunt Maggie, keep your wedding ring, what we wish instead is a blessing.”

  The lady smiled, nodding. She placed hands on ours clasping them tightly and spoke in a strong voice.

  “Father God, creator and giver of all good things. We ask your blessing upon these two young people. Grant them wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment. Bless them with an abundance of wealth and many children.”

  I sw
ear I felt a shift in the atmosphere. She put her hand out to the side and the Major-domo’s staff leapt to her. Catching it she brought it down on the floor with a thump that was felt to the foundation of the castle. Her eyes took on a distant stare. The great hall was completely silent.

  “In your time, you shall become known as the Good Queen, and Good King.” She thumped the staff. “Your People will rejoice in the peace and prosperity of your reign.” THUMP. “Your allies will be at ease with the peace your reign brings.” THUMP. “Your Enemies will Fear you and flee before you.” THUMP. “Your kingdom shall increase.” THUMP. “Your children’s, children’s, children shall rule after you for six generations.” THUMP.

  Her eyes refocused, and she smiled at us. She kissed us both on our cheeks. “This is why you were brought here.” she whispered in my ear. My mouth dropped open. She stopped back.

  Reggie and I bowed deeply.

  The Major-domo was at her side. She returned his staff and took his arm. She turned and walked regally toward the main doors. As she passed everyone bowed, even the King and Queen. Everyone remained bowed until she had exited the great hall.

  The room seemed dimmer without her presence. I am a believer, but I had never seen or heard anything like that in my life. Aaron’s memories told me she was widely known and respected as a prophetess. As far as anyone knew, all that she had ever prophesied had come to pass.

  After that, everyone gave every piece of jewelry they were wearing. Even the ones who had been by us once, came back through. Whether it was to cover their bases, or because they were in Awe, I don’t know. I, for one, was in Awe.

  Chapter 6

  After Aunt Maggie prophesied over us, the betrothal ceremony was rather anti-climactic. Word had gotten out about the prophecy and everyone in the city wanted to see Reggie and me. They moved the ceremony to the fairgrounds, so those who wanted to could come. The Kings were not ones to waste an opportunity to show magnanimity, especially when it cost little.

  We rode in a wagon through the city waving at anyone. It seemed a joyous occasion, as parties were in full swing all over the city. It took us a half a day to get back to the castle, and I was glad to be back. This soon after the attack, I had felt too exposed up in that wagon.


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