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Christmas Ghosts at the Priory

Page 10

by Fenella J Miller

  'The answer is a categorical no, so do not even suggest it.'

  Instead of being put out by his answer she laughed out loud. 'We both know that if I wish to decorate Penston I shall get my own way. You can deny me nothing.'

  Ignoring the smiling footman, he spun her so she was pressed hard against him and then stopped her silliness with his lips. She melted into him and returned his kiss with equal enthusiasm. Eventually he raised his head.

  'It's fortunate, sweetheart, that we are standing beneath the kissing-bough or we should be in disgrace.'

  'With whom? My grandparents are not stuffy in the slightest and there is no one else to disapprove. If we wish to embrace then we shall do so.'

  He led her through the hall and was obliged to stop frequently in order for her to examine and exclaim over each frill and furbelow. Sir Thomas and his wife were waiting patiently to go through to the dining room.

  'Grandmama, Grandpapa, doesn't the house look splendid in its festive finery? I apologise if I kept you waiting but I had to look at everything.'

  'I must say I'm delighted with the change the decorations have made to the place, Eloise, I'm sure our guests will be equally impressed. Now, child, hurry up as dinner will be spoiled if we do not go through.' The spectacular orange ostrich feathers in Lady Granville's turban bounced up and down as she spoke.

  Sir Thomas took his wife's arm and all four of them progressed to the central door that led directly into the dining room. This too had been decorated. However, this had not been done with garlands but with elegant arrangements of greenery.

  The meal was sumptuous, three courses each with several removes, wine and champagne flowed. He had consumed more than enough himself and suspected Eloise was in her cups. He feared she might fall if she did not have control of her limbs.

  'Forgive us, Sir Thomas, Lady Granville, if we do not join you in the drawing room. Eloise has imbibed rather too much alcohol and I shall carry her to her bedchamber.'

  There was no argument on this score even from his love who appeared to have nodded off. He scooped her up and carried his precious burden through the house to deposit her gently on her bed where her dresser was waiting to do her duty.

  It was far too early to retire and for some reason he did not wish to return to the drawing room. He spent some time admiring the lavish arrangements and then was about to retreat to the library where he could be certain he would be undisturbed when there was a thunderous knocking on the door.

  There were no guests expected to arrive tonight. He remained in the hall curious to see who it could be. A footman opened the door and if his intention was to block the entrance of whoever it was he failed miserably.

  'I have had a wretched journey, I should have been here hours ago. I am Lady Sarah Dunstable a personal friend of Lord Forsyth. I have come to see him married.'

  For a second Garrick was unable to function. How the devil had she discovered his whereabouts so quickly? Her arrival could only spell disaster. He regained the ability to think coherently, schooled his features to hide his dismay, and moved smoothly into the centre of the hall.

  'My lady, you did not receive an invitation to visit here. You are de trop.' He pointed to the still open front door. 'I shall escort you back to your carriage. You will find accommodation at The Red Lion no more than two miles from here.'

  He remained firmly in front of her and was aware that the footmen were now standing at either shoulder. He sent up a fervent prayer to the Almighty that whatever happened next Eloise would not hear of it. At any moment he expected Lady Granville to demand to be introduced.

  Sarah remained where she was. Her expression arctic. 'Garrick, I am prepared to make the most appalling scene, one that your reputation will not recover from, if you try and eject me from this house.'

  For a second he considered calling her bluff but realised he had no option but to allow her in. By doing so he possibly risked losing Eloise, but if he did not, and she did create a fuss, then he was certain Eloise would break off the betrothal.

  'Very well, you may stay here tonight. But tomorrow you will leave even if I have to remove you bodily myself. I can't imagine what you hoped to achieve by coming here.'

  Her eyes were like flint, her lips thinned as she answered. 'Can you not? I find that I am carrying your child. Do you wish your firstborn to be a bastard?'

  She had spoken just loud enough to be overheard by the watching servants. She saw the murder in his eyes and hastily stepped back. 'Forgive me, my lord, as you might imagine I am not feeling well after a long and tiring journey. Perhaps you would be kind enough to have me taken to a room?'

  If he spoke it would be to say something he would regret. He turned his back on her and strode to the sanctuary of the library unable to comprehend what he'd just been told. How could he marry Eloise now even if she would have him?


  Eloise woke when the house was asleep. Apart from being a little light-headed, and having a raging thirst, she was perfectly well. It had been an error of judgement on her part to consume three glasses of champagne and she would not be so foolish again.

  She was wide awake and scrambled out of bed. There was sufficient light from the fire to ignite a candle so she could see what time it was. Good heavens! She thought she had been asleep for hours and yet it was only eleven o'clock.

  Her grandparents retired early but she was certain Garrick would still be up. She wished to apologise and give him her word she would not be so immoderate again. She pushed her feet into her bed slippers and then found her robe. There was no necessity to take a candlestick as the sconces would be left burning.

  With her stick in one hand, and the skirts of her robe and nightgown in the other, she headed for the staircase. The drawing room had been decorated after the family had gone to bed and it looked quite spectacular – even better than the grand hall. She paused long enough in the doorway to admire it and then made her way to the library which was where she was certain he would be if he had not already gone to bed.

  She pushed open the door and immediately saw he was stretched out on the leather sofa a full glass of brandy in one hand and an empty decanter on the hexagonal table beside him. She had not thought him a drinker but he was certainly bosky.

  'Garrick, I have come to speak to you. Are you capable of listening?'

  He sat up so suddenly the glass flew from his hand and landed in the fire. The resulting explosion caused her to step back in shock. She missed her footing and tumbled to the floor. Her skirts fell into the flames and immediately caught fire.

  Before she could react, he was beside her and she was unceremoniously rolled over and over in a large rug. 'Enough, I shall cast up my accounts if you continue. The flames are out and I am unharmed.'

  He lifted her to her feet and then vanished behind the sofa where she heard a disgusting gurgling and retching sound. The smell was most unpleasant and she had no sympathy for his distress.

  'I am going to the kitchen to make coffee. I suggest you join me when you're recovered.'

  Her stick was propped against the sofa and she snatched it up and moved as quickly as she could to leave him to his unpleasant task. As soon as she was outside and the door closed firmly behind her she took several deep breaths.

  There was a distinct smell of burnt material and she moved closer to the sconce in order to see the damage to her nightwear. Her head spun when she saw that half the front of her robe and her nightgown had gone leaving just the charred remains behind.

  If he had not moved so quickly she would have been hideously burnt, possibly fatally. Of course, she would not have been placed in such danger if he had not been so drunk he had tossed his brandy into the flames.

  So shocked was she by her narrow escape that all desire for coffee vanished and she decided to return to her chamber. To her astonishment she saw a woman, in her nightclothes, walk boldly into his apartment as if she had every right to be there.

  She opened her mouth to call out but the
n thought better of it. There was something havey-cavey going on and she was quite certain Garrick's drunkenness was linked to this mysterious woman. It took her less than ten minutes to find the necessary undergarments and a gown she could slip on over her head. Her hair would have to remain in a braid dangling down her back.

  Whilst she was dressing she believed she had unravelled the mystery. This was Garrick's mistress and she had come to ruin their wedding. This was not going to happen. If she could vanquish ghosts then a woman with no reputation should be a mere bagatelle.

  Chapter Eleven

  Eloise followed this light-skirt into Garrick's bedroom. The wretched woman was draped across his bed with more of her flesh on show than was seemly. This would not do – it would not do at all. She looked around the room and saw a jug of water left on the washstand for his ablutions when he retired.

  She picked it up and before the intruder could react hurled the contents over her. The woman screamed and leapt from the bed her scarlet silk peignoir quite ruined.

  'I know who you are and why you have come here. Nothing you can say or do will prevent Lord Forsyth and I getting married on Monday. How in God's name you come to be in this house I don't know – but I shall have you physically removed at first light.' Her voice was commendably firm and as she was leaning against the corner of the bed her disability would not be obvious.

  'I am Lady Sarah Dunstable and I am carrying the future Lord Forsyth.'

  'If indeed you are with child, madam, you are carrying his bastard. If you don't wish to raise the infant yourself then I shall be happy to do so. He or she will be treated the same way as any of his or her future brothers or sisters.'

  There was a sound behind her and her reprehensible husband-to-be arrived at her side. His arms came around her waist and she leaned back, revelling in his warmth and strength. He ignored his erstwhile lover.

  'Are you quite sure you still wish to marry me?'

  'I have never been so certain. It is unfortunate that this person has chosen to come here but she will be gone first thing in the morning.'

  'How dare you talk about me as if I was of no account? I am the daughter of an earl. You cannot dismiss me so easily and I shall ruin Forsyth's name if he does not marry me and legitimise his child.'

  His arms tightened and she knew he was having trouble controlling his temper. She squeezed his hands, letting him know that whatever was said or done it made no difference to her.

  'Do you honestly think that anything you might say will cause my family harm? To my certain knowledge I am your third lover since your husband died. Your reputation is non-existent and you are not received in any of the best drawing rooms. You have failed in your endeavour.'

  Whilst he had been speaking something else occurred to Eloise. 'How is it that you have been intimate with so many gentlemen and never produced a baby? Yet fortuitously, just as Lord Penston is about to marry, you find yourself in an interesting condition?'

  'Come, darling girl, we need to talk.' He ignored Lady Sarah and drew her lovingly out of the room. As one they turned and left the wretched woman in his bedchamber to contemplate her folly.

  'Garrick, did my grandparents witness her arrival?'

  'No, they retired immediately after dinner. Unfortunately, the two servants who were in the hall heard everything.'

  'They will not gossip. Everyone who has remained is loyal to the family. Do you really think you should leave her in your apartment? She might well destroy your entire wardrobe and anything else she might lay her hands on.'

  Then his valet stepped out of the sitting room. 'If you will allow me to, my lord, I can deal with this problem for you and no one will be any the wiser in the morning?'

  'You will have my eternal gratitude if you can do so without rousing the entire household. How do you intend to achieve this miracle?'

  'The trunks are back on the carriage; the horses are about to be harnessed again. Her own maid has her garments ready in the bedchamber she was allocated. I have three other stout fellows waiting to assist.'

  'Lady Sarah must not be harmed in any way. She is misguided but I forgive her breach of manners.' Eloise meant every word. The poor woman must really love Garrick to have attempted such a trick.

  'Her ladyship will be treated with respect, miss, but she will leave here tonight.'

  Satisfied that things were being taken care of she left this competent manservant to his task.

  When they were safely inside her sitting room she stepped away and viewed him with disfavour. 'I am most displeased with you, Lord Penston. It's not the fact that your former mistress came to ruin our wedding but the fact that you drank yourself into a stupor and then were horribly sick in my presence.'

  Now she could see him clearly it was apparent he looked decidedly unwell. He had hit his head twice in the past week. Could this be why he was so pale and desperate looking? Then he brushed his eyes and she saw his cheeks were wet.

  'Garrick, my love, what is wrong?'

  He shook his head, too overcome to speak. She threw her arms around him unbearably moved by his tears. She was crushed against him and then lifted and in two strides they were on the daybed together.

  'My darling, how can you be so sanguine about this disaster? To offer to raise another woman's child – I cannot understand why you would do so. Any other young lady would have sent me packing.'

  'We love each other and that's all that matters to me. You accepted me without hesitation despite my infirmity. Did you honestly think I would not do the same for you?'

  'I thought you lost to me and tried to drown my sorrows. Then when your robe caught fire my head cleared and I was able to put the flames out. I sincerely apologise for my disgusting behaviour afterwards. The shock of what might have happened overcame me.'

  She settled more comfortably in his arms. 'I rather think it was the excess of brandy that overcame you, my love, but we will let that pass. I'm surprised you don't smell more unpleasant than you do.'

  His chuckle told her he was recovering his spirits. 'Thank you for reminding me, sweetheart. I shall endeavour to improve the matter.'

  He gently removed her from his lap and vanished into her bedroom. Whilst she listened to him washing she realised he had nowhere to sleep tonight. She limped to the doorway and her breath caught in her throat.

  He was standing in just his unmentionables, his magnificent torso naked. He glanced over his shoulder and his expression changed. His eyes darkened and a hectic flush ran along his cheekbones.

  Her feet moved of their own volition and she literally fell into his outstretched arms.

  They were roused the following morning by the sound of a tray of chocolate and morning rolls being dropped on the boards. Polly threw her apron over her head and ran from the room.

  'Oh dear! I had quite forgotten my maid ca

  me in so early.' Eloise made no attempt to remove herself from his arms. This was where she was meant to be.

  'You have made me the happiest of men – I did not think I could ever feel this way.' His wicked smile made his intentions clear.

  'We should get up. You should return to your apartment immediately. There has been more than enough scandal in this house already.'

  'Too late to repine, my darling, I love you and I'm going nowhere.'


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  Fenella J Miller


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  The Duke's Alliance Series

  The Duke's Bride

  A Soldier's Bride

  An Accommodating Husband
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  An Unconventional Bride ( (

  A Dangerous Husband ( (

  A Suitable Bride ( (

  Regency Romantic Adventures

  Search for a Duke (

  A Most Unusual Christmas ( (

  Miss Peterson & The Colonel ( (

  Christmas at Castle Elrick ( (

  Lady Emma’s Revenge ( (

  Lord Ilchester’s Inheritance ( (

  Christmas at Hartford Hall ( (

  Lord Orpington’s Wager ( (

  The Duke & The Vicar’s Daughter ( (

  The Duke’s Heir ( (

  The Duke’s Reluctant Bride


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