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Outremer III

Page 11

by D. N. Carter

  “Yes…very,” Paul remarked.

  “You look surprised…but we all take it in turns to keep our abodes clean, like our camps, for we learnt the hard way what filth attracts and can do,” Thomas explained as Ishmael nodded in agreement just as one of Thomas’s men, Luke, entered the room yawning wearing just a long white night shirt. He clearly had an erection pushing out the night shirt as he walked in.

  “Luke…stand down,” Thomas said and indicated with his eyes toward Luke’s protrusion.

  “What?” Luke said puzzled, feigned a confused look then looked down at himself. “Oh that. Can’t help that boss…always happens in the morning… especially with all these beautiful woman about,” Luke said unashamedly and grinned as Thomas walked past him. Thomas flicked his finger down hard against Luke and he recoiled instantly in pain clutching his groin. “Boss, you bastard,” Luke said loudly but laughing.

  “Paul, do not look so shocked. I am afraid Luke here is a constant hard on I am afraid…even the crack of Dawn is not safe with him about,” Thomas explained.

  Paul laughed at his remark and seeing Luke dance in pain still holding his groin with both hands. Ishmael cracked a smile.

  “Paul…I apologise…I do not mean your beautiful wife, of course,” Luke said and took a deep breath and gave Thomas an exaggerated mocking glare. “Don’t get me wrong…we all love your Alisha…she is without doubt the fairest, kindest and most beautiful woman any of us has ever seen.”

  “Stop digging, Luke,” Thomas smiled.

  “No I have to explain lest Paul thinks we are all masturbating wankers fantasising over his wife,” Luke shot back.

  “I shall get you a bigger shovel shall I?” Thomas remarked and folded his arms.

  “’Tis okay, Luke. I get your point,” Paul said and raised his hand to stop.

  “Paul,” Luke said and stepped closer toward him. “We keep ourselves out of your way pretty much most of the time…but you have to know, there is not one of us who would not willingly sacrifice our miserable souls to save hers. She is more than just a woman to us.”

  Thomas put his arm around Luke’s shoulder and began to usher him back toward the corridor doorway just as Theodoric stepped into view. Paul’s mind raced, laughing at Thomas’s reaction and action to Luke and his comments, but also the sudden realisation that he had never actually thought that Thomas and his men may look at Alisha in such a manner.

  “Luke, you have dug a deep enough hole. Go now and clean yourself. Today we have guests arrive,” Thomas said as he ushered Luke out of the door past Theodoric.

  “You mean that arrogant fool Conrad. Maybe my horse will accidentally kick his arse,” Luke said as he vanished from view, Thomas pushing him.

  “What did I miss?” Theodoric asked.

  “You do not want to know,” Ishmael remarked.

  “Theo, I am glad you are up for I have questions I need ask of you before Conrad and Balian’s squire arrive. Do you have time?” Paul asked.

  “I have time…Balian’s squire you say. That will be Ernoul. Quite a mind that one has,” Theodoric answered. “Oh and Ishmael…I think we need prepare for a small wedding. Percy only went and asked her didn’t he!” Theodoric explained and shook his head.

  “A wedding…Alisha and Sister Lucy will love that,” Paul remarked.

  “Who is getting married?” Tenno asked bluntly as he entered the room already fully dressed. Paul, Theodoric and Ishmael all laughed.

  Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191

  The Hospitaller wiped his mouth as he tried to stop himself from laughing seeing the looks upon Ayleth’s and Sarah’s faces.

  “I am sorry. Forgive my crassness but that Luke fellow reminds me of someone I once knew,” he explained apologetically.

  “Oh ’tis not you I am shocked at…’tis that all those men may think such thoughts of Alisha,” Sarah replied.

  “All men think such thoughts all the time,” the Genoese sailor interjected as Simon nodded in agreement without realising it.

  “You filthy buggers,” Sarah said and hit Simon with the back of her hand.

  “Why do you hit only me? Why not him?” Simon protested but laughing as he pointed at the Genoese sailor.

  “Because you are nearest,” she replied.

  “I think I would be worried if I was Paul,” Ayleth remarked.

  “Paul was wise and sensible enough to know what men can be like. Plus Thomas and his men had always maintained a discreet distance despite their close proximity in the house grounds. Besides, Paul trusted them enough and welcomed the protection and security it afforded them all,” the old man explained, drawing their attention back to him. “Thomas and his men were indeed a tidy lot. They had learnt how cleanliness was healthy from their operations and attachments to Muslim forces over the years.”

  “How so and why?” Peter asked.

  “Our Frankish brethren tend not to care too much for order and cleanliness within their camps…apart from the Templars and Hospitallers,” the old man explained and nodded toward the two brother knights. “But Muslim camps by comparison are as clean and sanitised as possible. They believe in caring for their men. It is considered wasteful to spend a fortune training a soldier only to leave him to die from parasitic infestation and disease.”

  “We learnt a lot from our Muslim counterparts,” the Templar interrupted and smiled as he held Miriam’s hand tightly. “Many things,” he smiled as Miriam blushed.

  “What, like the books on love like Alisha read?” Simon asked smiling broadly seeing the looks upon their faces.

  The Templar looked at him and gave a slight nod.

  “All that aside. The dream experience Paul had…in the pyramid. You explained that the beings, angels or whatever and whoever they were, showed him the pyramids from a different era…but also that they are some kind of device. Well what I wish to know is this…you said they mentioned a protective shield that is in place. Can you explain more on that?” Gabirol asked, his quill charged and ready to write.

  “I can,” the old man replied. “Norse legends all speak of a time when Thor and Odin along with the other gods who live in Asgard placed a protective shield around our world, which they called Midgard, to protect us from the ice giants…which we know from the ancient parchments and plates refers to real ice that hits our world at such great speeds that they explode with the intensity of the sun, just as Paul had seen in his dreams…and the ice comes around every 3,600 years.”

  “Where is Asgard?” Ayleth asked.

  “It is one of the nine inhabited worlds according to Norse legends where Gods like Thor live,” Gabirol answered then looked at the old man for confirmation.

  “Gabirol is correct,” the old man replied. “Odin and his wife, Frigg, are the rulers of Asgard, especially one area I am sure you have all heard of…Valhalla, in which Odin rules?”

  “We have heard of this place many times,” the Templar commented.

  “That does not surprise me. It was the ice details and Midgard that Paul asked Theodoric about…but he had to wait to discuss it in detail with him as Conrad arrived as planned that very morning.”

  “What concerns me is I hear that there are some who say the ancient teachings claim that the gods will return and they will enslave us…to dig gold out of the ground…like you explained earlier that those summer, sumer people…you know, where the gods made man as a slave,” Peter remarked.

  “Peter, I am surprised you have heard such things…but yes I have heard such sayings too,” the old man replied and clasped his hands together. “All I can say is that you must ask yourself a question. If this was true, then why do they, the gods, wait? Why do they wait for us to grow in number and understanding whilst their secrets are slowly but surely released to us. If they wished to enslave us they would have done so long ago,” the old man explained, looking at Peter intently.

  “Maybe they are just waiting until we have procreated so much that they will be spoilt for choic
e,” Simon interrupted enthusiastically. All turned to look at him. “Hey, I could be right, you don’t know,” he protested.

  “Then they most certainly would not have given man such a violent side to kill each other in such vast numbers,” the Templar stated. “We would all remain as simple and mostly dumb beings only fit for physical labour.”

  “Yes…and I fear mankind has not even begun to realise his potential for mass murder,” the Hospitaller commented in response.

  “My friends, we could debate this matter for as long as I have already kept you, so I must return to this tale for we do not have another day available to us, I am afraid,” the old man said, looking at each of them in turn.

  “Then please continue,” Gabirol replied and started to write a word down the side of his other notes.

  Husam’s residency, Cairo, Egypt, early November 1180

  Paul approached the main gates of Husam’s residence accompanied by Tenno, Ishmael and Thomas on foot as Percival followed a short distance back with Luke and the remainder of Thomas’s men all on horseback. Several Mamluk guards stood between a group of black dressed Bedouin and a small contingent of Naval Templars on foot. Conrad stepped into view with Ernoul, Balian’s squire, by his side just as Husam’s mounted horse escort dismounted off to their right. Husam appeared at the gates just as they swung open. Paul approached nodding at Conrad as he neared him when the Bedouin closest to Conrad turned around to face Paul. Instantly Paul recognised the face smiling at him.

  “Turansha!” Paul shouted and drew his sword rapidly, crouching as he took up an immediate defensive position pointing his sword directly at him just feet away from his face.

  Without hesitation, everyone drew their swords except Turansha and Conrad, who placed his hands upon his leather waist belt and frowned disapprovingly as Turansha kept his smile fixed upon Paul. As the Mamluk guards surrounded Husam protectively, the contingent of Templars formed a small circle around Conrad all with their swords pointing outward.

  “Everyone…stand down. Put your swords away!” Husam shouted as he pushed his way forwards.

  Whilst all the guards and knights eyed each other up prepared to fight, Turansha simply kept his gaze firmly fixed upon Paul.

  “Ali!” Paul exclaimed alarmed and looked back at Tenno.

  No sooner had he said it than Tenno turned around fast, sheathed his sword and pulled the nearest of Thomas’s men, Mathew, off of his horse, mounted it and speed off in a cloud of dust. Ishmael drew his second sword from across his back and stepped closer to Paul, staring hard at Turansha with both his swords raised. Percival helped Mathew to his feet as he brushed himself down.

  “I said stand down…all of you…NOW!” Husam shouted and stood in front of Paul and between Turansha and Conrad. “Paul…I see the fire that burns in you toward this man, but he is here under my protection and you will stand down.”

  “Never…that man hurt Alisha and very nearly had us all killed,” Paul retorted, his voice deep with anger but controlled.

  “I have never seen this side to you, Paul. I see now the fighting man within you, but listen to me. No good will come of any action you take against this man this day. Do you hear me, Paul?” Husam said quietly as he approached Paul and placed the palm of his hand against the tip of Paul’s sword.

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  Paul looked briefly at Husam as he raised his eyebrows. Quickly he looked at Turansha as he stepped closer.

  “Master Paul…you misunderstand me. I never had any intention of killing you. If I had, you would already be long since departed, my friend,” Turansha said, smiling menacingly as he spoke.

  “You are no friend of mine and you would have most certainly slain us but for intervention,” Paul replied, still pointing his sword, Husam’s hand in the way.

  “Paul, not this day,” Husam said quietly and shook his head barely perceivably. “He has travelled with Lord Montferrat here as his guest. There is a truce in place may I remind you and I am bound to uphold that truce. Do you understand what I am saying?”

  Paul slowly lowered his sword. As he did, all the others slowly lowered theirs in like fashion. Turansha took a deep breath but held his smile.

  “You may not believe me, but you were never in any danger from me. The Templar…well that was regrettable…but how many of us here have not killed?” Turansha asked as he looked around at everyone.

  “Do not excuse your actions. You did not kill that Templar…you slaughtered him,” Paul shot back.

  “You clearly have much to learn about what exactly slaughter truly is,” Turansha replied and looked at Paul. “You and I would do well to make peace.”

  “Just keep out of my way for I swear there will never be any peace between us for I know what evil dwells in your soul,” Paul remarked.

  Husam pulled Paul’s shoulder hard and physically turned him around and half dragged him back towards Thomas and his men. Ishmael stood perfectly still, both swords held ready, and stared even harder at Turansha. Turansha tutted and shook his head as if to disapprove in disgust. Husam stopped beside Percival and turned Paul to face him.

  “Paul, do not test my patience on this matter. We all have deep grievances for wrong doings committed…but we must temper our sense of anger and desire for revenge otherwise the cycle of violence will only perpetuate itself further,” Husam said quietly, close to Paul.

  “I am aware of that…but his actions were deliberate, calculating and driven by a cruel evil that dwells within him. He will never change,” Paul replied and looked back toward Turansha, who smiled back at him again menacingly.

  “I know that,” Husam whispered. “But I am asking you to endure his presence whilst he is here. Unfortunately his services to Saladin are too valuable an asset to lose or forfeit. I will make sure he keeps away from you and your family. If he comes anywhere near your home, then by all means…deal with him. But not before, is that agreed?”

  Paul thought for a few moments, his heart racing and surprised at the intensity of the hatred he felt toward Turansha at that moment. Within moments his day had gone from one of quiet contentment and looking forward to work to one of fear and being unsettled.

  “Agreed,” Paul answered and re-sheathed his sword.

  “Good…finally! Can we now proceed and freshen up,” Conrad said loudly.

  Husam ushered Turansha and Conrad toward the entrance gates as everyone else put away their swords. Husam looked back over his shoulder at Paul and nodded by way of a thank you. Thomas grabbed Paul’s arm and pulled him back slightly.

  “We shall wait here until you are finished…all day if needs be, my friend. Any hint of trouble, blow this,” Thomas said as he passed Paul a small ivory whistle. “Now go and impress them all with your brilliance. Tonight we shall each draw guard whilst Turansha remains in the city.”

  Paul followed Husam as he led Turansha and Conrad inside his walled residency. He kept a close eye on them when suddenly he felt a strong hand grab his left arm. It was Brother Matthew.

  “Paul…you did not see me,” he said as he released his grip.

  “Brother Matthew…no I did not. ’Tis good to see you again though,” Paul replied and continued walking.

  “These are strange days, Paul. Conrad seeks a permanent peace with Saladin, but on condition he helps secure his own position further…Turansha wants them all to continue fighting as it serves him better…but you would be as wise to make some kind of peace with him if you can. If he thinks he can make profit from you, you will remain safe from him.”

  “That is something I cannot do. Tenno says often to keep friends close, but keep my enemy closer…but not with that man I cannot. My father taught me always that I should be unafraid to challenge what is not right for silence is collusion and implicit approval of wrong doing. Have courage. Speak up. Speak out.”

  “Then you must find a way to keep him at a distance for he will not cease until he has power over you one way or another…I know this man. ’Tis why Princess Stephanie or
dered I attend this embassy. So he does not do you harm for she heard of his actions…and Reynald is one of Turansha’s biggest paying…associates I think best describes their relationship.”

  “A truly unholy alliance if ever there was one. And what of the princess. Is she well?” Paul asked, looking at him directly. In his mind he was already asking himself if Reynald had anything to do with Turansha’s attempt to kill him and Alisha. It would not surprise him, he thought.

  “Ah see, that put a smile back on your face. She is well. Her child grows well also…and Reynald…well you know about him and his antics even here in Cairo I am sure,” Brother Matthew explained as they walked into a large marbled foyer. He stopped and stared as he looked through the open foyer that looked out from a balcony across the Nile. Instantly visible was a large three masted galley ship berthed alongside the enclosed dry dock set outside Husam’s residency. “My Lord, look at the size of that. Is that what you have worked upon?”

  “Partly…but my work has been mainly upon another design. Perhaps I shall get to show you later,” Paul replied as he watched Husam usher Turansha and Conrad towards some refreshments laid out upon a long table.

  Turansha turned and faced Paul, smiled and raised a date and gestured with his other hand that he should come and help himself likewise. Paul knew that if you ate and drank with a person it was a sign that no blood would be spilled between you. Was that what he was hinting at? Paul wondered. Husam looked back at him. Paul would not let Turansha see that he was afraid or intimidated by him nor would he insult Husam’s hospitality inside his own home. He walked over to Turansha and stood directly beside him, looked him in the eyes then picked up a date and ate it. Turansha laughed.

  “Ah see…we can at least eat together. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my previous actions, I know I can make amends for them and I can openly and publicly apologise right here and now for having so grievously assaulted you and your family. It shall not happen again. You have my solemn vow,” Turansha said and bowed. “It has been my experience that it is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways and only enemies speak the truth for friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty to placate or control those closest. Think upon that,” Turansha said and winked before smiling broadly and ate another date.


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