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Outremer III

Page 24

by D. N. Carter

“Okay…you agree to vouchsafe them this day…then come a day should you call upon me to return the favour, I shall,” Paul called out after Turansha.

  Turansha stopped, stood still for a few moments then turned around to face Paul, smiling broadly.

  “Good man. Very wise,” he said as he approached slowly. “I told you that one day we would be friends. I am not your enemy despite our previous encounters.”

  The Mamluk guard nodded at two Tawashi archers to help Nicholas and Upside. As they helped lift them to their feet, another Mamluk helped support Nicholas, whilst Turansha smiled, bowed his head slightly at Paul then turned and walked away.

  “What of the others?” Upside asked, coughing up some blood.

  Paul looked along the line of chained knights. He knew there was nothing he could do for them. The fact that the guards had agreed to allow Paul to take Nicholas and Upside was demonstration enough of the influence Turansha exerted in the region as he had boasted. Some of them shook their heads with a look of resignation to their coming fates. Anger welled inside Paul as he knew this was all down to Reynald. Such good men’s lives thrown away, and for what? Brother Nicholas opened his eyes momentarily and looked at Paul as he was hauled up. Though his vision was blurred, he was just able to make out that it was Paul stood before him. He went to smile, but his lips were split and immediately started to bleed. He blinked in acknowledgement to Paul then passed out again. A Tawashi archer poured some fresh water lightly over Percival whilst another shaded him with a large mat.

  6 - 5

  Cairo, Egypt, April 9th 1183

  Wearily Paul steered the small covered cart onto the road leading to his home. It was late afternoon as Percival looked at him, tiredness etched deep into his face, his left arm resting in a sling. It had been a long and difficult trip back up to Fustat, first by horse, then boat and the final leg by cart carrying Nicholas and Upside in the back. Both were severely injured and Paul was surprised that Nicholas had survived this far. Husam had continued his pursuit of Reynald’s fleet and practically destroyed all of it, save two small ships at the Port of Ayla. Paul drew up outside the main front door. The house was quiet and appeared empty. The horse neighed as a swirl of dust danced across its face before vanishing. Paul applied the main brake and stepped down. He reached up to help Percival when the front door slowly opened. Percival nearly fell down as Paul steadied him and they both looked at the door as it opened fully. A woman stepped out wearing black, her head covered. She froze instantly and dropped the small basket she had held. Arri then stepped into view, looked up at her puzzled for a moment then looked toward Paul and Percival. His eyes widened instantly in recognition and excitement.

  “Father!” he called out and ran toward him. Paul knelt down, his arms outstretched open ready to greet him just as Alisha stepped through the door. “Father!” Arri called out again and jumped into Paul’s arms.

  Paul closed his eyes as they welled with tears and he hugged Arri tightly. He smelt clean. It was the most wondrous smell in the world he thought as he stood up holding Arri, whose arms were wrapped around him tightly. Nyla pulled the cover from her face and threw it to the floor, instantly running for Percival. She stopped just in front of him when she saw the sling. She shook her head hesitantly, tears streaming down her face and lost for words. Percival shrugged his shoulders unable to say anything. Nyla leaned up, clasped her hands on either side of his face and kissed him longingly upon the lips. Arri looked into Paul’s eyes. Paul could feel the lump in his throat and he could not speak as he stared back into Arri’s big happy eyes. He swung his head to face his mother.

  “I told you he was coming home,” Arri said aloud, Clip clop hanging from his hand.

  Paul gently grasped Clip clop’s dangling front leg. The emotion that swelled inside him was more than he had ever experienced before. Alisha stepped forwards slowly in disbelief, tears welling in her eyes, and she clasped her hands together. She shook her head as her stomach knotted, her eyes fixed upon Paul’s.

  “Hope you have everything?” Theodoric called out as he backed out of the front door pulling it shut behind him.

  Nyla broke her long kiss and faced Theodoric.

  “We have now,” she said, bursting with excitement.

  Theodoric turned around and froze on the spot, his mouth open. Paul laughed at the sight of him then back at Alisha. She took another step closer.

  “I have cried an ocean this past week over you…even though I vowed I would not cry again,” she started to say but stopped and bit her bottom lip as she fought to control herself. “I…I have prayed so…so much…and…”

  “Just hold me, will you?” Paul said emotionally and reached out his right arm for her.

  Alisha put her hand upon his face, gently kissed him then rested her forehead against his chest as Paul put his arm around her. She sighed heavily and rubbed her head against his chest. She wrapped her arms around him gently at first, but as she started to sob, she pulled him closer and tighter. Paul kissed the top of her head, the familiar smell of her fragranced hair filling his nostrils. He was home.

  “I shall never leave you again, that I swear, never,” Paul said softly. Alisha pulled him even closer and kept her face buried against his chest.

  “Luce…we have more for dinner tonight!” Theodoric finally shouted out and laughed, unable to contain his happiness at seeing them again.

  “We have others to stay also I am afraid,” Paul whispered and nodded toward the cart.

  The room was dark save the light from a small candle set in the corner. Nicholas coughed, rasping for air as he lay upon his side on the bed. Upside sat upon the bed opposite him keeping an ever watchful eye. Paul opened the door carrying two bowls of hot food followed by Alisha. Hesitantly she entered carrying a lanthorn that filled the room with light.

  “’Tis more than a great risk you have taken bringing us back here,” Upside said quietly as he accepted a bowl from Paul.

  “Remember…we would not be here in the first place but for you two. That we shall never forget,” Paul answered quietly as he looked at Nicholas lying semi conscious on the bed. “Sister Lucy and Theodoric have treated his burns and stitched his many wounds, now it is in the Lord’s hands.”

  “Lord’s hands my arse…sorry. Pardon my lack of manners,” Upside apologised quickly.

  Alisha pulled up a small wooden latticed chair and sat down and gently wiped her hand across Nicholas’s forehead.

  “He still burns up,” she whispered.

  “There was much muck in the sea and I fear a lot entered his wounds,” Upside explained.

  “I shall sit with him whilst you two clean yourselves up. It stinks in here…I shall get Sister Lucy to light some smelling candles,” Alisha said softly and rubbed her hand across Nicholas’s forehead again, pushing his hair back. He shivered.

  “Aye that is a good idea. I shall finish this and sort myself out…but I am afraid I only have the filth I stand in before you,” Upside explained pulling his dirty and ripped shirt out.

  “Come. I will show you where to bathe and bring you some fresh clothing,” Paul said as he opened the door to leave. “He will be fine with Ali.”

  Upside stood up straight and pulled his ripped shirt over his head, a towel wrapped around his waist. Several scented candles lit the bathing room as Paul looked at himself in the small mirror on the wall.

  Ishmael entered the room carrying a large bowl of hot water closely followed by Thomas, Luke and Mathew all carrying more bowls.

  “’Tis great to see you returned safely. We had feared the worst,” Thomas said as he poured his bowl of water into the sunken tiled bath, Ishmael nodding silently in agreement.

  “My only fear was for Alisha and Arri,” Paul heard himself reply as he checked his face in the mirror again. Several days’ worth of beard was beginning to itch.

  “Hardly recognised you with that baby hair on your face,” Luke joked as he poured his bowl into the bath. “That should be hot enough now fo
r you, fella.” He nodded at Upside.

  Upside stepped down slowly into the water testing it first with his toes before stepping fully up to his knees. He pulled the towel away and stood naked for a moment as he lowered himself down slowly. Sister Lucy entered the room carrying a bowl and approached the bath. Quickly Upside covered his hands across his groin and slid down fast into the bath just as she poured the water in near his feet.

  “Don’t be silly, boy…I have seen it all before in my time,” Sister Lucy laughed and turned around and walked back out.

  Thomas and Luke laughed as Mathew raised his eyebrows. Arri entered the room smiling as he carried something behind his back. He tugged at Paul’s leg to get his attention. Paul looked down at his smiling face and knelt in front of him.

  “Father…I made you a gift whilst you were away for I knew you would need it one day,” Arri said proudly. “It’s not completely finished but…”

  “The best gift you can give me, my little man, is to call me Papa, Dad,” Paul started to say.

  “Old man!” Luke joked.

  “Or that,” Paul smiled and looked at Arri. “And you should be in bed by now.”

  “What…today of all days. I don’t think so,” Arri replied and laughed. “Close your eyes and hold your hands out.” Paul smiled and closed his eyes holding his hands out. Arri placed a leather sword scabbard across his opened palms and quickly jumped back. “You can open them now,” Arri said excitedly.

  Paul looked at the simple leather scabbard and feigned amazement. Arri smiled even more then giggled as Paul looked it over. The more he looked at it, the more he genuinely became impressed.

  “And you made this by yourself?” Paul asked. Arri nodded fast. “It is truly a wonderful gift. I shall keep it always.”

  “Theo and mother helped…a bit,” Arri laughed.

  Paul looked at the scabbard, then felt for his sword. Memories of when and how he lost his original scabbard flooded his mind. He sighed as he thought of Tara and her parents. Then of the Bull’s Head bandit. Maybe Reynald’s mind had changed like his had done, he pondered momentarily. He looked up at Arri, who now looked concerned. “Oh my dear son…’tis beautiful and I am so proud of you. I shall carry it always with my sword,” Paul said and pulled Arri close to hug him. He kissed him on the head and held him tightly. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Alisha squeezed the excess water from the flannel, folded it and gently wiped it across Nicholas’s brow. He turned his head muttering words as fever gripped his body. The scented candles flickered in the darkness and despite the evening being hot, Nicholas continued to shiver. Alisha looked back towards the door hearing Percival and Nyla giggling as they passed on their way to their room. She sighed as she thought of Paul. For days she had believed him dead. She had barely had time to even speak to him alone before she helped sort out Upside and Nicholas. She turned to look at him as he moaned. He had lost a lot of blood and some of his wounds had been deep. ‘He must have fought hard,’ she thought and gently took hold of his left hand. His hand was limp. She clasped her other hand over it cupping his between hers and held it to her face. After a few minutes just holding his hand against her cheek she leaned forward and softly kissed his forehead. As she sat back still holding his hand, he blinked and slowly opened his eyes. He struggled to focus them. Alisha leaned forward again and wiped the flannel across his face.

  “I am dead surely,” Nicholas whispered in a dry voice and tried to smile, his lips immediately splitting again causing him to wince.

  “Ssssh, my man, sssh! You must rest,” Alisha whispered back holding his hand against her.

  “I am dead…or dreaming for you said your man…,” he whispered and coughed as he nearly laughed. He looked into Alisha’s eyes, the candlelight reflecting in her large pupils. “I am dead aren’t I for you are in Cairo?”

  “So are you, Nicholas, so are you,” Alisha replied, smiling, and rubbed his forehead and pushed his thick hair backwards.

  “Cairo…yeah right…please Lord do not let me awake from this,” Nicholas whispered, his voice trailing off as he fell back into unconsciousness.

  Alisha let out a slight chuckle at his remark, patted his hand and shook her head emotionally, a tear falling down her cheek. It had been the longest few days in her life and emotionally exhausting, but not once had Arri doubted that Paul would return. She felt sad to see Nicholas in such a state and worried he could still die, but as she looked back toward the door, she knew her place was beside Paul. She wanted to hold him and never let him out of her sight ever again. She would sit with Nicholas until Upside returned then she would be with Paul. She broke down in tears and sobbed as quietly as she could with relief. Nicholas squeezed her hand briefly.

  Paul eased himself into bed and pulled up the clean white sheets. He leaned over and extinguished the single candle beside his bed as the moonlight shining was more than enough to light the room. Sweet aromas drifted in through the open window. He left the curtains open so he could see the moon. He had tucked Arri into his bed and sat watching him until he fell asleep. Theodoric and Ishmael had asked if he wished to talk about events, but he simply wished to be alone with Alisha. He sighed as he wondered if she would join him or keep watch over Nicholas all night. Upside and Thomas had told him they would keep an eye on him, but as Paul lay there, he did not know whether to laugh, cry, get up or be upset that Alisha was sat with Nicholas, despite his injuries. A pang of jealousy filled his mind coupled with a sense of guilt for feeling like that. He reached over and picked up his new scabbard from Arri. He smiled as he looked over it. He sat up and picked up his sword hung over the bedstead. He untied it from the single rope and loop scabbard he had been using since Tara was killed. He had deliberately kept the simple belt and loop out of respect and by way of remembrance of her sacrifice. But now he had a new scabbard and one he was sure Tara would understand him now using. Gently he offered the tip of the sword to the mouth of the scabbard and eased the blade in. It clicked securely as it pressed home against the locket section. Paul smiled knowing that Theodoric must have given Arri the exact measurements. He held the entire sword and scabbard to his chest, rested his head back into the pillow and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  “Paul…Paul,” a female voice called out softly.

  Paul opened his eyes. He was inside a passageway that had what appeared to be small square bricks set within the walls that shone light, illuminating the marbled floor and walls. Confused he spun around to check where he was. He looked down at himself and could not recognise the strange tight fitting white coloured clothes he was wearing.

  “Hello!” he called out, the word echoing off in either direction. He turned around to look the other way and jumped as three women stood before him. He stepped backwards alarmed as he looked at them. They wore similar tight fitting white clothes but each had a large white cloak that hung almost to their feet. ‘This is a dream, I know it is,’ he thought.

  “All of life is but a dream but on different levels…this is just another that you are linked to,” one of the women said but he could not tell which one. They all smiled at him seeing his confusion. “Have you forgotten us already?” one asked as Paul’s mind raced but then, almost at once, he remembered them, having seen them beneath Jerusalem. “You have not visited the hidden rooms of the Halls as you were supposed to do. Years have passed yet you ignore the call and your promise to visit and learn the mysteries you must take forward…”

  Paul frowned as he looked at the women. They were beautiful and radiated an air of authority, wisdom but warmth and kindness too.

  “I promised Alisha I would not venture beneath the pyramids…,” Paul replied.

  “That was a promise she should never have asked of you. Besides, she knows deep inside you must,” one of the women said just as the woman nearest to him stepped silently closer. Her eyes appeared large, almost unreal as she gazed into his eyes. “Her physical mind holds her back. She fights against what she knows to
be true out of fear…but after your recent adventures, she vowed and swore an oath to what you call the Lord to allow you to do that which you must. She knows that and now accepts it,” the woman explained without visibly speaking. She then smiled as her two colleagues laughed sensing what Paul was thinking.

  “I am so sorry…but every time I am near you, I get this sense of love and…and,” Paul tried to explain but became flustered.

  “Aroused?” one of the women said as they laughed. Paul blushed but there was no hiding how he felt. “It is good that you feel this for it will help you understand how and why, sometimes Alisha feels this in the presence of the one you call Nicholas.” Paul’s eyes widened with alarm. “Oh do not fear for she follows her heart’s code of conduct seriously. She may have these conflicting physical feelings, but that is all it is…physical due to the way your bodies are made up. Natural attraction that is all. It is why you must learn to recognise such feelings and impulses…to master them. Alisha does this well enough already…and is it no different from how you feel in the presence of the one you know as Stephanie…is it not?”

  Paul shook his head, embarrassed, alarmed and excited all at the same time. He let out a laugh and gently slapped his arms down by his sides.

  “Is there anything that you do not know of me?” he asked, exasperated.

  “Much, for most of your higher self is not only hidden from you in your present form by the veil, but also from us. But now when you return, you must also return to the path you have shied away from. You will not get the chance to build another vessel as you hope for it is too far in advance of the time you now live in. You will learn to understand why that is so.”

  Paul frowned and felt annoyed. After all of his hard work, his vessel had been destroyed by his very own hand and now he was being told he would never again be able to build another.


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