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Outremer III

Page 45

by D. N. Carter

  “’Tis natural to worry about such matters, especially when so many strange things have happened to you both. ’Twas the same with your father and mother,” Theodoric started to explain but stopped himself, shaking his head no. He laughed quietly to himself for a moment before looking back at Paul. “Let me tell you this…in the Bible, Mark 6:3, Jesus is called a ‘Tekton’, which is a Greek word meaning woodworker, craftsman, carpenter or builder. Throughout history gods and goddesses have been known as architects, carpenters and craftsman as a symbolic and mythical attribute… never as an actual historical biographic fact. From Ptah of Egypt, to Buddha in India, Yahweh of Judea to Hesus of the Druids. And you…you are known as a navigator…one who will show the way. There is a difference.”

  “Navigator…,” Paul sighed, tired.

  “As for my tattoo…’tis known as the twin goddesses of the tree-wings… well near enough translated it means that,” Theodoric explained and laughed. “In every human there is a tree, and in every tree there is a human. Just as water, aqua, symbolises our spirit, and the oceans and seas we travel across, so too the forest is the second sea on earth, the sea in which man wanders. The forests work in silence, fulfilling nature’s mighty work… working with the winds, cleaning the air, mitigating the climate, forming soil, preserving all our essentials without wearing them out. It represents all that is physical in our world. The World Tree is connected with our own creation, preservation and destruction. It teaches us that trees are bound to the fate of the world. It is up to us to care for our past, to remember that which we have lost, and also to celebrate the flowering world, the present moment, whilst reaching forward to a future possible. And bees…bees, my friend, are the key to it all. When mankind again understands that, then there will be hope for all.”

  “Apples, bees and harps made from oak…I am slowly taking all onboard that which I am learning,” Paul replied and nodded. He pulled the sword closer to himself and ran his fingers over the delicate engravings upon its blade. “This sword needs a bee symbol,” he said out loud. But it also needs to be connected with the image of your tattoo.”

  Theodoric sat back, surprised.

  “I have learnt much from Tenno and Attar about swords these past few years. I know that throughout history, famous figures and legendary heroes were said to possess magical swords. Excalibur, for instance, the sword of King Arthur of Camelot…and even perhaps this very sword… whilst the sword Zulfiqar is said to have been sent from the Heavens to the Prophet Muhammad. I know he subsequently handed that weapon to his cousin and son-in-law.”

  “You now also know of Roland and Durandal. The best-known legend regarding Roland is his last stand at the Battle of Roncevaux, which was an actual historical battle that has now been romanticised into a major battle between Christians and Muslims. It is recounted in the epic poem La Chanson de Roland meaning The Song of Roland. ’Tis an epic poem you should read and acquaint yourself with. It is claimed the sword Durandal was given to Charlemagne by an angel of God, who instructed the emperor to give the sword to one of his counts as you now know. Some claim however that prior to that it had been given to the Trojan hero Hector, but later passed to Roland by the enchanter Malagigi. Regardless of its origins, Durandal was a valuable and powerful sword both physically and symbolically. In fact, the primary objective of the invasion of France by Gradasso, the heathen king of Sericena, is rumoured to be the retrieval of Durandal from Roland.”

  “’Tis a pity that such tools as you prefer to call them are the cause of such death and chaos,” Paul lamented as he studied the sword.

  “Aye ’tis that for sure. But at the battle of Roncesvaux, Roland was able to hold back the Muslim army, which was a hundred thousand strong, from attacking Charlemagne’s main force. Using Durandal, he slayed a great number of the enemy and even succeeded in chopping off the right hand of the Saracen king, Marsile, and decapitated the king’s son, Jursaleu. ’Tis a worthy and noble tale that is perhaps the one thing we can be certain of,” Theodoric said quietly.

  “Then what of Luke?” Paul asked bluntly.

  “Luke’s Gospel…it is what he wrote and how he wrote it that is the important fact to remember. For it contains information that will not be relearnt for perhaps hundreds of years still…but it is still all valid as your father, Firgany and I discovered.”

  “How so?”

  “From ancient documents and codes that detail the very world we live upon. When mankind again learns the truths about this world, only then will they be able to see the encoded truths in plain sight all along and it could forever change the way the Bible is read and understood. Let me explain…in the early part of the first century, between AD 20 and 50, Philo of Alexandria developed a set of guidelines for the allegorical interpretation of scripture. Luke used these guidelines to construct his stories…the same guidelines can be used to recover the coded messages.”

  “But why leave coded messages? Why not just write the stories as they happened?” Paul asked.

  “Because by the time Luke wrote his two books, roughly around AD 80, the sect of the Nazarenes were facing a crisis. Their doctrines and teachings had become heresy and their sacred texts were being destroyed. Jesus, a Nazarene, had come to teach the masses the difference between the truths of creation and the superstitions derived from myths and lore used to keep wealth and power in the hands of the few elite. But Rome and the religious leaders of the time would never allow this to happen. Gnosis, which as you know means ‘knowledge’, became a heresy and Jesus had replaced the sacrifice of animals while the science of Pythagoras and Plato were being obliterated. Luke left his coded messages in the most unexpected of places in plain and obvious sight…in the hands of the powerful who lacked the tools to know what they actually had. Once the books that made up the Bible as decided upon at the Council of Nicea in AD 325, the very ‘approved’ Bible itself became a Trojan Horse. One of Philo’s guidelines for identifying codes was to look for numerical clues. Clement of Alexandria called Philo ‘The Pythagorean’ because he taught a blend of Judaism and Pythagorean science. By hiding Pythagorean sacred numbers in his gospel, Luke accomplished two things. Firstly, he inserted the presence of the numbers making it easy for someone to detect if the codes could be found in the stories. Secondly, Luke was trained in Pythagorean science and sacred numbers, knowledge that Orthodox Christians in the latter decades of the first century were not permitted to have.”

  “Then pray tell how does this Bible code work? For I have learnt that there are many hidden within it.”

  “There are even more that we cannot even fathom yet but our descendants will have the tools to do so. But here, let me explain and show you,” Theodoric said and opened his small Bible and flicked through the pages until he came to Luke. “Look here…Luke deliberately scattered numbers throughout the story of John the Baptist in Chapter One.” Theodoric pointed with his finger to the page. “Here in Luke 1:24: …for five months. This gives us our first number as in 5. And here at Luke 1:27: In the sixth month…so we get our second number of 6. And here in Luke 1:36: the sixth month…so we get our third number 6 again. In Luke 1:56: …about three months…so we get our fourth number 3. Luke 1:59: On the eighth day…so we get our fifth number 8.”

  “But they can mean anything,” Paul interrupted.

  “No because look. One of the methods for finding coded messages is to multiply all the numbers in a story. So now from Luke we get 5 x 6 x 6 x 3 x 8 which equals 4,320. One of Pythagoras’s favourite and most sacred numbers was 432,000. From what your father and I learnt these values deal with harmonic values but we cannot yet prove that. But the same numbers, same sequence or zeroes can be added or removed and the decimal can be moved right or left. Harmonics were established and taught by Pythagoras and Plato. 432,000 can be found in many ancient cultures and myths that predate Christianity, including Sumerian, Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Indian and others. Most of the myths tell the story of a worldwide catastrophe, usually a flood. 432 is also enc
oded in Genesis and the story of Noah’s flood. 4320 is a very special number in the Pythagorean ‘Science of Number’ because 4320 divided by 2 equals 2160 which as we discovered is the diameter of the moon. 432,000 times 2 equals 864,000, the diameter of the sun as we have also learnt. Do not worry, Paul, for later generations will establish and confirm these simple truths again. Also 432 times 432 equals 186,624. The speed of light is 186,400 miles per second, a difference of .001201.”

  “Light has a speed?” Paul asked, bemused.

  “Ah…yes. I forget this is still all new to you and you still have so much to learn. Forgive me. I speak of things I was shown and taught a long time ago. ’Tis all very ancient wisdom and ancient knowledge…much of which your father has hidden away safely.”

  “After all I have seen, I believe you, Theo, so please continue.”

  “Okay. You are aware that the Nazarenes called themselves Children of Light. Well Luke actually means ‘Light’. This opening chapter reveals the one number that, when halved, is associated with the ‘night light’, when doubled is associated with the ‘day light’ and when squared is associated with light itself. Luke made it clear in the first chapter that he was a highly trained student of Pythagoras. In addition to the hidden, sacred numbers in Chapter One, Luke left word clues. He introduced the angel Gabriel, who is named in only one other place…The Book of Daniel.”

  “I see now why my father made me study the Book of Daniel so often,” Paul interrupted.

  “Naturally. Daniel was an investigator who solved riddles and puzzles. He translated writings and interpreted visions and dreams. Within just a few short verses it becomes obvious Luke was asking Theophilus, defined as ‘One who has an affinity for religious truth’, to solve the riddles and decipher the codes in Luke–Acts. Both Luke and Acts are addressed to Theophilus. Luke’s story of the conception and birth of John the Baptist is taken almost verbatim from the story of the conception and birth of Samson. One bit of information given about Samson was missing from the description of John. Samson was a Nazirite. The Nazirites, like the Nazarenes, were vegetarians, did not cut their hair, and did not drink wine or strong drink. Without using the word Nazarene Luke left no doubt that John the Baptist and Jesus were Nazarenes and that the Nazarenes were unable to talk openly about their beliefs. All the chapters in Luke’s Gospel reveal numbers associated with Pythagoras…but time this late hour does not allow me to explain more thoroughly…but I shall in time. Another striking example of the Pythagorean numbers embedded in Luke’s Gospel should leave no doubt that it was intentional and required immense expertise. Luke Chapter Nine contains only 15 numbers, 12 x 2 x 12 x 5 x 2 x 5,000 x 50 x 5 x 2 x 12 x 3 x 8 x 2 x 2 x 3, which equals 24,883,200,000,000. This is the diameter of our earth, that is, 7,920 miles. When multiplied by one of Plato’s values for pi (864/275) the product is 24,883.2 miles. No first century Christian would have hidden these sacred numbers within a gospel. Only a Pythagorean, Gnostic or Nazarene would have had the knowledge, the expertise or the need to do so. Luke’s coded messages also suggest that Jesus did not die on the cross. Jesus and ‘Simon the Cyrene’ switched places before the crucifixion just as our Muslim friends believe. Luke 23:26…they seized…Simon…and they laid the cross on him, and made him carry it behind Jesus. Luke 23:33…they crucified him there with the criminals… Luke’s original words have and are being changed by the Church to hide this fact…such as in Luke 23:33, where ‘him’ is being changed to Jesus. But the earliest texts show that Luke’s original word was ‘him’, leaving it grammatically more likely that it was Simon, rather than Jesus, who was crucified. Then in Acts 7, just as he is about to be stoned to death, Stephen rambles on for 58 verses about Moses. You will recall the many other Templar connections to the value 58 I am sure. Just two of the 58 verses from Stephen’s speech as he is about to die are Acts 7:15–16: …So Jacob went down to Egypt. He…died there…was brought back to Shechem and laid in the tomb that Abraham had bought for a sum of silver from the sons of Hamor in Shechem. Philo’s ‘guidelines’ include, ‘Watch for repetitions and errors’. In addition to repeating Shechem, there’s a glaring error in Acts 7:15–16: Luke switched the names. According to Genesis 50:13, Jacob was buried at Hebron, not Shechem. According to Genesis 33:19, it was Jacob, not Abraham, who bought the tomb at Shechem. Luke switched the names, Jacob and Abraham, putting the wrong man in the tomb. He switched the cross from Jesus to Simon…they seized Simon … laid the cross on him, made him carry it behind Jesus…crucified him there with the criminals. According to Philo’s rules for finding coded messages, Jesus, the man believed to be in the tomb, was not in the tomb. In a similar way, Luke reported that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a daughter. As shocking as these revelations may sound, they become apparent when Philo’s rules are applied to Luke’s stories. Luke–Acts, read allegorically and following the clues, support the ancient legends about Jesus and Mary Magdalene.”[100]

  “That is a lot to take in…but I accept what you are telling me. I am not sure people such as Nicholas would be so open and agree with you or accept it,” Paul remarked.

  “But people like Nicholas are the ones who will guarantee its message is kept and carried forwards,” Theodoric replied and folded his arms.

  “Is there anything else that you learnt that you know will not be understood until the future?”

  “I know that we are mainly made up from water…and that little chains made up from the smallest of parts hold us together. Our physical bodies being just like a cloak we wear around our spiritual forms. I know that just as we cannot shrink back into a child’s robe, so too our spiritual bodies cannot shrink backwards as they evolve. I was also shown that the very chains that hold our every part within our bodies are shaped like a cross. That form which holds human beings together is referenced in the Bible, so your father and I were told when we experienced a similar situation to the one you and Percival have just had. We are branded by the cross! He is before all things, and in him all things hold together’; Colossians 1:17…still remember that as if was yesterday,” Theodoric explained and sighed again.

  Both sat in total silence for several minutes.

  “I shall write a poem for Ali before I retire this eve. ’Tis after all her birthday tomorrow and I have no gift to offer her,” Paul said as he pulled a sheet of parchment near and looked for his writing set.

  “Paul…she has you back. That is gift enough trust me,” Theodoric remarked and clenched Paul’s arm. “She has suffered a great assault of her senses these past weeks. No deeper a sadness have I ever seen before in a person. It will take her time to heal for all her fears, grief and thoughts of losing you cut her deep.”

  Paul looked at Theodoric and simply nodded he agreed with him.

  “Well I am encouraged to learn that I am not to be any Messiah type figure and Alisha no Mary…,” he remarked and ran his fingers through his hair as he sat back.

  “No…but you may be a new Arthur whether you like it or not!” Theodoric replied and raised his eyebrows.

  “I shall never be a knight, Theo…never.”

  “You are already that and more. The sooner you realise that, the easier your task shall be.”

  Paul looked at Theodoric and just stared at him in silence. Tiredness was beginning to overwhelm him but he wanted to at least write Alisha a birthday poem before he retired.

  Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191

  “Arthur as in King Arthur?” Gabirol asked.

  “The same,” the old man replied.

  “Poem…did he write her a poem?” Sarah asked, looking excited.

  “Yes he did, and before you ask, no I do not have a copy here but I do know the words,” the old man replied, smiling as he sat upright.

  “Pray tell us it,” Ayleth said and nodded at Sarah.

  1 - 22

  “Pray tell us more on this Arthur for surely he is just a myth,” Peter interrupted.

  “As I keep saying, all myth is ba
sed upon real people and real events. I can explain about Arthur and afterward, for our dear ladies here, I can recount the poem,” the old man answered and bowed his head slightly at Ayleth and Sarah.

  “Please do, for I need to confirm what you say and as I understand it…that there were two Moseses and two Arthurs,” Gabirol said and charged his quill ready to take notes.

  “Then know you have listened well and understood correctly.”

  “That’s it…I am lost…again!” Simon joked and folded his arms, shaking his head.

  “I want to know if Paul did indeed become a diplomat to help form these Muslim Knight Templars for we have heard many rumours of such,” the Templar remarked.

  “I will have to repeat certain elements I have already covered so forgive me for that. What is little known about the Templars, the information hidden within historical records, is that the Templar Order has held its own autonomous ecclesiastical authority since its inception, carrying multiple lines of ancient priesthoods with full legitimacy under Canon law. I did explain this as Theodoric detailed it. These priesthoods have been preserved by the Knights Templar as the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon. This Ancient Priesthood of Solomon embodies the most ancient traditions of the Biblical Melchizedek, and the ancient Gnostic traditions of the Essenes of which Jesus the Nazarene was a High Priest, together with the medieval priesthood of the Gnostic Cathars. This is why I fear for the Cathars for the Church will not allow it to continue. But that bridge we must cross later should it happen. This Ancient Solomonic Priesthood is constitutionally maintained as a separate institution within the Templar Order. Count Henry presently presides over it and it is the same priesthood as that of the Biblical Magi, including the legendary ‘Magi of the East’ who visited upon the birth of Christ. As established by the historical record this consists of the most ancient institutional priesthood in known human history, carrying an original spiritual tradition of over 12,000 years, dating back to 10,068 BC. This most ancient sacred priesthood is essentially the Magi Priesthood of the biblical Melchizedek, descending from seven sources of Magistral succession since 10,068 BC…here look,” the old man said and pushed a small vellum sheet toward Gabirol.


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