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Outremer III

Page 49

by D. N. Carter

  “Sounds to me that all religions become war-like and corrupt,” Simon stated.

  “Yes, with time, religions too can become old and corrupt, and need a refreshing restart. That is why they have to be changed and renewed periodically, like the Phoenix…which is symbolic of the destruction and end of one age and the rebirth and beginning of a new one. As explained already, this has already occurred seven times hence the ‘Seven Days of Creation’ and now we are in for the eighth avatar of the present cycle of twelve zodiacal eras. Eight is the number of perfection, the one which closes the present cycle with the golden key. This golden key is the brief return of the Golden Age. Such is the secret of the Mystery of the Seven Angels of the Seven Churches. Churches are founded one per era, and are dissolved when their era ends. The Catholic Church, named Katholikos, which means ‘Universal’ in Greek, knows this inevitable reality full well, which she attempts to evade at all costs…but in the end, the last pope will recognise its time has come…and he will be responsible for inaugurating a new Church…just as Alisha and Paul saw…,” the old man explained and shook his head slightly.

  Gabirol coughed and sat up.

  “Such is the reason why she censors away the heretical books of the Gnostics, ‘Those Who Know’. For she tries to hold her position like the Whore of Revelation, the great prostitute at the service of those who exploit and enslave not only the lesser nations and the minorities, but even the people of the larger nations. In order to enforce its dominion, the Catholic Church turns one nation against the other, one race against the other, one religion against the other, one person against his neighbour. Dividere ad imperare, that is her lemma,” Gabirol stated, shaking his head as he looked down at the parchments passed to him by the Templar. [103]

  “Say that outside these walls and there are those who would have you burnt at the stake immediately,” the Hospitaller remarked, nodding at Gabirol.

  “After what I have seen and learnt…let them try,” he replied and winked.

  “Yes, but the Church, as I said previously, in its own way has, and is, guaranteeing the safe passage across time, the ancient codes,” the old man interrupted. “That is why Orders such as the Templars and Hospitallers, understanding this, vow to protect her…Our world needs a total change of mental awareness and spiritual awakening. We need love, empathy, charity, wisdom and compassion. In other words, all those attributes will be the mark of the next great god or holy figure of the forthcoming era of Aquarius…the spiritual age! It is by understanding the codes handed down to us that the great victory, as has been promised from the dawn of time, be given to us. To all become as like gods ourselves. For such is the real message of the Apocalypse, the book of the secrets for as you now all know…as I explained at the very beginning of this tale, that in truth Apocalypse means to ‘unveil’ or to ‘reveal’ meaning ‘un-covering’, translated literally from Greek meaning ‘disclosure of knowledge’, a lifting of the veil or revelation. You see the Book of Revelation in the Bible actually predicts an unveiling of a great truth and unimaginable wisdom. Not the end of world but rather the end of the world as we know it…but most definitely not the end of the world,” the old man explained.

  “And this image…of two circles and a pyramid drawn inside…this is what is known as the Vesica Pisces yes?” Gabirol asked as he studied the image carefully.

  “Recall when I started this tale I explained how the cross, or crucifix, did not become a Christian symbol until the fourth century AD. Before that it was a symbol of fish, the Vesica Pisces. Also that the cross with a circle and dot became a rose.”

  “I recall you said that the cross was used for centuries prior to Christianity by the Egyptians to represent the intersection of two dimensions, the human and celestial,” Simon commented proudly.

  “I recall you showing a similar picture to this and that it is all connected to the Giza pyramids…but you would tell us toward the end…is that now?” Gabirol asked.

  “It is beginning to all make sense now…slowly,” the Templar remarked. “The hidden mysteries behind the significance of the number seven as a mystical number, like the seven candles on the Jewish candelabra and seven stars of Orion as well as the seven churches you have just mentioned. ’Tis all connected both in a real sense and symbolically.”

  “I wrote it here,” Gabirol said and flicked his notes open. “As you explained…the acts of John 102 to 104, where the importance of symbolism is stated. The first line reads, ‘The Lord contrived all things symbolically’.”

  “Whatever that Lord proves to be…the code and message is still the same,” the old man replied. “And that Vesica Pisces with the pyramid inside, that is drawn where the circles have a measure, in scale, of a circumference of 1746 feet. The pyramid that can be constructed and drawn within then gives a triangle shape whose base length is 755 feet with a height of 481 feet…exactly the same dimensions of the Great Pyramid. Peter, the Rock that Jesus was to build his Church upon was originally named Simon, but was changed. Peter in Gematria equals 755…and remember how I informed you the Grand Gallery within the Great Pyramid is exactly 153 feet tall and how the King’s Chamber starts at the 153rd course?”

  Fig. 62: Vesica Pisces with Pyramid.

  “Yes I have made many notes on all you spoke of previously about the Vesica Pisces and the sacred values,” Gabirol said and pushed the diagram back toward the old man.

  “Good then there is no need of me repeating all again,” he smiled and took the parchment papers.

  “So what happened about the other drawings and writings Paul produced that he should not have done, for you say you have some but the majority are hidden?” Peter asked.

  “Stolen!” the old man replied seriously and sat back as he took a deep breath.

  “Ah…your voice has turned serious…why?” Sarah asked.

  All looked at the old man intently waiting for his response as he took his time to respond.

  “’Twas not immediately…but several months later as November was almost over. A lot had happened during those months, with Alisha and Nyla concentrating on their business that was growing again steadily, and Paul and Arri developed a closer bond spending many hours a day in each other’s company. Together they even made creams that would surely be needed for the new babies soon to arrive.”

  “Creams…what for?” Simon asked, puzzled.

  “To sooth any irritations and rashes the babies may experience…as is common. Arri saw it as his big brother duty. And oh how he could ride Adrastos despite the size of him,” the old man explained and paused.

  “But there is a ‘but’ coming isn’t there?” Ayleth remarked.

  “Indeed…and a big ‘but’,” the old man replied, looking at her directly. “As arranged that October in 1183, Isabella married Humphrey of Toron at Kerak. But Saladin returned to the region and laid siege during the wedding determined to capture Reynald and end the constant violations of their agreed truces. King Baldwin, although now blind and crippled, had recovered enough to resume his reign and command of the army. Guy, much to his disgust, was removed from the regency and his five-year-old stepson, King Baldwin’s nephew and namesake Baldwin, was crowned as co-king in November. King Baldwin himself then moved forces to relieve the castle, carried on a litter no less, and attended by his mother. By this time he was reconciled with Count Raymond of Tripoli after their fall out, which I shall explain later, and duly appointed him military commander. The siege was finally lifted in December and Saladin retreated to Damascus.”

  “Was Paul not concerned for Princess Stephanie during that time?” Ayleth asked.

  “Constantly. She was never far from his thoughts…but she is a shrewd, clever and resourceful woman. She had been carefully planning for just such events since 1180 when Baldwin the Fourth of Jerusalem betrothed his eight-year-old half-sister, Princess Isabella, to Stephanie’s son Humphrey. She knew even then the potential peril this put not only her but also her son’s life in. It did not therefore come as a
surprise when the ceremonies were interrupted by the arrival of Saladin, mainly in response to Reynald’s continued threats against Mecca. Remember earlier when I explained how according to the chronicle of Ernoul, Stephanie sent messengers to Saladin, reminding him of the friendship they had shared when he had been a prisoner in Kerak many years before?” the old man asked.

  “When you state that Stephanie had previously had secret dealings with Saladin but he could not be seen by his own side to back down, so did not lift the siege only agreeing to not target Humphrey and Isabella’s wedding chamber. And something about Stephanie hating Isabella’s mother, Maria Comnena?” Simon remarked, the old man smiling at his comments.

  “I am so glad I am no princess…some fairytale I think not!” Sarah commented.

  “The siege, even the threat beforehand, gave Alisha and Paul a valid enough excuse to turn down the invite but Paul knew things were changing rapidly. His ship modification designs enabled him to delay the actual building of it but Husam was now beginning to get a little impatient as well as suspicious. Alisha being too far gone pregnant put off any ideas about travelling until at least a month or two after the baby was born…and here comes that big ‘but’. Thomas and his men were spending more and more time away on patrols and escort duties for emissaries and ambassadors due to the heightened hostilities and someone had evil intent in mind…their eyes set firmly upon acquiring the plans to Paul’s advanced ship…and they would stop at nothing to obtain them…by all and any means,” the old man sighed.

  “Sounds ominous,” Gabirol remarked.

  “’Twas…for from the actions of one evil intent…another greater evil was unleashed.”

  “Oh I do not like the sound of this,” Ayleth cringed.

  Cairo, November 1183

  Paul brushed Adrastos just as a cool wind blew inside the stable. The sun was setting fast and Arri reluctantly went with Sister Lucy to prepare for bed. Alisha and Nyla were still out along with Ishmael and Percival as their evening escort attending a show of their dresses. Theodoric approached carrying two large horn cups of wine laughing as he nearly tripped over the small soak away open drain from the stables.

  “Get that down you,” he said, passing Paul his drink.

  “You are a bad influence upon me. I am getting a little too familiar with this wine,” Paul remarked and took a sip. “I am pleased to hear my father is in Britain. At least he knows we are all safe and well.”

  “Hey, he always knew you would return…never doubted it. And I bet he is having a real treat advising Queen Eleanor…she’s now held at Old Sarum I hear. Your father will love that,” Theodoric replied and took a long swig of his wine.

  “You must tell me one day about my father’s connection to her. There is so much I do not know about my family. Look at Percival. Who would have believed when we first met that we are cousins?”

  “’Tis obvious…that Kratos and Abi had a plan B all along. I should have seen it earlier,” Theodoric said and took another swig of wine. Paul looked at him quizzically. “You know…two separate lines to ensure at least one of them survived. Explains a lot as I look back upon my time in Georgia with your father all those years ago. Georgia being the twin state of Britain… well, that is what Kratos told us at the time,” he sighed, thinking back upon those times.

  “Why is Father in Britain seeing Eleanor again?”

  “Whilst you were away much happened with King Henry the Second. He besieged the town his son had taken residence in forcing him to flee. Henry the Young wandered aimlessly through Aquitaine until he caught dysentery. On Saturday, 11 June 1183, the Young King realised he was dying and was overcome with remorse for his sins. When his father’s ring was sent to him, he begged that his father would show mercy to his mother, Eleanor, and that all his companions would plead with King Henry to set her free. Henry sent Thomas of Earley, Archdeacon of Wells, to break the news to Eleanor at Old Sarum where she is being held…as a prisoner basically. Your father is negotiating her release to return to Normandy.”

  “So they cannot even resolve their own differences there so what chance do they have of doing so here and in Outremer?” Paul sighed and shook his head, feeling dizzy all of a sudden.

  “You all right?” Theodoric asked, seeing the look on Paul’s face as he drained of colour.

  Paul put his drink down as Adrastos snorted and kicked his front legs as if startled.

  “Must have been in the heat too long this day,” Paul replied and leant against the wooden gating. He lowered his head as his ears began to ring. He looked up toward the main house. “I think I will check on Arri…for I have a strange feeling…’tis the same as I have had before.”

  “When?” Theodoric asked and moved to support Paul.

  “Whenever trouble has followed…,” Paul answered just as a slight knocking sound echoed out from inside the main house. Alarmed, he stood up straight just as Nyla opened the kitchen hall door, smiled and waved.

  “We are home early,” she said excitedly. “We sold all our items almost at once.”

  Alisha appeared beside her waving a large purse and several chits.

  “’Tis only us,” Alisha called out, smiling, and nudged Nyla. They both laughed and moved back inside the door.

  “Thank Lord for that,” Paul remarked and sat himself down as Ishmael and Percival came into view leading the horse and cart. A dark image flashed across the top of the main building’s roof but it vanished before he had time to look up properly. Must have been a bird he told himself and stood to greet Ishmael and Percival. As soon as he stood up, his ears rang even louder and he felt nauseous and he rested his hands upon his knees leaning forwards. Something was not right he sensed and his heart began to pound fast.

  Alisha held onto Nyla’s right arm as they walked along the upper corridor. They were laughing and talking about the evening’s sale when they passed Arri’s bedroom door. Alisha handed Nyla the dress she had slung over her left arm and looked inside at Sister Lucy telling Arri a good night story. A dull thud made them all look upward at the ceiling then Arri sat up excitedly. Quickly Alisha walked over to him, kissed him on his forehead and lay him down again with Clip clop placed beside him.

  “I shall finish our little story then be down,” Sister Lucy said and rubbed her hand through Arri’s hair.

  “Thank you. The night went very well. I shall come in and check on you again shortly,” Alisha replied and kissed Arri again, and Clip clop as he raised him up.

  Alisha walked back into the corridor and started to head for her main room just as Nyla stepped out from her room looking puzzled. Nyla pointed toward Paul’s work study as someone inside opened drawers. Both approached the partially opened door which was usually locked shut. Both paused as they listened. Alisha leaned up against the door and peered in. Her eyes widened instantly as she made out the dark outline of a black dressed man, only his eyes visible as he looked up at her. As Alisha raised her hand to her mouth in shock, Nyla instinctively pushed her aside just as the man threw a sharp bladed star shaped weapon. It flew past Alisha’s head just missing her and embedded itself in the wall with a thud and metal ringing sound. It was instantly followed by a second one that embedded slightly higher. Alisha stepped back in front of the door and slammed it shut as a third star hit the inside of the door.

  “PERCY!” Nyla screamed loudly and joined Alisha to hold the door shut.

  Sister Lucy rushed to look out from Arri’s bedroom door and saw them. Alisha waved her to go back into the room.

  “Shut the door!” she called out.

  Arri appeared beside Sister Lucy as the man inside Paul’s room pushed hard against it. Quickly Sister Lucy ushered Arri back into his room. Suddenly a second figure dressed entirely in black appeared from the loft doorway. As it flung open he jumped down almost directly in front of Alisha and Nyla. He pulled a black sword from behind his back and waved it at them, his eyes darting from Alisha to Nyla and looking at their tummies.

  “Which is Alis
ha?” he demanded in a deep clipped accent. “Alisha!” he shouted and waved the tip of his sword closer to their faces.

  “I am!” Alisha called out loudly just as the second man started to cut and smash his way through the plaster work wall beside Nyla. She looked at Alisha in terror then at the man before them as he pulled his sword back ready to thrust into Alisha. “I am,” Alisha said calmly and stared the man in the eyes directly.

  The man hesitated for a second, his eyes narrowing.

  “No, I am the real Alisha!” Nyla shouted.

  As the man looked at her, Alisha stamped her left foot down upon the man’s right foot whilst at the same time crossed her wrists, pushed her arms upwards so the sword went upwards and brought her right knee up hard into his groin. The man’s eyes widened but only briefly as he stepped backwards, raised his sword up high to bring it down upon Alisha but as he did, Alisha stepped to her side slightly, blocked his downward thrust with her left arm, then tucked her right arm beneath his armpit, thrust her hip hard into his side and using his own momentum, she bent down whilst grasping his arm with both hands, and pulled him over her shoulders. The man landed heavily upon his back, taken by surprise. He blinked and looked up just as Alisha thrust her three pronged dagger directly into his neck just as Arri broke away from Sister Lucy and rushed toward them. The man, despite the pain and blood spurting from his neck, pulled his sword across his chest and flung it toward Arri, Alisha just knocking his wrist as he let go. Arri froze, his eyes wide as the black bladed sword flew through the air toward him. It was about to hit him when Sister Lucy pulled him aside just in time, the sword embedding itself in the main wooden door jamb. Alisha looked back down at the man, withdrew the dagger, causing a large spurt of blood to shoot up the wall and all over her. She thrust it down hard upon his chest as he tried to turn on his side. The second man kicked his way through the wall and as he stepped out into full view, he looked twice the size of the man on the floor who was holding his neck and chest gurgling and choking in his own blood. Alisha stood up to face the man as he wielded his sword high with his right hand, his left hand wiping dust and plaster from his eyes. Nyla looked at Alisha briefly then at the man. She pulled the bone comb type hair clasp from her hair and instantly scraped it hard down the side of the man’s face immediately cutting eight deep groves in his cheek as it pulled the black face cover down at the same time. Alisha threw her dagger at his chest but he knocked it aside with his sword. Alisha looked to her left at the small recess in the wall that contained several metal spiked candle holders. She grabbed one as Sister Lucy cowered over Arri to protect him. Alisha’s gaze was drawn upwards as she saw movement. A third masked man looked down through the loft entrance. He was holding two of Paul’s parchment containers. The man before Alisha looked up briefly. When he did, Alisha stepped nearer and stabbed the spiked metal candle holder into his knee. The man did not make a sound but pushed Alisha backwards hard against the door beside Nyla. He studied both women quickly checking to see which one was pregnant. It appeared to confuse him that both were. Nyla was shaking uncontrollably still holding the bloodied hair comb as Alisha stepped in front of her protectively. He pulled his sword back ready to strike when Sister Lucy whacked him hard across the back of his black covered head with a bed warming pan. He flounced his arm backwards, the pommel of his sword smacking Sister Lucy hard in the face knocking her backwards. Alisha tried to pull Nyla with her away from the man, but he grabbed her arm tightly. As he pulled his sword back, holding Alisha’s arm even tighter, he thrust it forwards toward her belly…but Nyla pushed herself in the way, her arms outstretched to her sides totally obscuring Alisha. A sickening squelch filled the corridor as the sword sliced into Nyla’s belly, the force pushing her backwards pinning Alisha behind her up against the wall. For a moment they all remained perfectly still and silent, Nyla her eyes wide. She moved forward a little off of Alisha, who looked down to see the sword sticking out of her back, the blade having caught Alisha’s tummy too cutting her dress and scratching her skin. Nyla moved her hands down slowly and put them on the blade, but as she did the man quickly pulled the sword out, Nyla letting out a groan and falling to her knees. Alisha bent down to catch her, looking up just as the man raised his sword to strike her.


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