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Outremer III

Page 56

by D. N. Carter

  Paul paused for a moment as he tried to recall the actual words.

  “In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God,” he called, out pleased with himself for remembering.

  “Good…good man. By themselves, these facts are compelling but when you also start exploring sounds in the context of mathematics and linguistics… it becomes crystal clear why they can have such a profound effect upon a person. Sounds, even if you don’t know their meanings, will resonate in different parts of your mind and nervous system, and create specific outcomes in your behaviour or performance.”

  Paul thought back to the sound of Thomas and his men when they had sung their powerfully emotional song when Ailia was born. It had felt as if the sounds were passing through him and it had touched him deeply, almost profoundly even.

  “Why though?” he asked.

  “Because you react to them on a vibrational and physical level. This is why you can hear a song in a foreign language, and still feel your soul moved by it. Even the Greek philosopher Pythagoras used the sounds of vibrating string music to heal people’s bodies and emotions. He termed it the ‘music of the spheres’. If you place sand, salt or sugar…or any fine powder upon a flat shield or drum, you can make certain sounds and the powder or grain will naturally form geometric shapes. The same sound will always make the same pattern. It even works in liquid…and these symbols are another aspect Percival will learn. Your Templar friends, and that includes your father, know of many of them already.”

  “But for what purpose?”

  “Sound can be used to heal…as well as kill as I have said…but more importantly, sound is the force that all creation hangs upon and is held together by. Understand the secrets of sound and you will unlock the secrets of this physical world we presently exist in. Including how to levitate,” Kratos explained and winked at him with a large smile. “So imagine if sound can affect the physical world…just imagine what it can do to your mind…your consciousness.”

  “My father, Tenno, Theo and Attar all tell me that our consciousness as a human being has multiple levels. Is this so?”

  “Yes…there is surface thought, where your mind is active and engaged on a daily basis. But there are also deeper, quieter levels of thought, all the way down to the deepest, purest level of feeling…where thoughts fade, and only your consciousness remains…and where you can gain access to your higher self. The majority of people presently just live most of their lives on the level of surface thoughts and physical impulses. But your life’s greatest work, your highest realisations and your deepest sense of fulfilment will only come when you’re trained to dive deeper, on a subconscious level…into the ocean of your own stillness. Sounds are a gateway to this ocean! And once you start swimming in it there is no limit to that which you can achieve. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it,” Kratos explained and paused for a short while. “And you have already stepped into this ocean have you not?”

  “I believe so,” Paul said quietly as the word Nautonier echoed through his mind.

  “And simply ask yourself this…if, as everyone seems to get so upset about it, Jesus died on the cross and that was the end of his line…did all of his brothers, sisters and other family members also die at the same time? More people should consider this simple question. Jesus was an initiate and adept of all the ancient Sanskrit teachings and practices.”

  “I have…believe me. My father explained this to me many times and how descendants became the Desposyni from Edessa.”

  “Ah Edessa. I shall have cause to take Percival there via Urfa…for there is a man made monument identical in size and shape to that of the mound in Silbury in Britain…for they were constructed by the same people.”

  “I have lost count of the many sacred places Theodoric has informed me about. Just yesterday he showed me on the map where a great buried crescent of stone lays hidden in Outremer…plus something about Mercury being hidden in great streams beneath pyramids. Though I must confess I was too tired to really take in what he was explaining.”

  “Then you must make more effort to pay attention. Theo is to your father what Percival is like to you…and both know more than you credit them with,” Kratos remarked in a chastising tone. Paul frowned at his sudden change. “Oh do not be offended. You know I speak the truth…but listen to them when they speak to you. Promise me that much…now as we stand beneath the firmament.”

  Paul looked up in time to see a bright shooting star streak across the night sky as if to reinforce what Kratos had just asked. Paul looked at Kratos in the darkness now most of the nearby lights had been put out for the night. Kratos gently banged his staff down and immediately the round ball at the top started to let off a brighter glow of bluish green light that illuminated the floor around them. He smiled broadly.

  “I swear it of course,” Paul replied and bowed his head slightly. Images of his dreams flashed across his vision showing the pyramid at Abu Rawash exploding. “Before we return home, can you confirm that the pyramid, what is left of it, that I entered with Percival was actually destroyed in a great explosion…and was this at the same time of the events you have just mentioned in India?”

  “I can confirm that yes it was destroyed in a great pulse of uncapped and unregulated power…on purpose. But it was a long time before the events that took place in India happened. The evidence is there and obvious to see, including the damage to the inside of the Great Pyramid itself, which was likewise almost very nearly destroyed. The sarcophagus, though as I am sure now it was never that, and has exactly the same dimensions as the many Arks of the Covenant, was once a rose colour pink of Aswan Granite, not the burnt dark brown it now is. And know this, the upper wall of the Grand Gallery, near the entrance into the so-called King’s Chamber, is made of granite, not limestone, and shows deep dark stains caused by being exposed to tremendous heat. Many will ponder and be puzzled what the rectangular holes or sockets that are evenly spaced throughout the entire distance of the ramps in the passages were for…” Kratos laughed to himself. “They were not for statues as some claim for none were ever placed in the Great Pyramid. I can tell you they were for small devices that resonated sound vibrations to amplify the energy produced within the pyramid. Alas they exploded and if you check you will still see the scorch marks on the ceiling of the Grand Gallery directly above the corresponding slots on the side ramps.”

  “What caused such an explosion then?” Paul asked, looking puzzled.

  “’Twas the twin dark sun that came too close during its last passing… and, as explained, it was done so deliberately for it was left running instead of being shut down…but fortunately most of the damage was limited to the pyramid at Abu Rawash…which you saw for yourself.”

  Paul’s mind flashed back to the image of the dark sun mural painted upon the wall of the Templars’ headquarters in Jerusalem. So much was connected and identical but how could he ever put all the information together and pass it all on? he wondered. As he pondered this question, Kratos stood silently with him for some time until Paul began to shiver from the cold night air.

  Paul entered the dining room first and held the door open for Kratos to enter. Alisha, Sister Lucy and Arri were sat at the main table and looked up as Percival and Ishmael followed them in. Several lanthorns lit the room with a welcoming warm glow.

  “You are still up late,” Paul said as he approached Arri sat on Alisha’s lap and rubbed his hand through Arri’s hair and gently kissed Alisha.

  “He is a little sad that Abi and Percival must leave…so I said he could stay up late to say goodbye,” Alisha explained.

  “Where is Abi?” Percival asked.

  “She is doing some training with Theodoric, Thomas and Luke…you know what she is like,” Sister Lucy explained.

  “Then there will be wine involved I am sure,” Kratos joked.

  Arri looked up at the tall size of Kratos and half hid his face behind Clip clop.

  “Mama, why do people hav
e to go away?” he asked quietly.

  “Because people have different places to go to and different people to meet, but you will see them again,” Alisha explained softly, sensing how sad Arri was.

  “But I won’t see Nyla again will I because she can’t come back,” Arri remarked. All looked at Percival as he moved to sit beside Alisha and Arri. He leaned forward and smiled at him. “Why did Nyla have to die…why did God take her?” he asked awkwardly.

  “’Tis simple,” Percival replied and took Arri’s little hand in his. “Ask yourself this…when you enter a garden in full bloom, what flowers do you pick?”

  Arri looked at Alisha, puzzled for a moment, then held Clip clop closer as he rested his head against Alisha.

  “The brightest and the most loveliest,” Arri finally replied.

  “Exactly. ’Tis the same with God….he only picks the brightest and loveliest… and I will see her again of that I have no doubt,” Percival replied assuredly and winked at Arri.

  Sister Lucy held her hand to her chest and sighed just as Theodoric half burst into the room through the rear door carrying two full jars of wine. He paused as everyone turned to look at him. Sister Lucy shook her head disapprovingly and immediately took the jars from him.

  Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191

  “Oh that breaks my heart,” Sarah exclaimed emotionally and shook her head, blinking, trying hard not to shed a tear.

  2 - 11

  “’Twas a sad time and Percival yet again demonstrated the kind and insightful nature of his character,” the old man remarked.

  “I never knew that stuff about India and how far back its history went,” Gabirol said whilst still finishing off writing a sentence.

  “I want to know what work Paul decided upon for his shield shows much use,” Simon interrupted and lifted the shield up and held it studying all the marks and arrow head puncture holes.

  “Husam left the same morning as Kratos, Abi and Percival, along with Conrad, leaving Paul pretty much alone to work upon his ship designs at his own leisure as Husam had agreed. They parted and each wished each other ‘enough’ as had become their standard words for farewells,” the old man started to explain before he was interrupted by Simon.

  “But things must have happened differently for this to have been used.”

  “May not have been Paul who used it?” the Hospitaller remarked.

  “Oh it was Paul…and used for good reason,” the old man replied.

  “Which you will tell us about later yes?” Simon said in a sarcastic tone.

  “Hey, lift that shield up,” Sarah told Simon. Puzzled, he lifted the shield above his head with both arms. Sarah slapped his side hard. “Less of the sarcasm!” she said and frowned at him hard.

  The Templar laughed out loud, the first time anyone had seen him laugh so openly. The Hospitaller started to laugh as Simon looked on bemused, placed the shield back upon the table and rubbed his side, looking indignant.

  “Lucky it was not a punch,” Stephan joked.

  “Well…there is so much we are still to be told later and it is late,” Simon protested.

  “I agree with you, Simon,” the old man said and sat up. “So I shall continue as quickly as I am able.”

  “We shall stay up all night if needs be to hear the end of this tale and all of the morrow if necessary,” the wealthy tailor interjected loudly, then went red in the face as everyone looked at him in surprise.

  “Then let me explain that after Kratos, Abi and Percival departed, as guests upon Husam’s command ship no less, Alisha and Paul settled down into a rather sedate and more relaxed lifestyle…with Thomas and his men ever vigilant and ever present of course who all decided to grow their hair long once more, just as they had done many years ago remembering and respecting old traditions they had long since discarded…but now took on with a new sense of purpose and vigour.”

  “Old traditions?” Gabirol stated questioningly.

  “Yes, ones they had originally practised but over the years had let slip. Traditions from their homelands…so despite the heat, their long hair was certainly striking to see, especially as most of them had blonde hair, an inheritance of their Norse heritage. They certainly looked a formidable sight and mainly being of a tall stature, they became a different group of men to behold. The only one to stand out was Ishmael, who readily and proudly accepted to stand in for Percival’s stead,” the old man explained and wiped his mouth as he thought upon something. After a lengthy pause, interrupted as usual by a deliberate cough from Simon, he continued. “1184 would prove to be perhaps the most peaceful and quietest year for all of them… though the same could not be said for the rest in the Holy Land.”

  “Why what happened?” the farrier asked.

  “Well Saladin attempted another siege of Kerak to get Reynald, but King Baldwin repelled that attack as well, and so Saladin raided Nablus and other towns on his way home instead. Ailia grew strong and healthy and was a quiet baby even when she was teething or became unwell. She was without doubt a father’s girl. And Arri…he made himself a wooden shield and sword and protected her every day when he wasn’t being schooled by either Sister Lucy or Theodoric. In October 1184, Guy of Lusignan led an attack on the Bedouin nomads from his base in Ascalon but unlike Reynald’s attacks on caravans, which may have had some military purpose, Guy attacked a group that was usually loyal to Jerusalem and provided intelligence about the movements of Saladin’s troops.”

  “Yes, we know of that raid. Bloody fool!” the Templar interrupted.

  “Foolish indeed,” the old man remarked and nodded in agreement before continuing. “At the same time, King Baldwin contracted his final illness and Raymond of Tripoli, rather than Guy, was appointed as his regent. His nephew the younger Baldwin was paraded in public, wearing his crown as Baldwin the Fifth. As I am sure most of you know, sadly King Baldwin the Fourth finally succumbed to his leprosy the following year in May 1185. The succession crisis looming prior to his death prompted a mission to the West to seek assistance and in 1184 the new Patriarch Heraclius travelled throughout the courts of Europe…but no help was forthcoming. Heraclius even offered the ‘keys of the Holy Sepulchre, those of the Tower of David and the banner of the Kingdom of Jerusalem’, but not the crown itself, to both Philip the Second of France and Henry the Second of England, the latter, as a grandson of Fulk, being the first cousin of the royal family of Jerusalem, and who had promised to go on a crusade after the murder of Thomas Becket as I explained earlier in this tale. But, both kings preferred to remain at home to defend their own territories, rather than act as regent for a child in Jerusalem. The few European knights who did travel to Jerusalem did not even see any combat, since the truce with Saladin had been re-established. William the Fifth of Montferrat was one of the few who came to his grandson Baldwin the Fifth’s aid. However, Baldwin the Fifth’s rule, with Raymond of Tripoli as regent and his great-uncle Joscelin of Edessa as his guardian, was short. He was a sickly child and died in the summer of 1186. Raymond and his supporters went to Nablus, in an attempt to prevent Sibylla from claiming the throne, but Sibylla and her supporters went to Jerusalem, where it was decided that the kingdom should pass to her, on the condition that her marriage to Guy be annulled.”[107]

  “By the lords we know full well what happened then for we were both present,” the Hospitaller interjected and nudged his brother.

  “Yes, she agreed to the court’s terms, but only if she could choose her own husband and king,” the old man explained.

  “So who did she choose?” Ayleth asked.

  “Immediately after being crowned, she then crowned Guy with her own hands. Raymond had refused to attend the coronation, and in Nablus he suggested that Isabella and Humphrey should be crowned instead, but Humphrey refused to agree to this plan, which would have certainly started a civil war. Humphrey went straight to Jerusalem and swore allegiance to Guy and Sibylla, as did most of Raymond’s other supporters. Raymond himself refu
sed to do so and left for Tripoli… Baldwin of Ibelin also refused, gave up his fiefs, and left for Antioch.”

  “I never realised or knew how such matters were decided,” Peter remarked, shaking his head, surprised.

  “As I believe I have mentioned already, it was in 1184 that Gerard finally got his dream and realised his ambition for he became the Templars’ overall Grand Master after Arnold de Tarroja died. But Reynald himself also suffered an emotional blow that year for his own daughter Agnes died that same year. It did hurt him deeply.”

  “That was Agnes, his daughter from his first marriage to Constance, Sovereign Princess of Antioch…and not a daughter of Princess Stephanie?” Gabirol asked, the old man immediately nodding yes.

  “Arnold was already elderly when he took office as the ninth Grand Master though so it came as no surprise when he died,” the Templar commented.

  “How did he die then?” Simon asked.

  “Whilst taking advantage of a two-year truce agreed between Baldwin the Fourth and Saladin, he had set out to tour the courts of Europe to appeal for support for the Holy Land. Having been dispatched by a council in Jerusalem along with Heraclius, and Roger des Moulins, they hoped to secure the support of Henry the Second of England, but Arnold fell sick, and died before he could get any further than Verona. There was some rumour that foul play had been involved to hurry Gerard’s appointment but I am afraid that we shall never know for certain. His companions carried on without him. That year Gerard allied himself, bringing along the power of the Templar Order with him, to Sibylla and Guy of Lusignan against Count Raymond, and his influence contributed to the recognition of Guy as king of Jerusalem, although Raymond and the Ibelins were attempting to advance the claim of his stepson Humphrey’s wife, Princess Isabella. Humphrey remained loyal to his stepfather and Guy.”


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