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Outremer III

Page 77

by D. N. Carter

  “You may have a problem with that. Ships are scarce right now. I thought you would have stayed to find and seek vengeance upon whoever ordered Turansha to kidnap your children?” Reynald asked.

  “Who said anything about another ordering Turansha to do the deed?” Paul asked instantly.

  “We have our ways and means of knowing such matters. Nothing escapes my attention,” Reynald replied. “And by way of thanking you for what you did for us…the little boating incident…I would offer you the services of those who could help you establish exactly who orchestrated and ordered Turansha to do as he did.”

  “’Tis a great offer, but one I cannot accept. I seek no vengeance for it will not bring my son back. The Lord will see fit to deal accordingly with the person…or persons…who orchestrated such,” Paul replied as Theodoric approached.

  “Ah…the only man still alive who can out drink me,” Reynald laughed out loud as Theodoric came and stood close to him.

  “And still can, My Lord,” Theodoric replied and smiled. He saw Princess Stephanie looking anxiously at Paul and the small scroll he was holding. “My Lords…you must forgive me for I have urgent business to resolve before nightfall…but I am happy to challenge you to a drink later,” he said and took the scroll from Paul. “I only came for my note of credit. You charge far too much for your lodgings here,” he joked and waved the scroll.

  “Later it shall be then…after I have rested and acquainted myself with my wife,” Reynald smiled and looked at Princess Stephanie. She smiled but all could see it was an embarrassed and pained smile. Abi raised her eyebrows disapprovingly, which made Reynald look at her hard. “And I see you grace us with your presence.”

  “Only here to help…Lord,” she replied, her tone laced with sarcasm as she drew out her last word.

  “Come, it has been long hard day,” Gerard said and began to usher Reynald away. “We shall feast this eve after last vespers and after I have inspected what men I still have here.”

  “Hey you…perhaps you would like to meet some other manly females,” Reynald said to Abi as he put his arm around Princess Stephanie and nodded toward a contingent of female knights pulling into the courtyard.

  Tenno gave Reynald a cold hard look as he practically pulled Princess Stephanie toward the main keep entrance doorway. Abi shook her head then looked across at the female knights. They too were stained with blood, and it was fresh blood. Abi sighed knowing that whatever killing had taken place that day, more would surely come. Nicholas walked over to Paul.

  “I fear now he is back, our days here will be numbered,” he said and watched Reynald enter the doorway slapping Princess Stephanie’s backside as she stepped in ahead of him.

  “Aye…more reason we leave sooner rather than later,” Paul replied, concerned for her. He looked at Theodoric as he raised the small scroll.

  “Right…let’s see the shit state of what rabble I have remaining here!” Gerard called out and clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Ah… as your brother is now returned, do we get our Gonfanier back?” he asked aloud looking at Stewart then to Paul. “Unless he is now one of your so-called men?”

  “The choice is his for I am neither his keeper, nor his master…as are none of the men I stand with,” Paul replied and looked at Gerard.

  “Well he better make his mind up fast for the King of Jerusalem summons all of us…and I think you will find that includes you too,” Gerard stated, took off his riding gloves, smiled and walked toward the Templar guard room.

  Paul walked along the upper corridor quickly but as quietly as he could toward his own room where Alisha and Ailia were packing away what little they still had. Two guards stood outside Reynald’s room and automatically stood too as Paul walked past them. He nodded in acknowledgment, one of the guards trying not to smile as sounds of grunting came from behind the door. Paul stopped and momentarily considered knocking on the door, but that would only add to Princess Stephanie’s embarrassment he immediately realised. Maybe if he spoke loudly Reynald would hear him and stop his actions being so loud.

  “Gentlemen, I did not realise a guard was now in order,” Paul said loudly.

  “’Tis now, sir…by order of Master Gerard. Reynald has been warned of assassins,” the guard to his left replied.

  All went quiet inside the room for a moment, Paul looking at the guards as they all listened. Princess Stephanie let out a slight yelp followed by a moan. She whispered something but Reynald laughed out loud. Repeated banging of the bed posts against the wall started to echo out, Princess Stephanie groaning every time, more in pain it sounded than pleasure. The two guards looked at Paul, one shrugging his shoulders. The rhythm of the banging increased, Princess Stephanie letting out a deep moan as if biting her own lip every time trying to remain quite. Paul felt embarrassed for her. He wanted to shout out what animal uses a woman as a piece of meat, but again, he knew it would embarrass her more later. He shook his head disapprovingly as Reynald let out a loud sigh of relief and laughed, the banging stopping.

  “That, my woman, was most needed…we shall require more later!” Reynald said loudly, knowing full well people were just outside the door.

  Alisha opened the door of her chamber and looked across at Paul opposite. Puzzled, she frowned. She was just about to speak when Paul put his finger to his lips indicating she should not. Quickly he walked over to her and ushered her back inside, closing the door behind him. Ailia looked up from the desk she was sitting at and smiled.

  “Ali, we must leave in the morning…even if it means we have to travel back via Alexandria. We cannot remain here a day longer,” Paul said and clasped her hands in his.

  “Is that Reynald I hear?” she asked, looking toward the closed door.

  “’Tis indeed…and already he gratifies himself with Stephanie like she is some possession,” he answered.

  “Am I not yours?”

  “No…you are no mere possession,” Paul replied and looked into her eyes as she looked deeply into his. “I was told by Kratos that we just need listen to our own heart for that is the best teacher. Mine is telling me we must leave now, but we are too late to leave this day. But we shall leave on the morrow, whatever the weather,” Paul explained.

  “You are scaring me Paul. What do you know? Is it Reynald…does he mean us harm?” Alisha whispered so Ailia could not hear.

  “No…’tis just a very unsettling knowing,” Paul replied and looked at her closely. If Ailia was not in the room, he would have kissed her and made to love her right there and then, he thought to himself, if she would have him again, the beauty in her face and eyes calling to the deepest depths of his soul. But he knew he could not, not yet anyway. Every time he looked at her, it felt like he was seeing her again for the first time as he tried to burn her very features into his mind so he would never forget her. He pulled her close, the touch of her as he placed his hand in the middle of her back sending a surge of emotion throughout his body. With his other hand, he held her chin, then kissed her gently, when their lips touched, both became momentarily lost in each other’s embrace…until Ailia ran into them throwing her arms around their legs.

  “Family hug,” she laughed as Alisha and Paul looked down at her.

  The room was dark, despite the heavy curtains remaining open as Paul preferred. Ailia slept soundly in the small adjoining room, the door left open, Alisha still awake resting her head upon Paul’s chest. In the distance they could hear laughter and the dropping of tableware and tankards as Reynald celebrated his return late into the early hours of the morning. Paul wondered how Princess Stephanie must be feeling.

  “I wish to have you so much,” Alisha whispered and tucked herself up closer to Paul.

  “And I you…but you know what would happen should you fall with child. People will forever doubt who the father is,” Paul replied and ran his hand through her hair as she kissed his exposed chest through the unfastened upper section of his nightshirt. She sighed sadly. “Believe me I wish and I
want to…”

  “But any baby would arrive well after the date Nicholas and I…,” Alisha stopped herself instantly.

  “And what if it arrived early…people who know will always be suspicious,” Paul simply replied and pulled her up closer to him. He could sense the regret she still felt and it pained him to know she was hurting still. He kissed the side of her face. “We can never undo what has been, but we can make a new plate remember,” he said softly, trying to reassure her.

  “Do you think of Arri?” she asked softly.

  “Every waking moment of the day and night…always,” Paul replied and kissed the side of her face gently. “Always.”

  Both listened as they heard Reynald laughing loudly, clearly having drunk too much, being helped along the corridor outside their room. Princess Stephanie was whispering something and Theodoric laughed as he tried to open Reynald’s chamber door.

  “Hopefully he will be too drunk to use Stephanie,” Alisha whispered, raised herself up and kissed Paul softly upon the lips. The sensation and feel of her lying upon him aroused him and the urge to make love was becoming more intense. “Do you remember the first time we ever made love?”

  “Of course…I shall never forget it.”

  Paul’s mind instantly returned to Niccolas’s old caravan. How intense the emotions were and the anticipation of finally joining with her as one he recalled and smiled. It seemed so very long ago. But if all went to plan, they would again be back in La Rochelle. A loud bang echoed out in the corridor as something large and heavy was dropped in Reynald’s room drawing his attention back. Alisha raised her head to listen, then settled back down upon Paul after a few short minutes. They both heard Theodoric speak quietly to the two guards outside and then his footsteps as he walked away.

  “If we made love now, would you doubt the child was yours?” Alisha asked softly and pushed herself against him.

  “No…never for I know you did not finish the act fully,” Paul replied and put both his arms around her despite the heart skipping jolt of pain that surged through him. It still hurt physically to think of her with Nicholas, but he quickly pushed the thought from his mind refusing to let the feeling overwhelm him.

  “I am blessed I have you and your understanding, and that you can speak of this openly.”

  “Ali, I have loved you always, even before this life it would seem, and I shall continue to love you beyond this one. It is I who am blessed that I have your truest and deepest love…and I will always, always find a way back to you. Never doubt that.”

  Alisha wrapped her arms around him tighter and rested her head upon his chest, the sound of his heart beating rhythmically sounding in her ear. She felt a closeness to him she had never experienced before and felt as if she was actually part of him as she lay there in silence, with no pretence, hidden secrets and a complete knowing of each other; she eventually fell asleep in his arms.

  “Paul,” a woman’s voice whispered, startling him. He blinked and opened his eyes. The room was still dark and silent. Alisha lay asleep to his side and gently he moved away and sat up looking around to see where the voice had come from. Out of the corner of his eye he caught movement pass the upper section of his chamber window. Birds would not be out this time of the morning, he thought. He stood up slowly and moved to the window and peered down into the secure inner keep yard. A light flickered from the rear window of the Templars’ guard room. He must have been dreaming or imagined something, he told himself. They were four floors up so no one would be outside. He walked back toward his bed when the realisation hit him that it could be Turansha’s men again…coming for Ailia. Instantly, he grabbed his sword hung beside his bed, unsheathed it and ran toward her chamber and flung the door back. Alisha sat up, alarmed, now fully awake as fear coursed through her veins seeing Paul, sword drawn, rush into Ailia’s room. Her bed looked empty. An explosion of emotion shot through his head as he threw Ailia’s blankets back. She was still there, curled up on her side asleep. Wearily she opened her eyes and looked up at Paul as Alisha came running in.

  “Papa…Mama…what is wrong?” she asked, tired and confused, and pulled her small white comfort blanket she always slept with.

  Alisha rushed over to her and wrapped the other blankets around her again, the night air cold. She looked up at Paul, waiting for his reply.

  “Nothing…honestly. ’Twas just a bad dream I was having that is all,” Paul replied reassuringly but looked around and back into his chamber sensing something was not right.

  Alisha picked Ailia up and carried her into their chamber and sat her down upon the bed and cuddled her as Paul checked the room and looked out of the window again.

  “Where are you going?” Alisha asked as Paul headed for the door.

  “I will be right back,” he replied and started to unbolt the door as Alisha grabbed her dagger from the side drawer nearest to her. Ailia looked scared seeing the dagger.

  Paul’s mind raced. Having now learnt that Reynald feared assassins, is that why he had switched chambers? Now if any came for him in the night, they would be coming straight for Alisha and Paul thinking they were Reynald and Princess Stephanie. But likewise if they were coming for Alisha and Ailia, they would go to where Reynald now lay. He looked back at Alisha quickly then opened the door. As the door opened wider, he immediately saw one of the guards on the floor holding his throat as blood spurted everywhere. He gurgled as his legs shook. The second guard was being held against the wall alcove by someone hiding within it, but his black clad hand was showing holding a knife beneath the guard’s chin. His eyes darted to look at Paul just as the blade was pushed upwards and into the guard’s throat, his eyes widening in terror, blood instantly pouring down his surcoat in a black oily looking manner in the darkness, the light from the two flaming torches shimmering on the blood. Paul instantly raised his sword as the guard was pushed forward onto his knees. The guard, holding his throat, looked up at Paul. The figure in the alcove stepped into view and kicked the guard forward to the floor then instantly threw razor sharp metal stars at Paul. Instinctively Paul raised his sword deflecting the first star with a loud metallic clang, the second star embedding into Paul’s left shoulder. Without even realising the star had struck his shoulder, Paul jumped forward to engage the black clad figure, who instantly pulled a blackened straight bladed sword from behind his back. All Paul could see was the man’s eyes in stark contrast to the black face veil and cover he was wearing. The man suddenly swung his sword down hard against Paul, Paul only just managing to deflect the blow. Instantly the man dived forward past Paul and jumped up again ready to take another thrust at him when Alisha let out a yell seeing the man in the doorway. The man looked at her. Paul thrust his sword down upon the assailant’s blade cutting it in half. Stunned the man stood still momentarily but then pulled a curved dagger from his waist belt. Alisha covered Ailia’s eyes as Paul tried to step closer to the doorway to put himself between the man and his family.

  “STAND TO!” Paul shouted as loud as he could.

  The black clad man jumped at Paul and as he landed upon him, Paul deliberately fell backwards, put his feet up into the man’s stomach and, as they hit the floor, he threw him over, then immediately rolled over just as the other man rolled over likewise, jumped to his feet and again lunged at Paul. In one swoop, Paul swung his sword sideways with all his might catching the man across his thigh, his sword slicing into him, through his pelvis bone and only stopped when his blade reached past his navel. The man said nothing, not even a moan, his eyes fixed upon Paul’s as he fought to remain standing. The man spun his dagger in his right hand ready to stab it down into Paul, who backed away slightly, his sword still in the man. As the man raised the dagger again whilst using his left hand to pull on Paul’s sword, drawing him closer, Paul stepped backwards withdrawing the sword with both hands, cutting the fingers of the man just as a large gout of blood followed the blade out covering both of them. Paul swung his sword behind him, then up and over his shoulders
and with both hands brought the sword down upon the man’s right shoulder cleaving him almost in two to his waist. As the man’s eyes rolled, he dropped the dagger, his right side falling to the side in a grotesque manner, his left lung sliced through and his intestines falling out. Paul withdrew his sword and the man collapsed to the stone floor dead. Alisha gasped in horror at the sight of what she had just witnessed.

  “PAUL!” Princess Stephanie screamed from inside her chamber.

  The alarm bell started to ring out, someone having heard Paul’s shout. He tried to open the door into Reynald’s room but it was bolted. He rushed back across the corridor stepping over the dead guard and man in black. Slipping on the blood, he steadied himself and rushed at the door. Not realising he had a metal star stuck in his shoulder, as he barged into the door, it pushed the star deeper into him, but the door gave way and Paul fell through it into the room.

  Instantly he looked up to see Princess Stephanie stood beside the bed naked trying to hit another black clad man who was holding Reynald down, a knife to his throat, Reynald desperately trying to pry the man off. But in his half drunken state he was no match for the trained assassin now sat upon him. As Paul jumped to his feet and rushed to the end of the four poster bed, he went to swing his sword at the man. Just at that moment, the man turned and looked at Paul. It was all the time the man needed to duck and avoid Paul’s sword as it swung just inches above his head. Before Paul had time to pull his sword up, the man jumped up and over the end of the bedstead and then over Paul completely. Paul flung himself around alarmed he would run into Alisha and Ailia so without hesitation he ran out after him into the corridor. But he was gone. Confused, Paul looked up and down the corridor but he could not see where he had gone. He could see Alisha holding Ailia tightly both sat on their bed. Alisha shook her head no one had entered. The alcove, he thought, and quickly thrust his sword into the darkness but it was empty. Tenno came running into view closely followed by Percival and several of Reynald’s men, swords all drawn.


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