Outremer III

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Outremer III Page 86

by D. N. Carter

  “What does that mean?” Ayleth quizzed.

  “It refers to those same nine original founding Knights Templar buried there… but who must be moved,” the old man explained and looked at the Templar and Hospitaller.

  “So Paul’s idea was identical to Master Douglas’s?” the Templar asked.

  “Indeed…and they would have cause to discuss much on the means and ways how to achieve this matter as well as start the process to form a Muslim contingent of Templars.”

  “That surely will never happen?” the Templar shot back instantly.

  “Never say never for it will surely come to pass…,” the old man replied and paused for a moment. “For the new Order Paul and Master Douglas spoke of would be open to all men and women with the only condition being that they believed in the eternal nature of our soul and a higher divinity whether they were from Hindu, Jewish, Christian or Muslim backgrounds…it matters not.”

  “To discuss all this and organise, it must have taken more than just one meeting surely. And did Paul really set aside his Templar commission?” the Hospitaller asked.

  “Yes he set aside his Templar commission but kept the mantle as advised. Master Roger offered him a position within his Order to train as a physician under his direct tutelage but he declined for it would have meant staying in Jerusalem. And yes Paul and Master Douglas spent many more hours in each other’s company for Alisha and Paul had no option but to stay longer than they wished or planned for.”

  “Why?” Simon asked bluntly.

  “Because there were far too many roaming forces of Saladin’s army and King Guy’s insistence that all knights and men at arms muster in Jerusalem. Even Queen Tamar, who was due to travel to the city, was barred from travelling and had to wait in Antioch. She had promised her people she would visit Jerusalem and return with holy relics claimed by the peoples of Georgia. What forces King Guy did have spare were dedicated to keeping the main land bridge of supplies open from Acre to Jerusalem for without it the city would soon run out of supplies. Saladin knew this fact only too well.”

  “So what did they do?” Ayleth asked.

  “Paul spent as much time as he dared learning from Master Roger but also teaching Alisha and Ailia all about Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock and other matters. Whatever illness Paul originally had when he arrived in Jerusalem did not seem to affect him. Perhaps it was the infusion Attar had made him but the fever despite lasting a couple of weeks eventually passed…or at least appeared to. He even managed to get in some drawing. Even Princess Stephanie sat for him,” the old man answered.

  “Do you have that drawing too?” the wealthy tailor asked.

  The old man nodded toward the large leather folder.

  “You will find it in there. ’Tis numbered I believe as sheet 9,” the old man smiled.

  Quickly Gabirol opened the folder and leafed through several vellum and parchment sheets until he saw one with a tiny number 9 in the corner. He removed it slowly and laid it out flat for all to see.

  Fig. 67: Princess Stephanie.

  “My Lord,” the farrier said as he studied the picture of her. “I think I must surely have to travel to Outremer for these women are beyond beautiful.”

  “Hmmm. She looks a little hard to me,” Sarah remarked. Stephan laughed at her comment.

  “I think you would look hard too if you had to deal with the likes of Reynald as a husband,” Ayleth joked. “I would say she looks confident and assured…not hard.”

  “Perhaps,” Sarah shrugged and sat down.

  “I can see why Paul would be tempted,” the Hospitaller remarked and pulled the drawing around so he could see. “We only ever saw her fleetingly and at a distance usually on the very few occasions we saw her.”

  “So this is her?” Simon asked.

  “Without a doubt,” the Hospitaller answered. “Notice the head band she wears. ’Twas one of her known recognisable items of jewellery, of Druid origin so rumour had it.”

  “Celtic design,” the old man confirmed and smiled. “’Twas given to her by Philip himself many years previous.”

  “Hey you, I want one,” Sarah remarked and nudged Stephan in the side.

  “I wish to know if and when they ever left the city?” Peter interrupted.

  “Well let me explain. Brother Teric moved Alisha and Paul to other, more homely, premises a short distance from the Templar quarters. Abi, Theodoric, Sister Lucy, Tenno, Percival and Ishmael went with them whilst Thomas and his men remained within the Order’s enclave. It was decided the best time to travel to Tortosa would be when Queen Tamar could meet them half way…but also give Taqi enough time for his eyes to hopefully heal.”

  “Hey, they must have made it back as that lanthorn is lit every night as Alisha said would be done upon their return,” Simon interjected loudly and smiled broadly.

  City of Jerusalem, Kingdom of Jerusalem, January 1187

  Paul walked with Brother Teric across the main courtyard toward the stables where Thomas and his men were cleaning their equipment in the shade beneath a wooden lean to. The sun was already fierce despite the early hour.

  “Princess Stephanie requests your attendance to go for a ride but I have advised strongly against doing any such thing for now. She grows bored and restless and seeks stimulation,” Brother Teric said as they approached Thomas, who was stood sharpening his sword. “I would sorely love to stimulate her,” he muttered quietly then looked at Paul alarmed. “I…I just said that out loud didn’t I?”

  “You did,” Paul laughed. “Fear not I shall not repeat it.”

  “Forgive my crass vulgarity…alas she has that effect upon me.”

  “I have noticed.”

  “Have you?” Brother Teric asked and stopped and held Paul’s arm to stop him. “Is it that obvious?”

  “To me it is. I see the way you have always looked at her.”

  “Oh my Lord…I pray she does not see it.”

  “Perhaps it would be a good thing if she did. She may look at you the same way.”

  “I am neither blind nor stupid. ’Tis too much to hope for…besides, I have seen the way she looks at you, often times.” Paul looked away briefly knowing what he said was true. “Worry yourself not, my friend, for I see much and say nothing. I am just glad to be near her and to service her…I mean serve her, oh Lord. I shall cease my tongue now,” he laughed.

  “Look up,” Paul exclaimed and nodded toward the main entrance of the headquarters as King Guy rode in followed by a column of his own knights, their bright banners, horse coats and mantles a brilliant explosion of colour against the white and sand walls enclosing them.

  “I had hoped we had missed him…he will be taking Princess Stephanie out this day. I note he still makes his knights fit horse blankets…in this heat. Does the man never learn?” Brother Teric asked shaking his head dismissively.

  Just as King Guy pulled up, Master Douglas walked across his path heading toward Paul and Brother Teric. He was eating a piece of unleavened bread. King Guy steadied his horse and looked down at him, bemused, and outstretched his hand as if to demand an explanation. Master Douglas stopped, looked up at the king, squinted as he was silhouetted but then just raised his hand up, bit another piece of bread and continued to walk toward Paul and Master Teric, who chuckled to himself.

  “Master Douglas is certainly a law unto himself is he not?” Paul commented and smiled seeing the look of disapproval upon King Guy’s face.

  “That is true. You know that man followed your father literally to the ends of the earth for many years.”

  “Yes I do…yet my father never told me anything about him. In fact many people,” Paul sighed.

  “I am sure he had his reasons. You can ask him when next you see him once we have gotten you home,” Brother Teric stated then nudged Paul. “Any chance you could run me off a similar image of that drawing you did of Stephanie?”

  Paul looked at him and smiled. He nodded yes just as Master Douglas stopped in front of them still

  “Hello, boys,” he said smiling broadly. “I see the Peacock is back.”

  As soon as Master Douglas said Peacock, Paul’s mind returned to the time when Tara was killed when he first journeyed to Outremer, the same day he first met King Guy. He laughed to himself as he recalled Theodoric’s words on what you call a peacock with no feathers. Just a cock!

  “The king has come to inspect how many knights he has at his disposal. He plans for war, my friends,” Brother Teric explained as Master Douglas just stared back at the king, a look of utter contempt upon his face.

  “Indecisive, weak and easily influenced I am afraid. The sooner we get you on your way the better,” Master Douglas said and faced Paul. “So come with me. We have some serious planning to do whilst our great king there takes the princess on a jolly. If your friend Taqi is fit enough to travel soon, then we need have him returned to his master before the real shit starts to land upon our heads. It may mean sending him one way with his own escort whilst we head a different way for we cannot risk going via Al Rashid’s fortress route.”

  “If we can join with Count Raymond, he would give us secure passage to Tortosa for he still has a treaty in place with Saladin…we could travel unmolested surely?” Paul asked.

  “’Tis why King Guy is holding most of his knights and men here, lest any be tempted to join with Raymond. If things get any worse between them, there will be war between them let alone with Saladin,” Brother Teric explained as Princess Stephanie walked into view, her head covered in a white veil tied back with her favourite head band set in place with her golden hair plaited to the sides. She saw Paul and smiled at him. “Just nod back, do not wave.” Paul looked at Brother Teric, surprised. “Trust me, Paul, for I know of orders from Reynald requesting the king seeks evidence to use as just reason to divorce her whilst seeking the favour of the barons here. Your name was mentioned as being the reason of her waning affections for Reynald.”

  “What?…but I am not going to do anything,” Paul protested.

  “It matters not,” Master Douglas stated. “You are just convenient to have her removed, stripped of her titles and divorced with all her wealth going to Reynald.”

  “The scheming bastard,” Paul muttered through gritted teeth as Princess Stephanie walked around toward a horse being readied for her. She looked over at him surprised he did not acknowledge her. “More reason we leave here soonest.”

  “At last you are beginning to understand the politic of this land,” Brother Teric said and patted Paul’s shoulder.

  “I fear I shall never understand the politic of this land,” Paul replied as Princess Stephanie was helped up into her saddle. She sat like a man with her legs either side as she refused always to sit side saddle. She took the reins and steadied the horse then looked again toward Paul. She shook her head, bemused, then pulled the horse around. “You know she will seek me out later and ask what is wrong.”

  “Then make damn sure you do where there are plenty of people and not alone,” Master Douglas said. “But for Balian I fear we would already see conflict between the king and Raymond.”

  “Why?” Paul asked and watched as Princess Stephanie rode out of the main entrance briefly glancing back at him again.

  “Because Raymond refuses to recognise Guy as the rightful king and why he keeps all of his knights in Tiberias. The treaty he has with Saladin only fuels the fires of dissention, especially when both Gerard and Reynald call him a traitor openly,” Brother Teric explained.

  “’Tis true,” Master Douglas confirmed. “Things are tense here because of the factional rivalries between Raymond, who as you probably know was previously regent for the kingdom. ’Tis why he refuses to accept Guy of Lusignan as king, following the death of the child king, Baldwin the Fifth, Guy’s stepson, last year. King Guy has summoned Gerard to accompany Master Roger, as well as Balian and Joscius, Archbishop of Tyre and Reginald Grenier, Lord of Sidon, to go to Tiberias and negotiate with Raymond and try to bring him back into the Christian fold.”

  “So Gerard is soon to be here?” Paul asked.

  “Aye…and if you are still here he will expect you to serve your commission. He knew what he was doing when he issued it. So come for time is not on our side,” Master Douglas said and ushered Paul to follow him. “Let us check upon your assassin friend.”

  Paul and Master Douglas walked along the main corridor of the Hospitaller infirmary. It was cooler inside. Master Roger appeared from the adjoining corridor with Percival and Abi.

  “Ah Paul…perhaps you will speak with your wife,” Master Roger said as he approached, Abi raising her eyebrows. Paul looked at them, puzzled, and Percival indicated with his thumb over his shoulder. “She is in the Knights of Lazarus wing helping with the sick. We could not talk her out of it.”

  “And Ailia…where is she?” Paul asked.

  “With Sister Lucy and Theo,” Abi answered. “Taqi is well. Attar sits with him and is playing some Sufi flute music…but Ali I am afraid refuses to listen to us, insisting she help with the sick.”

  “Knights of Lazarus…are they not the ones with leprosy?” Paul asked, alarmed. Abi simply nodded and indicated over her shoulder toward their sectioned off ward at the far end of the large arched corridor. “I must stop her immediately.”

  “Good luck with that,” Percival said and stood aside gesturing for him to pass. “We have tried this past hour but she insists it is something she must do as penance.”

  “Penance!” Paul said and quickly headed down the corridor.

  A sergeant of the Order of Lazarus sat upon a small wooden stool in front of the door and looked up at him, his eyes heavy and bloodshot. He simply leaned over and pulled a heavy green dividing curtain back upon its rails to reveal the eight beds inside occupied by members of the Order in various states clearly in their last hours. The dormitory was white washed and cool, the beds all made up with clean white cotton sheets. Paul went to enter when the sergeant put his arm across blocking his way. He shook his head no silently. Paul stood still and watched in silence as Alisha sat beside one of the lepers and gently bathed his forehead with a water soaked cloth. She smiled beautifully and spoke with the man. Paul could not hear what she was speaking but the sick leper laughed lightly and placed his heavily bandaged hand upon her forearm. Quickly and with concern he retracted his hand, but she gently took his hand back and held it with both of hers. The man’s face was mainly covered in blood marked bandages but his eyes were clear and looked normal. She stroked his hand softly and smiled at him as he just stared into her eyes. A lump of unspeakable pride welled up in Paul’s throat as he quietly observed her interaction with the sick man. She laughed again at something he said. It was pure delight to see her laugh again and he realised in that instant how much he had missed seeing her laugh. Abi stood beside him and looked on. She sighed and just shook her head. Paul could not help but smile at her. Music from Attar’s flute drifted on the air like a distant almost heavenly tune off in the distance.

  “Now that is the mark of a true queen,” Percival whispered from Paul’s shoulder.

  Alisha must have heard him for she looked up, saw them all standing at the door and smiled, her eyes meeting Paul’s. Paul sensed she was in no danger and knew what she was doing. He smiled back at her and nodded his head and mouthed ‘I love you’. She smiled and then continued to talk with the sick Knight of Lazarus.

  “Please sire…let her stay awhile. She has an uplifting and godly presence,” the sergeant sat near him asked, his eyes almost pleading as he stared up at Paul.

  Paul looked at Abi as she simply shrugged her shoulders and reluctantly nodded in agreement.

  “We must make sure we clean her thoroughly afterwards,” she whispered close to Paul’s ear. “But she will be fine I am sure.”

  “Where is Tenno?” Paul asked quietly.

  Tenno’s hand suddenly appeared from the other side of the door as he sat around the corner just out of sight having been there all along keep
ing an eye upon her. Paul laughed lightly.

  By the time Alisha had seen to all the patients, Sister Lucy had already put Ailia to bed with the promise that both her mother and father would check in on her later. Theodoric retold her, for perhaps the twentieth time, a story about a young princess who was saved by hiding inside a cave of water. He changed it slightly every time and she delighted in always picking him up on the difference. As advised by Master Roger, Alisha wished to strip off and bathe completely with all of her clothes to be washed too. The evening was cool and mild for the time of year and Paul escorted Alisha to the lower floor of the building to use the baths that were situated below. The water was always fresh and running through a system Master Roger had himself designed. They both knew Sister Lucy and Theodoric would not mind their lateness. Tenno and Abi left in order to eat whilst Percival went to check on Adrastos and the other horses before retiring for the night. Stewart and the other Templars were all at last vespers so they had the bathing chamber to themselves. When Paul opened the door that led down to the sunken baths, Alisha stood still and listened as the sound of male voices singing drifted upon the air in a beautiful harmonic wave that seemed to echo louder as it filled the stone and marble bath chamber. Alisha gently clasped Paul’s hand.

  “I know not what that song is but it tells me you must now join me in bathing,” she said softly and smiled at him looking intently into his eyes. “Master Roger would insist would he not?”

  “Ali…why did you tell Abi you felt you had to administer to those men today for penance?” Paul asked and held her hand to his chest.

  She frowned at him, her eyes looking at him as if to ask why he need ask such a question for was it not obvious? She sighed and shook her head side to side and looked down.

  “’Tis so obvious is it not?” she said sadly. “I wronged you and I do not know how I can make amends and put right that which I have broken.”


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