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Outremer III

Page 90

by D. N. Carter

  “I pray this weather holds…and we have no horse for Taqi,” Paul remarked and looked up, a few clouds rolling over gently. “I shall have to resolve that now.”

  “We do not have time,” Master Douglas remarked. “He can ride with me for my steed can take us both or on the water cart or ride with you.”

  Within minutes Ishmael had loaded all their belongings into the rear of the large cart whilst Theodoric and Sister Lucy sat up front waiting patiently. Taqi hugged Alisha tightly.

  “Fear not, dear sister, for I shall see you again. Besides we still have tonight together…and Paul is not the only one who sees things,” Taqi said reassuringly and stood back a pace from her. “I am proud to be your brother and I shall miss you more than ever…and you young Ailia,” he said and rubbed his hand through Ailia’s hair.

  “Stay safe…and please no more sneaking into Reynald’s chambers,” Alisha replied and bit her bottom lip, determined not to cry. “Please get him to Al Rashid safely and hurry back to us,” she said turning to look at Paul.

  “It is all arranged and Al Rashid knows where to meet us. We shall not linger and come straight after you. Your sister’s, Queen Tamar’s, caravan is neutral and her treaty with Saladin still remains so you will be safe with them until we arrive for she cannot move presently in either direction,” Paul explained and took her hands and kissed them. “We leave here as one but once at the northeastern road, we shall have to leave you…but it is only for one night and a single day.”

  Ailia tugged at Paul’s cape. He reached down and picked her up and looked into her eyes.

  “You promise you will come for us?” she asked, trying her hardest to look serious, which made Alisha laugh.

  “I promise. I will always come back for my little princess…always…and my queen,” Paul answered and pulled Alisha close and kissed her on the lips, Ailia pulling a face of mock disgust. “Now come, we must leave.”

  Paul lifted Ailia up to the rear of the caravan and kissed the side of her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She refused to let go until Alisha gently pulled her little hands away from Paul. Reluctantly she stood up in the doorway and frowned, which made Paul laugh.

  “Where is Princess Stephanie?” Abi asked as she drew up near them.

  “She is not coming to see us off. She said her tearful farewell last evening. She said she could not endure this day,” Alisha answered.

  Tenno took the reins of his horse from Abi and quickly mounted.

  “So we all know who is going with whom yes?” he asked.

  “Yes. Master Douglas, Percival, Ishmael, Stewart, Brother Teric, Nicholas and Upside are coming with me to meet Al Rashid and deliver Taqi. The rest of you will head to meet up with Queen Tamar’s caravan, where we shall meet you tomorrow eve latest,” Paul explained and noticed Count Henry walking towards them fast. Just as he reached them he sighed and shook his head as the sound of many horses started to echo out from the main entrance approach.

  “Ah damn…’tis too late,” Count Henry stated and slapped his thigh in annoyance.

  All looked toward the main arched entrance as Reynald and Gerard rode into full view, their banners flying behind them and a full squadron of Templars at the vanguard. Amid a loud cacophony of noise and horses’ hooves echoing out, they all entered the main courtyard just yards away. Reynald pulled his horse up hard, directed himself toward Paul immediately upon seeing him stood with Count Henry.

  “’Tis a fine fresh morning is it not?” Reynald bellowed and sniffed the air in an exaggerated fashion and pushed his targe shield higher up on his back. “You can smell the blood of war already,” he boasted and grinned.

  “Lord Reynald…’tis good to see you have arrived safe and well,” Count Henry replied courteously.

  “Good my arse…I am the last person you wish to see,” Reynald replied and wiped his hand across his face as Gerard pulled up beside him. Both looked down the line of Thomas’s men and other knights formed up. “And this is for what?” Reynald demanded.

  “We are leaving,” Paul replied instantly. “So we need not take any of your time.”

  “Not so fast,” Gerard said and dismounted. “Where are you going?”

  “Home…back to France,” Paul answered.

  “Not with my men,” Gerard shot back.

  “Master Gerard…they are only doing their duty in escorting them away as per standing orders for the protection of pilgrims,” Master Jakelin interrupted.

  “Horseshit for I see no pilgrims,” Reynald laughed. “Running away more like cowards.”

  “Do we really have to do this right here and now?” Paul asked and looked up at Reynald shaking his head disapprovingly. “With or without your permission…or knights, I and my family are leaving.”

  “I thought the king banned all travel?” Reynald replied and grinned as he looked down at Alisha.

  “Not all…besides you have just travelled,” Paul remarked.

  “With a full complement of knights and sergeants,” Reynald shot back and gestured with his hand. “If you go out and travel through hostile lands, as we know Saladin has many raiding parties and troops out there, you will put the lives of these good men at risk for nothing.”

  0 - 0

  “’Tis a risk we are prepared to make,” Thomas interjected loudly as he pulled his horse around to face Reynald.

  “But one I am not prepared to let my knights take when you can easily wait here until things become safer,” Gerard explained looking at Alisha then Paul.

  “Things will only get worse here and you know it,” Paul replied.

  “Well you cannot leave for you took up Gerard’s commission did you not?” Reynald laughed as Master Jakelin looked at him with disdain. “Oh he did not tell you…ha! You should have read the commission closer…for by accepting it, no matter how short a time, you are committed to serve for at least four months,” Reynald explained and laughed again as Paul looked at Gerard hard. “By my reckoning that still leaves at least another month and half to serve.” Alisha held onto Paul’s arm tightly. “Oh, and you cannot resign until after those first initial four months.”

  Stewart quickly dismounted and walked over fast upon hearing Reynald’s claim.

  “Fine, if that is indeed true, then as a Templar he can escort his family away from here and serve his term out in Tortosa can he not?” Stewart asked.

  “Brother Stewart, be careful how you address Lord Reynald,” Gerard said and frowned at him.

  “And I thought you had changed…if only a little for the better,” Alisha snapped, looking at Gerard, shaking her head with disgust.

  “Hey, I need men…and good men especially with what is coming,” Gerard answered and raised his hands. “And with your skill and that sword of yours…well.”

  “This sword will never serve you,” Paul shot back, angered at Gerard’s coldness.

  “Then we shall escort them,” Nicholas called out and turned his horse around and moved closer. Upside raised his eyebrows but followed suit. “We can resign right here and now if needs must, Master,” he stated and looked down at Gerard.

  “What is it with you?” Gerard asked and shook his head. “Your love for this family is obsessive.”

  “’Tis even more than that, Master,” Nicholas replied and dismounted. “The Order has been my family for many years…but this family…’tis the very family that our Order is all about is it not?”

  “Hah what utter horseshit!” Reynald laughed out loudly.

  Alisha turned her head slowly and looked up at him, her eyes narrowing. He scowled back but as he stared at her, the intensity of her look unnerved him momentarily then his horse bucked as if startled. Quickly Reynald had to pull hard on the reins and calm his horse. Taqi smiled unable to hide his amusement. All went eerily quiet as all looked at Reynald, including Gerard.

  “I order that you let Paul escort his own family away,” Count Henry spoke up, breaking the silence. “If as you claim the commission you gave him is
legal, then knowing Paul, he will honour it…but only after his family is away from here. He can even wear his Templar uniform.” Alisha looked at him alarmed. “Fear not, Alisha, for as a Templar Reynald cannot touch him for he falls under my command, not his,” he said and winked as he turned slightly away from Reynald. “And, Master Gerard, might I remind you to whom exactly you answer.”

  “You cannot remain here as a knight,” Alisha whispered to Paul closely.

  “I suspect you really go to join with Count Raymond,” Reynald snapped dismissively.

  “If King Guy does not make peace with Raymond, you will lose this city that I do know,” Paul replied, looking at him directly. “There are far more smart men out there allied against you this day.”

  “Perhaps it is Saladin you choose to join,” Reynald remarked and smirked.

  “I had hoped after our last meeting you would have seen sense…but I see not,” Paul replied and shook his head.

  “Well we shall just have to see what the king has to say all about this won’t we,” Reynald smirked.

  “The king already knows about this and Paul has his blessings to go,” Princess Stephanie said, stepping into view from behind the large caravan. “You forget his queen is my friend,” she remarked as she walked closer. “You Lord Reynald will let these people be on their way without delay and there will be no accusations levelled at any person’s behaviour or insinuations for I know only full well your plans.”

  “She has gone truly mad,” Reynald laughed loudly and looked back at his own column of men.

  “If I have it is only because of you. But you will let them leave this hour. If you do not, you shall never see your daughter or I ever again.”

  “Do not threaten me, woman,” Reynald snapped angrily, his long hair swinging around his face as he turned fast to glare at her.

  “You let them leave…and I will gladly have all my titles, deeds and lands signed over to you without delay, nor settlement for me…and a divorce without all the unnecessary theatre you wish to incite,” Princess Stephanie explained calmly and placed her hands across her stomach and smiled at him disarmingly. Reynald looked at her, puzzled.

  “No you cannot do that for us,” Alisha said and grasped Princess Stephanie’s arm.

  “’Tis not for you I do it trust me,” she whispered back and smiled again at Reynald. “Well, Lord Reynald?”

  “And you…,” Reynald said waving his finger at Paul. “You will leave… and never come back for you are a constant thorn in my arse.”

  “I leave here today and I swear it when I say I hope I never come back or see you again…but I will deliver Taqi back to his master first. I can even speak with Count Raymond…for you must all see sense and join together to deter Saladin,” Paul explained and paused as he realised everyone was listening. “If you cannot, your new found titles and land will not remain yours for long.”

  “Oh, let me guess, you and your mad seer have seen it all in a vision,” Reynald mocked.

  “You of all people should know better,” Theodoric said aloud, looking at Reynald. He shook his head, disappointed at him.

  “Do you agree to my terms or not?” Princess Stephanie interrupted.

  “’Tis some scheming trick,” Reynald replied.

  “As they leave those gates, I shall by almighty God follow you to see the king and the whole damn court and swear under oath all that is mine to be yours…and you are welcome to it…except Alix.”

  Reynald rubbed his beard and looked at Gerard, who nodded yes very slightly. As Gerard looked at Paul, he winked.

  “’Tis a deal I think…oh but Paul…do not bother seeking counsel with Raymond for I think we are past that,” Reynald said calmly with a broad smile upon his face, the smile vanishing as Attar walked past him slowly staring at him. “And take him with you.”

  Princess Stephanie pulled Alisha close and hugged her.

  “I know what I am doing…now go and be safe,” she whispered then kissed the side of Alisha’s face. “Please…and be happy.”

  Alisha could see and sense the anguish in her eyes as Princess Stephanie bravely fought to contain her emotions and forced a smile.

  Gerard stepped closer to Paul and put his arm around his shoulder and started to walk with him away from Reynald.

  “’Tis indeed a fine line I tread these days. I said what had to be said in front of Reynald…but what I said of the commission was alas all true and valid,” Gerard explained quietly. “But I know what you speak of is sadly all too true…Reynald fails to see that at the moment…but he will if you leave him to me.” Paul stood still and back a pace to look at Gerard, confused at his remarks and behaviour. “Wear the Templar mantle again…it may just save your arse. I will make sure it is noted on record that you served out your term by the time you arrive in Tortosa. Who knows, perhaps when I visit La Rochelle in the future you will avail me of your presence and hospitality.”

  Paul was not sure what to make of Gerard’s comments but he sensed he was a man with divided loyalties and a growing conscience.

  “Okay you bunch of fucking ladies, are we leaving today or here for happy chats?” Master Douglas yelled out loudly. Reynald sat up on his horse straight, surprised to see him. “Yes, ’tis me again, Lord Reynald… and I am so glad you resolved this matter all by yourself.”

  Master Jakelin laughed as did Nicholas at his comments. Reynald just pointed at Master Douglas as he moved himself to the front of the column ready to lead it out. Attar quickly fetched his small horse and mounted it whilst Princess Stephanie and Alisha hugged each other once more. Alisha then placed Ailia into the large caravan and climbed up inside. Taqi mounted Adrastos and slowly rode past Reynald, staring at him hard. As everyone took their positions, Princess Stephanie stood proud and looked on ignoring Reynald, who was looking at her intently curious and puzzled. Count Henry moved to stand by her side. Brother Teric bowed to her as he rode past her.

  “I hope your daughter did not hear Master Douglas,” Gerard remarked as Taqi pulled up beside Paul.

  “I think she has heard far worse of late,” Paul replied and proffered his hand to shake. “Do not take this the wrong way, but I hope it is a very long time before we meet again.”

  Gerard took Paul’s hand and shook it firmly.

  “Likewise…you are an extremely bad influence on my best men.”

  “Perhaps if they are your best men, you should listen to what they say.”

  “I do, believe me I do,” Gerard replied, let go of Paul’s hand and stood back. “You and I have come a long way since our first encounter in Roche-fort-sur-Terre have we not?” he asked and smiled, Paul not really sure what to make of his question. “Now leave before Reynald changes his mind.”

  “How did you resolve the assault by Saladin at Kerak so quickly?” Paul asked.

  “’Twas just a ruse and no assault came…for he was not there himself…but I suspect he will return with greater numbers next time. Now hurry, go.”

  Taqi reached down and helped Paul mount Adrastos to sit in front of him. Paul looked back to check Alisha and Ailia were in the caravan and saw Theodoric raising his hand confirming they were ready. Reynald sat looking on bemused not quite sure of himself and concerned why Princess Stephanie seemed so calm and collected. Paul looked at her and as their eyes met, she gulped hard as her throat tightened with emotion. She felt lost and alone and all she wanted to do was run and jump into the caravan with Alisha and Ailia, but she knew she had to remain calm in order for her friends to leave. Master Douglas called out an order and the column started to move, Stewart looking back briefly as he hauled up the Templar standard to check Paul was following. Gerard moved back towards his own column of men still formed up. Paul bowed his head at Princess Stephanie before turning away, Reynald looking at him then back at her suspiciously as her eyes followed Paul and Taqi as the column slowly filed out through the gates, Alisha waving from the rear of the caravan. When the last rear guard horse had vanished from view, Princess Step
hanie stood perfectly still whilst Gerard’s men started to dismount. Eventually she turned her back on Reynald and walked away.

  Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191

  “So they got away,” Ayleth sighed with relief.

  “They left Jerusalem for sure, its streets now filled with pilgrims forced to stay longer than planned, and knights from all kingdoms. They made good time to the northwestern highway and the weather held,” the old man replied but lowered his head.

  “And Alisha was to head for her sister’s, Queen Tamar’s, caravan whilst Paul took Taqi northeast to meet Al Rashid yes?” Gabirol asked.

  “Yes…that was the plan and intention,” the old man answered and looked up again. “They had only been travelling an hour when Count Henry caught up with them in order to meet up with Al Rashid himself. He wished to convince him to either stay neutral or join with his Order and not Saladin.”

  “We had heard such rumours at the time that Count Henry was dealing with the Ashashin direct,” the Templar remarked as his brother nodded in agreement.

  “He also wished to move on to see Raymond in person afterwards…for word was already reaching Saladin’s ears about the dissention between King Guy and Raymond. Saladin had no intention either of renewing the previous truce with the king but he did with Raymond,” the old man explained as Gabirol wrote down what he was saying.

  “Why could Queen Tamar not move her caravan?” Simon asked.

  “Because Saladin had asked her to remain where she was until he could secure the region. Too many bandits were taking the opportunity of the turmoil to exploit and raid caravans whilst the pilgrim escorts all remained within Jerusalem by order of the king. She had a sizable escort of her own but even so, Saladin had requested she wait and that his sister would be allowed to join her, so she did.”


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