Everything and More

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Everything and More Page 1

by E. L. Todd

  Everything and More

  Book Eight of the Forever and Ever Series

  E. L. Todd

  “You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car.

  But because they sing a song only you can hear.”

  Oscar Wilde

  Chapter One


  The sun woke me up.

  My eyes fluttered open and I released a deep sigh from my lips. When I felt a warm body next to me, the events of last night came back. I turned to see Beatrice snuggled into my side, still fast asleep. Her arm was around my waist and her head rested on my shoulder. She was cuddling with me like I was an enormous teddy bear.

  I couldn’t believe it was real.

  My eyes glided over her face, taking in every feature. Her hand felt small on my stomach, and her long leg felt smooth against my skin. Her hair was in disarray but she still looked beautiful. Her lips were partially open while she breathed.

  I didn’t dare move, afraid I would wake her up when she wasn’t ready. I busied myself by staring at her. When I remembered the way her father yelled at her as she got into my truck, I got mad all over again. Beatrice never showed any sign of fear, but if she really wasn’t scared, why did she call me to begin with?

  Out of everyone in the world, she called me.


  Now she slept with me all night long, curled into my side like she was the other half of me. She clung to me like she needed me. When I touched her, she didn’t pull away. Her affection was given freely. I didn’t need to take it.

  Eventually, she stirred. She stretched her body slightly and let a deep breath escape her lips. Then she opened her eyes, bringing more light into my bedroom. Her green eyes were as deep as ever, piercing and beautiful.

  Her eyes found mine and she stared at me. Her hand was still hooked around my waist. She pulled her leg back then retracted her hand, moving it through her hair.

  I didn’t want her to stop touching me. “How’d you sleep?” My voice was deep and raspy.

  “Well,” she whispered.

  I moved closer to her then hugged her waist. I pressed my face into the crook of her neck. “I did too.”

  She lay still and released another sigh. “What time is it?”

  “Not sure.”

  “I probably missed a class or two.”

  “It’s okay every once in a while.” I kept my face in her neck, inhaling her scent. She said we were just friends, but she wouldn’t sleep with me all night and hold me without letting go if that were true.

  “Thanks for letting me stay here.”

  “You’re always welcome.”

  She sat up and loosened herself from my hold. She turned and faced the wall. “I should probably get going…” Her voice carried her melancholy.

  “Do you think he’ll still be there?”

  “I don’t know.” She pulled her hair over one shoulder. “But I’m not going to let him intimidate me from going home. I need my things.”

  “I can retrieve them for you.” I’d do anything for her.

  “Thanks, Conrad.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “But you can’t fight all my battles for me.”

  “Actually, I can.” I moved behind her then placed a kiss on her bare shoulder. The heat from her skin seared my lips. I wasn’t thinking when I did it. The need to touch her overcame me.

  She took a deep breath but didn’t react in any other way.

  Feeling brave, I moved my lips to her ear. “Stay with me.” My arm hooked around her waist and I dragged her against me.

  She let her guard down and allowed me to pull her toward me. Her shoulders relaxed and a quiet sound escaped her lips.

  My lips moved to her neck and I placed a gentle kiss there.

  She tilted her head and allowed me more room.

  Was she finally mine? Had she let me in? I rested my forehead against hers then looked down at her lips. I wanted to kiss her more than anything. The need wasn’t sexual or even physical. I just wanted her to know I’d always be there for her. I could fight every battle for her. I wanted to share my bed with her every night. I knew she was more beautiful on the inside than the outside.

  She breathed hard but didn’t lean in.

  I couldn’t read her. Could I kiss her? I waited for a sign.

  Beatrice stayed still while the tension rose. Then she moved away, taking her lips with her. “I should go…”

  My heart fell.

  She grabbed her clothes off the ground then headed into the bathroom.

  I sighed in sadness. She was upset and I didn’t mean to push her. Since she slept with me while I was pretty much naked, I thought our relationship had changed. But it was really insensitive for me to try anything right now. I reluctantly got dressed.

  She came out of the bathroom in her clothes. But she wouldn’t look at me.

  “Can I go with you?” I asked. “If he’s there, I’ll keep him away from you.”

  She grabbed her bag and kept her gaze downturned. “No, it’s okay. I never should have brought you in the middle of this. This is my problem.”

  Her voice betrayed her fear. And I heard embarrassment. She was so independent and distrusting that it was practically impossible for her to accept help. I’d seen it a hundred times. She never let me pay for anything, and she insisted she could do everything on her own. I stepped toward her and stared.

  She didn’t meet my gaze.

  I patiently waited for her to look at me.

  She sighed then turned to me.

  “I’m glad you called me.”

  Her eyes swelled with emotion but she blinked and it disappeared.

  “You can call me for anything. I want you to.”

  “I shouldn’t trouble you…”

  My hands moved to her face and I cupped her cheeks. I forced her to look at me. “Baby, you never trouble me.” I didn’t blink while I looked at her, wanting to show her my sincerity. “I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”

  The intimacy seemed to be too much for her. She stepped away and walked out of my bedroom.


  I parked behind a tree across the street. “You see him anywhere?”

  Beatrice narrowed her eyes while she scanned her apartment. “No. But his car is there.”

  “Is he inside it?”

  She squinted. “I can’t tell.”

  “Well, if his car is there, he’s somewhere around,” I said.


  I watched her face, seeing the irritation as well as the sadness. “You can stay with me,” I offered. I’d love to sleep with her for a few more nights. I hadn’t slept that soundly since I was a child.

  She stared out the window, saying nothing.

  “The invitation is always open.” I’d known her long enough to understand I shouldn’t put her on the spot.

  She was quiet for a long time. “None of my friends know about…my life.”

  I turned to her and watched her face.

  “And I don’t want to tell them.”

  What did that mean? “Then stay with me.”

  She sighed. “It would be nice to…feel safe.”

  She never admitted to needing anything before. She always claimed she was self-assured. For the first time, she was letting me see that she was human. She was letting me in and accepting my help. “Then it’s settled.”

  Beatrice kept her eyes glued out the window. “But I need my things.”

  “I can get them for you.”

  “Conrad…I don’t want to put you in the middle of my sad life.”

  I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “I don’t mind. Really.”

  She sighed.

  “Let me help you,” I said gent
ly. “I want to help you.”

  She finally turned her gaze to me. “Why are you so sweet to me, Conrad?”

  I thought that was obvious. “I care about you.” I brushed my thumb over her knuckles. “A lot.”

  She stared at our joined hands.

  “And I know you care about me too.”

  Her eyes moved to mine. “Okay.”

  “Thank you.”


  I parked the truck then headed to her apartment. When I heard the sound of a car door closing, I knew it was her father. Pretending not to care, I headed to her door then pulled her key out.

  “Where is she?”

  I sighed then turned around. Across the lawn stood her father, wearing the same outfit as the night before.

  “Not here.” I turned back around and got the door open. Beatrice told me exactly what she wanted so I searched for her belongings and stuffed them into a bag. When I got to her underwear drawer, I closed my eyes and snatched a pile then shoved the clothing into the bag. I knew if I looked, my thoughts wouldn’t be controlled.

  After I grabbed her stuff, I headed out.

  Her father was near the door. He had blue eyes and didn’t look anything like Beatrice. I’d never seen her mother, but I assumed Beatrice looked just like her. “So, you’re her boyfriend?” he asked. “It’s nice to know something about her life.”

  I locked the door. “Yeah.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “That’s all you have to say?”

  “I guess so,” I said like a dick.

  “You really should show me some respect, kid.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t respect anyone who doesn’t respect the people I care about.”

  “Are you implying I don’t care about my daughter?” he snapped. “Because I wouldn’t stand outside her apartment all night if I didn’t.”

  “That’s an odd way to show you care,” I scoffed. “Scaring her.”

  “My daughter isn’t scared of me.”

  “Then why did she call me to get her?” I snapped. “Beatrice isn’t scared of anything. You’re obviously an exception to that.”

  He sighed and pulled off his cap. Then he ran his fingers through his hair. “I just want to talk to her. That’s all.” Desperation was in his voice.

  “Well, she doesn’t want to talk to you.” I headed back to my truck.

  He followed me. “Please, help me.”


  “Come on, man. I’m a father who will do anything to talk to his daughter. Don’t you have any sympathy?”

  I faced him and glanced at his wedding ring, the symbol of his marriage to his second wife. “That doesn’t matter to me. The only thing that does is Beatrice. If she doesn’t want to talk to you, I’ll make sure that happens.”

  He growled in frustration. “I just miss her…”

  For a second, I saw the emotion. But I didn’t let it get to me. “I’m sorry.” I headed to the driver’s side.

  “Wait.” He followed me. “Just…tell me about her life. Please.”

  “Like what?” I snapped.

  “Like…what she likes to do for fun.”

  “So you can stalk her?” I snapped.

  “No,” he said in an offended voice. “I just…want to know her. What’s she studying? What’s her favorite food? I feel like I don’t know her at all…I’ll take anything.”

  Sympathy finally moved into my heart. “She’s studying to be a lawyer.”

  Pride shined in his eyes. “Wow…”

  “She wants to work for the DA, putting criminals behind bars.”

  His eyes flashed in recognition. “That doesn’t surprise me…”

  “She works and supports herself entirely. She’s a strong and smart woman. She doesn’t need anyone but herself.”

  “Besides you?” he asked quietly.

  I didn’t know what to say to that.

  “Do you treat my daughter right?” he asked.

  “Always,” I said defensively.

  “What’s your name?”


  “Conrad what?”


  He nodded his head slowly. “Of Pixel Software?”

  I hated my last name sometimes. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I’m glad my daughter has good taste.”

  “She doesn’t care about my money,” I snarled. “If you knew anything about her, you’d know that.”

  He stared at my truck then clenched his jaw. “Just…tell her to talk to me. Please. I just want a conversation.”

  “I’ll pass on the message. But I doubt it’ll change anything.”

  “God, my daughter hates me…”

  “It’s taken you four years to figure that out?” I said bitterly.

  He seemed wounded. “I was hoping she just needed her space.”

  “Well, she wants it indefinitely.” I got into my truck and slammed the door.

  Her father slowly headed back to his car, his shoulders slack. I turned on the engine then headed back to the apartment as quickly as possible.


  “Did you see him?” she asked the moment we walked inside.

  “Yeah. We spoke.” I put her big bag on the couch.

  “What did he say?” She stood across from me with her arms over her chest.

  I shrugged. “He just wanted to talk to you.”

  “That’s all?” she whispered.

  “Yeah. He asked about your life and stuff.” Honestly, having the conversation made me dislike him less. He seemed genuinely concerned about Beatrice. Perhaps he showed it in the wrong way, but it was evident.

  “What did you say?”

  “That you wanted to be a lawyer. That you’re smart and independent. That you’re…a wonderful person. Stuff like that.”

  Her eyes fell. “And then he left?”


  She moved to the couch then sat down. Her hands were in her lap and she stared at the floor.

  There were a few things I wanted to say but I thought it was best to leave them unsaid. Beatrice had been through a lot over the past two days. She needed some space and silence. “You’re welcome to stay with me as long as you like.”

  “Thanks,” she whispered.

  “I’ll clean up my bathroom so you don’t die.”

  She chuckled. “Thanks.” She stood up then opened her bag. “I need to get to class.”


  “Do you think it’s safe for me to go back?” she asked. “Did he leave after your conversation?”

  I wasn’t sure. I didn’t check. A part of me wanted to lie just so she would stay with me as long as possible. But if I wanted a chance with her, lying wasn’t the best idea. “I don’t know.”

  She turned back to her bag and sighed. “Well, I’ll wait a few days then head home.”

  Good for me.

  She walked into the bathroom and changed.

  While she was gone, I realized I needed to scrub down my apartment until it was practically sterile. I didn’t know how to clean but I knew someone who did.


  Is this a joke? Silke’s attitude was evident even through a text message.

  You want two hundred bucks or what?

  Why do you want me to clean your place so bad? Did you murder someone in there?

  Do you want the money or what?

  She didn’t respond for a minute. Fine. I’ll do it after class.

  No, it needs to be done by five.

  I have class, dip shit.

  Make it three hundred.

  She was quiet again. I can’t believe I’m going to clean up after you…

  Desperate times call for desperate measures…

  I hate you.

  Great, I’m glad she agreed. See you soon.


  Silke came over with all her cleaning supplies. “Tell anyone about this and I’ll kill you.”

  “Just shut up and get to work. It better be clean when I get back from

  Silke dropped her supplies on the table then pulled her vacuum cleaner behind her. “Why do you care about being clean all of a sudden?”

  “I just do.”

  She spotted Beatrice’s bag by the table. Then she turned to me with a triumphant look. “What’s going on here?”

  I grabbed my backpack. “None of your business. Now clean.”

  “You and Beatrice getting serious?” She said it in that high-pitched voice women used when they discussed gossip. It was fucking annoying.

  “No. She’s just staying here for a few days.”

  “Oh…a sleepover?” She grinned wide. “So it is getting serious.”

  I didn’t know what the hell was going on between Beatrice and I, but I didn’t want to try and figure it out with Silke. “Shut up and get to work.”

  “Just friends my ass.” She laughed then put on her gloves.

  I rolled my eyes then walked out.


  After I got out of class, I went by the grocery store then picked up a few things. When I walked inside my front door, the place was spotless and actually smelled clean. It looked like a new apartment.

  Silke was picking at her nails on the couch.

  “Why are you here?” I demanded.

  “You forgot to pay me.” She stood up then held out her hand.

  I pulled out my wallet then forked over the cash. “Now get lost.”

  “How long is she staying here?” Silke asked.

  “I don’t know…a few days.” I shrugged.

  She nodded. “My apartment is being fumigated and I’m trying to find a place to stay.”

  “Fumigated?” I gave her a wide-eyed look. “You have bugs?”

  “Just a few,” she said defensively.

  “Why don’t you stay with Arsen?”

  “He lives too far away from class…”

  “Then stay with Theo.”

  “He says he’s busy with some girl.”

  I wondered if it was with Alex. “Oh.”

  She stared at me expectantly.

  I finally had Beatrice all to myself. I didn’t want Silke to be there to ruin anything. We were getting so close to being something more. I could feel it. “Well, Beatrice is already staying here.”

  “So, you guys get the bed and I get the couch.”

  “Stay with Denise,” I argued. “I would normally let you stay but this is my chance with Beatrice. I can’t blow it.”


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