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Reckoning: A Reverse Harem Tale (Mountain Magic Book 3)

Page 15

by Dakota Brown

  Sofia: At least we can tell them it was magic.

  Ed: LOL.

  "Last week of school. Did you get all your classes arranged for next semester?"

  "Yeah, I did, and I'm glad we're roommates again." I grinned at Victoria. "Hopefully, with a little less drama."

  "Girl, you've got that right."

  "Hey, so, I have another problem." I kept my face neutral.

  She focused on me. "Uhoh."

  "Christmas shopping for so many guys."

  Victoria's eyes lit up. "Oh, we've got this, no problem. I'll help."

  I gave her a relieved smile. "Thanks. I knew I could count on you."

  "Hey, small problems or big ones, I've got your back."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The rest of the week sped by and I was almost sorry for it to end. Friday was the last day of classes before break, and this was just about the most normal week I'd had since the semester started. Trying not to think about the time lost over the semester, I left my last class, bag slung over my shoulder, and headed for the dorm. We had all weekend to clear out. I was already packed. I just needed to grab my things, give Victoria a quick hug, and meet the guys.

  The snowstorm I had sensed building all week had the clouds heavy and low in the sky. We were in for it tonight. A few fat flakes drifted through the air and one landed on my nose.


  I stopped and turned, heart racing for a second before I recognized Ash. A handful of students flowed around me as I waited for the demon to catch up. He wore a pair of jeans that hugged his hips, and a long-sleeved T-shirt, despite the chill in the air. I guess the temperature didn't bother him much, either. His long blond hair was pulled back in a tail and he smiled when I waited. I warmed just looking at him.

  "Hi, Ash."

  "I hope you don't mind," he said as he jogged over to me. "Doc asked me to give you a ride up to his place. He's getting a few things done to the truck before the storm hits and he got delayed."

  Doc had mentioned something about an oil change.

  "Why would I mind?" I bumped my shoulder against Ash's when he fell in next to me.

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and hunched his shoulders as we headed to my dorm so I could grab my things.

  "I don't know," he muttered.

  I mentally sighed, but managed to keep myself quiet outwardly. I didn't want him to feel bad. At least Ash couldn't smell my emotions like Doc and the wolves could.

  The door was propped open for move-out and Ash followed me up the stairs and to my dorm.

  I knocked on our door before opening it. Victoria was sitting in her office chair, staring at her phone when I walked in.

  "Hey," I said as Ash followed me.

  Victoria's eyes widened. She cleared her throat and obviously forced a smile. "Hi, Ash."

  "Hi," he muttered, shoulders hunching more as he leaned against the doorframe.

  I touched his arm before heading over and giving Victoria a hug. "Keep in touch."

  "Yeah, as soon as this snow breaks we need to go shopping." She winked and gave me a hug. "I'm sure you can talk one of your guys into driving you down to Denver for some girl time."

  "One of us will get her there," Ash said, voice a bit softer.

  Victoria raised an eyebrow and mouthed "Oh really?"

  I shrugged, not having a good reply. The idea had certainly crossed my mind more than once. Allan had already voiced approval. None of the rest of us had talked about it and Ash had not pushed the issue in any way. I wasn't even sure if he wanted anything more than to not be someone's slave at the moment.

  It didn't take me long to gather my things and say another quick goodbye to Victoria. We would see each other soon, so we didn't need an extended goodbye.

  Ash took my suitcase and wheeled it out after a quick nod toward Victoria. He didn't say anything as we made our way to the parking lot and his black Camaro. A few more flakes of snow sprinkled out of the sky and he grumbled as he put my bag in the trunk. I put my backpack in next to it and he shut the truck before opening the passenger door for me.

  I smiled at him. "Thank you."

  He nodded sharply and got into the driver's side. The Camaro roared to life and we pulled out of the parking lot.

  I let the silence linger until we reached the turn out of town up into the mountains.

  "We haven't had much chance to talk," I started. "How are you doing?"

  Ash shrugged. "I'm fine."

  I twisted to look at him while he drove. "What's up?"

  He frowned and glanced at me before darting his eyes back to the road.

  "You don't have to tell me. I can pretend everything is okay, but if you want to actually talk about it, I'm here for you."

  He took a breath and nodded. "I'm okay. It's an adjustment. I'm still not sure what to do with myself."

  "You don't have to decide right away, but once you have an idea please let us know."

  Ash nodded.

  I put my hand on his arm and he flinched. I pulled away. "Sorry."

  "It's not you. Touch me if you want. Just not used to it."

  Hesitantly, I put my hand back on his forearm. His muscles quivered with tension, but he didn't flinch, and I left my hand there.

  He made the turn off and I let my hand fall back into my lap. Some of the tension had eased out of his shoulders though and that made me happy.

  "How are your wrists?" I asked once he parked.

  He tucked his hands under his arms, clearly uncomfortable. I pulled up the sleeves of my jacket and showed my scars. They weren't as bad as his would be, but if anyone paid much attention when I wore short sleeves, they would be obvious.

  Ash unfolded a little and took my hand in his. Electric shivers trailed up my arm as he gently ran his fingers over the scars. He gently turned my arm revealing the pack tattoo on the underside of my wrist.

  That skin was particularly sensitive when he traced the colorful pawprints. My breath hitched and he let go of me as if I burned him.

  "Sorry," he muttered and got out of his car before I could try to reassure him that nothing was wrong. I caught up to him at the trunk.

  He wordlessly handed me my backpack and took my suitcase to the yurt. I followed. Doc's truck wasn't here so I guessed it was just me and Ash if Nikolai wasn't here.

  I hurried to the yurt, ready to be warm and pushed inside. No one else was home so I flopped on the bed and sent the guys a quick text.

  Sophia: Ash and I are up at the yurt.

  Doc replied with a thumbs up a few seconds later.

  Ed: We'll be there soon.

  Ash put my suitcase next to the door and perched hesitantly on the edge of the bed.

  I sat up and took off my boots, tossing them next to the doorway.

  "What do you think of the yurt?" I couldn't think of anything else to say that might break the awkward silence.

  "It's nice." His shoulders hunched more.

  "Ash, it wasn't your fault." I sighed and put my arms around him, hugging him from behind.

  He really tensed at that, but I held on, giving him a chance to relax. His hair smelled like the shampoo the guys were using, mixed with a hint of woodsmoke. I rested my cheek against his shoulder and waited while his shoulders slowly unknotted.

  "Want me to let go?" I asked once he had somewhat relaxed.

  "No." His hand found my arm and he held me against him, so I pressed against his back and just rested there until all of the tension eased out of him.

  About the time his shoulders eased, we both heard the diesel engine. Ash tensed again and I reluctantly let go.

  A few minutes later, Ed and Allan came in the yurt, brushing snow off their shoulders. I caught a quick look outside the flap. Darkness had fallen and the snow had really started to come down.

  Allan came over and clapped Ash on the shoulder before leaning in and giving me a quick kiss.

  Ed hopped up on the bed next to me and pulled me against him. I leaned in for a kiss and he devoured
me. I moaned appreciatively.

  It had been a long week only seeing my guys at school. I hadn't even been able to touch Doc. Perhaps I could fix that today. Of course, with Ash here, and no separate rooms, it was more complicated.

  Doc and Nikolai came in, letting in a blast of cold, snowy air.

  "Guess we're not going anywhere for a while," I said.

  Ed hopped up and joined Allan to start dinner. Doc took his place, not touching me, though he sat close.

  Nikolai shook his head. "No, it will be a deep snow."

  I put my arm around Doc, playfully tugging at his ponytail holder.

  "I bought more," he said with a small grin.

  Calling on my magic for the first time since we had freed Ash, I disintegrated the one he used and ran my fingers though his silky hair. His smile broadened.

  Then I poked him in the shoulder. "Guess who's not actually my teacher anymore."

  He actually blushed a little, though his eyes sparkled with mischief. "I'm not actually a teacher at all anymore. At least until fall."

  He didn't look upset so I matched his smile with one of my own and shifted around so I could kiss him. Doc hesitated as he pressed his lips to mine. I buried my hands in his hair and pulled him against me. Doc's hands kneaded my back and I groaned as he found a few knotted muscles. I settled into Doc's lap while he gently massaged my back and I leaned into him, content to be held.

  "So, what to do about parents?" Nikolai asked.

  "Depends on how long they're staying," Ed answered. I looked over at my guys and sucked in a breath. Somewhere they must have gotten the message that I liked shirtless cooking because both of my wolves were currently half dressed. Their jeans hugged their hips and the claw scars across Allan's shoulder blades were just begging for me to run my fingers over them. I knew Ed had a similar set of scars across the back of his thigh.

  Doc's arms tightened around me when I licked my lips. Ed glanced over his shoulder and winked at me.

  I growled softly, knowing he would hear. Allan chuckled. I stared at their asses and ground my teeth.

  Doc caressed my neck before tilting my chin up and kissing me right over the pulse on my throat. My breath hitched. The only one of my boyfriends not torturing me was Nikolai and I didn't expect him to hold out long.

  Thunder crackled around us and I jumped, not expecting that in the middle of a snowstorm. It did serve to distract me from my arousal, at least a tiny bit.

  "Thundersnow!" Ed exclaimed. "I love it when it thunders during a snowstorm."

  I took the opportunity to study Ash. He didn't look annoyed, as I had expected, or even like he was trying to ignore our antics. Instead he studied me closely. I glanced at Nikolai. The mage was looking at Ash, just as intently. That might be why he hadn't decided to join in on the fun. Nikolai sensed my attention and glanced over at me.

  His eyes flicked to Ash then back to me before he shrugged and hopped up on the bed behind us.

  Doc nibbled at my neck.


  "A little," he admitted.

  I tipped my chin back, inviting him.

  He hesitated.

  "You shouldn't let yourself get too hungry."

  Doc sighed. "Later, after you all eat."

  I snuggled into his chest again, wondering why he was feeling shy all of a sudden. Ash still studied us, but I couldn't read the expression on his face.

  Doc went back to rubbing my back gently while we waited for Ed and Allan to finish dinner. I tried not to drool as I watched their coordinated movements as they went through their nightly dance of preparing us dinner. Someday I really should help them, but it was so nice to just watch.

  I reluctantly climbed off of Doc's lap when Ed and Allan finished dinner and we all gathered around the table. Ash ended up on one side of me and Ed sank down on the other. I pushed my knee against his and he put his hand on top of my thigh for a moment, leaving a burning warm spot and making me squirm a little on my cushion.

  Thinking about how I could maybe get one or two of my guys alone, or all of them, without kicking Ash out, kept me occupied through dinner.

  Once we had finished, I offered my arm to Doc. He shook his head. "You need to keep your strength up," he said. "As soon as this storm breaks, you three have to build us a cabin."

  I wrapped my arms around him, inhaling his leather scent as he hugged me tightly. "You sure?"

  "I'll be okay."

  "Don't starve yourself," I whispered. I knew he was feeling a little uncomfortable with his vampire side after indulging it so deeply when rescuing Ash, but he still needed blood.

  "You can have some of mine if you want." Ash stared at the table while he spoke, and I could tell it had taken a fair bit for him to offer.

  I glanced up at Doc at the same time Ash did, just in time for us to both see him twist his lips. He cleared the expression from his face quickly enough, but Ash had seen.

  Before we could explain what demon blood did to Doc, Ash nodded and headed out the door.

  I sighed. "I'll go get him."

  "Sofia, be careful of the storm. I don't want to have to rescue someone else from a blizzard."

  "I will be." I knew he referred to our adventures at my parents' house during Thanksgiving. I took a minute to throw on my coat and boots and then plunged into the snowstorm after Ash.

  Fortunately, he wasn't far. He was leaning against his snow-covered Camaro, arms crossed, shoulders hunched. It was probably a good thing it was snowing, or he might have left.

  "Ash, demon blood makes Doc sick."

  He turned, head tilted.

  "It's actually so bad for him, that the first two times he drank demon blood, it almost killed him. I saved him the first time. The greater demon saved him the second."

  Ash touched his neck. "He drank my blood to help the mage free me."

  "The greater demon did something to Doc. He can drink demon blood now, but it still isn't good for him. It just won't kill him. She knew he would help Nikolai free you, even if it would nearly kill him to do it."

  "Oh." He sighed.

  I came up next to him and put my arms around him. "Ash, we want you with us for as long as you want to stay."

  He hesitantly hugged me back, finally pulling me close, threading his fingers through my hair as I leaned into his chest, his other hand firm against the small of my back.

  Snow swirled around us, but he was warm enough that I didn't get cold while he held me. He tilted his head down so he could lean his cheek against my head. We stood there until my feet got cold. I shifted, and he released me.

  "Toes are freezing," I explained.

  He squeezed my shoulder. "You should head back."

  "You should come with me."

  "Thought you might want some time alone with your pack."

  Ash was perceptive, but even if the cold didn't bother the demon there was no way I would leave him out in a snowstorm.

  "I can wait, Ash. Come join us."

  When he hesitated, I grabbed his hand and dragged him back in the direction of the yurt. He didn't resist and soon we were back in the warmth of the yurt, snow melting off of us.

  The guys were dealing out cards. Someone had found a deck recently and they had rediscovered the joys of card games. No one said anything, just dealt a hand for Ash and me and made space for him to sit next to me at the table. It put him between me and Doc and once the cards were dealt, Doc put his arm around Ash and gave him a quick side hug, before going back to the game.

  Ash might have been fighting back tears, but I sensed that he didn't want any extra attention at the moment, so we just played the card game and stayed close to him while still trying to let him have some space.

  Chapter 14


  "Let's run!" Ed exclaimed.

  The storm had abated, and we were ready to be out of the yurt for a little while. It was comfortable, but with six of us in there we were a little crowded. Darkness had fallen early both from the storm and the time
of year.

  Allan jumped up from the cushion, obviously in agreement.

  Ed turned his puppy eyes on me and arched an eyebrow.

  He was right, it was time to run. I looked at Doc who smirked and nodded.

  "Nikolai, Ash, would you like to join us?" Doc stood and headed over to Allan. He would have to take blood from one of the werewolves to transfer the ability to shift to us.

  Nikolai tilted his head. "Run?"

  "As a wolf."

  Nikolai's eyes widened. He looked at me and I nodded. "I do not know spell to shapeshift."

  "Transference," Doc reminded him.


  "I can force the change if you can't do it yourself," Doc explained.

  "I will join the pack," Nikolai replied hesitantly, agreeing to the experience.

  We all turned to Ash.

  "Can you shapeshift?" Doc locked his gaze on Ash.

  His eyes darted between Doc, Allan, and me.

  "No," he finally replied.

  "Do you want to try?" Doc offered in a gentle voice.

  Ash hunched his shoulders, gaze going to the ground, but he nodded.

  Doc held out his hand to Allan. The werewolf stepped to Doc and slipped his hand into the vampire's. Doc pulled him close and tilted Allan's head back, lowering his fangs to the werewolf's neck. He still hesitated, but finally he took a breath and bit down.

  Allan's eyes rolled back in his head. He groaned as Doc took his blood, hands clutching the vampire's back. After a moment, Doc released Allan, though he held the werewolf until he steadied.

  Allan's eyes shone and the look he gave Doc would have made me jealous if he'd looked at anyone outside the pack like that.

  Doc's gaze was equally heated.

  I echoed Allan's groan, completely turned on.

  The guys all stared at me, and for a moment I thought the run might be delayed, but we all got a hold of ourselves and refocused on the run.

  Doc approached Ash first. "You don't have to."

  Ash took a breath and nodded. "I want to."

  Doc removed one of the magical reservoir bracelets he wore and sank his fangs into his wrist. Blood welled on his arm and he offered it to Ash. The demon took his arm and hesitantly pulled it to his mouth. Doc shut his eyes when Ash licked the blood, breath quickening.


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