Book Read Free

Tempted at Midnight

Page 5

by Cheris Hodges

  “There’s a little hole-in-the-wall bar down the street that has the strongest martinis in town.”

  “Martinis? And here I was thinking that you’re a single-malt-scotch guy.”

  “Got me pegged, huh?”

  “You’re a specific type, if I can be judgmental.”

  Erik tilted his head to the side. “I got to hear this.”

  Sylvia looked him in the eyes and smirked. “Well, here’s my snap judgment: You’re not used to hearing the word no. You like being in control and you drink expensive liquor.”

  He shook his head as he laughed. “Do I get to play?”

  She shrugged. “Why not?”

  Erik stroked his chin. “You’re impulsive and have no trouble speaking your mind. But inside, you’re a scared little girl trying to prove to everyone that you’re not.”

  Sylvie bristled at his assessment. “That was rude.”

  “You eloquently called me an asshole with a drinking problem, but I’m rude? Let’s go get this drink before one of us gets further offended.”

  They walked to the parking lot in a tense silence. Erik felt as if he should’ve apologized, but for what? Maybe it was the term little girl that offended her.

  “Erik, I realized something,” Sylvie said, breaking the silence around them. “I have an early morning and I don’t think I should drink tonight.”

  “If I offended you, I’m sorry,” he said. “That wasn’t my intention.” Closing the space between them, he wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “I-I . . .” Sylvie tilted her head upward and Erik brought his mouth down on top of hers. The kiss was slow, deep, and hot.

  She melted in his arms and he wanted nothing more than to load her into his car and have a replay of New Year’s Eve. Pulling back, he ran his finger across her smooth cheek. “That was inappropriate. But I’d like to do it again.”

  “No.” Sylvie sighed. “I have to finish this project without distractions and that’s exactly what your lips are. Please don’t kiss me again.”

  Erik nodded. “Whatever the lady wants.”

  She inhaled deeply and took a step back. “Umm, yeah. So, rain check on the drink, okay?”

  Erik tipped his imaginary hat to her and watched her walk over to her car. It was fitting that she drove a classic Jaguar XKR convertible. And of course it was red. Fiery, just like the driver and her now forbidden kisses.

  “She better not come in here with red lipstick on,” he muttered as he crossed over to his car.

  * * *

  Sylvie drove straight to Olivia’s place and hoped that her friend hadn’t left the country with Logan yet. She needed her ear. When she saw the couple sitting on the front porch, she released a sigh of relief. Then she remembered that Erik and Logan were brothers. She really couldn’t have the gritty conversation she needed to have with her BFF while he was sitting there.

  Parking her car, she hopped out and dashed up the stairs. “Olivia. LJ. We need to talk.”

  The couple looked at her with questions dancing in their eyes. Sylvia folded her arms across her chest.

  “What’s going on?” Olivia asked.

  “Do I need to let you two have a minute alone?”

  LJ rose to his feet, then his phone rang. “Saved by the bell.”

  “What’s wrong?” Olivia asked as Sylvia sat in LJ’s seat.

  “Remember how I told you that I’d spent the night with the single guy at your party?”

  Olivia smiled. “You found him?”

  Sylvia ran her hand across her face. “Sure did. He’s Erik Jordan.”

  Olivia bit her bottom lip, then burst out laughing. “I can’t believe it. Aren’t you working for or with him now?”

  “Shut up. He kissed me.”

  “According to you, he did a lot more than that.”

  Sylvie popped her friend on the arm. “He kissed me tonight. What in hell am I going to do?”

  Olivia crossed her legs and picked up her glass of tea from the wrought-iron table. “I know you’re not going to quit, because you’ve been looking forward to this for months. Maybe you should just do your job and move on?”

  She closed her eyes and tossed her head back. “I liked it when he kissed me, though. I felt . . . alive.”

  “Or, you’re just horny.”


  “New Year’s Eve was two weeks ago and—”


  She took a sip of her tea and then smiled at Sylvia. “Why don’t you just go with it?”

  “Hello! He’s the CEO of Jordan . . .”

  LJ reappeared on the porch. “You met my brother? I guess you’re the woman who has him drinking scotch tonight.” He crossed over to Olivia and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ve been summoned to have a similar conversation.”

  “No one is talking about your brother,” Sylvie said. “Make sure you tell him that.”

  “If I do that, he’s going to know you’re talking about him.” LJ gave Olivia another kiss, then headed down the steps.

  Sylvie turned to Olivia, who was still laughing, and scowled at her. “I’m glad you think this is funny.”

  “It’s ironic as hell. You and my future brother-in-law hook up at my engagement party and now you’re remodeling his business. That’s what you get for not vetting him first.”

  “What was I supposed to do? You were so busy showing off your ring and people fawning all over LJ’s portrait of you. We’d already kissed and it was only downhill from there.”

  “Downhill? That’s what you’re calling it now?”

  “Why don’t you march your happy ass in the house and pour us a couple of adult beverages?” Sylvie snapped.

  “Wine or whisky?”

  “Definitely whisky.”

  Olivia clasped her hands together. “You know what, Logan brought a single-malt scotch back from Scotland and this is the proper time to bring it out.”

  Sylvie’s cheeks heated as she thought about the conversation that led to the kiss. A kiss that shook her even more than the midnight smooch. How in the hell was she going to work around him, inhale him, and watch him move around knowing what he looks like naked?

  If I want to make my company a powerhouse, I’m going to have to focus on the work and not working my hips with Erik.

  * * *

  Erik nursed a glass of scotch while he waited for Logan to show up. After his encounter with Sylvie, he hadn’t gone home. He’d headed for the Canvas Club. When he’d called his brother, it had been to lament about Sylvie. Then the FBI called. There was going to be an indictment against Simon; the federal prosecutor was making the announcement first thing in the morning. Erik knew the stock was going to take a nosedive and leave the company open to a hostile takeover by the buyers who Simon had been courting.

  “This might be the shortest CEO tenure in history.” He downed his scotch and gritted his teeth. No matter how good the PR department was, there wasn’t a way to get around what was about to happen. Erik was about to order another drink when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Expecting it to be Logan, Erik didn’t even turn around before saying, “We’re going to need a bottle of the good stuff to get through this.”

  “And what are we getting through, Mr. Jordan?”

  Erik turned around and locked eyes with the last person he wanted to see tonight or any other night.

  Lori Anne Parker.

  She was a woman who couldn’t take a hint or buy a clue. She had applied to work in his lab three years ago, but after he found out that her credentials were forged, Erik rescinded his job offer.

  “Why are you here?”

  She smiled. “Just trying to be a reminder of the biggest mistake you’ve ever made. Then again, maybe I dodged a bullet. What’s going on at JI?”

  “Since you dodged a bullet, then it’s nothing for you to worry about. Why don’t you go enjoy your evening?”

  “Well, I’m here celebrating. Finally have my own lab and I’m coming for you.” She smiled and saunter
ed away. The childish side of him wanted to throw his empty glass at her retreating figure, but he had bigger problems.

  Logan finally arrived and took a seat beside his brother. “You don’t look too good and I know this isn’t just about Sylvia.”

  Erik shook his head and waved for the bartender. “Nope. I got bigger issues. In less than twelve hours, everything is going to blow the hell up. The federal indictment against Dad is going to announced. Guess they got the files from the legal department.”

  Logan’s mouth dropped open. When the bartender walked over to the men, Erik signaled for him to leave the bottle and handed him his credit card.

  “What are you going to do?” Logan finally asked after pouring himself a drink.

  “Brace for impact, I guess. The board and I have kept things quiet since his arrest, but this is one of those things that ends up on a cable news program.”

  Logan ran his hand across his face and shook his head. “Why did he do it?”

  “Greed. Because he could? I don’t know. The last time I spoke to him, he threatened me. Then Mom said he’s in the hospital.”

  “Have you checked on him?”

  Erik poured himself another drink before shaking his head. “I have to clean up his mess and I can’t bring myself to care if he’s lying in a hospital bed or not. We could lose the company.”

  “You mean y’all. Because I’m not a part of this shit show.”

  Erik rolled his eyes. “How about this: Maybe it’s time for you to get involved. I need help, and right now, the only other Jordan I can trust these days is you.”

  “How am I supposed to help? I don’t know anything about this company and—”

  “You’re a celebrity. People love your art, and if you lend your name to a line of makeup, that might help the stock from becoming worthless, for the time being.”

  “And that might just put my art career in a downward spiral. I don’t know about this. I’ve worked too hard to distance myself from—”

  “Simon! Dad didn’t believe in you, but I’ve always had your back. Now I need you to have mine.” Erik slammed his hand against the bar. Immediately, he felt bad for pressuring his brother. But he was desperate.

  Logan must have realized his brother’s plight because he agreed. “You’re going to have to create a hell of a line. And I’m not talking some palette of wild colors that are going to end up on YouTube making women look like clowns either.”

  Erik leaned over and hugged his brother around the shoulders. “You’re the best. And I got this.” Reaching for his phone, he sent a text to his PR director asking her to come to the office immediately. “We got to get this ball rolling.”

  “Wait, Olivia needs to know about this first. You know, she’s my brand manager.”

  Erik groaned. While he liked Olivia as Logan’s fiancée, he didn’t want her in their business. She had successfully guided Logan’s career, but this was Jordan Industries business.

  “What?” Logan asked as he took note of the scowl on Erik’s face.

  “Nothing, tell your brand manager.”

  “Why do I get the feeling that you don’t want her involved?”

  Erik shrugged. “Because I don’t, but I can’t fault you for running your business the way you see fit. Hell, you’re the successful one.”

  “I’ll tell her before the news goes public. After all, it’s not often that the great Erik Jordan asks for help.”

  “We got to get to the office. And since I’m probably beyond the legal limit of sobriety, you’re driving.”

  “Great, this will give me a chance to tell you all about Sylvia and how she’s sitting on my front porch talking about you.”

  Erik paused. “Why is she on your front porch?”

  Logan rose to his feet and smirked. “That’s Olivia’s besty.”

  Erik blinked rapidly before standing up. “What in the hell have I gotten myself into?”


  “Until this moment, I never believed in six degrees of separation. But got-damn! Even if I can deal with working around that sexy woman, she’s never going to disappear from my life.”

  “Guess you’re going to have to treat her right. Not really your strong suit when it comes to women.”

  “That’s not true, I just don’t do that whole long-term-commitment thing that you love. I give what I get, I don’t make promises, and everybody knows what the deal is.”

  The men headed for the exit. “And why are you this way, Mr. Playboy?”

  “Shut up.” Erik never considered himself a playboy—he just wasn’t the marrying type. Relationships were more work than he ever wanted to do. Worrying about another person’s happiness and needs had been something he’d watched his mother do for years with no reward of her own.

  Granted, his dad was an asshole and he was certain that if he ever fell in love she wouldn’t be an asshole. But at some point, Simon must have offered Yvonne something that resembled love.

  Erik wasn’t going to take that risk. No matter how strong the temptation of Sylvie was.

  Chapter 5

  Sylvie and Olivia learned something tonight. Neither of them could handle scotch. Saying they’d overdone it was the understatement of the year as they lay on the sofa and love seat in the living room.

  “Is the room ever going to stop spinning?” Sylvie slurred.

  “Shh! My head is throbbing.”

  Sylvie closed her eyes and she could’ve sworn she heard Erik call her name. She felt herself reach her arms up to wrap them around his neck. The next thing she knew, she was tumbling off the sofa. Olivia’s laughter filled the air. “My God, we’re going to die!”

  “Olivia Brown, I hate you.” Sylvie placed her hand on the edge of the sofa and attempted to pull herself up. It took three tries for her to get up on the sofa again. “You could’ve told me that Logan was a member of the Jordan family. Then I would’ve been on high alert at your party and would’ve kept my lips to myself.”

  “Listen, you’ve been working so hard these past few months, I wanted you to have a good time and not think about work. Who knew you were going to go all ‘Darling Miki’ on Erik?”

  “Nikki. It’s ‘Darling Nikki.’ And . . .” Sylvie paused as she felt her stomach lurch. “We need food or I’m going to . . .” She didn’t have to say it because she threw up all over the floor.

  “Eww!” Olivia exclaimed. “I’m not cleaning that up!”

  Tears sprang to Sylvia’s eyes. “But I can’t!”

  “Where’s Logan?”


  Olivia nodded. “Right.” She stood up on wobbly legs and headed for the bathroom to grab towels.

  Sylvie looked at the mess and decided that this was what her life had become. A hot, steaming mess. Seconds later, Olivia threw two bath towels at her friend and Sylvia mopped up her vomit.

  “This isn’t what I should be doing right now.”

  Olivia frowned at her. “Sorry, Queen Sylvie, but you made the mess, now you clean it up.”

  Looking up at her friend, Sylvie frowned. “That’s not what I mean. I’m talking about this project and how seeing Erik drove me to drinking.”

  “Oh. Well, if it makes you feel better, just know you beat him at his own game and you’re in the driver’s seat. Just keep your thighs together and make the magic that you’re known for. Then you’re going to be beating off requests for bigger jobs with a bat.”

  “You’re right and I’m glad you have hardwood floors in here.” She piled the soiled towels on top of each other. “I need your mop.”

  “I’ll get it after I order pizza and Chinese.” She gingerly walked over to the love seat and dug her cell phone from in between the cushions. “What in hell?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Logan sent me a text. Said he’s going to help his family business and we’ll talk about it when he gets home. Who jumps on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg already?”

  “What do you know that you refuse to
tell me? Because it seems as if I’m on the same ship.”

  Olivia sighed and dropped her phone on the end table next to the love seat. “Erik became the CEO because Simon Jordan was arrested for embezzling money from the company. This happened in December, and somehow no one released any information about it. The board knows, the stockholders don’t. It’s only a matter of time before it all comes out.”

  “And this is going to be nothing but bad PR, and if I’m linked to this . . .”

  Olivia waved her hand. “You’re going to be fine. You’re not an employee or a family member. Now, Logan.” She sighed. “His LJ brand isn’t associated with the family because his father never respected his talent and to this day calls him a painter. Erik is a chemist by trade, and him working with their dad fit. But he never judged Logan, and in the beginning, he was the main backer of Logan’s earlier shows when people just came for the cheese and wine.”

  Sylvie smiled because free cheese and wine had brought LJ and Olivia together. They had attended a show at a new gallery downtown and the rest was history. Sylvie wasn’t naïve enough to believe lightning would strike twice and her business arrangement with Erik would turn into a lifetime love.

  Wait. What? Where the hell did that thought come from? Had to be the scotch.

  “Sylvie? Are you listening?”


  “Are you still pretending to be a vegetarian or can we get a pepperoni pizza?”

  “Make it sausage and peppers. I’ll go back to vegetarian when I’m sober.”

  * * *

  Erik, Logan, and Ingrid Jacobs, the head of Jordan Industries’ public relations department, sat in the conference room huddled over iPads and coffee.

  They’d crafted a response to Simon’s indictment and planned a video that Erik would distribute to the board and the staff. Now, Erik was trying to find the right line of makeup to attach LJ’s name to. But his brother was being difficult.

  “That looks like clown makeup!” Logan said for the fifteenth time when Erik showed him an image.

  Closing his eyes and counting to ten, Erik sighed. How was it that talking about his father’s malfeasance had been the easiest part of this little powwow?


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