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All In (The Kings of Kroydon Hills Book 1)

Page 7

by Bella Matthews

  Chloe walks to her bedroom door across the hall and places the picture inside. “Were they us?”

  Nodding my head, I add, “Inspiration struck.”

  She links her arm through mine. “I love it. I’m going to frame it when we get home.”

  We head downstairs as the thunder strikes so loudly, it nearly shakes the house. The rain is playing a metallic tune on the copper roof of the porch. All of the glass doors are open to the outside, and the salty air is causing the sheer white curtains to billow into the rooms.

  The sound of the guys’ laughter is echoing in from the covered porch, and the smell of burgers and hot dogs being grilled is making my mouth water.

  Chloe and I go to work in the kitchen, setting out the potato salad and a few bags of chips, along with the condiments and plates. She hits play on her favorite beach playlist, and the two of us dance around the room with no one watching.

  I am having more fun and feeling freer in this moment than I have in years.

  Just when Harry Styles’ “Watermelon Sugar” comes through the speakers, the guys come in with the food.

  Sebastian comes over and joins our little dance party. Before I know it, I’m the center of a Bash and Chloe sandwich. Bash smells good, like Abercrombie and Fitch’s Fierce. He’s in black cargo shorts and his soft, grey t-shirt is hugging his chest. He’s so damn tall, my head is barely coming up to his chin.

  He leans in close to my ear and whispers, “Play along, Little Sinclair.”

  Bash isn’t half bad. He’s way better than I would have thought a guy as big as he is would be. With his knees bent and his hands on my hips, I throw my arms around his shoulders and follow his lead.

  Murphy’s whistling echoes throughout the house.

  Cooper puts the platter of food down a little harder than necessary and then grumbles, “Dinner’s ready,” before stalking off back to the porch.

  I chance a quick glimpse of Brady. I don’t know him well enough to be sure, but the look on his face can only be described as pissed. Is he jealous?

  With that in mind, I start to swing my hips and grind my ass a little more than I should, but Chloe’s right. This boy needs to make up his mind. If I’m willing to bend my own rule and consider dating one of Coop’s friends, he can bend one of his. It’s the first time I’ve been this interested in a guy in forever. I will not beg, but there is nothing in the rule books saying I can’t tease or try to force his hand.

  When the song ends, Bash kisses us both on the top of the head and then whispers in my ear. “Point one to you, Little Sinclair. You’ve got his attention.”

  Huh. Guess Bash is on my side too. Am I that obvious? Wait… do I have a side?

  Looking over Bash’s shoulder, I have a direct view of Brady, whose lips are in a tight line, like this whole exchange is painful for him to watch. He’s wearing worn blue jeans and a threadbare, dark blue t-shirt. His feet are bare, and there is just something about the way he looks that makes my mouth water.

  Cooper walks back into the kitchen with a bottle of beer in his hand and is the first to grab a plate off the counter. We all follow him and load up, and then head out to the table on the porch. The outdoor fireplace is tucked into the corner and is already on, giving off extra heat. The table is situated in a way that sections the kitchen area off from the rest of the outdoor space.

  The ceiling is high, with a copper fan and fairy lights lining the space. A big, light tan sofa, oversized chairs, and a smaller fire pit table create a different area next to the beach’s steps. The rain is coming down hard now, making us seem hidden, cut off from the rest of the world.

  Chloe sits down at the far end of the table before throwing a chip at her brother sitting next to me. “So, what’s the plan tonight, guys? Sabrina texted that she wouldn’t be down until tomorrow. Do you guys have anybody else coming?”

  I pull my phone from my pocket to see if Darby texted again, but he hasn’t.

  Brady picks up the thrown chip and pops it in his mouth. “I think a few of the guys from the team are coming. Not sure if they are stopping by tonight or not.”

  Leaning his forearms on the table, he smiles devilishly at his sister. “Want to play cards?”

  Before Chloe gets a chance to answer, Murphy does. He throws both hands out in front of him, gesturing wildly. “You guys fucking suck when you play cards. No, nope, no freaking way. I don’t want to be stuck in the middle of another Ryan family fight over who cheated.”

  It’s hard not to laugh at Murphy’s description.

  A few different options are tossed out before Bash offers up beer pong, and we all agree.

  Murph gets a beer, and Chloe tries to grab it from him. He holds it above her head, so she can’t reach it. “I think Momma Ryan would have a stroke if she saw what we are about to do on her table. What do you think?”

  Chloe throws her napkin on her now empty paper plate and glares at Murphy. “Well, how about we try not telling my mother that we used her ridiculously expensive table for beer pong. Then, there is no need for her to stroke out. Now, what are the teams? And, don’t you dare try saying guys against girls. I love you, Nat, but your aim sucks. She may need your help, Brady. Teach her how to throw.”

  I can’t even say anything because she’s right. My aim does suck. We were trying to throw popcorn in our mouths last night, and I got more on the couch and floor than in my mouth. This is why I leave the sports to my brothers.

  I don’t mention that I’ve never played beer pong before or that I really don’t like beer.

  Brady places his arm on the back of my chair and pulls it closer to his. He leans into me, giving the illusion we are plotting. “What do you say? You and me against these guys?” I look up, meeting his whiskey eyes. They look gold in the warm light of the porch. Would Oh God, yes, please, be a good answer?

  I somehow doubt it.

  Chloe has claimed Bash as her partner, and Murphy and Cooper are clearing the table, so that leaves us.

  Tilting my head slightly, I act like I have to think about my answer. “Sure, QB. You might want to show me what I’m doing, though. I’ve never played this before.”

  There is no mistaking the nearly pained look on Brady’s face right then. “Oh, Nat. There are so many things I want to show you.”

  What the fuck?

  Did he just say that?

  “Well, I’ll have to judge your skills first. A girl needs to decide if you’re a worthy teacher.”

  Two can play at this game. I might seem naïve, but I’m not. I might not be the most experienced girl, but I did grow up with two brothers and have spent my life in and out of locker rooms.

  Naive left the building a long time ago.



  I give up. I don’t think I can fight it anymore. Natalie is beautiful and funny. She laughs at everyone’s jokes, has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, gets along with all of the guys, and my sister, and knows more about football than any girl I have ever met.

  She looks hotter in a pair of shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt than most girls do with a full face of makeup.

  We are about to finish our latest turn at beer pong. Natalie is standing in front of me, ball in hand. My hands are on her hips as I help her get in position. There is no fucking way she doesn’t know what she is doing when that delicious ass grazes my cock for the millionth time tonight.

  She turns her head slightly, looking up at me from underneath those long lashes, and smiles. There is no way that she isn’t doing that shit on purpose.

  We’ve been playing beer pong for the last hour or so. The beer is flowing freely, and everyone is having a good time.

  I’ve found out that Nat is not a fan of beer, so, being the gentleman that I am, I’ve spent most of our turns drinking both of our beers, so I know she’s still sober. I’ve noticed Cooper hasn’t looked very happy when I touch his sister, and his sister is tough not to want to touch.

  Bash is right, I need to talk to Cooper.
  I give up.

  I give in.

  Fuck I want this girl, and not just for a quick lay. I want her to be mine, and I can’t go behind my friend and teammate’s back and not expect it to fuck things up. That’s not how I want this to start.

  Natalie finally manages to get the ball in the last cup, winning us the game. Spinning around, she jumps up and throws her arms around my neck, celebrating our win. I quickly squeeze her, then look over her shoulder at a less than thrilled Cooper and place her back on her feet. We walk over to the couch and sit down while the other two teams take their turn.

  Murphy’s bombed, and I’m pretty sure Chloe is too.

  Bash and Cooper still seem sober.

  Nat has been nursing the same beer for a while now. I don’t think she likes it, but she hasn’t said anything. Getting comfortable, she tucks her knees up inside her shirt in front of her, and I can’t see her legs or shorts. I’m leaning against the corner of the couch, and she’s turned, facing me, when she pushes her bare her toes tucked under my legs.

  The rain has stopped, but the storm brought the temperature down, and it’s still a little windy out. “Are you cold? I can grab a blanket.”

  She tucks her feet further under my thigh. “Nope. I’m good just where I am.”

  She beams up at me like she just struck gold when in reality, I’m pretty sure I am the one who just figured out my shit. I put my hand on her calves and start to rub. Her skin is so soft and smooth. The sweetest little moan leaves her lips as I dig into her calf muscles.

  “So, no boyfriend back in California?”

  Leaning back into the cushion further, Nat worries her bottom lip with her teeth. “Nope. I never really had time before. Dance, plus, I never really found anyone that seemed worth it. Bringing someone around my brothers and my father can be intimidating. Usually, guys are either scared of my family or are trying to use me to get close to them. Not great options. What about you? Do you have a girl that can’t wait to see you again when school starts?”

  Pushing in closer to her, I rub further up her legs. “Never really did the whole serious thing. Football is the only relationship that I’ve made time for.”

  “I get it. My brother Declan has always said the wrong girls were nothing but a distraction. At least that was what he said in high school. He has changed his tune since he’s been in college. Had a serious girl for his freshman and sophomore year, but since they’ve broken up, I’ve never seen him with the same girl twice.”

  “I heard a rumor this week that you and Branson are talking.”


  “Yeah. Are you guys together?”

  My question is rewarded by her deep, throaty laugh. “Umm, together? No. Have we been texting? A little.”

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I unlock it and hand it to her. “Wanna call yourself from my phone? I realized this week, I don’t have your number.”

  “You were thinking about me this week?”

  “Probably more than I should have been.”

  I hear her phone beep as she hands me mine back.

  Her hair blows in the wind, giving me another whiff of that orangey scent. I want to lick every tanned inch of her skin. I tell myself again that I have to talk to Cooper first, just as I hear the cars come down the street and the obnoxious beeping of the horns.

  Fucking shit timing.

  The team just showed up.

  It kills me to do it, but I remove my hands from her body, lean down and whisper in her ear, “I’ll be right back.”

  Natalie fucking sighs like she is disappointed.

  I don’t want to walk away right now, but I do.

  Walking around the porch, I see the street that was empty earlier is now full of cars. We’ve been in our own little world for the last few hours. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed. The center from our team, Landon, is at the bottom of the stairs. “We coming up, QB?” He’s a fucking giant of a man. He’s got half the team with him and a keg on one shoulder.

  “Well, fuck, get up here before you asswipes get the cops called on us.”

  The guys start to climb the stairs. A few of the girls are with them, too, and I see Tiffany and a few cheerleaders climbing out of her little Porsche convertible at the end of the street. She’s smoking hot, but there is a train wreck hidden underneath. There’s a ton of backslapping and bro-shakes over the next few minutes.

  The keg gets tapped, the music gets turned up, and before I know it, I’ve lost Nat in the crowd.



  The party isn’t waiting for Friday night. It looks like half the school is here now, and it’s not even ten. I didn’t realize when Brady walked away earlier that I was losing him for the night. He’s been making the rounds for the last hour. Talking to everyone and moving from group to group with ease.

  When I see Brady, Murphy, Bash, and Cooper together, everyone seems like they are on equal footing. The rest of the guys and most of the girls at this party treat Brady and my guys like football gods among mere mortals. Especially Brady. They are hanging on his every word.

  I’m standing by the fireplace, surrounded by a group of girls I met tonight. Chloe told them that I dance, so they’re all trying to talk me into trying out for the squad.

  “Sorry, guys. I’m just not sure if I want to do that or not. I promised my dad I would take a few classes at a local studio and want to see how that goes first.”

  Kristy, a pretty brunette, nods her head enthusiastically. “Totally understand. You gotta let us know if you change your mind, though. We lost a few good seniors last year and only filled half the slots for the football season. We should still have slots open for basketball season.”

  “I will,” I answer as my eyes drift back to Brady. The possessiveness I feel annoys me when a beautiful girl with hot pink hair, legs twice as long as mine, and boobs I’d die for catches my eyes. A few minutes ago, she came up the stairs, gave Brady a huge hug, and is now his beer pong partner.

  It looks like pink-haired Barbie is hanging on his every word and his every muscle.

  My phone pings, and I pull it out to check.

  Darby: Just pulled up to Ryan’s house. You here?

  Nattie: Yeah. Just heading inside.

  Darby: Good. See you in a min.

  Chloe gives me a questioning look.

  I give her a quick nod back, telling her I’m fine and then heading for the kitchen.

  Deciding to make a pit stop, I run upstairs into my bathroom to touch up my hair and makeup before heading down to the kitchen. As I am coming back down the stairs, I collide with Darby.

  “Hey, are you okay?” he asks as he catches me by my upper arms, making sure I don’t topple over.

  “Thanks for the save.”

  “Happy to help. You and Chloe have fun today?” The guy has a great smile. He’s not quite as big as Brady or as broad as Murphy. He’s built more like a shorter version of Bash. Maybe 6’ tall and lean with chiseled features. His dark brown eyes are so dark I can barely see his irises.

  “We did have fun. It was a perfect beach day before the storm hit.”

  “You ever sit on the beach after a storm? The waves are something else right after the rain stops. Grab a towel. Let’s go check it out.”

  “Sure. Why not.”

  There’s a gleam in Darby’s eye. It’s a little sexy and a little unsettling.

  We walk onto the porch where the party is in full gear and grab my towel from earlier today to sit on. Everything is still wet from the rain, and I don’t want a wet ass. “Just let me find Chloe real quick to let her know where I’m going.”

  “Chloe.” She looks around until she finds me in the crowd. “I’m going to go for a walk

  on the beach.”

  “With Brady?” She looks triumphantly at me.

  “No. With Darby.” I see her shoulders fall.

  “You’ve got your phone on you?”

  “Yes, Mom. I’ve got my phone,
and we won’t go far. I’ll be back before curfew.”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Her laughter follows me down the steps where Darby is already waiting for me. He’s thrown on a red sweatshirt. He looks good, but I am incredibly aware that he is not Brady.

  The fact that I immediately compare the two should be the first sign that this is not the guy I want to be sitting with on the beach. But there is nothing wrong with seeing where this goes.

  Darby guides me down to the tall, white lifeguard tower with red lettering across the back. He gives me a boost as I climb up. Placing the towel down, I try to get comfy. I love the air after a storm. It’s as if the slate has been wiped clean, everything looks and smells fresh. You can taste the salt in the air, and the waves are lapping loudly at the beach, crashing like an angry song.

  Darby climbs up and, places his arms across the back of the stand, and begins to play with my hair. As he settles himself, I tuck myself in and pull my legs up. “So, are you excited to be starting a new school next week?”

  “I guess I am. I was a little nervous before I moved, but Chloe and the guys have been great and made me feel like I’m home. It’s nice to know I’ll have a few friends when I walk into school on Tuesday. How about you?”

  “I am excited. I’m ready for the school year to start so that the season can start.”

  “The football season?”

  “Yeah. A week from today, it’s our last first game of the season on that field. It’s crazy to think of it that way when I’ve been going to this school my entire life. I’m going to miss it next year. Gotta see what scouts show up at the beginning of the season. I haven’t signed a letter of intent yet. Has Cooper signed a letter? Does he know where he wants to go?”


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