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The Two of Us (Love in Isolation Book 1)

Page 7

by Kennedy Fox

  Yes, she did just get out of a long-term relationship, but I know he wasn’t right for her. She was arm candy for their public appearances and played along to appease her parents. Cami might’ve thought they had the picture-perfect relationship, but her eyes always gave away her true feelings regardless if she smiled wide. I know her well enough to see the sparkle was missing, proof she didn’t love him like everyone thought she did. Every photo printed and posted was forced and had no real meaning behind it.

  Given that we’re here together and we have this second chance, I’m not taking it for granted. I’ll get Cami to admit she hid her feelings for me and find out if she still has them.

  “What’d you make? It woke me up from my nap.” She laughs.

  I arch a brow. “Nap, huh? Thought you had lots of schoolwork to do.”

  She groans while taking a seat at the table. “I do, but I get fatigued after a panic attack.”

  “You feeling better now?”

  “Yes, very much so. I took a hot bath and fell asleep to an audiobook.”

  “Couldn’t have been that interesting then if it made you pass out.”

  “It’s one I’ve listened to a hundred times. The narrator’s voice is soothing,” she explains, which I find adorable. I never thought to do that.

  “Well, I made pork chops slathered in cream of mushroom soup with a side of angel hair pasta.”

  “More pasta.” She releases a dramatic sigh. “I’m going to leave here fifty pounds heavier.”

  “I doubt that.” I set the plate in front of her. “But even if you did, you’d still be gorgeous.”

  “Thank you,” she says, but I’m not sure if it’s for the food or compliment. Either way, I meant it. Cameron St. James is a beautiful woman, always has been.

  “Wow…this is really good,” she admits after she tries the meat.

  I grab my plate and sit across from her. “You sound surprised.”

  “Well, kinda. It sounds so simple, but it’s really flavorful.” She shoves another bite into her mouth, making me smile.

  “I’m genuinely curious how you planned on surviving here without knowing how to cook,” I add with amusement. “Once the Lean Cuisines were gone…you were gonna do what exactly?”

  “I hadn’t really thought that far ahead. My focus was getting out of the city as fast as possible, and the shelves at the grocery store were already bare.”

  “Lucky for you, I brought a lot of frozen meat.”

  “And double lucky that you know how to cook it,” she adds, grinning.

  “I’m determined to turn you into a chef before we leave.” I cut into my pork. “This recipe is so easy, it’d take a miracle to fuck it up.”

  “Don’t underestimate my ability to do just that.”

  We chat as we eat, and the conversation’s never forced or awkward. The fact that it flows so easy should be weird, but I’m soaking up every second. Once we finish, I take our plates and rinse them in the sink.

  “I’d help you, but you’re gonna have to roll me and my food baby off this chair,” she says, leaning back and patting her flat stomach.

  I chuckle. “Don’t worry about it. Gonna put them in the dishwasher anyway.”

  “So you gonna tell me what your payback plan is?” she asks once I finish wiping the counters. “I’m getting nervous, so just tell me.”

  “Well…” I move around the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of Jack and two shot glasses. “It includes these things and a TV.”

  She squints her eyes, looking confused as hell. “Hmm…you’re going to get me drunk and make me watch porn?”

  I raise a brow. “Is that an option?”

  Cami scowls, shaking her head.

  “Alright, well then onto plan B. C’mon.” I wave my hand, and she huffs.

  Begrudgingly, Cami stands and follows me to the couch. I grab the remote, turn on the TV, and click to A&E.

  “What are you gonna make me watch?” she asks, curling her feet underneath her butt.

  “You ever seen Live PD?” I ask, setting the bottle and shot glasses down on the coffee table.

  “No…” she answers hesitantly.

  “Oh man…” I beam. “You’re in for a treat.”

  “Why do I have a feeling I’m about to regret this?”

  “Depends what kinda night they have.” I chuckle. “Now, there are rules to this drinking game. You ready?”

  “I suppose.” She shrugs.

  “We take a shot every time there’s a police car chase, someone gets tased, or the cops find drugs in the car and the person says it’s not theirs.”

  “Dear lord, we’ll be tanked before the end.”

  “That’s the point.”

  She laughs, and her eyes go wide as soon as the show begins. I pour the whiskey into the glasses and sit back, knowing it won’t be long before this game starts.

  On the very first traffic stop, an officer pulls someone over and smells marijuana as soon as the window comes down. Of course, she asks him when he last smoked it, and he denies using it. The smell gives her probable cause to search the vehicle, and then…he tells her it’s his buddy’s car and that the drugs aren’t his.

  “Oh, here we go!” I cheer. “Shot time.”

  “I feel like that’s such an obvious lie…” She scowls. “What an idiot.”

  I hand her one of the glasses, and we clink them together. “Cheers.”

  We choke down the burn in one swallow.

  “This is a horrible idea,” she slurs after the third shot. “How long is this show?”

  “An hour,” I reply. It’s only been twenty minutes. “Be glad I only listed three. There could’ve been a lot more.”

  “Did he seriously think he could drive off and get away with it?” Cami holds out her arm, getting pissed at the screen when another police chase starts. “This is why we can’t have nice things.” She shakes her head, takes the glass, then tilts her head back.

  Cami’s blinking obsessively, and I start cracking up. “You gonna be okay?”

  “Oh, sure. I’m starting to see stars, but I’m totally fine.”

  “Perhaps we should turn this off…” I chuckle.

  She stands, wobbling on her feet. “No, no. I’m fine. Totally got this.” She swings out her arm and attempts to touch her nose.

  “What are you trying to do?”

  “A sobriety test.” She lifts one foot and steps it in front of her other, tripping over the coffee table.

  Quickly, I catch her arm to stop her from falling, then get to my feet. “You’re gonna hurt yourself. Maybe you should stay sitting.”

  She turns and scowls. “I think you got me drunk on purpose.”

  Taking her hand, I guide her back to the couch and sit next to her. “I didn’t realize you were such a lightweight.”

  “I’m not!” She hiccups, then narrows her eyes at me when I try to hide my smile. “Shut up.”

  I snort and chuckle because she’s adorable. “I’ll get you some water.”

  “Wait.” She grabs my arm, then within seconds, her legs are around mine, and she’s straddling my lap.

  “Cami, what are you doing?” I securely hold her waist as all the blood rushes to my dick.

  “Well, if I have to explain it to you, then perhaps I shouldn’t be on top of you.”

  “I think you’re drunk and—”

  “Are you saying you don’t want me?” She leans in closer, and the strong smell of whiskey on her breath reminds me how inebriated she is.

  “I do, but not like this.”

  “Maybe this is the only way I can be brave enough to make a move…” she states clearly. “You’re the one who said I’m uptight, so this is me being…” She pauses, thinking. “Un-uptight.”

  My face splits into a grin at her hesitation and response.

  Cami sinks down harder against me, and I groan at how good it feels. She’s making this too fucking difficult.

  “I appreciate that, but the next time I kiss you, you’ll
be sober.” Bringing my hand up to her cheek, I brush away her hair and cup her chin. “That way, it’ll be a moment you won’t forget or regret.”

  “Okay.” She nods, contemplating my words. I can tell she’s thinking about something before she moves off me. The silence draws on for a second, and I wonder if she’s embarrassed. “Any chance we can pretend this didn’t happen?”

  I smirk. “Not a chance in hell.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest, but she’s smirking.

  Cameron St. James throwing herself at me is a moment I’ll never forget. Intoxicated or not, it’s something I’ll always find humor in.

  After helping her upstairs and into her room, I tuck her into bed and kiss her forehead. “Night.”

  She’s snoring by the time I shut the bedroom door.

  I take Bruno outside, then get ready for bed and text my sister before passing out. Ava and I were super close growing up, but as we got older and focused on school and work, we didn’t spend as much time together. I miss her a lot. The same age as Cameron, she’s finishing her last semester of college online since the stay-at-home order was issued. I know she’s bummed about it, but everyone’s suffering one way or another.

  Elijah: Hey, sis. How’s it going?

  Ava: Fine, I guess. Bored as hell already. How’s the cabin?

  Elijah: You’ll never believe who’s here with me.

  Ava: Barack Obama?

  I snort. She’s obsessed with the Obama family. He’s why she decided to study politics in college.

  Elijah: Cameron St. James. I didn’t know she was coming, and she didn’t know I was either. We both just showed up.

  Ava: Oh my God. Did she freak out? I bet she did.

  Elijah: You could say that. Demanded I leave. Haha.

  Ava: Of course. I’d expect nothing less from her.

  She sends an eye-roll emoji, and I laugh.

  Elijah: We’re getting along if you can picture that.

  Ava: That’s because you’re in love with her.

  Elijah: I can’t even deny it.

  I send her a shrugging emoji. My feelings for Cami have always been more than just infatuation. Being here with her has made me truly realize how much she means to me. There’s no hiding that.

  Ava: Well, I hope you survive the quarantine with the fashion princess. Looks like we’ll be locked inside for a while.

  Elijah: There goes your dating life. HAHA!

  Ava: Don’t be a dick! I didn’t have a dating life before this.

  Elijah: Good. Guys are idiots. Stay away from them.

  Ava: Says the idiot.

  Elijah: Yeah, yeah. I’m going to bed. Good luck with your online classes. Stay safe!

  After tossing and turning for two hours, I give up trying to sleep and decide to work out in the basement. I want to stay positive during this whole situation, especially since Ryan’s on the front lines, and I need to be strong for Cami, knowing she’s worried about him. But the truth is, it’s been keeping me up at night. Everything is so surreal that I can hardly wrap my mind around it.

  There are so many people who I love and want to stay safe, which only adds to my stress. I worry about my grandparents who are both in nursing homes. My mother is still cleaning houses to pay the bills. Then my sister staying with friends in the city. And of course, for my best friend. Without him, I’d be stuck in Brooklyn with three dumbass roommates who think this is a hoax. I’m not sure how long this lockdown will be, but I know I don’t want to go back there.

  Being with Cami is the only thing keeping me sane, even when she’s the one driving me crazy. Crushing on her from afar was one thing, but having her here, literally on top of me, is testing my willpower. I don’t want to be her “quarantine hookup” or a rebound if that’s all she’s looking for.

  I’d give her forever if she’d let me.

  Chapter Nine


  DAY 5

  Before I open my eyes, I know it’s going to be a miserable day.

  Between my head pounding and my stomach rumbling, I’m not sure I can even get out of bed.

  I pull the blankets over my head and groan. Last night, I tried to make a move on Eli, and he shot me down.


  In retrospect, it was one of the most humiliating things I’ve done in a long time. Not to mention, it involves the one person who already thinks I’m an uptight royal princess.

  He’ll never let me live this down.

  Sinking further under the sheets, I want the mattress to swallow me whole. Knowing Eli, he’s shirtless in the kitchen wearing a smug smirk and waiting for me to grace him with my presence. One part of me wants to get this over with, but the other part hopes I can hide in here and he’ll forget my existence.

  After a few minutes, the throbbing in my head worsens. I debate whether to suffer through it or search for some medicine. Then an annoying beeping starts.

  God. I’m already at this stage of the hangover.

  The beeping continues.

  Sitting up in bed with my hair in disarray, I look around and notice Chanel’s staring at me.

  “Do you hear that, too?” I ask, but she blinks at me, then starts licking her paws.

  The annoying sound grows louder.

  “What the fuck is that?” I grumble, deciding to get out of bed. Wrapping a blanket around my shoulders, I walk across the room and listen for it again.

  Opening my bedroom door, I’m convinced it’s coming from downstairs.

  The fuck?

  Dragging my sorry ass to the staircase, I brace myself for Eli’s inevitable gloating. He’s going to have a field day teasing the shit outta me.

  Sure enough, Elijah’s in the kitchen with his hair looking sexy and perfectly messy. I imagine running my finger through his dark strands, then remember the embarrassment I felt just moments ago.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” His deep voice echoes against the walls, causing a shiver to run down my body.

  “Please tell me you hear that noise…” I plop down on the stool behind the breakfast bar.

  He spins around and looks at me—the smirk I knew was coming planted firmly on his chiseled face. “What noise?” He furrows his brows, studying my face. “Feeling okay?”

  “Not really.” I rest my arms on the counter and lower my head. “I swear, something is beeping in this house.”

  “Here…” I hear him walk closer. “Drink this.”

  I blink, and a glass of orange juice is in front of me. “I can’t. I might puke.”

  “Nah, it’ll help. Go slow. I’ll make you some waffles to soak up the alcohol.”

  He shuffles around, and I try to focus on not throwing up, but the high-pitched squeal is driving me insane. I get up to walk around the dining area and living room, searching for where it’s coming from.

  “Are you sure you don’t hear it?” I drag my blanket with me. I know I’m not imagining it.

  Moving back to the kitchen, I see his shoulders shake, and soon, he’s full-on laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  He smirks. “You.”

  “Are you enjoying my pain?”

  Eli arches a brow. “What pain?”

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I inhale sharply. “Can we pretend last night didn’t happen? Pretty please, for the love of God, don’t gloat about what I did either. It’s embarrassing, and this fucking beeping in my head is going to make me lose it! Not to mention, I have a headache.”

  “You mean, the part where you crawled into my lap and begged me to fuck you?”

  “Okay, I know I didn’t do that…you’ve lost your damn mind. I tried to kiss you, not bang you.”

  “I remember it differently…” He beams. “You were grinding against me, trying to get my dick all excited.”

  I hang my head, knowing my cheeks are burning bright red. “I hate you. Shut up. Go away. I’m leaving now.”

  “Wait, wait, wait…” He grabs my arm and pulls me back, tightening the blan
ket around me.

  “What?” I snap.

  “You’re somehow even more adorable hungover as hell, but don’t be embarrassed. I wanted to kiss you last night, but I didn’t want you to regret it this morning. So, if you still have the urge to straddle my lap and rub against my cock, do it when you’re sober so I know it’s what you actually want.”

  I swallow down the lump in my throat, my heart hammering relentlessly in my chest, and nod. “Okay,” is the only word I can muster.

  The noise returns.

  “Are you sure you don’t hear that?” I tilt my head.

  Eli retreats slightly, dropping his arms. “Yeah, it’s the smoke detector. The backup battery is going out.”

  I step toward him and swat his chest. “You asshole! You heard it all along!”

  He chuckles, moving back to avoid my wrath, but I quickly give up. Eli shrugs with a motherfucking grin. “Sober up so I can teach you how to change it.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I follow him to the table. He brings me my glass of juice and then busies himself with the waffle maker.

  “Why does it sound like it’s in my room and down here at the same time?”

  “Because the ceilings are so high, and the sound echoes off the walls.”

  “There are a few up there, so how do you know which one it is?”

  “You’re supposed to change them all at the same time. But I’m not sure how many batteries you have, so we’ll have to check.”

  “I’m part relieved it’s not just in my head, but the other part wishes it were so it’d stop when my headache disappears.”


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